Friday, January 29, 2010

For those who have not seen it here is your President literally in a den of wolves taking questions from Republicans.

Just watch how Obama handles this group.

He is standing before the politicians who have done nothing but insult him, lie about his policies, and absolutely refuse to help him to pass the legislation that Americans elected him to pass. And yet he remains calm, cool, and still seems to respect their point of view.

I have to say, if this had been me, my speech would have been one long stream of expletives, possibly followed by a fistfight. The Republicans have done NOTHING but attempt to sabotage this administration, and the fact that our President can stand before them and treat them like they are in fact adults is a testament to his patience and character.

He is a far better man than I.

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Update: I was listening to this again, and I think the MOST important observation that Obama makes is around the 37:44 mark. Even if you don't have time to listen to the whole thing, listen to THAT portion. Obama says somethng very intelligent, very revelatory, and something that news programs should broadcast far and wide.


  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    This was very impressive to watch, not only on the smackdown level, but that he was totally unflappable in a room full of asshole Republicans. He had total control of the situation, and it was so awesome to watch him dispel and dismantle the Repube talking points one by one.

  2. Janet in Texas4:21 PM

    My man, the President, kicked ass and took names. I loved every second of it. I pray he keeps this up.

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM

    The first sentence of your second paragraph was so funny. But that's the Teabaggers way Gryphen!

    President Obama has done nothing but hold out an Olive Branch to these thugs since his inauguration, and they've spit in his eye for just as long. Wilson, Palin and Alito personify greatly how bad it is, this partisanship.

    It would be remarkable, astounding really, if this exchange changed anything at all. As much as I've tired of Barry's diplomacy, I'm grateful he tries.

  4. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I watch Gry. It was so great. I felt such pride for our President!

    Dont know if you saw this:

    NOW tackles Palin over Tebow ad

  5. I am no longer depressed. This was unbelievable. I can only imagine Sister Sarah trying to answer a single question these reps put to our President. He is like an encyclopedia with a sense of humor.

  6. I am so proud this man is our President! I'm not universally happy with how the last year has gone, politically, but boy, I can sleep at night because this guy is in charge! I am currently watching a special on MSNBC. Our President has amazing gifts. I just keep saying "snap" to the TV. He's polite, pleasant, funny and knows more about this stuff than anyone in the room combined. Not an index card in site!

  7. Anonymous5:02 PM

    This was pwnage of the highest order. It made me happy and gave me hope again.

  8. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I love him so much. He just needs the American people to give him time to sort things out. And Chris Matthews' contention that it is very possible, in fact, that the GOP leadership doesn't want our economy to recover - for sheerly political reasons - is probably the horrible truth. They are traitors of the first order. Our President is a brilliant, courageous man. He exists on a higher plane than most of these jerks, and yet he is willing to stand there and deal with their disgusting attempts to damage his administration.

  9. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:15 PM

    vonrupert, lol she would of issued a mandation, lol!!!!
    POTUS did a great job and those chickenshit's did you hear any of them ask about his BC??? No...!
    And as Chris Mathews pointed out just now, blabbermouth Blackburn(teabagger bitch who pulled out of Tenn.) she wouldn't let POTUS get a word in edgewise and Mathews points out all of which she said, she had years before to do whatever she was babbling/whining about. It was a "whinfest"!!! POTUS should of brought cheese for those idiots.
    Faux noise wouldn't even cover it!!! It was a great smackdown and PO let them know he knows exactly what they are up to....hehehe!

  10. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I was snickering watching this q&a excursion to the right. Asked myself if it is possible there was a prize offered for the longest, most rambling gabbiest question.

  11. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Its me anonymous again and I checked FOX, so far OReilly never mentioned the Q&A today, nor did Hannity so far...they must be so pissed they can't pick on Obama over it.

  12. The Republicans are being paid in bling to squash the middle class.

    Then we'll be like Mexico and Haiti ~ very very rich, or very very poor... and a total imbalance of power.

    Maybe Wal-Mart will save the middle class. They do not do so well in Mexico. In my neck of the woods, Family Dollar is popular because folks don't have to get dressed up to shop there ~ like they do to go to Wal-Mart.


  13. Basheert5:34 PM

    Allowing cameras was a HUGE mistake for these idiot Repuke thugs. They look like complete morons.

    They may not like it, but Obama's braincells function at 3x the speed they can come up with stupid statements. And he doesn't just babble (see Bachmann, M, Palin, S) he actually makes statements based upon facts, takes responsibility and doesn't back down.

    In short - HE won. They look stupider than they probably truly are.

    Wait..taking that back...

