Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sarah Palin so paranoid that she thought Glenn Beck, who "wrote soft porn for her" the night before, was going to use "gotcha" questions.

Here is a partial transcript courtesy of Think Progress:

BECK: She said, ‘I’m just preparing now.’ And I said, ‘What do you mean?’ And she held up her BlackBerry, and she said, ‘Oh I, I’m wondering why you have me here at the Statue of Liberty.’ And I said, ‘Cause it’s a symbol of trust.’ … And she said, ‘So you’re not going to ask me about the 25 windows?’ And I said, ‘The 25 windows? What are you talking about the 25 windows?’ She said, ‘The 25 windows, come on, don’t play with me. 25 windows, they stand for the different minerals.’ And I said, ‘You could be making that up right now, I have no idea.’ [...]

And she said, ‘So the seven points?’ And I said, ‘What points?’ She said, ‘The ones on her head. You know the crown.’ … And I said, ‘No, we’re not going down that road.’ And she just looked at me like, ‘Um hm.’

And I turned around and I walked out for a minute and I come back and she’s still Googling. Now she’s googling, now she’s googling Ellis Island. Her shields were so high.

Jesus how pathetic are you that even Glenn Beck can make fun of you? I mean this is Glenn "freaking" Beck!

Somebody made the comment earlier that we liberals are all afraid of Sarah Palin.

Really? And what about Palin is scaring us so much? Her articulation skills? Her command of the facts? Her beauty, via plastic surgery and high definition makeup? Or perhaps it is her great parenting skills.

After all we are not the ones shaking in our boots while sitting in front of a man so enamored of us that he is on the verge of whipping out his "little fella" and whacking off on those self same "come fuck me" boots.

Sarah Palin is so terrified that she had me escorted from a public venue, so terrified that she will only allow sympathetic journalists to cover her speech to the teabaggers, so terrified that she refuses to appear on any other cable news channel except Fox.

When the Palin-bots come over here and accuse us of having our "panties in a twist" it is what we call "projecting". They may indeed smell fear, but that fear is on THEIR side of the internet, not ours And do you know what? I don't blame them one little bit.


  1. Nope. We are not afraid of her.

    We are just laughing hysterically at her.

    She is a laughingstock--not just nationwide, but worldwide!

  2. Just when ya think it couldn't get any weirder............

  3. Gryphen: I just posted this on Mudflats.
    Palin told O'Reilly a lie. Bernie Goldberg was just on his program,
    Billo asked her if Sixty Minutes gave her the opportunity to reply to Smith? She said no.
    Goldberg rang 60M and they told him they did.
    Billo tried to duck it by saying her team probabilty didn't pass the message on to her.
    Fancy lying to your new employer.

  4. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Oh this whole thing with Fox is not going to go well. They are all sizing her up with fear of losing their time slots, and she's freaking out paranoid that she's going to be asked a "gotcha" question. Not going to end well.

  5. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Oh my....did Glenn Beck forget thaqt during the interview that she had had TRACK do some Googling to learn about the Statue of Liberty. Riiiiiighhhht! She did that in direct response to all of us who are saying she has no relationship with TRACK anymore. Pathetic.

    Loved the Couric moment.....Who is your favorite founding father? ALL OF THEM!

  6. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I have an ex-gf who is bi-polar and a crack/meth abuser and that is EXACTLY the same kind of babble that comes out of her mouth. I SHIT YOU NOT.

  7. the problem child5:33 PM

    Paranoid much? Evidently both of them have trust issues, if you listen to the end. But it takes Beck's stylist to point it out... so not so much in the self-awareness department either.

  8. mocha5:34 PM

    Those Fox bully boys will eat her alive! Don't show fear around people like BillO, Hannity and Beck. You could tell Beck really enjoyed seeing her all paranoided up. Sheet, I hope this doesn't mean that she'll start showing up on Shep's shows! Yuck

  9. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Yeah, fearful in the way someone would be if their 5-year-old son took car keys and said he was driving to the store...

    Clearly there is no danger that Sarah will wow anyone with her diplomatic skills or economic prowess. Most don't want someone who is clearly insane blowing up the country or forcing them to live in her version of 'Christian' America .

  10. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Of course she's paranoid. She's a effing idiot and is afraid her base will find out.

