Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fox helps Palin reach out to new fanbase. English speakers.

One day after announcing that she would be a commentator on the Fox News Channel, the network revealed that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's appearances would be simulcast in English.

"We are delighted that Gov. Palin will, for the first time, be understandable to the English-speaking audience," said Fox News chief Roger Ailes. "This should create a whole new fan base for her."

Gov. Palin praised the decision, adding, "I know many Americans will be interested in understanding what I have to say and I will also too."
(You can read more by clicking the title.)

Since we are on the subject of Palin let me share this video that I found over at my friend Bree Palin's blog of Sarah, Todd, and their pet warthog landing at JFK yesterday.

I believe Sarah is going to appear on the Factor today so that Bill O'Reilly can massage his falafel while she spews word salad out to his audience.

BTW for those who did not catch it, the first story is a parody. Though it certainly does almost seem believable doesn't it?


  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    You seem peeved today

  2. Does anyone besides me and EyeOnYou think Palin just had another cosmetic enhancement? To her lips?

    That still shot featured on the video sure seems to show what EyeOnYou called "trout lips"...

    I predicted 6 months ago that if Palin was indeed getting plastic surgery, it wouldn't be long before she was unrecognizable, resembling Joan Rivers. She's well on her way.

  3. AkMom8:35 AM

    Bwahahaha! Great post, too bad it could be true. Heh.

  4. sme1318:37 AM

    Notice how she is right out front and poor Todd just trails behind carrying the bags. And she wonders why people don't believe she is happily married.

  5. I would hate to be the translator.

  6. Definitely, she got fat lips made fatter!

    I also notice a lack of kiddie props this time. Is it possible Piper is being allowed to attend school, and Trig is being allowed some alone time with his Mommy?

  7. Anonymous8:53 AM

    She wears the pants in that family cause she brings in the bacon and Todd better not forget it if he wants to eat. Wondering how long the marriage will last.

  8. Anonymous8:55 AM

    where is the kink in her plans, Gryph?

  9. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Yup,,,trout lips, Octomom lips......Gross! does she realize how that is going to look on my 52" TV? Can't wait. she is starting to look like a Howdy Doody cartoon character with those phony cheek implants.

  10. Snowing in Alaska9:13 AM

    Ewww, way too much makeup. What a sad road to go down. She just doesn't fit in here anymore (Alaska)- just ship her out to Hollywood and be done with it. Yuck.

  11. She looks very... shiny. Unnaturally shiny. Believe me, I've already been $P's age, and we naturally don't turn into polyurethane in our mid-forties.

  12. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Here's how I think the Fox News situation will play out:

    Once the Talking Heads (O'Reilley, Hannity, Laura I, Ann C, Glenn, Rush) discover that "Sarah unfiltered" is unversed on the issues being discussed and can really only offer one or two generally stated sentences on any given matter - I think the luster is going to start to come off for them.

    I mean - how many people in media do you know that would love to become the news makers instead of the news reporters/analysts?

    But not our Sarah. She went from being at the top of the Republican heap to the media. It makes no sense and is truly another example of her slow, painful implosion.

    While she wakes up to the fact that she is no longer the Queen Bee with newsmakers trying to get their cameras and microphones in her face - but she is simply handed a microphone and told to head out to the far side of Dodge so she can report on SOMEONE else's story out there in "real America" - she's going to realize that she doesn't like it. Not one little bit.

    Reporters - love them or loathe them - have to bust themselves in a tough, competitive market. And Sarah has never once in her rural life been in a tough, competitive job market (unless maybe her telephone company receptionist job - which in her gubernatorial race she listed under "utilities background")

    Not that I think for a second that she'll be doing any hard lifting. But still, for her to have to be on the other side of the microphone and acting like she gives a rip about someone else's life and story - when this is a trait she has never quite mastered in real life - ought to be hugely entertaining.

    The only way she survives in her "commentator" role is if the questions are known before hand and the answers have been developed and all she has to do is memorize her responses.