  14. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Imagine working for the man. It would be like riding a rocket - it would scare you half to death but you wouldn't want it to stop.

  15. Anonymous5:37 PM

    The President would make an awesome surgeon - they never even saw the scalpel he was using on them.


  16. wondering....HOW does the teleprompter cue up so fast that he is able to read the intelligent, thorough, amazing answers to the questions asked?


  17. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Terrific! This should be shown on every single TV station in the US in prime time.

    I only wish we could see something like this every day. People need to listen more to our President and less to the sycophants that worm their way into our existence.

    We are so used to mere politicians than we no longer recognize a statesman when we have one in our midst.


  18. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:54 PM

    IMO, here's the Faux spin: All the Rethugs in DC were dragged to a cave, gagged and verbally beaten to a quivering pulp by Pres. Obama and his gang of Socialist/Marxist/Communist henchman. Oh, wait! There's a video around here . . . hmm. The man is making his point with intelligence, respect and patience. Scratch that first scenario. The whole thing just never happened. Ignore.

    PS: My husband agrees with Gryph: he said had he been in Pres. O's shoes, he would have gone "all Brooklyn" on 'em.

  19. Anonymous6:01 PM

    140 versus 1.. AND, the 144 LOST ! What an amazing exchange... IF the resluglicans ever have the fortitude to engage Obama again like this the players will be very different.

    Jonathan Turley, the George Washington Law professor used a phrase the other night to chat about the loons in New Orleans but it seems to apply here as well.. "Room temperature IQ's" were in full bloom with resluglicans today..


  20. What a great day! I saw it live, every single fabulous minute of it! The rethugs didn't know what was happening to them, they thought they would fluster and trip up our intelligent president, but it was they who went away looking like the asses they are! I'm so proud of you Mr. President!

    FOX is not talking about it??? Bwah aaaahhhaaaaahaaaaa

  21. Is there ANY chance that the palinistas will see the difference between Press covered, back-and-forth debate (questions and answers) vs. Soviet-style, ghost-written, facebook proclamations?
    ANY chance?

  22. I am happy to have the video available, since today was just one of those days I couldn't watch/listen live.

    FUX NOISE not talking about it, oh jeez, what a surprise! NOT!

  23. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:37 PM

    Faux pulled the plug on this 20 mins before it aired...some GOP are saying it shouldn't of been!
    Wonder is $arah...newest faux pundit will give her take on it???
    GOP got smacked down, they all came with their sanctimonious talking points and posed them as questions...and PO cut them off at the knees...
    Rachel and KO are talking that POTUS had no "TOTUS" Here that sea of pee???
    Idiots, PO cut all the idiots down to size....!

  24. I missed about the first 45 minutes of it but am watching it now. I am so proud of President Obama; he was, as always, articulate and intelligent, with a grasp of EVERYTHING that was thrown at him. I agree with you Gryphen he is a far better man (well actually woman) that I. If the Demoractic Party does not collectively get behind PO 100% after he took the bullet for them, they should all resign and go home.

    Please everyone, send an email to President Obama and let him know how very, very proud we are of him. After all, he doesn't have the time to read the blogs like someone who is not worthy to be mentioned at this point.

  25. I was actually shocked that - by and large - the Republicans were actually quite pleasant to him. I mean, we had that moron Marsha Blackburn talking about the "Democrat Party", and the last moron who asked the long, involved question that no one, including Obama, seemed to understand. But, basically, they were rather polite to his face. I have the feeling that Obama must be so personally charming that they responded to that despite their hatred of him.

    And, of course, I love it every time he flashes "that grin". I hope, against hope, that maybe the Republicans can be "shamed" into working with him...

  26. Purple Alaska7:02 PM

    So much for that ole 'teleprompter' myth...

    Well done, Mr. President!

  27. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Not long ago the republicans were all upset with their delusional "liberals want our troops to die so they can gain political points" which just showed just how stupid they were. We wanted our troops home safe and sound it was the republicans who didn't care about our troops. I honestly believe that the republicans want more people to lose their jobs and homes and yes even die. After all the dead can't vote now can they. That is why they claimed the liberals wanted our troops to die because the republicans think that way, they plot and plan ways to destroy the middle class. I mean really who would even think that someone wants the troops dead unless they thought of something like that themselves. It's the way they operate you can tell they are against the middle class, small business and the poor by watching the SOTU. They didn't clap when President Obama talk about the tax breaks for the middle class and small business. They are nothing but a big fat fraud. The only tax cuts they support are for the top 1 percent of the people.

    RIP Howard Zinn

  28. Oh, and one more thought for the oh-so-condescending Blackburn from Tennessee. ITA with Chris Matthews, so why after eight years in office, have you never put these healthcare reforms on the table before?

