Saturday, January 30, 2010

Is the Tim Tebow Superbowl abortion ad based on a lie? Well Sarah Palin endorsed it, so what do you think?

This from the Huffington Post.

The ad, which is expected to promote an anti-choice message, will be based on the theme "Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life." The Christian conservative group Focus on the Family has paid for the spot. James Dobson, the group's founder, has a history of inflammatory statements and once said that gay marriage will "destroy the earth."

Despite resistance from women's groups, the ad is expected to air during the Super Bowl. It is believed that the commercial will focus on Pam Tebow's 1987 pregnancy, during which time she fell ill in the Philippines. According to reports, doctors recommended that she abort the pregnancy, but she chose to go through with the birth of her son Tim.

Tebow grew up to be one of the most accomplished and celebrated stars in college football history, capturing two national championships and becoming the first sophomore to win the Heisman trophy.

Because abortion under any circumstance has been illegal in the Philippines since 1930 and is punishable by a six-year prison term, Allred says she finds it hard to believe that doctors would have recommended the procedure.

This not like a car company claiming that their car gets the best gas mileage without the facts to back it up, this is a very aggressive religious message aimed at young women that might be based on a total fabrication.

I believe that the people in charge of Superbowl advertising have a responsibility to make sure they are not presenting a potentially upsetting advertisement that is based on a complete lie. Even without the lie this is an insulting commercial, but with the possibility of the lie it is completely inappropriate.

Just yesterday NOW called Sarah Palin out on her disingenuous Facebook endorsement of this ad. In her ghostwritten post Palin essentially claimed that the women's groups were being hypocritical. This did not sit well with the National Organization for Women and NOW President Terry O’Neill had this to say about it.

“The goal of the Focus on the Family ad is not to empower women. It's to create a climate in which Roe v. Wade can be overturned,” O’Neill said. “There are always going to be women who need abortions. In this country, one in three women will have an abortion.”

“Focus on the Family has cynically set it up so they can say anyone who disagrees with airing this ad is disrespecting one woman and her choice. NOW respects every woman's right to plan her own family and insists our laws do the same,” said O’Neill.

Ms. O'Neill does an excellent job of pointing out the REAL hyocrisy at work here, and now with the added information that Pam Tebow may have made her story up, I think that the direction that CBS must take is clear.

Originally I was all for Focus on the Family wasting their 3 million dollars on this ineffectual advertisement, but now I think that CBS really needs to stand up and protect their brand against being associated with this religious fairy tale.

And if CBS is jsut looking to drum up some interest through controversy, then isn't this gay dating site ad a much better choice?


  1. Anonymous6:45 AM

    "Originally I was all for Focus on the Family wasting their 3 million dollars on this ineffectual advertisement, but now I think that CBS really needs to stand up and protect their brand against being associated with this religious fairy tale."

    You had me spitting my coffee the first part of your statement! Then I "got ya".

    I wrote and complained - w/hopes they'll pull it and run the other ad. Gays have ever friggin' right to be pissed over THIS refusal.
    One ad is a RELIGOUS BELIEF. The other is REALITY! Gays are HUMAN BEINGS, for God's sake.

  2. GrainneKathleen6:53 AM

    i like that the pro-choice movement has been more and more referring to the "pro-life" movement as the "anti-choice movement." it's much more accurate, really. everyone except serial killers pretty much is pro-life. most people are pro-oxygen and pro-hearing as well, but they don't need to wear it like a badge. pro-life is an intentionally vague term meant to contrast with the pro-life movement's dubbing of anyone not on their side as "pro-abortion." i noticed that sarah has been calling the pro-choice movement the "pro-abortion movement" - a term the precision of which contrasts with the vagueness of the term "pro-life." i don't know anyone who loves abortions and advocates that every woman should try one at least once... more correctly, those that are not anti-abortion altogether are pro-choice - they believe a woman should be free to choose for herself. one could easily be personally anti-abortion, yet politically pro-choice. and as i said before, pretty much everyone is pro-life. this issue is thoroughly exasperating.
    i hope cbs ditches the ads. the superbowl airs funny ads - they've been airing funny, racy ads for years. the gay dating service ad fits that category. that anti-abortion ad does not.
    now's response was spot-on. i love that organization.