  11. hdtracy5:39 PM

    With all the kerfuffle going on with Palin lately, I thought I would interject with a moment that clearly demonstrates what real class is all about:

    Michelle Obama on Sarah Palin:

  12. emrysa5:40 PM

    honestly, that whole "conversation" sounds like a set up. trying to make it look like sarah does her research.

  13. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Wow! Is this for real or a satire? Seriously! Beck trashing Palin?

  14. get real5:42 PM


    Come on. The Right is scared sh*tless because there is a black man in the White House!

    They also lost the Senate and the House. Scared sh*tless indeed on their part.

    It really is about projection with these people. Up is down and black is white and lies are like truth to them.

  15. FEDUP!!!5:46 PM


    I thought I distinctly heard her say that TRACK was googling the Empire State Building for her? (Remember, people were commenting that he is still in the Army and thus most likely NOT in NY?)


  16. All that googling and yet, on air, Sarah made a point of saying Track googled the Statue of Liberty for her. Perhaps, some paranoia about the perception of her relationship with Track?

  17. Anonymous5:52 PM

    On Hannity she just said that Harry Reid (who she calls "Reid"--just as she says "Pelosi" and "Obama") is "driving a bus into a train wreck." The woman is an imbecile.

  18. Her fear and insecurity, which very few are willing to see, are precisely the reason her minder, Todd, had to travel with her to NYC. He was so close during the BOR interview that billo called him out - saying he is right over there and the subject related in some fashion to protecting Sarah.

    Only the nuts and bots make her feel powerful, so she keeps them on the hook always coming back for more. They are too stupid to see that she is draining their pocketbooks. Their minds are already empty.

    It is my opinion that the founding fathers question was in some fashion set up. I believe that SP knew there would be a discussion point about the founding fathers. How did she know of GW's reluctance to be forever powerful, to abjectly refusing being like a king. She had googled GW before the interview. WHY? Cause she knew it was going to come up. That's why the fool said bullcrap. He intended to shock her out of the Couric response - it was like he was saying to her, damn now, pay attention I JUST TOLD YOU ABOUT GW. You just read about GW on the google. SNAP OUT OF IT!

  19. laprofesora5:53 PM

    I cannot imagine what it must be like inside her head. How awful to go through life always playing catch-up. Geez, wouldn't it be easier to just a read a book and learn a little something? I know how anxious I get if I think I'm not prepared for a meeting or a class. I can't stand even being late. WHY would you choose to live your life that way? What a complete and total train wreck.

  20. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I've got a lot of patience. I remember when people said Going Rogue wouldn't do well. It has. Now the same people laugh at Sarah Palin's now that she is on Fox News. Don't worry though-she'll get the last laugh.

    Nobody here can bring her down now. Not Gryphen or any other blogger. Not Levi Johnston. No one.

  21. hdtracy5:57 PM

    Interesting perspective on Sarah and her new career path:

  22. Too bad she didn't know he was going to ask her about the Founding Fathers. Then she could have come up with something better than "All of them! (think.. think . . ..think. . was George Washington a Founding Father? Ok, I'm going to pick . . .) Washington!"

  23. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:08 PM

    25 windows = 25 gemstones of the world. The only reason I know that is that my husband is into gems. In fact, I just googled it myself to confirm. Other than that, she sounded like her usual babbling self prepping for a game show. When DO those collagenated lips stop flapping?

  24. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Sarah's too lazy to learn. She thinks she can lie her way thru any situation with her bullsh*t. She may be laughing all the way to the bank but she is pathetic. It'll all catch up to her in the end. Then we'll see who is laughing last.

  25. mommom6:13 PM

    So she gets Track to Google the Statue of Liberty so she can be prepared for an interview? Wouldnt it be better if she was,say,knowledgeable about current facts and figures?How on earth does the fact that she can get her child to look up something on the internet show she has a clue?
    No,wait!! I have it!! Track will become a paid adviser upon his leaving the service,his time in Iraq will make him qualified to give her advice about world affairs,so he can be paid from SaraPac.

    Then Willow will get her own corporation,so that she can be paid from the Pac!! What job ??

    Party planner!!!

  26. emrysa6:13 PM

    track could become a very, very rich man and in the process getthefuck away from that psycho family.

    write a book, track. someone would most likely pay you more than your mother was paid. think about it...

  27. Anonymous6:16 PM

    @5:45 - whether you know it or not, you have brought her down--you yourself, personally and those like you. It is the acid level of her supporters that has turned off so many people: the venom, the threats, the delusions, such as you just expressed for all to see and judge.