    Rightly did Steve Schmidt say she is a quick study. It's true, she is. She should be able to quickly absorb and recount what the Fox folks tell her to say - and she'll say it with all the confidence and bravado of one who appears to know what she's talking about.

    But when her fellow commentators come to grips with the fact that she's just one of them, I think they'll be less inclined to keep unflinchingly foisting her upon their duped viewers. When they get a dose of her up close, unflitered, off-camera and non-scripted they're going to see that all those terrified-for-the-Union-should-McCain-win staffers were right: It would be catastrophic to have Sarah anywhere near an actual seat of real power.

    ---my two cents.

  13. Susan in MD9:21 AM

    Okay, so here's what I've been thinking about since the tidbits from "Game Change" and Schmidt's interview and I'm hoping it will stimulate some dialog on Babygate.

    If Sarah was a last minute pick for the McCain team (as both sources are saying) and was NOT on the short list, ever, then some of the theories about her faking the Trig pregnancy go away. It's been discussed and I believe accepted here on these blogs that Osarah knew way before 2008 that she was on McCain's short list. Now, if it was just Schmidt saying this is not true, then I would chalk it up to revisionist history on campaign's part. But you have Game Change saying the same thing - that Palin was not on the short list at all.

    So, if Palin knew something that the McCain camp themselves did not know, where oh where did she hear this? I can't help but think she was on the "radar" of some money/power group that was essentially planning out strategy to progress their candidate, depending upon who won the primary. If the ultimate money/power movers in the GOP are those who control the "base" then what you have is a situation where the theo-cons literally have the Republican party, and any Republican candidate, by the balls. It is easy to imagine the behind the scenes wheeling and dealing of this group in ensuring they have someone pre-selected to move forward their agenda. And this may be a likely scenario where Osarah "choosing" to have a DS baby (outside adoption) and/or hiding Bristol's pregnancy would advance her chances of being that candidate. And I am most certain that they carefully calculated choosing a female specifically because of Hillary. If Hillary loses the primary, we get all her supporters. If Hillary wins, we can compete with our own female! Very cynical, not to mention misogynistic as all hell, assuming females vote based on gender only. Errrggg.....

    Anyway, that is the only way I can make sense of how Osarah would have known back then that she was on any list of candidates being considered.

    Can anyone back up my memory here, that we know for sure that Granny Osarah knew as early as or earlier than 2008?

    Looking forward to your ideas...

  14. I think that is wonderful that those of us who speak English can finally understand what she says! Uh oh, that really scares me now that I think about it. And did you notice how ungracious she was to the papparizzi? That is starting a little early don't you think? Poor Toad and Stapleton; they should have a sign on their back that says "kick me".

  15. Anonymous9:45 AM

    This should explain $P's new trout lips...

    Plump Lips Key to Looking Younger

    trout pout explanation

    In news that's sure to put a big smile on Angelina Jolie's face, scientists have determined that having full, bee-stung lips makes women appear more youthful, the Daily Mail reports.

  16. Anonymous9:52 AM

    What kind of endangered animals are making up that parka? Are the pink slashes salmon bellies or what? Hidden wolf lining?

    Wild Turtle.

  17. KaJo...OMG! I thought the same thing when I saw this video...the too high eyebrows, the skin texture, and now the lips.

  18. emrysa9:59 AM

    a parody? seems like it could be truth.

    did you also notice that palin was hired on faux AFTER she won lie of the year?

    that's what got her the job.

    can you just hear the conversation with the bigwigs at faux? "LIE OF THE YEAR? omg, make her an offer quick - any price, just name the price, we've got to put her on our team."

  19. Andy Borowitz, one funny guy and a regular at HuffPo, has been giving us one good laugh after another since we discovered him (at HuffPo).

    I'll bet Stewart, Colbert, Olbermann, etc, etc, feel like they just hit the lottery. Hmmm, will they have to pay $P royalties on the quotes they crib from her "broadcasts"?

