Friday, January 29, 2010

According to Bill O'Reilly's OWN poll 94% of Americans gave President Obama an "A" for his first year in office.

Go ahead Billo, let's see you spin THIS one!


  1. Anonymous7:48 PM


    The wording for this poll must have been confusing, if an overwhelming majority of Fox News viewers gave him an A. I find it hard to believe that the poison that Billo and his crew spread about Obama on Fox isn't sticking on his insane viewers.

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM

    DOH !!!! Maybe he'll put an (R) in front of Obama's name. I'm sure that will fool his flock. lol

  3. Anonymoose8:16 PM

    I can spin it:
    More than 23,000 people polled think Obama "doesn't make the grade." News at 9.

    Fuck you Faux News.

  4. Anonymous8:38 PM

    What the hell is going on? This is too funny! (and cool)

  5. Anonymous8:41 PM

    There's gotta be a catch in here somewhere.

  6. I saw this last night and figured that something went wrong in their polling; polling is like that, ya know.

  7. This poll is a result of 4chan's /b board.

  8. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Yeah, Pinhead Bill, watcha gonna say? huh? I think it's just too funny, maybe he'll have Sarah spin it for him.

  9. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Online polls aren't worth the paper they are written on.

  10. Gasman10:36 PM

    Oooh,ouch! Billow must be pissed. [ I much prefer the "Billow" spelling as it seems so much more vaporous, gaseous, and utterly inconsequential.]

    So, 94% of Americans are wrong? That hardly seems likely, as Billow himself believes wholeheartedly in American exceptionalism, which means that the vast majority of Americans are actually right, right?

    That would mean that even some viewers of FauxNews and the teabaggers themselves would give Obama an A. Does that mean that Billow and his fellow FauxNews asshats are wrong?

    How will Billow square that circle? How could the buffoons at FauxNews be so stunningly out of touch with what Americans think? Could it be that FauxNews is just a front for a bunch of soul-less liars who are nothing more than cynical political whores, paid shills for the GOP who fabricate "news" to prop up a moribund party that is even now circling the drain? THAT sounds much more likely than only 6% of Americans being right on this subject.

    "Fair and balanced" my ass.

    Wait, I know, I know, I know! It’s because the ACORN storm troopers have already begun to round up enough REAL Americans in order to skew the results in Obama’s favor! Those unfortunate patriots are already being subjected to the ACORN socialist/Marxist/Leninist/Stalist/Maoist/communist/Hitlerite/fascist/Hawaiian/Kenyan re-education camp propaganda. Hell, the brainwashing may have been SO EFFECTIVE that they have already been released back into the general public and are mindlessly doing Obama’s insidious bidding by granting him an undeserved “A.” Those socialist bastards will even stoop to inflating grades! My God, the humanity of it all!

    I love that little disclaimer at the bottom of the graphic, "This is not a scientific poll," as if anyone with a brain that functions even intermittently would have concluded that ANYTHING presented on FauxNews would have a basis in anything rational like science, or God forbid, the truth. That disclaimer seemed to be about as necessary or as useful as male nipples or a teabagger's brain.

  11. Anonymous11:05 PM

    The Immoral Minority - I knew this was a Pro-Obama site the minute I read the title. Enjoy getting run out of Washington in November and again in 2012.

  12. Anonymous4:06 AM

    This is great!
    Eat your heart out Sarah!

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:55 AM

    Hey Gryph, OT, but here's some interesting info on HuffPo re: the Superbowl Tebow/Pro Life ad--seems it's a BIT misleading:


    *What Will Sarah Say Now?

  14. Anonymous5:31 AM

    gryphen wrote:
    "Go ahead Billo, let's see you spin THIS one!"
    too easy

    all the respondents were from huffpo and dkos


  15. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Doesn't this prove that the PRESS is not in touch with the people, NOT the politicians?

  16. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I think BOR voted, like, 350,000 times himself. Obama's Secret Santa.

    BOR tries to hide his admiration for Obama, ever since that initial interview when Obama clearly won him over. . .so he throws in the occasional monkeywrench comment, like he's still 'critical'. . .but to me, the admiration is still evident.

    Say what you will about BOR, he thinks for himself. . .or tries from time to time. He must dream, nightly, of Beck being committed to the mad-house, and being rid of the many Pinheads on Fox.

  17. Anonymous5:43 AM

    This is funny since they are much more organize and in fact, they invented the phrase,to "freep" a poll, meaning everyone at Free Republic goes to the poll website.

    Strange that we would ever win a freeping contest!

  18. sunnyjane7:07 AM

    A little off topic, but I forced my husband to watch Palin on Hannity -- yeah, the one where she thinks she's William F. Buckley, Jr. and says "mandation." (My hub hates to watch stuff on the computer)

    Anyhow, after it was over, he came out in the office laughing heartily. He loved the "mandation" thing, but he had another observation.

    He said, "It's a wonder Palin knew what Hannity meant when he said, 'What's your takeaway, Sarah'"

    It's a wonder, hub said, that she didn't say, "Oh, we ordered pizza delivered. What did you guys have?"

  19. Anonymous8:09 AM

    anon@11:05pm: Yeah - you have fun with that 2012 pipedream ok?

    Did you see what Obama did to the repukes at their little talk yesterday? They're still picking their toenails out of their teeth.

    Talk about a bunch of braindead fools...taking on Obama in an open debate? An absolute bloodbath...just more proof - you got NOTHIN'

  20. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Thank you so much for posting this -- got a huge giggle out of it. Considered sending it to my Conservative daughter who is not talking to me right now, but decided to just wait for FOX news (and Ms. Palin) to implode without sending any more of my snarky comments to her and maybe she will begin to figure things out for herself. Following Obama's lead is probably the best course.

  21. Anonymous10:30 AM

    One thing for sure is that it's not an honest poll. There's no way 94% would say that Obama would rate an "A". Wishful thinking perhaps but we know damn well it's not true.

    So what's the game and why have they faked the poll? Could it be an attempt to parrot their 'fair and balanced' act?

  22. Either President Obama is turning some right-wingers or more Democrats watch Billow (I like this spelling too) than I think do.


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