  3. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Well, now, before we get all lathered up, I suggest a pause until ALL information has come out on this. Allred is righteous in challenging this. . .but who is to say, for example, that Tebow's mother didn't get this advice from a US mainland doctor. . .as in, fly home, get an abortion. . .???

    Now, if it turns out that it was a Phillipine doctor who said this, then all bets are off. . .is there credible info in this direction? Or did she just say 'my doctor'?

  4. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Gosh, why doesn't Sarah get in on this opportunity, horn in on the commercial, and tell all about her "whited-out" medical record and how traumatic that was? She's never missed a chance to make herself look like a victim--why stop now?

    Just add some new histrionics to your made-up story, honey, and it's ready for prime time. WE all know that if there was whiteout on your medical record it's because you put it there, but you can still get RWNJ Poor-Saint-Sarah points from your not-so-bright followers.

  5. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Where does $arah really stand?

    As a candidate whom many pro-lifers want to support, her actual abortion record and rhetoric is shocking to the conscience.

  6. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Who among you would have wanted to have been aborted?

  7. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Good comment at Huff:

    "I think CBS should air the ad and let the fact checkers expose her. If she was telling this tale in her church community, no one would challenge her. But now it's a different story. Sort of like Palin, until she was put in the spotlight, people thought she was this shining star in AK. Look what happened to her."

    "Can you hear me now Palin?"
    Your end is drawing nearer and nearer.

  8. Gasman7:49 AM

    It always amazes me that the most sanctimonious holier-than-thou Talibangelicals are often the biggest liars. Why in God’s name is Mrs. Tebow pushing this mythical account of her son’s birth? It is simply too easily disproved, as many have pointed out the harsh anti abortion laws that have been in place in the Philippines for nearly 80 years.

    I have never had an ounce of respect for Dobson or anything his slimy claws touch. He is an amoral liar who is certain that he is Jesus’ little brother. In his arrogance he believes that he is entitled to do anything he sees fit to those who disagree with him, since they obviously are minions of Satan. In his absolute certainty of God being on his side, and his side ONLY, he is dangerous.

    Whenever I see Dobson, I do not see someone who reflects the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, I see a snotty, arrogant, hate filled, angry old man that wants desperately to smite all those who do not march lockstep with his narrow minded religious views.

    Does CBS really think that Super Bowl viewers are going to respond positively to this ad? Maybe the new realization that the Dobson/Tebow ad is nothing more than a pack of lies will give CBS a reason to yank the ad. I find it hard to believe that they are really siding with Dobson on this issue. Especially since Dobson's stance is so out of step with mainstream American's views.

    Does CBS really think that Super Bowl viewers are going to respond positively to this ad?

  9. mocha7:49 AM

    Oh, it would be such a burn if this didn't add up. Another myth created by the right. I honestly don't think Super Bowl watchers are going to be too interested in this commercial. This will be the one where everyone runs to the kitchen for a beer or goes potty.

    Who wants a lecture when you're jsut trying to have a good time?

  10. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Abortion practices in the Philippines
    One study estimated that, despite legal restrictions, in 1994 there were 400,000 abortions performed illegally in the Philippines and 80,000 hospitalizations of women for abortion-related complications. 12% of all maternal deaths in 1994 were due to unsafe abortion according to the Department of Health of the Philippines. Two-thirds of Filipino women who have abortions attempt to self-induce or seek solutions from those who practice folk medicine. [3]

    The Department of Health has created a program to address the complications of unsafe abortion, Prevention and Management of Abortion and its Complications. This program had been tested in 17 government-run hospitals by 2003.

