Friday, January 29, 2010

It looks like Palin may be the last Teabagging speaker still standing.

As we've reported at TPMmuckraker, the tea party movement has been increasingly divided. Much of the friction has been over the national tea party convention to be held in Nashville. Critics say the convention, with its expensive tickets and for-profit organizer, doesn't jive with true tea party values. Yesterday, we reported that Reps. Michele Bachmann and Martha Blackburn have dropped out.

Palin, whose speaking fees are rumored to be around $100,000, told Van Susteren she is still on for the convention. "You betcha," she said.

On the divisiveness, she continued, "We need to ignore that and we need to forge ahead with a cohesive message. It's a common sense message. It, again, is, Government, limit yourself so that the private sector, our families, free individuals can grow and thrive and prosper and enjoy America's freedom!"
(You can read TPM's entire article by clicking the title)

Okay so now we have Palin ON CAMERA promising to attend this rally in Nashville next week.

So what does she do? Does she stick to her guns and give a speech in front of an empty stadium? Or does she suddenly decide that she has a scheduling conflict/plastic surgery emergency/cold sore and cancel?

Well all I know is if she DOES show up it will be a lot more fun for us. There is no doubt there will be some interesting gaffes and strange occurrences at this convention.

Personally, I can hardly wait!


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM


    Bree has a new post up about the Church Fire in Wasilla a few years ago. I'm trying to get people to write MSNBC hosts about it. Maybe Rachel will look into it. Hope so.....,,
    And here's Dylan's email:

    My letter to them:

    Please check this out. It's big.
    Read the whole post:
    From the website Bree Palin:

    A Reminder About the Wasilla Bible Church Fire

    "I would like to point out that those of us that look upon Sarah Palin and her church with a critical eye are also appalled by the apparent lack of investigation of this crime and lack of interest on the part of the MSM. I wholeheartedly advocate for both."
    A website called The Collins Report has a new post about the Wasilla Bible Church fire. The writer, Suzanne Eovaldi, apparently believes that this fire was an attack on the church and an attempted murder of the church members inside. The person is rightfully indignant that more isn't being done to solve this very serious case.

  2. mocha8:58 AM

    The rememberance from this should be that Palin has a contract for this speech. She can send a substitute and still get paid. If they cancel her, she probably still gets paid. But if she just quits, there is probably a penalty clause in the contract. You think she's just going to cancel when she can play it out, let them cancel her, or send a sub at the last minute, get paid and keep some teabag cred? $ is her motivator. It's the $ that will determine what she does. My prediction is she substitutes someone at the last minute - who's in her pocket other than her family?

  3. Anonymous9:00 AM

    It would be great if nobody showed up but that's probably not what's going to happen. In any event, the whole thing is crumbling now with Bachman and Blackburn backing out. And now even Palin is essentially admitting it's crumbling because she advocates the TPers joining the repub party. If they do they will have to cool their nonsense down a lot in order to be acceptable or they'll be shown the door.

  4. Anonymous9:05 AM

    She'll send useful idiot and expendable black woman Adrienne Ross and the teabaggers' heads will explode. What does she care about Adrienne getting hurt?

  5. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Live streaming video of the President at GOP conference RIGHT NOW:

  6. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I wonder which "substitute" she'll send at the last minute...

    It's all about the Benjamins.

  7. Anonymous9:11 AM

    She could send her BFF Kristan Cole. Her mom, the embezzler of $700,000 will have trained her well.

  8. Mocha,

    You wrote my thoughts almost exact.
    We all she's already taking flack for standing by McCain.
    I wonder why she won't stand up to the critisism of her backing McCain publically? If it weren't for him, $arah woud still be a nobody Govenor.
    $arah better not burn the last bridge she has with the Baggers. If she fails to show up, she'll lose a lot of supporters.

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Palin has 115,000 reasons to be a Teabagger-for-a-day.