  29. President Obama has spent a year of political capital toward bi-partisanship. It did not work.!!!

    Methihks that this year he MUST use his position to get the Dems in line and get some shit done whilst the republemmings are in circular firing squad mode.

    Now or never, President Obama.

  30. The Palinistas and Palin will whine and cry and call it a set up. Virginia, the idiot, Foxx has already been to tv calling it a lecture! Sound familiar? yeah, Sarah's line about SOTU. Then Virginia got all giddy like a 5 yr. old saying OOOO but I got his autograph. Well, damn Ginny why would you want the autograph of a man you think is a kenyan usurper! Phonies. They have their talking points but they won't work this time.

    Fox Noobs and Palin and O'Reilly and Hannity have been stunned into silence. Can't wait to hear them whine!

  31. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Anon@4:25 PM--Who is Barry? Personally, I find it to be a sign of disrespect/contempt, when someone uses a discarded name after the person has made it clear that he/she'd rather use his/her given name. I'm very touchy about this because, as a retired teacher, I always respected my students' wishes to be referred to by the names they told me to use. The only way I can possibly see someone using the name Barry is if he/she grew up with the president. If you are using it due to this reason, I understand. But Barry is the name used by those on the right to belittle, ridicule, and mock the president.

  32. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I was not a huge Obama fan before, but am now. What an exemplary, professional, presidential performance. I hope he continues on this path and that the Republicans can suck it up and do the right thing for this country.

  33. Basheert7:31 PM

    In all honesty, I WANT to see SP debate this man! OMG it would be an absolute bloodbath....

    These Repukes are rancid but they are also extremely STUPID and it SHOWS. They attempted to "talk down" to him and be patronizing...they obviously mistake intelligence for "arrogance" (the current codeword for "uppity" in Repuke-land).

    On the other hand, they are gaga over him and want his autograph.

    Oh please .. just ONE debate with Sarah before we die???? PLEASE?

  34. Mac And Cheese Wiz7:37 PM

    President Obama has been more than patient with the Republican party. What bothers me most is how he's been villified by these thugs at every turn. How can they whine that they're being shut out when all they've brought to the table is divisiveness, delay, and denial.
    This speech is a start, President Obama's gotta put his foot down and get it done despite their tactics.

  35. Anonymous7:39 PM

    President Obama did an outstanding job and the Repubs are now wishing they had never let the camera into the room. I'm so glad we have it in print, so that Palin, etc. input can be proven to be wrong! Now, it is time for President Obama to go it without them...he has done more than enough in trying to include them. I'm going to refer the footage to as many Republicans that I can think of....he did it all w/o notes, no specific questions being provided him, etc. Neither Palin or McCain would ever survive under that scenario. McCain would never have kept his cool. I truly think this will improve President Obama's image with those that voted for him....yea, President Obama!

  36. This just may have been the most beautiful thing in American politics that I have yet to witness.

    Should you ever find yourself in a similar position, let me know beforehand so I can swing by and photograph that fistfight.

  37. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Loved it!

    President Obama is at his best in a debate format.

    He gets to answer the questions with facts.

    He gets to frame the issues.

    He gets to demonstrate the weaknesses and lies of his opponents.

    He knows how to play to the camera.


  38. Anonymous8:04 PM


    I'll settle for Sarah doing a Q and A with a large gathering of 3rd graders. Remember the question posed by just such a tyke to her about the vice-president's role in government?

    I'm laughing just thinking about it.

  39. Anonymous8:10 PM

    He delivered a knock-out punch to all those Republicans who were just making their talking points and showed each and everyone there he knew what the hell he was talking about.

    If that were Sarah Palin, she would have had a nervous breakdown right before our eyes but then again she would have never agreed to do what the Prez did. The little chickensh*t.

  40. I have no buyer's remorse.

  41. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Slightly off topic, but perhaps the REAL reason Sarah is now working to incorporate the Tea Baggers into the rethug party – instead of merely posing as a rogue, independent, or candidate of her own special party (as she has done up to now) – is because of the following news that just came out today:

    "The Republican National Committee, pressed to find a way to more clearly distinguish itself from Democrats, on Friday adopted a rule that will prod GOP leaders to provide financial support to ONLY THOSE CANDIDATES WHO SUPPORT THE PARTY PLATFORM."

    By having a change of heart and now claiming to be the uniter (where have we heard that one before?), she can work both sides of the street and attempt to receive GOP funding for her 2012 quest. Question: was this all part of Rupert's plan from the get-go (ie, stirring up the nazi fringe element first, so as to more gradually transform the party into a large, solid nazi bloc)?

