The jury deliberated for less than 40 minutes before reaching the verdict.
In addition, Roeder was found guilty of two counts of aggravated assault for pointing a gun at two men who tried to chase him down out in front of Reformation Lutheran Church after he shot and killed Tiller.
Sentencing has been set for March 9th, 2010 at 8:45 a.m.
This was a cold blooded murder, and despite your religious or ethical beliefs it was indefensible.
Today justice was done. I hope that Dr. Tiller's family will take some solace from this.
Nice! Now can they get BillO the Clown as an accessory?
ReplyDeleteMurdered at church, suppposedly in the name of God. This cold-blooded killer (terrorist) got what he deserved. However, God will be the final judge.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness this was an intelligent jury, not prone to buy the manufactured defense he tried to foist on them.
ReplyDeleteI hope he is not allowed to proselytize his beliefs in prison, either.
Justice for Dr. Tiller, thankfully.
I hope Tiller's family sues O'Really for wrongful death.
ReplyDeleteBillo played a big part in Tiller's murder.
I am SO relieved. I just couldn't take more bad wingnut news.
ReplyDeleteWhat I cannot wrap my mind around are anti-abortion activists who call themselves "pro-life" and still have no respect for the life that's here. There are so many children needing to be adopted that no one seems to care about. When the clinic bombers make their plans, do they not realize that they are not just getting "baby killers" - they are also getting women who WANT their babies? Women who come there for inexpensive or free prenatal care, or those who choose to protect themselves from getting pregnant by using birth control? People like Roeder have NO RESPECT for life in general. I hope he fries.
ReplyDeleteMordacP ~
ReplyDeleteYes! The Tiller family should sue Bill O'Reilly for wrongful death!
And may it be more painful and expensive and drawn-out and reputation-stamping for him as it was for OJ when he was sued by the Goldmans.
Thank goodness. I would have come unglued had it been anything but guilty of first degree murder.
ReplyDeleteShame on those who think this is justified in the name of God. Shame on them. May God soften their hearts to turn away from their hate.
This a just decision. May he rot in hell. His was a cold blooded calculated decision to murder. Fanaticism at its worst.
ReplyDeleteI've reached the point where I just plain hate the people who claim to be "prolife." They don't give a rat's ass about the mother's life or the life of already born people. Anybody who feels a fertilized egg is more important than the adult woman carrying it? Worthless. Waste of planetary resources. I don't care what they do with their own lives, but they need to quit interfering in ours.
ReplyDeleteThankfully, the jury wasn't politically motivated.
ReplyDeleteI just hope he gets the "hard fifty" sentence so he can't get out until he's over 100 years old.
ReplyDeleteWhat really bothers me is that the folks who indoctrinated him, who stirred him up, and who encouraged his violence, are getting off totally unscathed. This man's ego dictated that he would accept the blame alone, but everyone knows that he was a part of a hate group whose activist philosophy is still going strong - without apology and without any weakening.
This tool was just that: a tool.
Great he got what he deserved, but he alone is not the problem. The real problem, the real threat is still out there trying to stir-up another mentally disturbed individual to do its dirty work.
This is why we as a society have to stay on top these hate groups and come up with Constitutionally-valid ways of limiting their ability to kill and destroy the lives of others.
We may never be able to convince them that hate such as theirs is not supported by their faith. They have convinced themselves and refuse, absolutely refuse, to consider any other viewpoint.
That's why we need to use the tax laws, the anti-hate laws, and whatever other legal means we have to disarm and diffuse their ability to create another Roeder.
Other societies have done this. For goodness, sake look at Europe. Their crime rates are no where near ours. They have serious problems. They have hate groups. However, they have developed legal ways to restrict the impact of hate groups. We do not have to reinvent the wheel, but we do have to open our minds to solutions instead of just sitting around yabbering about how awful it is that people like Roeder and his fellow misguided fundamentalists kill people.
BTW - it's not really over yet, folks. There is the sentencing phase and then possible appeals. I will breath easily only when it all that is over.
Put him in jail with the hardened convicts and let them reeducate this extremist radical christian pig of a man.
ReplyDeleteLethal injection is too good for this criminal. Be nice if he could get the chair and it takes a good long time to cook him. I hope we don't waste money on 3 squares and a cot for the rest of his life.
ReplyDeleteBe nice if Kansas could send a very strong message to others thinking about exercising their beliefs in such a violent manner.
No solace whatsoever. . .Dr. Tiller undertook a necessary and highly vilified specialty, he was murdered for saving women's lives and preventing the suffering of a damaged and heart-breaking fragile fetuses.
ReplyDeleteThere no such thing as Late Term Abortion, no such thing ad Real Americans, Democrat or common sense conservatism.
The real justice would be women free to access every measure of health care without apology and that Dr. Tiller and his family never for one moment had to live in fear for his profession in life. He was not Dr. Mengela and President Obama is not Hitler.
If Sarah or the Teabaggers knew real history, they'd be ashamed to have co-opted these horrendous examples of
truly evil government power. Under Hitler's regime, Sarah wouldn't have been able to have Trig, or he would have been subjected to vile experiments.
Rest In Peace Dr. Tiller. I am so sorry.
I too hope this brings some solace to Dr. Tiller's family and those who worked with him. Unfortunately Anon@12.54pm, I don't think Sarah Palin or the Teabaggers are capable of the emotion of shame. They feel no shame because they are the chosen ones who will be united with Jesus when the Rapture occurs. Since they are doing "God's work", every horrific, vile act is justified in their view.
ReplyDeleteBurn in hell Mr. Tiller
ReplyDeleteMost third trimester abortions are performed becasue the development of the fetus has seriously misfunctioned and or becasue there is a very real threat to the mother's life (and therefore to the potential of a later normal pregnancy).
ReplyDeleteDr. Tiller faced the possibility of death every single day for over 20 years. So did his family and so did his empolyees.
There is no living American who has ever had that kind of courage.
That kind of courage does not arise from the joy of killing, but from the joy of living and the realization that one's acts improve the lives of others.
As I said before in a previous thread... these nutjobs are pro-fetus, not pro-life. Period. Good riddance to a scum sucking bottom feeder. Roeder, I predict some big black man named Tiny makes you his prison bitch really soon!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBurn in hell Mr. Tiller
2:37 PM
Actually, Dr. Tiller is singing with the angels right now...the only burning he'll see is far, far below him when Mr. Roeder meets his maker. RIP Dr. Tiller.
I followed this trial on tv, and Roeder is evil incarnate. How does one justify murder while invoking the name of God? This is domestic terrorism in it's worst form.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, for the Tiller family, there is only a small measure of solace because nothing can bring their husband, father, and friend back.
The Roeders of the world and those who support their views have blood on their hands.
It wasn't justice. This was terrorism, and the organization and his contacts inside that organization (he had their phone number and a contact name ON HIS DASHBOARD!) should have been brought to court, all on terrorism charges.
ReplyDeleteThis was a federal case, not a local crime. Holder and the DoJ should have had this case.
The conservatives love the "in the womb" but won't go out of their way to provide social services once they are born.
ReplyDeleteMany besides Scott Roeder have blood on their hands with all the innocents they killed at clinics around the country.These people are Not pro-life they are anti abortionest and could care less about someones life as proved by this murder and other terrorist bombings across the country,