  10. Anonymous9:22 AM

    If Bachman and Blackburn were to show up at the Tea Party convention, it would seriously harm them (especially Bachman) in their upcoming congressional elections this fall. Sarah, on the other hand, REALLY wants the MOOLAH, and can't wait for another 15 minutes of FAME!

    The nazis and militia groups are now actively recruiting members from the Tea Party movement ( – something that surprises none of us. Sure, Sarah, please, PLEASE show up at the Tea Party convention. Pretty Please! Geoffrey Dunne really needs the photos for his upcoming book tour!

  11. Anonymous9:23 AM

    If she really cared about the Teabaggers, then she never would've charged them a fee of $115,000 to speak at a dinner reserved for an elite crowd who could afford $500+ apiece to listen to her word salad and dine on steak and lobster. Sounds a lot like an elitist political fundraiser, rather than a grassroots speech, dontcha think?

    Sarah is full of S#$% when she tells O'Reilly that she won't personally benefit from this and is going to give the proceeds to good causes. If that were the case, she never would've charged the fee to begin with.

    Fraud. Liar. Grifter. Sinner.

  12. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Who's Granny going to teabag if one on show???

  13. So the TeaParty convention is no longer a collaboration of like-minded individuals. It's The Sarah Palin Show.

    Bachman and Blackburn have to be concerned about ethics and re-election. Sarah is free to be whatever silly person she wants to be... for a price.

  14. Anonymous9:40 AM

    She'll show because she wants the cash. It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, or if the crowd is large or small, she's there for the money.

    If she DOES cancel, it will be because there isn't enough money to pay her what she wants.

  15. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I'm betting she'll send Turd as a substitute afterall he'll get along quite well with the neo-nazi group that's recruiting. Isn't he already a member of the Independence Party in Alaska? She'll make sure she gets the money and a small fraction of it will be donated but the rest will go into her bank account.

  16. Anonymous9:47 AM

    For $115,000 Sarah will speak anywhere... KKK convention included.

  17. I read that workshop leaders and sponsors were also canceling which makes it likely this event will be called off. I think Palin is counting on them canceling her. .

  18. Great idea to stop the moderating of comments gryphen. So I'll go along with it and stop mentioning SM even though I feel great disdain for her if you leave it this way. The great advantage is of course being able to read some of the pro-Palin stuff too which nobody should be afraid to hear. Leaving it to the constant potshots at Palin and the bellyaching of the old girls is obviously not condusive to a good lively blog. Your move.

  19. And Dog almighty, I wish some people would get it through their thick skulls that I'm not a Palinista! The nutbar who runs the Palingates blog had to ban me from posting there because he/she/it couldn't figure that one out. Duhhhhhhh!

  20. Anonymous10:23 AM

    You guys have to promise NOT to laugh when Palin tells the people of Nashville how badly she feels that Katrina destroyed so much of their fine city, and how the disconnect with progressing the levies is important to create the good paying jobs that will honor our troops and provide the special needs mandation for all those who choose life.

  21. Basheert10:49 AM

    She will cancel. She isn't called The Twitter Quitter for nothing.

    Just sayin....

  22. If this event does happen - I'm sure it would be closed to the press and no recordings allowed. It's too expensive to get anyone on the inside to report back what happens -- perhaps someone in the area coud get a job as a waiter and sneak in that way with a tiny camera

    I would so love to see Sarah Palin talking to a big room with only a handful of folks in it - and have the pictures so any known militia, kkk, etc. could be identified

  23. Anonymous11:17 AM

    How much time did Palins sister in law get. Anyone know.

  24. Techgnome11:22 AM

    There isn't going to be an empty room. If they have to they'll give away tickets. OTOH you aren't likely to hear much about "interesting gaffes." You're essentially banned again Gryphen, along with most of the rest of the press. The list of "news" organizations that are welcome is interesting.

    "The five outlets that made the cut: Fox News, The Wall Street Journal,, and World Net Daily."

  25. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Straight goods isn't a Palinista?

    Then what is she, he it?

