I feel that it is important to get this information out, to ensure that people know that Palin supporters, in and out of AK, are threatening a judge, death threats, and that she now has to have armed escort. I don't know if that extends to her family, but if it doesn't, it should. We are not talking about normal people here, folks!!!!!!!!
Yes this is EXACTLY how Palin's supporters deal with anybody who dares speak out against their idol. She started fomenting hate among these people during the campaign and it is still going on to this day.
But if these blowhards and bullies think it will stop the real patriots in this country from revealing the truth about Sarah Palin, well they are sadly mistaken. It certainly did not stop me, it will not stop Levi Johnston, and it will not stop other truth tellers either.
Well gee when this trial is over perhaps I could sit down for an interview with Judge Kristiansen. It sounds like she may have a very interesting story to tell.
Remember everyone, that these are DEATH THREATS and they are aimed at a sitting judge.
ReplyDeleteAlso, to, Sarah Palin looks like a man in that picture.
The shit is definitely starting to fly. Look out, $arah!
ReplyDeleteDon't these morons get that Scarah and company used baby Tripp for money, exactly what they accused Levi of doing??? I mean, I know this crowd doesn't read much, but InTouch seems right at their level. No wonder the Paylins wanted the proceedings to be sealed. What a bunch of scum.
ReplyDeleteGryphen--lawyer here. The judicial code of conduct in most states would preclude the judge being interviewed. Further, regardless of what happens, there's likely to be an appeal--so this will go on for a good while unless the Palins get some sense (exceedingly unlikely) and settle.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, the information you are providing is hugely important.
When Palin fanatics moved into FreeRepublic the Palinbots were so vicious, so abusive and so unpleasant to be around that many old time Freepers left the site rather than deal with them. The Right is full of fringe groups who feel their agenda is the “heart” of the Right. But the Palinbots are the most hysterical and attack-minded and take-no-prisoner types I have ever seen. Even old timers on the Right dislike them and are embarrassed by them.
ReplyDeleteHow non-elite and expectedly stoopid of them.
ReplyDeleteTripp is a commodity.
Tripp is a commodity.
Tripp is a commodity.
Tripp is a commodity.
... blowhards and bullies...
ReplyDeletemay they and their weapons be bound... over and again... bound tightly by those of us who know that Truth shall prevail...
It goes without saying that these threats are documented and any emails are saved on USB hard drives and screenshots.
ReplyDeleteThese hateful people are disgusting and mentally unbalanced.
Why am I not surprised? Why do I feel like crying for my country?
ReplyDeleteThey are too stupid to realize how poorly this will reflect on Palin?
ReplyDeleteSure, Palin HERSELF did not orchestrate the threats, but her rabid "fans" likely did.
While I am on the subject, since WHEN do political figures have "fans" instead of supporters?
I would never describe myself as a FAN of ANY politician - fans are for tabloid figures - duh.
Any way this can get out to the MSM? I'm not registered to comment on HuffPo; perhaps someone here is? So sorry that the judge and her family to have to deal with threats from these Palinfreaks. Though SP would probably "defend" herself by saying that she didn't "ask" for this. Are they hypnotized by her or what? Thanks for posting, Gryph.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Chris Matthews now bashing Palin's lack o'knowledge on full display with a clip from Beck. Glad Chris is finally waking up and realizing what a dimbulb she truly is.
I hope any threats are taken very seriously and I hope law enforcement officials are on the trail of anyone involved. Hate breeds hate, thats what Sarah is all about! Very serious charges can be brought against a person for threatening a sitting judge.
ReplyDeleteI would bet anything that Sarah and Todd are involved in this. It isn't just outsiders. Others have had to have physical and legal protection from the Palins.
ReplyDeleteDid you hear Scarah is ONLY allowing conservative press to hear her tea party speech? Isn't that a bit Communist? Is this North Korea or Iran?? She only allows press that make her look good. What a joke!! Fair and balanced news? Sarah you are a hypocrite!!!!!
Is this the shit that was hitting the fan today Gryphen?