    It could have happened, although illegally, obviously if there are that many happening they are not prosecuting those that do it.

  11. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Like another poster at Huff said:

    Bring back the FUNNY ADS! Good God, I love to laugh, not sit back in disgust like I will this ad if its run. (& throw my beer at the TV!)

    And watch I will!! The Saints are my Aunts team and I couldnt be happier for her. I'm a Hawks fan, tried and true - but management put in a totally inept piece of work in last year. (Mora) Lucky for us Hawk Fans, they got rid of him and replaced him with Ulbrich.

    This year, we have HOPE again!

    (stepping down from SoapBox)

  12. The pro-life movement is anything is PRO-BIRTH, and that is where it ends. These same self named pro-lifers do not support any pre-natal and post natal programs for women, infants, and children including subsidized day care, jobs and education programs for teen mothers, nationwide public pre-k and full day kindergarten education, and sexual education programs in schools. Just have the baby, and who cares what you do with it, we just don't want it to be a tax burden on the rest of us white folks after you have it.

    Pro-life means advocacy of life for everyone...poor, rich, black, white whatever. It means being anti-war, anti-death penalty, pro gun control, and pro-environment. Anyone else see the hypocrisy? Say what you want about the Catholic church, but it at least has a consistent pro-life message, unlike the sanctimonious fools at Focus on the Family.

    I will be boycotting the Super Bowl anyway...I have no interest in either team.

  13. Basheert8:06 AM

    Does this mean we won't get to see those awesome Budweiser Draft horses? They are the ONLY reason to watch commercials.

    James Dobson is a filthy vile little dweeb who lies through his teeth. He has no credibility with a lot of people.

    On the other hand, SisterSarah is proud of her "choice" to "have"(?) Lil Trigger while denying it to every other woman on earth (can anyone spell hypocrisy????)

    Of course Tebow made her story up. It stunk from Day 1....another 15 minutes of famer.

    Pro-choice does NOT mean you are pro-abortion. It simply means you do not believe it is your business to tell everyone else what to do based upon your beliefs. We are all individuals and should not presume to make difficult decisions for others. Not all of us ascribe to the PalinCult of beliefs. (How DO witches feel about abortion?? Wonder if WitchDoctorMurthee shared his feelings with SkankySarah)?

  14. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Complaint Form CBS:

  15. Lynne8:09 AM

    The bottom line is that Ms. Tebow was able to CHOOSE what was right for her.

  16. Anonymous8:11 AM

    The crazies don't really care if the ad runs, it has caused a great deal of controversy, bring it much attention. More than it would have had no one talked about it, it aired for 15 or 30 second, then went away. The publicity they're getting is their 3 mill investment. The ad itself, or it running, doesn't even count.

  17. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Like SAY NO TO PALIN at Gates said:

    "I think someone needs to dig up some details here. She was a missionary with which group? who was her doctor? did she give birth in the Philippians?"

    Also too, Gates has a great video of Greta and Paaaaaaaalin discusing this.

  18. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Complaint Form CBS:

  19. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Pam T. is an inspiration speaker on the speaking circuit.

    I wonder if this will change her fees, put her in a higher range for pro life womens groups.

  20. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Tebow was born on August 14, 1987 in Manila in the Philippines, to Bob and Pam Tebow, who were serving as Christian missionaries at the time.[1] While pregnant, Pam suffered a life-threatening infection with a pathogenic amoeba. Because of the drugs used to rouse her from a coma and to treat her dysentery, the fetus experienced a severe placental abruption. Doctors expected a stillbirth and recommended an abortion to protect her life.[1] She carried Timothy to term, and both survived.

  21. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Messed-up Sarah was on Greta giving her take on the Super Bowl ad and she said that there are a lot of offensive commercials out there that belittle, demean and treat them like sex objects and no one is protesting them. Well Sarah your sweet little daughter Bristol is a spokesperson for one of those companys Candies. But I guess that's OK because she's making $$$$ on it, and God must have told her it's OK too also. HYPOCRITE!!!