  26. That teabagger ball/convention or whatever...isn't that like NEXT WEEK? If they're going to cancel it, they need to decide soon.

    T hope they don't cancel, and O'Palin does show up, Might prove to be very entertaining indeed!

  27. Anon @ 11:38, Glad you asked. I'm Canadian and I'm male. The only reason why some people think I'm a Palinista is because I think it's worthwhile telling the truth. When the girls go on about how bad Palin looks, her mouth crooked, her face frozen, her eyes crossed, etc. I think they are really doing their own credibility more harm than good. Frankly, and as much as I hate the fact, Palin looks good on t.v. and especially so on her latest appearance on Fox. Now if she was attacked on her substance and her idiotic agenda, that would be something different. However, be also forewarned that she's learning how to pull that off too with her admirers and she's only going to get better.

    And as for my remarks that questioned whether or not she is psychotic in any way, she very well could be but I only asked for some solid evidence to back that up.

    Anyway, you people think what you need to think if it fulfills your purpose. From here on in I just reallly don't care about trying to convince stupid people.

  28. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Ha Ha Ha Ha
    Sarah is so screwed. If she quits, then she'll be labeled a quitter again. Plus she we disappoint some teabaggers who are still going to this scam convention so they can be ripped off. And if she stays or gets a replacement then it will be obvious that she is in it for the money. I think the teabaggers will finally see her for what she is a greedy whore.

  29. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Lady Rose has a good point. Curiouser does as well.

    We all seem to agree that $arah lives for money and attention.

    If the convention folds, she wins. They will still have to pay her.

    If the convention goes on, she can either send in sub or attend herself and close everything off to reporters and photographers. She wins again.

    The only way she loses is if she herself cancels without a convincing argument as to why. That moment has probably passed or is passing rapidly.

    I don't see any way she can lose at this point, do you?

    Well, other than having everyone actually hear or read her speech. The more we actually see her she diminishes (thanks to the horrible plastic surgeon who performed the work on her). Her beauty is fading, her intellect is limited, her ability to speak well is hampered by ineffectual writers and her insistence on speaking off-the-cuff (aka W).

    Still, as to to the convention, how does she lose if she gains respect for not quitting and gets more money in her campaign chest?

  30. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Here's an idea on what to do while waiting.

    Beat your meat like it owes you money.

  31. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I think one of the reasons that recording equipment is banned is that she'll be repeating the only speech she knows.Newt Gingrich advised her to learn three speeches, one was a fundraising one, one was a campaign style one and the third was one that would make her sound as if she understood substantive issues. I may not have that exactly correct, but that was the gist of his advice. I think she stopped at the first one. If recordings of her speaking were to get out , even her most ardent fans would realize that she just recycles the same old word salad. Would they still pay for that ?

  32. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Wonder if she'll use the speech she gave at the GOP Govs convention. Remember that? She was fresh off the trail the media was all aflutter, every GOP Gov was there waiting for their new queen to speak and she floundered like an idiot. Oit, doit, dote. Wink. Doit. That was great!

  33. Anonymous12:26 PM

    So Sarah has now succeeded in taking over the teabaggers and making this thing all about her. Too funny. Just proves the teabaggers to be fools. they whine and cry about insiders, establishment politicians and then they run with Palin? Hypocrisy thy name is tea party. Palin fleeces the baggers and in a couple weeks she'll be fleecing Arizonans when she campaigns for McTool. How do you square that teabaggers? Phonies, all of them. Sarah only wants your money and you all are so blind that you give it to her and then wonder why you fail? LOL

  34. Gasman12:28 PM

    If Palin follows her instincts, she will simply do whatever she needs to do to get her grubby little paws on that $100K+ check. Why, she’d even go to a communist nation and accept their tainted money if it meant getting a big fee. Oh, that’s right. She already HAS done that. She is so short sighted that she will gleefully piss all over the “true” teabaggers if the “phony” teabaggers pay her a big pile of cash. She doesn’t seem to realize that if the teabaggers don’t rally around her flag, damn few people will.