  28. Anonymous6:20 PM

    (wave) High Scarah! (wave)
    Her/your kids might bring her/you down...

  29. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Track was googling for Sarah? I predict that he will have his own LLC, Palin's Research Team.

    Even with the googling, and looking down in her lap at her notes or blackberry, Sarah still didn't get it right. Sorry, Sarah, but the 25 windows represent the 25 gemstones on Earth. (No, I didn't look up the names of the gemstones, but in the world of geology, I think a gemstone is more important than a mineral).

    Of all the things to know about the State of Liberty, it isn't how many steps to the top or what the seven points on the crown represent. It is what the statue represents, starting with "Give me your tired and poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.."

    It represents a gift of friendship between France and the United States that dated to the American Revolution. Its gift marked the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

    Chris Matthews was horrified to learn that Sarah had to be tutored about the history of World War I and II, the Korean War, Iraq and so on. They should have started with the American Revolution, when France was the ally to a fledgling nation. Our revolution inspired the French Revolution. But then, Sarah would need to have read a history book to understand the importance of the Statue of Liberty.

    The strongest emotional connection that people have is that it was the first thing that immigrants saw on their arrival to the United States. Unless we claim native heritage, that emotional connection belongs to most of us. (OK, my father came in through the port at Baltimore, but my mother's family would have been moved by the sight of the statue). All of this is more important than how many windows, how many points and how high the Empire State Building is.

    If Sarah cannot distill what is important about one of them most iconic symbols of this country, maybe the Irish had better change their odds on how long she will last at Fox. Dimmest bulb in the chandelier.

    MSNBC showed her dumb response to which of the founding fathers was her favorite. Stumped for an answer, she said "All of them." Someone on another blog suggested that Sarah's hairdo hid her earpiece, and only after a few prompts both from Beck and the voice in the ear she remembered that Washington was a founding father. Sarah is going to be put on teleprompter-only, no questions, no conversation, no ad libs, and absolutely no media like her speeches. Oh, I forgot, now Sarah is part of the media that she hates so much. This is going to get complicted.

  30. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Anon 5:54 have you forgotten to take your haldol today? Sarah already has been brought down in many ways- look at her poll numbers. I really feel sorry delusional people. Medicine can help. So can education. Try reading and watching news that is not on Fox

  31. When a person with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder will becaome Paranoid when under pressure.

  32. emrysa6:27 PM

    mxm said...

    "Her fear and insecurity, which very few are willing to see, are precisely the reason her minder, Todd, had to travel with her to NYC. He was so close during the BOR interview that billo called him out - saying he is right over there and the subject related in some fashion to protecting Sarah."

    I agree. I started thinking about that after billo made that comment - sarah is never anywhere without some member of the family. book tour, the first half was mommy and daddy and second half todd, babawawa and oprah interviews she drags a few of the girls with her, todd goes with her to hong kong, he's now with her in ny (just a few examples, there are more) - it's like this is just now dawning on me when I've seen it the whole time, but she is never anywhere without some member of the family. SHIELDS. I think she cannot function without the blackberry shield and the family member shield. wtf is wrong with her? has anyone ever known any adults who have some member of the family with them 24/7? I've never seen it.

    what do you think "her peers" at faux are going to think when they see sarah can't ever come to work by herself? will they continue to put forth the myth that she's some frontier bad-ass? doubtful.

  33. Anonymous6:31 PM

    When asked who her favorite founding father was (a stupid question anyway) she had no idea. I replayed it a couple of times. She looked at the floor for a while trying to stall, and then, if you look closely, she very breifly glanced over Beck's shoulder and imedietly lit up with George Washington. It was like she looked at a cue-card. Then she babbled on about George Washington. She is CLUELESS!!!!

  34. I'm glad $arah is making some money, while she brings herself down. Then we won't have to give her food stamps, lol!

  35. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I have to agree with anony that said nothing will bring this lady down. Look at Rush, Hannity and O"Rielly. They have made some monumental srewups and they are still out there spouting there trash. She has money, power and a audience. Sorry folks she is here for the long haul.

  36. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign6:57 PM

    @ 5:54 Anon

    Gee, that sure sounds very much like Aryan idol worship to me. Pretty silly, you bots. Not big on thinking, or reality. In your wildest dreams! The weirder you guys get, and you are getting very weird as a group, the further away you push all others. You know, voters.