  20. Anonymous10:24 AM

    A little off topic but I know many have been discussing here and at Mudflats, Palingates and Bree Palin much about Murdoch. Three very, very informative articles on Murdoch. One on dipping his toes into liberal waters since marrying latest wife, the other about his children and past wives and the future of Fox as they are set to take it over. Vanity Fair does their job and every article has loads and loads of valuable information on the largest non-American to take over American media and business.

    Amazing Sarah Palin and all the other idiots as FOX have no problem working for someone who is a foreigner and is getting rich off of Americans.

    Oh well why would we expect them to care when they are getting paid.

    Sometimes I swear the value system in this country makes me sick sometimes. Literally sick!


    Since buying The Wall Street Journal, Rupert Murdoch has talked freely with the author about his business, his family, and the future. (There was serious gossip, too.) It’s an unparalleled look at the 77-year-old mogul, transformed by his marriage to Wendi Deng, yet utterly, unapologetically himself.


    Gossip was one of the consistent themes in my conversations with Murdoch when I interviewed him over nine months last year. If I brought him gossip, he was much happier than when I did not. Sometimes I made the gossip up—that kept him as happy. Gossip, for Murdoch, is partly business intelligence, but Murdoch also likes to know who is sleeping with whom. He especially likes to know what liberals are sleeping around (but he will take conservatives, too). It is a prurient interest, but it is also leverage. He refers to having pictures and reports and files—though this may be as much what he imagines a powerful person like himself should have, whereas all he really has is some speculation from sycophantic reporters feeding him what he wants to hear.


    With six children from three marriages, Rupert Murdoch’s family is a source of endless drama and speculation—most recently about his attractive third wife, Wendi Deng, and their two kids—its dynamics tightly bound to his News Corp. empire. In an excerpt from his forthcoming book about Murdoch’s takeover of The Wall Street Journal, Michael Wolff has an inside look at the shifting power struggles and emotional inheritances of Prudence, Elisabeth, Lachlan, and James Murdoch, as well as Deng’s ascent, for a portrait of that rare phenomenon: the 21st-century dynasty.

  21. Anonymous10:27 AM

    OMG. Check out this story that just appeared on Yahoo:


    About Matt Lauer's interview of McCain.

  22. Gasman10:35 AM

    The humorous bit above is far closer to the truth than most of the accounts of Sarah Palin. Just remember Icarus: his fall was great only because he deigned fly too near the sun. Our little Miss Nacississ of the North appears to be retracing the trajectory of Icarus. Her plunge will be even more spectacular.

    If the portrayal of Palin’s mental acumen by Schmidt, Halperin, and Heilemann is even close to being accurate, it makes one wonder how long FauxNews will put up with Palin. If she truly did not (does not?) understand the difference between N. & S. Korea, that Africa is a continent and NOT a country, has verbal ticks like O’Biden, she will take weeks of prep for every on air performance. Are they prepared to put her through mental boot camp before every on air appearance? How would Palin withstand the sudden unfamiliar inrush of information into the cavernous vast emptiness that is her head? It might be like the collision of matter and antimatter, or in this case, knowledge and anti-knowledge. Her head might just explode! Boom! Either that, or she won’t be allowed to go on anything that is aired or taped live, which would mean that costs for her shows would be higher and they would be tediously slow to produce.

    How long would her colleagues at FauxNews cover for her? If she is still an incurious moron who feels no compunction to study, will her peers suffer this fool indefinitely? If she is hogging the limelight AND needs to be carried by her peers, how long will they endure the injustice? Good times a comin’ folks!

    FauxNews certainly is buttressing their journalistic credibility with the addition of Palin to their stable of slobbering goobers, buffoons, oafs, cretins, ignoramuses, simpletons, imbeciles, morons, and lying shills.

  23. I predict Sarah will get big ratings on Faux the same way Glenn Beck does - people will tune in for the crazy. She is a slo-mo train wreck people of all political strips cannot peel their eyes away from. While I expect her to do quite well ratings-wise, her biggest challenge will be keeping her shit together.

  24. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Any bets on how long she can stay on script? 1/2 an appearance? Less?