    Who does Palin expect to recruit to her nascent bid for POTUS if the teabaggers have branded her an apostate? She certainly won’t attract even a majority of those who identify as belonging to the GOP. However, Palin’s political instincts have such an impressive track record to date that I doubt she will listen to anyone but her own inner voices which at this very moment are screaming “Show me the money, show me the money, SHOW ME THE MONEY!”

    I eagerly await the teabagger protests outside FauxNews because they would dare to give airtime to such a socialist liberal like Sarah Palin. It seems but a matter of time.

    Oh, and to The straight goods!, when you say, “Now if she was attacked on her substance and her idiotic agenda, that would be something different. However, be also forewarned that she's learning how to pull that off too with her admirers and she's only going to get better,” I offer up a hearty “BULLSHIT” in response.

    What evidence do you have that Palin has improved herself, either in her base of knowledge or extemporaneous speaking, in ANY demonstrable way? Her on air appearances as of late have been just as stunningly incoherent as she was in 2008. Palin is an arrogant buffoon that has displayed NO recognition she HAD any deficits in her knowledge or her delivery, let alone shown any evidence that she sought to correct these flaws in her political personae. If you can, please cite as evidence some recent speech or on air appearance in which she sounded like anything other than a babbling clod.

    Sarah Palin was, is, and always will be a moron.

  35. emrysa12:49 PM

    The straight goods! said...

    "The great advantage is of course being able to read some of the pro-Palin stuff too which nobody should be afraid to hear."

    um, what exactly is "pro-palin" information that we should consider an advantage to hear? please do tell.

  36. I guess she's sayin' some things but I get a little distracted by her big wet blow-up doll sort of mouth. (I know it got crooked but it's bigger and shinier and wetter looking than ever....)

    That mouth was made for things more important than talking, at least that's what my guy says.

    Sorry to be blunt but I'm sure some of her biggest fans feel that same way about her big wet shiny crooked mouth. The teeth are a little problematic though.

  37. Last Teabagger standing. What a great title for Grifter Granny. And Gasman you are getting better and better at describing the lunacy we are all watching called the Sarah Palin Meltdown!

  38. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Whatever happened to exposing Sarah's lies about baby Trig? I am so tired of everyone examining her TV 'performances'. Please, please, please somebody get busy and tell what you know!!! Expose her lies, get her off the TV and into a jail cell where she most likely belongs.
    Thanks for letting me rant and rave...

  39. Anonymous12:59 PM

    The straight goods! said...

    "When the girls go on about how bad ..."

    "The girls"? SG lives in a time warp circa 1940's where "girls" were older than 10.

  40. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Glad to see Osama Bin Laden came out in support of Obama's position on global warming.

  41. Anonymous1:15 PM

    TheStraightGoods: Interesting that you identify yourself as a MALE and from your "nom de blog" you appear to find it necessary to reinforce that you are STRAIGHT and not gay (although why that would matter here is a HUGE question).

    The regular bloggers here are well aware that SP is a politically challenged incohorent moron who has chosen to inflict herself upon the world as the 2nd Coming, in spite of her total inability to form a complete sentence. She has created a political cult in order to rob naive and politically dense individuals of their hard earned money making promises she cannot and would not keep.

    She is a blight upon the political landscape. When a person like SP comes along, she must be squashed like a bug because she is also dangerous. Everything fake about her must be exposed. Her ideals are dangerous to this country.

    On the other hand, she has given Gryphen and others a wealth of material. She lies pathologically (when unnecessary), she is weirdly incoherent in her speech, she does not learn, and she continually chooses to put herself into situations she cannot handle and is unprepared for. She is either highly ignorant or possesses no ability to retain facts in her brain. She makes up words and bluffs answers even when the questions are simple.

    When she gets into trouble, she quits. She has quit everything she has tried. She's going for money now. That's it for her. She has nothing else.