  42. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I love him! Dailykos has a diarist who makes these fabulous photo diaries and there was one of only pictures of him and Michelle in private moments and they are so inspiring!

    They obviously have a strong, real marriage, a partnership and he has a stable loving home to go to at night that helps him with the crap he deals with all day.

    I am smitten with both of them.

  43. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Well, for all those who said that he can't comprehend needlessly convoluted questions or formulate concise,
    articulate answers while thinking on his feet, I guess
    this sortie has given them something of a setback.

    Obama is getting his groove on ! And he lost the
    'uhs' which he used to get ridiculed for (didn't bother me, it's better to pause and say what you mean rather than just blather out any old thing also too), but it is true that his already formidable verbal skills are still getting better. And you just gotta love that smile !

  44. Anonymous9:07 PM

    @anon 8:24- Scary but I think you're right. If there were a 3rd party it wouldn't be good for the Republicans,not at this time, and what's going to happen to all the moderates in the party?

  45. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Mrs. Palin doesn't like cameras at her speeches.

  46. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Cheap grandstanding for the cameras.

    Slow learner, this Carter fellow.

  47. Anonymous10:58 PM

    I hope Palin watches this and becomes terrified of the prospect of facing the POTUS in an actual debate.

  48. sunnyjane11:19 PM

    To Basheert @ 7:31 PM.

    Your comment about SP debating President Obama made me laugh out loud. I am reading "Game Change," and just last night finished the part where Joe Biden is prepping for his VP debate with Sarah Palin in 2008.

    Someone was taking the role of Sarah Palin and reading from actual responses Palin had given to a question from the press.

    Biden was astounded and said, "You've got to be kidding! Those were really her words? But she's not saying anything! How can I respond to THAT?"

  49. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Now THIS is the guy I voted for!

    I hope his central point is not missed in the rush of well deserved glory: That the Republicans - and some Conservative Democrats - have CREATED the impossibility of bipartisan cooperation/compromise by pandering to the Marxist-Usurper-Bolshy-Alinski-SecretMuslim fantasia of their constituency. . .he's right, how can they suck up to these lies at home to garner votes then go back to Washington and be bipartisan. . .without be labeled RHINOS and Traitors?

  50. emrysa7:52 AM

    we are so fortunate. as messed up as things are, it is comforting to have a thinking person as a president. can you imagine if this was reversed and that was mccain and the democrats?

    after about 30 minutes of watching and hearing how the questionERS were READING their questions (c'mon, if it was really an issue to you you wouldn't need to READ a question - you'd know it from heart) it occurred to me that this was a SET UP. the repigs invited him, set up cameras (and no teleprompters) and wanted to stick it to him, make him look like a fool. and he f-ing put them to shame! TO SHAME! their plan backfired. these people obviously don't realize they're playing with someone who is far more capable than they are.

    another thing that occurred to me - this man has set an incredibly high bar for the seat of the president. we might be looking at the most intelligent, thoughtful, and capable president this country will have for the rest of our lifetimes. he certainly does not deserve the attitude from the republicans and "blue dogs." those people are showing just how childish they are, and that they really view federal government as a playground and they are the bullies, there to push everyone around who doesn't play the way they want them to.

    go obama!!

  51. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I especially liked the "rhetoric not reality" line he seemed to copy from Sarah.

  52. BAustin8:24 AM

    I was very impressed with our President. I do think that he needs to make a similar speech for the democrats as well...that way the right can't say he was picking on them.

  53. Educators should not be dismissed as stupid nor disrespected for their education or experience.

    Obama was a professor. Yes, he taught college, not K-12. And since he taught law his students could be considered elite.

    But that doesn't mean they were sheep. I'm sure he had his share of "little professors", "little lawyers" and "little judges" sitting in his classroom, trying to trip up or show up the "Teach'".

    Did you school the Republicans? You betcha. What you saw is what goes on in classroom across the country to varying degrees.

    Teachers- the biggest bang for the buck. With this caveat. We all teach for the love, not the money. If you squeeze us too hard, we'll leave and go out into the business world everyone talks about and get a job that pays more. We don't teach because we can't do anything else. I attended a meeting Thursday night to hear a Board of Ed proposal to roll our salaries back 8%. Afterwards I heard several teachers say that they'd quit and go back to the corporate world, where they knew they would be hired and make more money to boot. I do not doubt them, even in this economy.

    Teachers are a valuable resource this country cannot afford to lose. Jan 29 you saw an example of how a teacher works a class. He made it look easy. That's what a professional does. But you give it a try and you'll realize what an art it is.