    Too bad no one in the know spilled the beans before this announcement becaue now it will just be fodder for her Fox news persona...Speaking of Fox news do you think that Grandma OPalin use to Greta's surgeon?

  25. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Oh gawd. Fish lips!

  26. Wild Turtle--LOL! I, too, could not take my eyes off that parka. It's carnage incarnate.

    And I observe that Palin is apparently a fan of the grossly oversized tops. I posit that this makes her feel more "teeny-tiny-starlet" like as she diets her way into unnaturally thin territory.

    And, too, we know how she likes to remind herself and others that she was set here on earth to have dominion over its creatures.

    If only we could shrink her words and very presence down into near invisibility.

  27. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Dear Gasman, Exactly who is the bright light, sane rational voice of Fox? They are all boobs who make outlandish statements. They form the hit parade of Keith Olbermann's Worst People in the World with their lack of knowledge of history, politics, social groups, anything.

    Jon Stewart, on a regular basis, shows clips of their stupidity. Sarah has found her own kind.

    Think Progress is running a quote from a Fox official who doesn't care if Sarah makes false assertions on TV. He wants her to be sensational (for the ratings!).

    I predict that Sarah is going to have trouble in a couple of departments. She does not suffer criticism well, and when she makes the Worst People in the World list, finds herself in that blooper reel on You Tube, or becomes the butt of another SNL parody, one day she will snap and let loose with everything that she's been holding back. It will only take one more joke from Letterman to make her snap.

    If she doesn't do that, she will use her new found platform to try to publicly humiliate Levi. Everything with Sarah is personal, and she does not have the self control to laugh it off or let it go. She is still going on about Katy Couric after all.

    The other thing that will not work in Sarah's favor is that someone is going to write her script, tell her to read it and stick to the talking points. Sarah couldn't do that during the McCain campaign for two months.

    There is already betting in Ireland as to when Sarah quits this job. At first she will be a ratings bonanza. Oprah got huge ratings for that awful non-interview. Sarah will be attractive to her own crowd for a few weeks. We remember the title of her book, and the day that Sarah decides to bid for her own show, goes off the rails, departs from the script, adds her own two cents, they will buy out the remainder of her contract.

  28. honestyinGov11:12 AM

    I have to ask. What is the name of the Pet Chihuahua that Paris Hilton wannabee was dragging around on a leash in that clip...?
    Are you saying the chihuahua/warthog was Meg..? I wouldn't have ever recognized her. The shorter hair is NOT a good look for her. It's not attractive and she can't pull it off like " the Perky One ".
    Resembles sort of a 12 yo boy look...?
    That Miley Cyrus's Dad haircut style.
    ( Cue the banjo music )

  29. Anonymous11:23 AM

    The body language between the Palins is cold and creepy – very different from the spontaneous affection displayed between the Obamas. He is lagging behind deliberately, as though he is hostile and angry at his insignificance. What non-lobotomized, non-castrated male WOULDN'T have a problem with that? Did he quit his job to be her full-time appendage and baby-sitter? Is this the end to his iron dog days? She is clearly in her own solar system, reigning full-time in her own Faux Queendom (Queen dumb).

  30. Anonymous11:25 AM

    @SusanMD, I believe that the most simple explanation is usually the best explanation. I think that after the Conservative Cruise swooned at the feet of Sarah, she was thrilled, no dazzled, with the prospect of being on a short list for the VP nomination.

    If Bristol was pregnant at that time, Sarah could not let anything stand in the way of her (Sarah) getting to the top of that short list. She had to cover for Bristol. Christian Conservatives vs. unwed teen mother, I think that Sarah just chose the first thing that popped into her mind, covering for Bristol.

    I do not think that Sarah does very much long range planning, or knows how to weigh the positives and negatives in making a decision. She acts impulsively. So, when McCain was chosen as the GOP nominee, she saw her chances improve and announced her "pregnancy."

    There have been many stories like that scenario. Bree Palin, the blog, describes the same story on Desperate Housewives. Bobby Darin, the pop singer, was surprised to find out that the woman whom he thought was his mother was really his grandmother, and the woman whom he thought was his sister was really his mother.