    I don't care what she looks like, she's a slimy cult leader and she needs to be exposed for what she is.

  42. BAustin1:25 PM

    WooHoo! Just got tix for Rick Perry with Palin in Houston on Feb 7th...should be a hoot if Palin bothers to show. It will be like teabaggers part II. I will post info on all the crazy fundies that I see there.

  43. Gasman1:27 PM

    Anon @ 1:15,
    Palin is simply displaying mandationacity. You shouldn't be displaying hate for her - and our brave men and women serving our nation in harm's way, also, too - just because she is mandacious.

    Palin is an arrogant narcissistic moron who believes her own hype. Like Icarus, she deigns to fly too near the sun, not knowing that her wings are made of but wax. Like the brainless moth that she is, her attraction to the limelight will likely prove to be her undoing.

    Go Sarah, go! Soar ever higher! That's it, fly right TOWARD the light!

  44. StraightGoods,

    Gryphen does not moderate out people for being pro Palin, but only for trolling behavior. I feel sure that Palingates is the same. If you got banned, what was it for? It seems the proPalin folks never have anything interesting to say, though.

    By the way Anonymous @1:15 pm, I doubt that StraightGoods means he isn't gay. I think he means that he tells it like it is.

  45. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I fully believe Sarah will deliver a speech at the tea party conference.

    I hope that the promoters fail to secure enough $$ to meet the commitment to pay her in full.

    That could well happen if they refund money to registered attendees and then they have to give away seats just to fill the house. Space in this hotel is quite expensive. The promoters would have had to make certain commitments and deposits to the hotel. The hotel gets paid first. The Washington Speakers Bureau is going to get theirs, maybe they already took their fees out of the portion pre-paid to Sarah.

    Oh no Sarah, whatca gonna do ---- they may use your services and not pay ya for em.

  46. The straight goods! said......"I wish some people would get it through their thick skulls that I'm not a Palinista! The nutbar who runs the Palingates blog..."

    I don't care WHAT you are, straightgoods, I don't have any respect for anyone who calls the owner and/or chief writers at a blog I respect very much a "nutbar" -- assuming you are referring to something other than a candy bar.

    How dare you excoriate anyone who pities Sarah Palin enough to publicly tell her -- because we all know either she or one of her family or friends reads ALL of these blogs -- that she's made some huge mistakes with her plastic surgery and her attempts at celebrity publicity?

    Your use of the words, "Now if she was attacked..." and "you people" -- as far as I'm concerned -- is a dead giveaway as to your feelings for Sarah Palin.

    No one here attacks anybody. We merely ridicule them for their stupidity.

    And stop with the red herrings about "solid proof" about psychosis, etc. You know perfectly well that "solid proof" is locked away behind HIPAA until a Federal case against Sarah Palin provides the basis for subpoenaing her medical records -- and even then there may be nothing, because she may never have been committed, may have never sought treatment and no one else has recommended her for treatment.

    Lastly, your barbs about not "trying to convince stupid people" and "girls" is the best evidence of your faux sincerity. Go away.

  47. For the person(s) who seem to only want Trig news, I have done some thinking. Speaking ONLY for myself, I was trying desperately to give Sarah the benefit of the doubt. That is, that she covered up for a daughter or son and faked it. Somewhat understandable.
    The alternative - the "wild ride" in her own words was SO careless and SO dangerous (to her unborn child and to the airline passengers), that I found it hard to believe that even SHE would be that crazy.
    HER story is much worse than a faked pregnancy - who in their right mind would fly through the air over ten hours leaking amiotic fluid (carrying a special needs baby - or any baby)?
    Common sense? HUH?

  48. STOP $ARAH PAIN!2:15 PM

    8:47 AM thanks!!

    What an outrage. It sounds like they extort everyone in Wasilla to make them mutes.

    Fires and vandalizing is how it is done up Alaska way.

