Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just in time for Christmas.


  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    That RULES!!! I am gunna post it as my FB prof pic...
    This beats my "Jesus save me from your followers" bumper sticker...

  2. If were the DNC, I would make this my fundraising visual.

  3. wait, is this a sincere sign-holder, or a spoof anti-protester? i seriously can't tell anymore.....

    happy holidays gryphen.

  4. p.s. i'm thinking she was fully sincere (and fully clueless)....

  5. Beats my "Jesus loves you...everyone else thinks you're an a$$hole" -OzMud

  6. When all these weirdos follow Sarah into the official teabagging party, THEN can the other parties all get together at tribal counsel and vote the lot of them off the island?

  7. I think Hawaii already voted her off the island, Oz.

  8. lol...if this is serious things are worse than I thought. Someone should tell the lady...Jesus may not be so sure he approves of "tea bagging"

    OMFG......poor poor Jeebus...he has so many things to fix.

  9. Love the gut on teabag Jesus lady and the dingbat behind her. Maybe they should teabag for Jesus and walk around the block at the same time.

  10. The things that are done in Jesus's name are mind-boggling. It's obvious this woman, and people like her, have no true idea of what Christianity really is.

    As for the Jesus-lady-gut, perhaps she could go running with Sarah!

  11. Anonymous2:32 AM

    O! M! G! I'm going to hurt myself laughing.

  12. I'm sure Jesus must be thrilled!

  13. It's the ghost of Sarah Future.

  14. nice sign. Looks like quite a lot of artistic skill went into this iconic symbol of wingnuttery.

  15. They say it pays to advertise!

  16. That is just wrong on so many levels

    The visuals alone.....

  17. That one is going up on the wall of crazyness at my office. Too funny.

  18. If only she knew the meaing of the word "teabagging" Although, it might fill the collection plates pretty fast.

  19. I am absolutely ROFLMAO!!!

  20. A classic, along with the guy holding the sign requesting, "Get a brain morans," and the sign calling Obama a "half-breed muslin." I had to explain to the Biscuitbarrel menfolk what muslin is.

  21. Fat, mean, stupid & ugly is no way to go through life. The fashion police should be all over Palin & the Baggers. You should just not go out in public looking like this.

  22. If she's teabaggin Jesus, there won't be a second cumming.

  23. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually feel sorry for her. She is so enthusiastic and happy, and she would be so completely and totally embarassed if/when somebody explained the meaning of the term to her.

    I mean, she's completely everything that drives me up a wall politically speaking. But heck, she's probably someone's Gramma.

    No, I'm not a concern troll. My first reaction was hilarity. But still, someone's naive gramma...

  24. Gasman7:02 AM

    Excellent! I will shoot this back at the next teabagger who objects to the moniker. Teabaggers they are and teabaggers they shall remain. THIS is precisely the kind of co-mingling of arrogance and ignorance that I find so offensive among the Talibangelicals.

    Jesus was not loud and stupid. THEY, however, are.

  25. Gosh Gryphen at least now I know what happened to at least one of the institutionalized people that Reagan let out way back when. LOL!

    GASMAN...yes they have used the term "teabagger" for their movement, too late now ( giggle)

  26. Oh my God. And I mean that sincerely. I believe in divine intervention and I sure do wish we would have some now. These people have no clue. It would be funnier if it were not so pathetic.

  27. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Choke, choke! Deconstruction of the sign:

    IM (Immoral Minority???)
    TEAbagging (not safe to go there...)
    4 Jesus (how many are there...)

    OK Gryphen, if you sent IM reps down to my end of the continent, I won't like you anymore! ;-)

    Wish that camera had given just a bit more of the sign... It suspiciously looks like the last letters of Parkway... it also looks like Florida.
    We have the Veterans Parkway going from Tampa North until it connects to I-75. Lots of older citizens with too much time and too little knowledge of Civics 101 in that area! ARRRGH!

  28. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I'm embarrassed to say it, but I had to look up the term "teabagger" because I didn't know why you guys thought it was so funny. OMG. This has been such a crappy week and this gave me just the laughs I needed!!! Thanks to all of you!

    And also, too....what did this goofball replace the stars with on her "flag". Is that legal?

  29. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Is this a future photo of Sarah Palin circa 2019?

  30. Months ago, I too had to look up "teabagging". That's why Rachel Maddow blushes when these "morans" (I use that term all the time) are brought up.

    I've increased my vocabulary so much in the last year or so. :-)

  31. At one time I would have thought this was a photoshopped spoof. I am no longer that naive. These people really exist.

  32. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Tea bagging for Jesus???

    What a dirty minded old woman, she should be ashamed.

  33. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Come on, people... it's mary magdalene... she's moved her focus upwards.


  34. MacAndCheese6:40 PM

    I hope she doesn't expect Jesus to return the favor- he's got better things to do.

  35. Anonymous6:50 PM

    That woman looks like Scarah in another 10 years.

  36. MMFA has an article and pic of neo-Nazis in CT protesting the lighting of a menorah in one of its' towns to illustrate the negative effects of the rw "war on Christmas." The article is directed toward Fuchs Noose. I'm sure Fuchs Noose will not respond because it's notorious for starting something ugly, and then acting like it had no part in it at all.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.