    Why do you think we laugh at your mob mentality? Don't answer that, I'm not listening. You have nothing worthwhile, or interesting to say. I do giggle thinking of you all peering out from under Sarah's bus with wild eyes - a prediction, not a guess!

  37. No one here can bring Sarah Palin down.

    But Sarah Palin will bring Sarah Palin down. And she will.

    Mrs. Palin's disdain for the law, her malevolent disregard for others and for the environment, and her staggering self-absorption and self-aggrandizement--coupled with an ignorance which would be laughable were it not so toxic--that's what will bring Sarah Palin down.

  38. OMG, I am almost, repeat ALMOST feeling sorry for Palin. She is nervous about going on Glen Beck's show?! This is Sarah Barracuda that fears no one? This is who is going to save the free world? This is the woman who the wingnuts are hanging their hopes on?! Hey people, I got news for you this is a woman is that is scared out of her wits that someone, anyone, is going to ask her such a simple question as "who is your favorite founding father", and she has to struggle to come up with George Washington after Glen Beck, Glen Freking Beck, says "Bull crap" to her "all of them"! My god, the woman is in melt down on an international stage, which she pushed her way on to, and there is no effing way out for her! But, I don't really feel sorry for her. Just sayin...

  39. Anonymous7:32 PM

    "Loved the Couric moment.....Who is your favorite founding father? ALL OF THEM!"


    I'm surprised she didn't say, "All of them! Any of them put in front of me!"

  40. Anne NC7:33 PM

    Anonymous @5:54 PM, she doesn't need anyone else to bring her down, she's her own worst enemy. She lies about the most inconsequential things because it's easier than telling the truth for her. She was lying to BOR about 60 Minutes not contacting her and she was lying to Beck about asking Track to Google something for her. I thought it was strange considering she doesn't even go to the beach without her Blackberry but it was an intentional lie to try to convince those of us who have been asking, "Where's Track?" that he's still around.

    I tried to watch her on Hannity tonight but I just couldn't do it. I'd give anything to smack that damn smug look off his face. He's the guiltiest when it comes to revisionist history of the Bush administration, he lies repeatedly about Obama by abbreviating quotes he has made to twist his words, or else he just outright lies. He is the proof that you don't need to have any education or intelligence to become a GOP spokesperson. You only need to repeat right wing talking points & cut off any Democratic commentators when he has the guts to have them on his show.

    I don't like BOR, I think Beck is insane but Hannity is evil. Wow, Sarah will fit in well with this group ;)

  41. 10catsinMD7:34 PM

    Anon at 5:54: Are you on drugs?

  42. Boy, Glenn Beck must be feeling so superior about now...usually everyone thinks HE'S the batshit crazy one, but with Palin on board, he looks relatively sane in comparison.

  43. chancefavors7:38 PM

    Glenn Beckkk asked Paylin who her favorite founding father is. Her answer? ALL OF THEM... **giggles**
    That was a "gotcha" question.

    I don't they're going to make life easy for her at Fox..

  44. laprofesora said...
    "Geez, wouldn't it be easier to just a read a book and learn a little something? I know how anxious I get if I think I'm not prepared for a meeting or a class. I can't stand even being late. WHY would you choose to live your life that way?"

    Because Palin appears to *truly* believe that she can make it through major political and media events without any serious preparation. We have all seen her total lack of interest in (history, finance, geography, ethics, parenting, government, English, fill in whatever here). She doesn't know, and not only that, she doesn't CARE to know. Her head appears to contains the following:
    • two superficial talking points on about 100 different subjects, and

    • LOTS of buzzwords to fill in the gaps: SNOW!machine, gotcha media, politics-as-usual, proGRESS, good-ol' boys, special needs, also, Pro America, (fill in folksy saying here)

    What makes her drama so riveting is that she also seems to lack any self-awareness about her own limitations. With a setup like that you can almost set your watch by the regular train wreckage. Then add her train wrecking family and it's tough to keep up.

  45. Anonymous7:54 PM

    That "gotcha" question about the Founding Fathers was priceless! I never thought I would be typing this, but Thanks Glenn! She was too busy googling the Statue of Liberty for possible "gotcha" questions on Lady Liberty to even worry about a question that any 7th grade civics student would have an answer. Wow. The unrambling in her life right now must be horrible. I pity her and wish she would just end her misery and put a stop to all of this.