    Wasilla Bible Church Fire January 29, 2010

  49. Gasman2:32 PM

    Hey, Straight Goods,
    You are an oafish teabagger troll and everybody sees through your plaintive "but I'm not a Palinista" cry. Straight or not, you most certainly are an acolyte of Sarah “If I Only Had A Brain” Palin.

    First you pretend to adopt an air of neutrality toward Palin, then you issue a catty "you just hate her because she is so beautiful" swipe. You sound like a snotty high school girl whose BFF is running for prom queen. Who gives a fat rat's ass what Palin looks like? Madeleine Albright is a short, frumpy, dowdy, wrinkled old woman, but she is a woman of considerable substance and unlike Palin, she HAS A BRAIN! If she were not foreign born, I would draft her for POTUS. She can speak and can think for herself. I don't care that she is not a perky starlet sex kitten. SHE has gravitas. In case you’ve forgotten, W was a decent looking guy and a feckless moron who proved himself the worst president in our nation’s history. Palin seeks to best him.

    Palin is not physically unattractive, but she does seem to be preternaturally obsessed with cultivating the “nouveau riche trailer trash chic” look. I guess it is understandable. Up until now, looking slutty has been what propelled her to success. Is there anyone on the planet that contends that Palin would have been elected Governor of Alaska if she looked like Madeleine Albright but still sounded like Palin? Tight skirts, winkin’, and flirtin’ has been the sum total of Palin’s political success. However, I think that act wore thin by about mid September of 2008.

    Palin kind of reminds me of a political version of Tammy Faye Baker, albeit with less makeup. Though I’d bet very few gay men are attracted to Palin’s politics, I could see that they might find Palin’s looks fascinating in the same campy way they liked Tammy Faye. Palin’s slutty sartorial excess seems to be tailor made for both the horny old white male GOP establishment and drag queens alike. While Tammy Faye eventually overcame her homophobia and seemed to exhibit genuine affection for the gay community, who continued to support her as she was dying of cancer, I doubt that Palin could EVER come to accept homosexuals as anything other than the “OTHERS.”

    Wouldn’t it be great if everywhere Palin went a cadre of drag queens showed up dressed like Palin? What would be her response? The poor little teabagger heads would simply explode! As Church Lady might say, “Wouldn’t THAT be special.”

  50. I posted at 1:53 as anon only as I hit enter too soon and did not get my name attached to the post.

    There are similar comments on Palingates that I posted, but wanted to expand a bit here. There has been news indicating the event promoters will fill the seats with folks to ensure there is a full audience. There is also news that the promoter is issuing full refunds to people, as requested.

    As this is a dinner speaking event, the free participants will receive dinner, won't they? It would really look bad if the FREEloaders did not get fed. Maybe they will only eat chicken and the paying folks can eat prime rib.

    Sarah, that will only increase the odds that you will not get your fully agreed upon payment. Seating and feeding FREE folks is not really FREE now is it? Who is going to pay for that? You will have to now won't you? Otherwise the hotel doesn't get paid and can you imagine the stink that would create in the media.

    And all those folks who paid full price to attend, aren't they going to be really pissed at the FREEloaders. And if the promoter has promised full refunds, why wouldn't they try to get their money back too. Afterall, if you can attend for free why pay for it. Kind of like getting that mocha lotte every morning. If you can get it for free, why pay for it. Or that hair style in SLC, if you can get if for free, why pay for it.

    Oh, what a mess this is turning out to be.

    So if the promoter had to take a personal loan to send you your advance, and then he is refunding money to many many disgruntled attendees, and he had to make substantial deposits to the hotel and he paid back the personal loan of $50,000---there is nothing left, zero, zip, NADA. FREEloaders are taking your share. Imagine that.

    But, you are going, you promised last night on FOX. Are you going in first class or on a private jet? And just how big is your entourage? Hope that is already paid for. This is gonna get expensive. YIKES.


    in her own words with 100 photos. 'nuff said.

  52. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Is it troll feeding time?