  22. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Hmm, so these archaic abortion laws have been in effect since 1930 in the Philippines huh? Perhaps there IS a place for these talibangelicals who want no abortion under any circumstance! How about they all pack up and move to the Philippines, especially since they love to tell people in the U.S. that if they don't like it here, they can move.

    I'll bet these sanctimonious types would be very happy living under Philippine rule -- no abortions, it's like their dream come true, right?

  23. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Let CBS know how you feel about the ads.

    I personally think that the whole topic has no place at a family event like the SuperBowl.

    My family finds this much more offensive than Janet's breast. I really don't want to explain the whole thing to an 8 year old.

  24. Anonymous8:59 AM

    It seems to me that this controversy brings up the opportunity to once again shine light on the inconsistencies in Sarah Palin's many strange pregnancy stories. Like the wited-out abortion that she had, which she claims was a miscarriage -- let's see the medical records. And Track Menard. And of course grandson Trig. Let's continue to hammer away at how implausible her stories are. Of course, if someone has further information or PROOF that she is a fraud in any or all of these cases, all the better, and the sooner the better. (Hint, hint.)

  25. Anonymous9:00 AM

    'Quit making stuff up" and move yourselves there!
    They make me ill.

  26. Antichoicers are lying? In other late-breaking news, water is wet.

  27. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Timothy is saving himself for marriage.
    Perhaps Palin should introduce him to Bristol who is doing the same thing, a little late. But better late than never.

  28. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Anon, at 8:38, actually Bob Tebow Evangelical has sent "missionaries" over to the Phillipines since 1985 to spread christian imperialism. BTW, the Phillipines are 80% catholic, a result of other imperialists.

    Oh, and Bob Tebow was recently "honored" in Jax, FL (a nasty, redneck town) with a City Council resolution, which pointed out that he has been associated with "christian athletics" since 1976, so he's had plenty of time to "train up" at least one of his 5 kids (perhaps others failed at it) to be a "nationally recognized christian athlete."

  29. The actual Tebow-doctor exchange may have been (and I think this is highly probable):

    The fetus MAY die. IF the fetus dies, you would need an abortion to remove it or you could die from infection. (Just like Sarah Palin's abortion.) The fetus didn't die and - viola - Tim!

    Pam just switched some details around to have a good story to tell for the anti-choice effort.

    The doctor also may have thought the fetus already dead, Pam waited and proved the doctor wrong.

  30. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I would venture to say the 1930 law was put into place because of the high number of Catholics living in the Philipines. Just being that close to all those papists would be enough to keep most of the ordinary Talibangelists away. Why do you think the Tebow's still have missions there? Because of all the godless infidels (and no, I'm not talking about Muslims).

  31. Anonymous9:33 AM

    (Susie here)
    NOW actually stands for National Organization FOR Women, not National Organization OF Women. It just makes it a more broader base of supporters for equal rights for women if both men and women can participate in their efforts. Of course, mostly women are who are active in this group.

  32. Anonymous10:02 AM

    First she went into a coma, then she got pregnant? While taking doses of medication.

    I guess she never heard that they sell condoms in the Philippines?

    Or don't they sell condoms in the Philippines?

    At any rate she tells as good a tale as Palin with her wild ride.

  33. GermanGoodness11:46 AM

    Anon at 7:44:

    "Who among you would have wanted to have been aborted?"

    Had my mother made that choice in 1966 (a time when there WAS NO CHOICE), it would have not made a whit of difference. That would have been her CHOICE.

    I would not have known the difference. Neither would you.

    In 1966, a pregnant, divorced mother of 4 was looked down upon and had a "religious, moral" social worker try to take her baby girl away against her wishes. Pro-fucking life? My ass! Pro-let's-screw-up-this-child-for-life advocate, more likely.