  54. Anonymous9:24 AM


    The last thing I will say, though -- let me say this about health care and the health care debate, because I think it also bears on a whole lot of other issues. If you look at the package that we've presented -- and there's some stray cats and dogs that got in there that we were eliminating, we were in the process of eliminating. For example, we said from the start that it was going to be important for us to be consistent in saying to people if you can have your -- if you want to keep the health insurance you got, you can keep it, that you're not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor in your decision making. And I think that some of the provisions that got snuck in might have violated that pledge.

    Comment from Real Clear Politics:

    If we take this statement at face value, President Obama is admitting the the health care bills passed by either the House or Senate (or both) contained provisions which were "snuck in" - presumably by Democratic members and perhaps on behalf of certain lobbyists - that would have in fact prevented people from keeping their current insurance and/or choosing the doctor they want.

    This was one of the core debates on health care throughout last year: Would President Obama and the Democrats' legislation allow government to come between citizens and their choice of doctors and insurers? Obama promised it wouldn't. Republicans said it would, and this was one of the aspects of the legislation that led them to characterize it as a government takeover of health care - the same characterization that Obama chastized the GOP for today.

    So it's a bit of shock to find out now - from the President himself, no less - that one or both of the bills that passed Congress late last year (the House passed its version in late November, the Senate on Christmas Eve Day) contained language that would have violated this pledge.

  55. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I am very proud of our President today. He deserves our ultimate respect and trust.

    On another note, I am dissappointed in commenters who ask "what if it had been Sarah, blah blah, she couldn't have blah blah. This is like asking what if it had been Minnie Mouse up there..I mean there is no comparison. I was so wrapped up in President Obama's intelligence, patience and just everything that Palin didn't even come to mind til I read comments.

    Again, Big Applaud to you President Obama and thank you for leading our country.

  56. Obama only has to do this once to keep the Repubs in check. A burned child is scared of fire.

  57. Anonymous5:02 PM

    A beautifully brilliant mind once said,

    "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." ~ Albert Einstein

  58. I am surprised to read here that anyone has ever suggested that Obama needs a teleprompter or doesn't think well on his feet. I saw a very similar performance with the McCain debates. Just watching the wheels turn in his brain and seeing the depth and complexity and thoroughness of what comes out is pure intellectual pleasure. McCain accused Obama of not knowing the difference between a tactic and a strategy early in the debate, and Obama took it quietly and then used both terms repeatedly during the rest of the debate. Like, just for a little extra fun, like he didn't have enough to do just answering as best he could, he worked those words into his answers while he was at it.

    By the way my husband being Ukrainian watches Russian and Ukrainian news all the time, and the Russians were very impressed with him, how he remembered and answered all points and questions on a visit he made there some time back.

    I think that what I just saw was Obama taking off the kid gloves as I have been hoping he would, and yet doing it as nicely as humanly possible. He really is a higher order of being.

  59. Anonymous10:14 AM

    This is our President! I think many forgot over the last year just exactly who they voted for and many that voted for him didn't know all the aspects of this most intelligent man.

    I've posted here several times before that I have a family member that has worked with both Obamas before politics and they've told me repeatedly this is his strongest asset. HE LISTENS! When he's provided information or requests information he really listens, absorbs, looks for all pros and cons, wants all sides of the issue even the opposing, will consider any and all information thrown his way. He is someone who needs, thrives, craves, and desires volumes and volumes of information before making a decision. They have always felt it was and is his strongest asset, he really, really, really does want all sides to contribute because winning isn't in his DNA, but being informed and as knowledgable as possible is. He thinks before he acts! I know a novel idea for our politicians, but he can't help himself.

    His brain is able to absorb and retain many complex and key points because he's spent his life learning and solving problems in this very manner.

    Many didn't realize just how brilliant a President they had elected and had to adjust and are still adjusting to his need to have all the information before making his mind up....i.e. he may not do some of the things he'd hoped to or campaigned on if he's given enough proof that his idea was wrong or wouldn't work. He isn't about winning instead he's about being 'right' and I don't mean a smug right, but he doesn't take these choices lightly and doesn't like to fail. He takes no chances by fooling himself into thinking he's the smartest in the room, but instead realizes because he may be the smartest in the room he's missing the finer, smaller, more minute points that others find or know are valuable.

    This is why he will be a historical leader and why he's changing politics as we know it. He knows we deserve it.

    One last point (I know I've rambled) but this is also Obama's way of saying to the Media if you're going to go with the salicious, divisive, negative, false, overly repeated talking points and fights in the news everyday, then I'll take the news back from you too and make my own news.


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