  53. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Hopefully, Palin will have to sue Judson Phillips for the rest of her "speaking" fee.

    Tie it up in the courts. Of course, she'll have to sue in TN, so this means engaging another lawyer in TN for the purpose of reprsentation and Van Fleabag will want his cut.

    You just know Phillips is itching to declare bankruptcy on this scam.

  54. Anonymous3:17 PM

    (About Teabag Extravaganza): "I don't see any way she can lose at this point, do you?"

    Oh, sure. Do we have any bloggers within about a 2-hr drive of the nashville area? I'd be happy to donate to send you to GayOpryland or whatever the hell it's called now, and I bet a lot of other blog readers would chip in too. It would be excellent to have eyes and ears there to report on the teabagging insanity, even if Quitty sends Piper instead.

  55. Nothing brings out trolls faster than talking about Sarah's ugly face.

  56. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Just love all the Dems who talk about Palin's looks but would be so offended if anyone mentioned Obama's big ears or Hillary's giant ass.

  57. emrysa4:12 PM

    Anonymous @ 3:44:

    did obama have vanity surgery on his big ears in an attempt to make them look better but failed miserably?

    did hillary have vanity surgery on her ass in an attempt to make it look better and failed miserably?

    if they did and it looked like shit I'm sure we'd all be talking about it.

  58. Anonymous5:15 PM

    No one knows if Obama has had cosmetic surgery since he refused to release his medical records.

    Has Palin had surgery? Please provide proof other than armchair analysis of YouTube videos.

    I'll stand by.

  59. Basheert5:28 PM

    Obviously any surgery that Palin had was only external because so far no one has perfected a surgical procedure to repair non-firing neurons.

    Her face sags on one side- her lips are WAY too bee-stung, her forehead is frozen from too much Botox and her veneers make her look like a pumpkin. She is, in essence, one giant botched facelift.

    Her problem - not ours. Trailer trash chic has always been HER objective, and she's well on her way.

    BTW still waiting for SP's medical records...**crickets**

    You can get rid of the trolls by danging a shiny object in front of them...duh.

  60. Gasman6:28 PM

    Anon @ 3:44,
    That was quite clever how managed to talk trash about President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton while coyly pretending that it was beneath you. Very classy. If you want to talk trash about Obama’s ears and Hillary’s ass, you go right ahead and do it. I’m betting that you will sway not a single soul in your direction, but you will confirm that you are a pissy little asshat.

    I guess you hadn’t gotten the memo from teabagger central that Palin is now officially a teabagger non grata. Hadn’t you heard? Because she supports that socialist liberal pussy John McCain, it is clear that Palin is not a true, devoted, pure in thought teabagger. She is also offending the official teabagger creed “ignarus, vereor, paranoia" by accepting money from the group sponsoring the “scammy” Teabagger Convention. Why, you yourself should know that ANY good teabagger can’t do ANYTHING which is approved of by ALL other teabaggers. Those folks are just trying to cash in at your expense and Palin is supporting them. Hell, even that batshit crazy loon Michelle Bachman has withdrawn as a speaker.

    You also must be a RINO fake teabagger. Well, screw you and anyone that looks like you. Palin is a traitor I tell you! Remember, teabag them before they teabag you.

  61. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Straight goods--Didn't you mention somewhere that you're Canadian? If so, why are you here?

  62. Anonymous10:18 PM

    No proof yet of Palin's surgery?

  63. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Some men must like a bit more than Hillarys ass.

    And Obamas ears are fine.

    Reason, both have brains between their ears, unlike certain dimwits.

  64. I do believe that Straight Goods is actually "Sarah Q". Remember him? Yes...he is Canadian...yes he is a shit disturber. He is a pain in the ass....ignore him.

    By the way anon...I am Canadian too. I have been a loyal reader of this blog for a very long time. I have a right to read...and to post. I also have a right to a point of view. Living on the same continent as me that right. When you have a dickhead affects us too. know this.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.