ReplyDeleteThe threat thing - these people are sickos and we've known this for quite some time. Give them rope - here bud this is for you - go hang yourself a little quicker, OK? They are stupid beyond words or comprehension. They will suffer at their own filthy hands given enough time.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, just musing, it's highly possible that Twitty Sarah is just using Bristol's custody case as a smoke screen to slow down Levi's damage while she plumps her hate feathers on FOX. With all the stupid stuff, filing late, using a known false Twitter account for slamming Levi - it's just all too sloppy, ya think?
They know full well that custody for Bristol will never happen, but with this threat hanging over Levi and family, she (or those who control her...at this point, I think it's her flying monkeys)is delaying the divulging of information he and others around him may have.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock - Sarah's worst nightmare is the sound of the clock.
It is time to get law enforcement involved on IP and phone records related to these threats.
ReplyDeleteFor anyone who breathed a sigh of relief at the recent posts that Sarah was not going to pursue a career in politics, sorry! Sarah is just as dangerous out of politics. Please remember the extreme measures that she and Todd used to try to get a former brother-in-law fired.
ReplyDeletePlease remember what happened to the guy who wouldn't fire the former brother-in-law.
Please remember anyone who crossed Sarah and got thrown under her bus.
Please remember the nasty threats directed at bloggers that wrote uncomplimentary (yet true) details about Sarah's private life.
Please remember how easily her lawyer threatened to sue someone who said something Sarah didn't like. (He never did sue).
Sarah may not be directly issuing threats, but her mean-spirited statements aimed against Levi have inspired this kind of hatred in her followers. She sure knows how to stir up embers and get the fire burning.
I would hope that the judge issues a gag order, restricting everyone one on either side, principals, lawyers, relatives of relatives, everyone to shut up. No blogs, no tweets, and no more staged articles meant to portray Bristol as the do-it-all loving mother.
I also hope that the judge has very good security. Sarah does bring out the worst in the worst people.
Gryphen, O/T but when is Diana Palins court date? If the batshit that Sarah stirs up ever gives you a slow day, many of us would be interested in an update. :)
ReplyDeleteSteve Schmidt's nickname for $P was "hick on a high wire".
ReplyDeleteWell the hire wire act is over. You're in for the fall of your life (without a net).
Lap dancing would have been much safer than this rope dancing act you tried to pull off.
I think it is not always Palinbots but also Todd's "buddies". That is why it has taken so long for information to come out up there. It could also be why there is a history of accidents and fires.
ReplyDeleteI read in the ADN that the police were investigation people with grudges against judicial officials.
ReplyDeleteDeath threats to a judge certainly count towards that don't they?
Are these threats being investigated or simple buffered?
if this is the environment they are raising this child in, then it would be in his best interest to placed him the custody of his father. get the child out of there..
ReplyDeleteI think Sarah is very well aware of what happens. She always gets others to do her dirty work and then her hands are clean.
ReplyDeleteTrue patriots defend the truth.
ReplyDeleteTrue Hatriots defend the Liar.
"And never the twain shall meet." Sigh.
It's not the Loud Mouth Morans that scare me....
ReplyDeleteIt's the "Accident's R Us" organization that nobody see's and/or hears that I worry about!
I hope they are investigating this crime. They can track emails and trace phone calls. I doubt Sarah's fans are smart enough to cover their bum.
ReplyDeleteThese people need to be prosecuted.
Off topic - poor Willow may be acting out now. Can someone help those Palin children? Child services?
That baby whose "father can visit him any time he wants" looks NOTHING like Levi. I'm talking about T2. T1 does, however. A lot. Especially in those latest In Touch photos. But the baby getting the bath in the sink, also too, in In Touch? Not on your life. Get a DNA test Levi.
ReplyDelete3:55 PM
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
It is time to get law enforcement involved on IP and phone records related to these threats.
The judge IS law enforcement!
It might be comforting for the judges mother to think that all the threats are coming from "outside", or maybe her daughter told her that to ease her mind..........but make no mistake.....AK has as many "teabag crazies", if not more than other states.
ReplyDeleteEddie Burke is a prime example and the hairdresser in Wassilla (must be something in the water there)is as afflicted as Sarah Palin.
After Troopergate, folks knew that they was concrete reason to fear the Wassilabilly Palins.
While you should never cower in fear........your senses should be on "high alert".
Security cameras are a wonderful thing and they almost all have "night vision" and audio now too.