  46. The big egos at Faux already think she is a joke and as time goes they will aid in her swift destruction. They don't want the competition but realize that she does have a strong base so will be very "subtle" in leading her off yet another cliff.

    You could see BOR's not quite concealed contempt during that interview & Blech slammed her before she was hired - when she called him a "hoot." Remember the "in the kitchen" remarks? And he's back at making fun of her again - right after he slobbered over her for an hour. Bet he heard an earful when he got home.

    $carah - you're right! They ARE out to get you. Be afraid, be very afraid.

  47. Anonymous8:29 PM

    What goes up must come down.

    It isn't important to guess how SP will come down. If I were going to bet... she will do it to herself. Maybe with a little help from friends and family.

  48. I gave her 6 months on Fox, I even bet 2 newborns and a baby bump (slightly used) and a piece of toast with Sarahs image burned into it.
    But this will be her ONLY month on faux.
    It is pretty bad when Glen Beck makes fun of you.

  49. Anonymous8:50 PM

    @indy_girl: It's not my comment; I read it during the campaign on Daily Kos. It describes Sarah perfectly. She is too dumb to realize how dumb she is.

  50. Look out Sarah, FOX is out to get you now.

    And you know they will .. a little trip-up every time you come on the air.

    By the way, hon, you'd really look more intelligent if you stopped wearing those short skirts, come-get-me boots, and toned down the hair thing! I know, it wouldn't actually improve your ability to absorb more knowledge but really. You're not in junior high anymore.

    Good clip, Gryphen, thanks!

  51. Anonymous9:05 PM

    People will eventually tire of her inane answers and start tuning her out. It's the same buzz words over and over, nothing new. Who wants to watch her repeat the same message over and over? She would have been better off doing a reality show with her family.

  52. Ratfish9:11 PM

    My theory- continuing on what mxm said above- is that Palin asked about the 25 windows and the seven points or whatever because:

    She had "studied them" and was hoping by asking Beck he would ask her those questions so she could appear to be "smart."

    Also, too, more proof of her weird blackberry obsession. She has it out in gift shops at the NY airport, on the beach in Hawaii, with beck in NY.

    Sick and pathetic.

  53. "...if you look closely, she very briefly glanced over Beck's shoulder and immedietely lit up with George Washington."

    No doubt that's because the ubiquitious Todd was standing just out of camera range holding up a dollar bill.

  54. Did she not know until the last minute about the statue of liberty background? Is that why she waited until the last minute to google libery facts?

    Geesh, she is paranoid if she thinks Glenn Beck is out to get her. Or maybe not. Remember that kitchen crack when she suggested he be on the ticket as her VP?

    What are the odds she might break live on Fox? Have an on-air meltdown? Because you know when it happens if it's on tape, they'll just cancel her and suppress the evidence.

    It's not a matter of if but when. She can't keep this up forever. She's going to crack.

  55. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "She said, ‘The ones on her hand. You know the crown.’"

    'Hand' should be 'head'. I read the Beck transcript. She said "head".

  56. Anonymous10:03 PM

    The seven spikes represent the seven seas and seven continents of the world, according to the Web sites of the National Park Service and the Statue of Liberty Club.

    "That's not true," says Barry Moreno, author of The Statue of Liberty Encyclopedia and the park's official librarian.
    The spikes are sun rays, he says, and the circle is "simply a halo or what in art is called a nimbus, showing she is divine."
    He adds that the Web site needs to be changed.

    The windows beneath the crown are just representative of jewels in a diadem. Not "minerals"...

    Many of us don't know factoids about a lot of different stuff.
    If asked about something that I'm unfamiliar with, my standard response is: "I don't know."

    But I'm not running for top anchor in the free world. Um, I meant president, sorry.

  57. Gasman10:28 PM

    I just love it when the teabaggers proclaim that liberals are simply terrified of Sarah Palin. Isn’t it just precious? How fucking dumb can you be? Not only are we definitely NOT terrified of Palin, we WANT her to run for POTUS! So much so that I will personally contribute to her campaign. Not much, mind you, but enough to keep her going long enough to get really eviscerated in a debate. Guess what, Palin acolytes, if she is actually going to run, then she will have to face real questions and real debates. Palin couldn’t handle big puffy marshmallow questions lobbed ever so gently from Katie Couric. Asking “what do you read” is not a trick question if you actually DO READ! Let Palin face a real hostile interviewer or debate opponent, then you can come and brag how great a debater Palin is. She has been pampered and shielded from ANY tough treatment. She can’t handle the real thing.

