Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stephen Colbert addresses Harry Reid's "racism" is a very funny segment.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Harry Reid's Racist Comment
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorEconomy

I loved Morgan Freeman's expression!


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Thank Dog for Stephen Colbert!

  2. Anonymous7:27 AM

    January 12, 2010

    Fox: Palin's Appearances to be Simulcast in English

    Millions to Understand Governor for First Time

    NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) - One day after announcing that she would be a commentator on the Fox News Channel, the network revealed that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's appearances would be simulcast in English.
    "We are delighted that Gov. Palin will, for the first time, be understandable to the English-speaking audience," said Fox News chief Roger Ailes. "This should create a whole new fan base for her."
    Gov. Palin praised the decision, adding, "I know many Americans will be interested in understanding what I have to say and I will also too."
    In a related story, Fox said it had "no interest" in hiring funnyman Conan O'Brien, explaining, "Sarah Palin takes care of our comedy needs." More here.
    For real-time fake news updates go to http://borowitzreport.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=49de3335c30245ecd0fa291aa&id=462803aa75&e=V8EJmNG4jQ

  3. Just saw this my daily email update from Pub Lunch:

    "Books In the News: Game Change Stays at Top of the News Cycle, But No eBook
    John Heilemann and Mark Halperin's GAME CHANGE releases today, after a number of continuous days of headline-making tidbits. The AP reports that Harper has gone back to press twice, bringing the initial run of 75,000 copies up to 155,000 copies in print. Both Amazon and BN.com are out of stock for now, promising delivery in one to three weeks, and the book turns out to be one of those titles for which no ebook version is available to fulfill that instant demand."

    Interesting that they so seriously underestimated the demand for this book that Amazon and BN.com are already out of stock before the book is even released, with delivery of more not expected for WEEKS. The authors must be furious. I'm wondering if Murdoch did this deliberately. I'm finding it difficult to believe their sales reps underestimated demand that much. If so, they should all lose their jobs.

  4. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Great video!
    Freeman's expression:

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I just love Morgan Freeman!!!!

  6. I would say this is yet more Murdoch minuplations for sure. And yes, Morgan Freeman's expression is priceless!

  7. I ordered my book from Amazon just two days ago and I'm expecting it today (I paid $3.99 for 1 day shipping).

    Oh, and I wish the press would stop obsessing about Harry Reid and POINT OUT THAT SARAH PALIN WAS NOT VETTED - AT ALL!!!!

    That's the far more important story out of Heileman's book.

  8. Sarah Palin's book is no longer #1 on the NYT best seller list (it's #2).

    I've seen claims still surfacing as recently as yesterday in news reports (re: her appearance in the "Game Change" book and her Fox hiring) that tout her book as #1.

    Do NONE of these MSM people do fact-checking?


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