The remote are the best.
Daily routines should never be "routine".
Never be predictable.
Even simple things, like plenty of outside lighting is a great deterrent.
Have someone(s) that will recognize an emergency, besides 911 on your speed dial on cell phones as well as home phones.
Phones should be kept completely charged at all times.
Spouse and I inherited something from his grandfather.
It came from his boat (we are avid boaters), his mother passed it down to us.
His boating days were in the 20's through most of the 50's.
It is an odd looking 3 foot piece of wood dowel .......half filled with lead!
Much more lethal than a baseball bat and completely inconspicuous.
I worry about the Alaskan bloggers as well.
"I think Sarah is very well aware of what happens. She always gets others to do her dirty work and then her hands are clean."
ReplyDeleteLike when she was asking veterans to file complaints on her behalf against anyone filing an ethics complaint?
Former 1/2 Term Gov of AK, along with Rushbo, Hannity, O'Reilly and other non-forgiving so-called Christians forget there are others out there; with guns who are also few cans short of a 6-Pack listening to their rants. They are basically inciting ppl to "do something" to stop whatever their cause of the week is.
ReplyDeleteThose doing the ranting should be held accoutable for exploiting these ppls fears.
It isn't like everyone screaming "I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore" out the window, they are playing with peoples emotions & mental stability, especially when these poor souls get their guns out to "fix the problem"
The feds should be looking at these folks just like they look at white supremacists groups. They are anti-government to the nth degree and are very dangerous. And while the number may be small, they represent the very outside edge of an even greater number of people who have the view that no government is better than what we now have.
ReplyDeleteella - Child services should have done their job long ago. The delay puts all the children at high risk and in danger. Can you imagine the caliper of people that are around when the parents go to the lower48? Wasilla Mafia types 'protect' the compound. Poor Tripp and Trig. If it was Charlie Sheen, Octomom or Tiger Woods child services would be there.
ReplyDeleteThis will cheer Sarah up...Katie Couric Wins duPont Award for Sarah Palin Interviews
ReplyDeleteI hope you or Shannyn Moore have forwarded this news onto MSNBC and Daily Dish. Seems to be a good tie in with the new Fux job she just started and her Agenda. Throw in the Nat'l Enquirer.Might take up the whole hour to cover over these Nuts.
I'm going to look it up anyway but how about in an Update posting the phone number and email address of Gov. Parnell's Office. I for one want to know what kind of a response ( if ANY ) I might get to my email.
Parnell is CLOSE to the Palin Clan. He goes to the same Church ( IF sarah ever goes )and he has PERSONAL contact with this Family. He could call up the Palin household anytime to contact someone. How can he as the GOVERNOR ( OR as a friend ) not call up and ask " What is going on here ?" This is OUT OF CONTROL and has to stop.
It is HER Followers that are threatening a sitting Judge working for Him and His State. Parnell...Chief Executive..Do you support your Judges... Are YOU afraid of this Family as well..? Call it an intervention or whatever.
Parnell... you FAIL as both Governor and Friend.
The email is on the way... I hope others send Him one as well. I will email the Reply to you Gryphen IF they respond. I'm calling on the phone as well. They have to answer that way. Can't run and hide.
Shannyn can write on Huffpo. Hopefully we will see something there as well.
Speaking of worry....
ReplyDeleteNeither Linda or Shannyn have posted for 3 -4 days now and AKM's not posting "as much"........something's "in the air"?
LA in SF - You should take a look at Palingates. There is a post with pictures of Levi and Mercede as young children. Levi looked a lot like Tripp when young (or Tripp looks a lot like the young Levi). For one, Levi was blonde as a child.
ReplyDeleteHer "news career" certainly didnt last long without a bit of turmoil!
ReplyDeleteI "predicted" once she was part of the MSM she hates with "so much appreciation", that every tabloid would be up her arse.
I didnt think it would take 3 days for the mittens/rove/gop machine to START to unleash the dirt.
This aint the iceberg. Its just more icing on her shit, at the expense of her kid.
go home $s'arah. your kids might need you.
we dont.
I agree that the judge's mother might be "comforted" to think that the threats are the work of outsiders-- those people would be more easily spotted. But we know that locals are involved. I hope that the judge's security team is aware of that.