    Yes, I was placed in a foster home for that exact reason for two weeks. My mother fought tooth and nail to get me back. And we have a loving relationship to make many pro-lifers jealous.

    But had she decided to get an abortion, life would have just gone in a different direction for her.

    Pro-life? Please! Preach to me when you take in an un-wanted, abused or drug-addicted child. But don't preach to me or anyone else unless you actually do so.

  34. GermanGoodness12:19 PM

    BTW Anon at 7:44:

    My point is:

    Where were YOU (or your kind) when my mother chose life?

    Oh yeah. Trying to take me away from her because you thought she (a divorced mother of 4) was unfit.

    NOW try to defend Palin or her daughter Bristol. Just try.

  35. Anon@7:44 said
    Who among you would have wanted to have been aborted?

    That is a really stupid question.
    I think that YOUR parents should have practiced birth control.

  36. The BOTTOM line is that they had a choice. Why are they trying to take away mine?

  37. Just e-mailed CBS with this - if anyone wants to use any of the talking points in it, be my guest.
    Dear CBS officials, employees, personnel, administration, and/or executives,

    Love the Craig Ferguson show and Face the Nation in particular.

    But, the SuperBowl broadcast should not be used as a forum for one side to speak it's mind about a controversial and highly emotionally-charged issue such as abortion without the opposing side or sides having a chance to speak out on the issue as well.

    If you run the Tebow ad during the SuperBowl, it will be construed that the CBS Corporation agrees with that position. Rightly or not, that's what it will look like. Disclaimers or not, that's what it will look like.

    By running this ad, you also open the floodgates in future years to have to agree to run similar ads, and it is a flood you do not want to be in. Let's face it, flooding is a bad and damaging thing. And if you could avoid the damage that a flood would cause, wouldn't you do it?

    Please go back to your previous policy of not allowing these kinds of emotionally charged, issue oriented, or politically motivated ads to run during the All-American celebration of accomplishment that is the SuperBowl.

    Please do not allow the airing of the Tebow ad during the SuperBowl.

    Respectfully yours,

    [real name and city appended]

  38. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Patti, no one wants to take away your choice. They are just stating their point of view. If your point of view is different and you want to refute it, then buy a 30 second spot in the Superbowl and tell your side of the story. There!

    And for the others, please stop making up fairy tales as fact when you say a person did this and a person did that when you have no knowledge of what happened. As fas as Palin's miscarriage which you want to call abortion, if she had an abortion why in the world would she have written it in her book and write about the wite out. She just would not have mentioned it.

    Some of you are really not doing yourselves any favors by writing suppositions as facts, when, and if, you have factual knowledge with the collaborating documents, no one will take you seriously.

    On a last note, my mother was also told that having me at that particular time (because of health reasons) was not a good idea. I, like Tebow, am glad she did. I feel sorry for the person who said if her mother had aborted her it would have made not "a whit of difference". I am so sorry that her time on this planet has not made a difference on the people around her. I am happy to say that mine has.

  39. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Anon@7:44 said
    Who among you would have wanted to have been aborted?

    My father wished his mother would not have died in child birth. (Catholic Hospital, no abortion, even in the case of saving the mother's life [1926]). My grandfather never stepped into a Catholic Church again.

  40. Anonymous6:51 PM

    So not only the doctor and/or mid-wife is imprisoned (1987) so is the mother. Just wondering if her reasons for not aborting were so noble or could it be the threat of prison... cold, cold, cold (I know).

  41. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:27 AM

    Anon@7:44 said
    Who among you would have wanted to have been aborted?

    Uh, would I have known?

  42. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Wow. This site is filled with hypocrtical Lefty moonbats. Make an issue where there is none!Dont watch the ad, turn the TV off. But in typical bleeding heart liberal fashion, you have to whine and snivel. No problem shoving the gay crap, the abortion crap down everyones throats. Its just a mass of fetal tisue right!!!. Why are the lefties running scared, maybe because a life might be saved because of it!!


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