    Let's look at the other choice. Sarah is excited to be on the short list and has a teen aged daughter who will be giving birth before the VP is chosen. How would that look? She couldn't keep it quiet; too many people in Alaska were gossiping about it already. And, what would they do with the father of that kid? In Sarah's line of thinking, I think that she made what looked like a good choice for her. Sarah was popular, and likely to be believed.

    We have two choices in terms of knowing ahead of time that the child Bristol was expecting would be born with DS. If they knew ahead of time, Sarah's thinking would have been that she offered the kid better health care. He would be a great burden for an unwed teen aged girl. It fits the quotes from Levi that Sarah was always after them to adopt their unborn baby.

    If it turned out that they learned about Trig's DS after he was born, Sarah was still quick to embrace it and capitalize on it in terms of the right-to-life crowd.

    I do agree that in the long run, Sarah was chosen to attract the disenchanted Hillary voters. It was such a shameless ploy that it is a good thing that it backfired. The people who are very good at seeing through Sarah's fake stuff are women! Anyone who has given birth, or been an intimate part of the birth experience, never believed that Wild Ride Story from the first time it was told.

  31. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I'll give her 5 mos. After the Fox people are around her for a while it will be just like the McCain campaign, ( remember it only took them 2-3 mos.) their going to see the real Granny OPalin. Deer in the headlights, backstabbing,whining, no nothing idzeet . A pretty face and winking will only go so far, especially one that's going on 50.

    My questions are-
    How long will they put up with her? How many people will Mudock let her throw under the bus at Fox? How will she handle the other media and the paparazzi going after her?

  32. I haven't read all the comments, but had to skip down to comment form to address the first comment. YES, and I LIKE IT when Gryphen is peeved. Go Gryphen go!

  33. Maybe Palin was on Palin's short list. And did everything she could (meeting McCain albeit briefly at the Governor's Meeting in Washington in Feb.; going to the meeting in Texas and raising her hand apparently when asked if anyone there would respond if asked to be VP, etc.) to have her name and availability come up?

  34. Anonymous12:02 PM

    The Fox people will adore her. Remember, it's not as if they are bright themselves.

    SHe looks horrid. Her lips are absurd. Remember how crooked and thin her lips were before? LOL. She made a minor adjustment during the campaign and after, that was fine. Then the major surgery, which made her mouth look weird...and now this.

    Fish lips. Octo-Mom. Porn mouth.

    Gross. Also, too, she clearly relishes being followed by TMZ like a starlet, but she is a pretender.

    She wants to be a Hollywood elite so badly she can taste it -- but she'll never be one, no matter how much she starves her previously pudgy self.

    She will make waves on the air and the media will report on her...but I sense that her moment in the sun with no criticism is over.

    If she thought 2008 was hard, she'd better buckle up.

    I've seen what "fame" can do and it ain't pretty for the most stable people. Cue the head shaving.

  35. Susan in MD--

    Here's what I think...

    McCain did NOT have the support of the religious right and he desperately needed that to have a chance at the presidency. I don't believe McCain picked Sister Sarah because he needed to attract WOMEN voters, it was because he needed the EVANGELICAL voters since this group makes up a substantial segment of the republican party. In fact, James Dobson had stated in no uncertain terms that he would not support McCain, going so far as to say if it was a choice between McCain and Obama, he wouldn't vote at all. When McCain announced Paylin as his pick, Dobson changed his mind immediately. (Dontcha love that fundamental Christian hypocrisy!)

    Sister Sarah has ties to that community--didn't she and Franklin Graham deliver food to starving Alaskan natives last year?

    So in answer to your question, my guess is this is where she heard it from. I also wouldn't be surprised if McCain loathed having to pick her but felt it was the only way he would get the support of the religious right.

    And if this is true, it would explain why, to this day, McCain stands by her. He cannot afford to alienate this segment of the republican party.