ReplyDeleteDrew said at 404pm:
ReplyDelete"It's not the Loud Mouth Morans that scare me....It's the "Accident's R Us" organization that nobody see's and/or hears that I worry about!"
You mean the state trooper harrassment/accidental plane crash type?
Interesting info. on Olbermann tonight regarding Scott Brown running for office in Mass.
ReplyDeleteSeems he posed nude in Cosmopolitan magazine at one time
I think $arah needs to see how Levi's 'porno' career could someday lead him to a political career.
Talk to Linda at Blue Oasis. To this day she is still being harassed and threatened by these wretched people.
So the judge has police protection and Levi has a bodyguard ....
ReplyDeleteAnd the Palins don't even have a dog - and don't hesitate to invite the m-e-d-i-a into their house.
Her cult followers are getting $P into some very hot water here. She will pay for her lack of control over them. She'll never be able to pull another Troopergate out of her azz.
Thanks for sharing this with us. It needs to be exposed in the msm, but we all know how slowly these wheels turn.
ReplyDeleteI also doubt Sarah has clean hands. We all saw how she orchestrates campaigns of hate in politics to push her agenda, and now as a "private citizen" with a following of like minded loonies, she's even more dangerous.
Put the best forensic detectives on these "messages" and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. This is coward-ass bullshit. Fuck sarah and her followers.
ReplyDeleteJust watched her on Hannity - I would say WORSE than Beck and O'Reilly if that is possible.
ReplyDeleteBack to being manic, highly animated - very negative, bashing Obama, NO ideas, NOTHING good or positive to say. I swear she babbled the following: "Harry Reid is driving the bus into (or off of) a trainwreck." Guess she meant driving bus off cliff? Who knows?
It was utterly nonsensical - worst word sald EVER!
Wow, is it me or does Sarah look like she is totally morphing into the Anita Bryant of the modern day, that bump... the blazer with the two flags, one's not enough for the real patroits..their double patroits...very unattractive...wow I am glad that is not my mom...I'm just a valley girl what do I know.
ReplyDeleteRight now this stuff about the judge is just hearsay. Someone who knows what the judge looks like should verify that she has a security detail. Then this story can go to the MSM.
ReplyDeleteIMO, people are already shut down about telling what they know about the Palins. It's obvious that Van Flein can't sue anybody when something comes out about Sarah. If they could, suits would be filed right now - against Steve Schmidt, against the authors of Game Change. Everyone up there in Alaska fears her - I think with good reason. Her tactics are working - she and her goon squad have put fear into everyone up there. That's why nobody is talking.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm not right (and I may not be right) I think we'd be seeing more information on her right now. Quite frankly, I'm concerned about the Judge as well as the judge's mother. If the judge wanted that information out, she herself would have released it. Don't you think? Hopefully releasing this information in this blog today, won't put those innocent people in more danger.
Your new governor...I'm thinking he's Palin's puppet. He's not going to take a stand against her. Why would he? That would be taking a stand against his church family as well. (Can't believe a church would promote and protect somebody like Sarah Palin. Incredible). For all the talk about Alaskans being wild, free, independent people, seems there's at least quite a few who are filled with fear. Not talking about the bloggers - talking about all those who know things about Palin but who are afraid to speak up. Not talking about Levi and his family either - obviously they've suffered just from being involved with Palin and there's too much at stake for Levi.
You folks up there - bloggers, anybody who isn't a devoted fan of Palin - all of you are in scary positions. I say take every precaution possible. The more that gets out about Palin's goons' "strengths" (such as threats against the judges, etc.), the stronger Palin gets. Whatever she's done, whatever her husband has done, they've gotten away with it. The sheer numbers of the audience that sees her on Fox, thats the only hope of her falling into the obscurity that she deserves. Guess I'm counting on the intelligence of the American public who watch her on Fox. Now that's a scary thought.
Also, too, IMO Tripp looks like Levi did when he was a baby. Tripp is a cute little baby. My heart goes out to all the young people involved. This talk about DNA - when that little fellow grows up, public knowledge that daddy was looking for a way to deny that he was Tripp's Daddy, well I think that would hurt Tripp. Levi's in a tough spot. No responsible and loving parent would want their son involved with a family such as the Palin family or see their grandchild raised by people like the Palins or Heaths. This sad situation is the result of that involvement.
As follow-up my earlier post-
ReplyDeleteParnell is Chief Executive Officer for the State-Governor. If there are ' State'Troopers being assigned to watch or guard one of His Judges.. he KNOWS about it.No one could bury their head in the sand THAT deep. Someone in his office has informed him and told him WHY they need this duty detail. He doesn't have a problem with these Officers being used and pulled away from other things that they SHOULD/Need to be doing. To PROTECT a Judge? Alaskans should be upset they have to pay for this.
Somebody else email Parnell as well. He can't get away with denying he doesn't know about it.
Just watched a tape of Hannity / Palin where she does the "bus-train wreck" thing. She's certainly more animated on Hannity than she was with either O'Reilly or Beck. Also, too, she's gasping for breath again. What IS that? Dosage out of whack? Or mind out of whack?
ReplyDeleteHere's my thoughts for your boy, Levi, maybe you could tell him.
Also, too, I gotta say, Levi if you were to come out publicly to say or do something to help Haiti you would come out smelling like ROSES.
Dude, give it some thought. If not for real, do it for the goodwill you would garner from people already and not so much in your camp.
Threatening a judge under any circumstances is just plain stupid. Palin and her Bots should realize the s**t is about to hit the fan, and act accordingly. But then I guess that is asking way too much for their little pea brains to digest. Too, too bad
ReplyDeleteHas $arah, the god fearin', lovin' christian that she is, tried in any way to calm her troops?
ReplyDeleteHas she sent a statement out to her co-lunatics to encourage reason? To discourage violence?
Just goes to show the type of devious witch $arah Paylin is..(yes, Paylin)
It was refreashing watching Keith and Ms. Maddow tonight without any mention of HER. (tho I relish their $P reports)
aha: Perhaps Levi HAS donated to the Haiti victims. An individual with CLASS does not brag about or announce an act of charity.
ReplyDeletePalin, on the other hand, may use her cell phone to text in $10 and tweet it to the world.
Then again, other than taking 2 seconds for a tweet, she does not mention the victims at all - long FOX interviews, the whole planet mourning Haiti victims - and she is too busy bashing our President to acknowledge the biggest and most tragic news in the world today.
Have I mentioned that I think she is a shallow, disgusting, sorry excuse for a human being?
Sharon in Florida
ReplyDeleteI missed Hannity/Palin tonight. She is back to the energy dosage? Which one next?
I love the HD. She can't hide so much. Where will she pop out next?
yeah, Ella, I meant he should come out publicly and encourage other Alaskans or whomever to donate. You know, he should act like he's civic minded, like he cares about others besides his situation. He has somewhat of a public platform and could use it for good.
ReplyDeleteUnless of course he really doesn't give a shit...
I'm just saying.
honesty in gov, well said as usual. As always, your posts are inspirational, insightful and constructive. As human beings, wherever we are, whatever we do, we all have a responsibility to make our opinions known at whatever level is appropiate to manifest a more positive approach.
ReplyDeleteSarah may be intellectually lazy and poorly educated, but she is no dummy when it comes to money. She undoubtedly realizes that if she made a donation to the Haitians and encouraged her followers to do so, they would........ but she also realizes that would be money they couldn't send to her!
ReplyDeleteThe Palinbot threats are for the most part probably empty. Bullies are cowards. Death threats are a type of psychological warfare used to render the victim unable to function,force them to either act in a negative way or submit to the wishes of the bullies. That was the purpose of the death threats I got in Nome also. The big issue is mental health care is so poor and there is not a good system for assisting those who can't help themselves get to treatment. As we have seen even a state like Washington which I know had one of the best mental health systems in the country is not detecting and securing unstable, violent mentally ill people who have committed violent acts. Alaska never had much of a system for this to begin with. Someone who is mentally ill may latch onto their crazy ideologies and have some kind of lone wolf event. Lots of people have issues with judges for many reasons, especially when the judicial system is so dysfunctional. It would take a mentally unstable person to think harming a judge is the solution to a problem.