    Check this out:


  36. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I agree the evangelical right pushed Sarah Palin onto the McCain ticket. Johnny MaC could have stuck to his guns, though, and insisted on his first choice, Lieberman. Still would have lost, but IMO, less ignominiously. After the tremendous popularity of Hillary Clinton as a candidate, and the fact that many were embittered over her loss of the Democratic nomination, the fact that SP was a woman is an "also, too."

  37. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Whenever it gets quiet, (no $arah sightings) she reappears with a new twist to her face. What's next? Blond hair and implaints?..

  38. CGinWI1:39 PM

    I expect that Todd is just hanging back because he's been told to stay out of the way of the camera.

  39. Paddy Power, Ireland’s largest bookmaker is taking the following bets:

    Markets for palin
    Date Class Event Type Event Market
    2010-01-17 22:00 Politics Sarah Palin Specials

    When will Sarah Palin lose her Fox News position?

    Palin to lose her Fox TV position

    2010-01-17 22:00 Politics Sarah Palin Specials First Minority Group Sarah Palin offends First offended Minority Group

    When will Sarah Palin lose her Fox News position? Sunday 17th January 2010, 22:00
    Palin to lose her Fox TV position
    Singles Only. *Must be officially announced by FOX.
    Between 01 September 2010 and 31 December 2010
    After 01 January 2011
    Before 01 September 2010

    First Minority Group Sarah Palin offends Sunday 17th January 2010, 22:00
    First offended Minority

    Singles Only. Settled on the first public apology Sarah Palin makes on Fox News. PP decision is final in determining who she is apologising to should it not be obvious. Must happen by 2011.
    The Poor
    African American
    Arab Americans
    Single parents
    Native American
    The infirm
    Senior Citizens
    Third world countries
    Jehovah’s Witness


  40. Anonymous4:08 PM

    The relationship between the religious right and Palin started before Palin had a clue. Graham and Dobson have always been deeply involved, behind the scenes in the republican party. When it became clear that Cheney was not going to run for the presidency there was a top ten list of up and coming republicans, this list did include Palin but she was very low on the list. Palin started making news in Alaska, taking on corrupt republicans, government programs like having the victums of rape pay for their rape kits, the pipeline to nowhere and of course she started using God's name in everything she did. So Dobson who also vacations in Alaska and starts meeting with Palin starts pushing her name to all the republican big wigs that would listen. Just look at his web site archives, it all there. Dobson says he is not supporting McCain early on, he certainly is not going to support Mit, so sorry wrong God worship, and Rudy ... a nonstarter, and who else is out there - the gov from Minn?? Don't think so. So McCain becomes the primary winner but McCain wants Leiberman. MaCain always wanted Leiberman but his poll numbers are slacking against a black man no less, how in the world could the republican party lose to a black man? Dobson tells McCain late in the race that he can deliver the religious right vote - 1.5 to 2 million votes- and that would put him over the top. The catch - Palin has to be the vp. McCain takes Dobson word that Palin is as pure as the wind driven snow and the rest is history. McCain's team sends up lawyers to clean up the mess and figure out that there are a lot of messes and the cover ups begin and haven't stopped since. Palin held Trigg and his ds condition in front of Dobson and Graham's noses like a beacon of God fearing greatness and they believe her hook line and sinker. Thus, when the truth comes out that she is not the birth mother of Trigg, imagine the jaws dropping and anger in the house of Dobson and Graham.

  41. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Anon said "Anonymous said...
    She wears the pants in that family cause she brings in the bacon and Todd better not forget it if he wants to eat."

    Naah--he can just give the Shrieking Fishwife a big "F-U" and go find someone on the Appalachian Trail to feed him instead. Those kids are used to taking care of themselves anyway.

  42. Gasman10:50 PM

    Anon @ 11:07,
    Please reread the last sentence of my post. FauxNews consists entirely of great fetid, festering piles of human excrement. If I led you to believe that I now, or ever have considered anyone at FauxNews worthy of anything other than contempt, I am truly sorry for not stating my views more clearly.

    Rupert Murdoch is an odious turd as are all who labor on his behalf.

    I hope that there is no longer any confusion.


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