ReplyDeleteI take it as a very good sign for the judicial system when a judge does the right thing in the face of threats from bullies.
I've noticed that a lot of people from out of state are posting here and I think you are unaware of some things in this state. Remember Todd was and I would say probably still is a member of AIP. The John Birch soceity was at one time also very strong here in South Central Alaska. People up here do not like the Federal Government and do not trust them. They think the lower 48 are stealing their resources and infringing on their God given rights. There are many unorganized bouroughs up here that do not pay any taxes at all and they want it kept like that. Sarah Palin her Dad, and Todd would love to have Alaska succeed from the Union. There is a different breed of person up here and Sarah just happens to be one of them that has gotten some attention. I have lived all over this State and Sarah is just one of many like her that live here. This truly is a foreign country when compared to the rest of the United States, just look at a map and all the towns and how few roads there are. You can't only have lived in Anchorage and experience what I am talking about. Anybody that has lived in Tok, Glennallen, Kenny Lake or even Fairbanks know what I am talking about. Southest Alaska that's a whole different story.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 8:35
ReplyDeleteWatched Hannity except for about the last 10 min. of show. Palin was excited, animated, talked fast!
Gasping for air although not as frequently or noticeably as she did in the resignation speech. Big contrast to the (almost) sleepy eyed, laid back, wary appearances on both O'Reilly & Beck.
In her comfort zone w/ Hannity? Or over her initial nervousness of first 2 shows? Or ... ???
Death threats to a judge in a custody case?
ReplyDeleteOne question:
Didn't their parents school them about minding your own business? ESPECIALLY in such matters. ahem.
It's like a Trooper Wooten witch hunt. Only worse.
Check Toady's celly calls — to his buddies — at the AIP.
While you're at it - daddy Heath too, also.
Snakes, the lot of them.
"I think Sarah is very well aware of what happens. She always gets others to do her dirty work and then her hands are clean."
A few have mentioned this...I nth it - too true among criminals. Send the patsy. It's called jail cover.
Curtis Menard Jr died in a suspicious airplane accident, apparently there was water in the fuel system.
ReplyDeleteIf I were Track, I'd have my DNA tested and compared to Curtis Sr.
there had been questions over whether Palin was going to endorse Scott Brown--perhaps the Cosmo spread explains why she did not? Awfully difficult to reconcile that with the position in the custody suit.
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget the two mystery fires. Dar Miller - nurse killed and Sarah's Church.
ReplyDeleteSo, the next time she is on the FOX shows, what can she say? She had nothing to say this time but tired old cliched talking points, so, I believe many will tire of her quite quickly.
ReplyDeletePalin seemed manic on the Hannity program. While the bad act Willow and friends committed happened long enough ago that the fix was already in (lawyers, press silence on Willow's involvement, kids silence, etc), tabloid news pushed Sarah over the top.
ReplyDeleteI think that the stress of being in NYC, her underlying insecurity, the disrespect shown by the big boys BOR and Beck pushed her over the edge into a manic state. What we saw on Hannity was manic behavior.
Her minders could not soothe her or medicate her sufficiently and she went manic. Had to find a way to get her home, out of the Oprah interview, out of the FOX studios. Really, thank God for the tabloid break. Gave them a reason to go home.
But really, there was not any reason to rush, again -- bad girl B & E happened days or weeks ago and the fix was already in place.
It should be easy to determine whether threats that appear to have been sent by flyin' teabag monkeys actually were, or whether they were sent by others trying to make it look like flyin' teabag monkeys sent them: If the route trace reveals the use of proxy servers, anonymous emailers/remailers, and secure tunneling - it's a fake. If, on the other hand, it traces right back to Bubba717@Ya-a-Hoo, and you find that an older account on the same server, Bubba716, is frequently accessed by the same IP address used to accessed Bubba717 - then that email's from a genuine flyin' teabag monkey. And a clever one also, too.
ReplyDeleteRebuttal to the Rogue is available on Amazon.com. All proceeds will go to Planned Parenthood in honor of Sara. Never forget how close we came to a national disaster. Never forget that what Palin says is different from what she does. Malia Litman
I have read several posts from this site and I can confirm that the author is a great dude!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean by these words, and I think your thoughts are great!