    I also encountered a teabagger that proclaimed that Palin would decimate Obama in a debate. Hmmm, I’d really like to take that bet. Palin is an inarticulate clod that can’t make a subject and predicate agree at gunpoint and she is going to debate one of the most gifted orators of our generation? Palin couldn’t win a debate with your average 5th grader. How is she going to cope with someone who actually has multiple, meaningful degrees and much real life experience? Another asshat tried to make the case the being Mayor of Wasilla was actually BETTER PREPARATION for being POTUS that being in the United States Senate. There is really no arguing with that kind of “logic.” When her supporters are that incredibly stupid, you almost, ALMOST feel sorry for them. They will be so bewildered and disenchanted when Palin augers in next time, they will wonder how they got it so wrong.

    Palin is an ignoramus that can’t tell the difference between N. & S. Korea and she thinks that she has the abilities to be POTUS? Possibly the only thing more embarrassing is that there are millions of cousin fucks who are so imbecilic that they think Palin is a gifted orator, leader, and woman of substance. What could possibly be more damning evidence of their profound and utter stupidity than that?

    The progenitors of these goobers spent a few too many generations in the shallow end of the gene pool.

  58. Gasman10:47 PM

    I just listened to the Beck radio bit. Unbelievable. My prediction about the long knives coming out for Palin amongst the FauxNews stars may be coming to pass MUCH sooner than I had expected. Beck was having a great deal of fun mocking Palin and he did so by recounting a private moment that no one else would have ever known about which makes it seem even a bit meaner and more personal.

    Is Beck jealous that Palin might be stealing his limelight? Is Beck jealous because Palin delivers the good wood to Ailes and Murdoch like he never could? Is Palin going to be brought down in a fit of pissy rage by Beck?

    As vindictive and pissy as Palin is in her own right, will she let such sleights pass without comment? She can’t ignore negative posts on BLOGS, how the hell will she be able to ignore being mocked by Beck, someone who in her mind should be her subordinate?

    Let the games begin!

  59. sunnyjane11:45 PM

    Did anybody notice that she now has a ring on her left hand? I couldn't tell if it's a wedding band or something else -- it was dark and she was moving her hand around a lot.

    Maybe Todd broke down and got her something out of a gum ball machine.

  60. Quetzalcoatl12:53 AM

    LOL. You could hear the guy he's telling the story to in the background saying 'what fucken windows...'

    When your colleagues are making fun of you on your first day on the job.... you know it's going to go swell!

    I thought she was into some conspiracy theory, the 24 windows and 7 thorns theory.

    Get your tinfoil hats on folks....

  61. If all this denigration of the President and the politicians, the extreme statements made by the 'tea baggers, the prominience of a demagogic know nothing and the manipulation of it all by Fox were to be happening in Germany, would we be worried?

  62. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Glenn Beck just admitted to the whole world that he is a paranoid personality. Because he thinks Sarah Palin doesn't trust anyone else either, they are somehow sibs under the skin.

    Maybe they both should google FDR and the "There is nothing to fear but fear itself" quote. Better still, maybe they should simply watch and listen to PRESIDENT Obama as he works his way through the labyrinthine economic and military messes that his predecessor left him saddled with to learn just what leadership and fearlessness to confront truly serious issues means.

    Just as I can't possibly see PRESI DENT Obama fearful of what gotcha questions someone like Beck might ask him, I can't see EX-1/2TERM GOVERNOR Palin at the ready with her trusty Blackberry sitting across from Prime Minister Putin ready to deflect gotcha questions about Russian statuary...

  63. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Sarah wants to counter being exposed as a person with zero intellectual curiosity, and a person lacking a well-rounded, general knowledge, by becoming a just-googled, Jeopardy-master of trivial and obscure information.

    If you're such a family-oriented, god-fearing, downhome person, for Christ's sake go home and disappear.

  64. Anonymous2:52 AM

    I'm not the one believing in conspiracy theories that have not a shred of truth.

  65. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Well, I have a theory that I'm posting everywhere I visit. That is: Palin is only on Pox News because her "book" sales did not come up close enough to her advance. Now, Murdoch is an astute businessman and stone capitalist, and he's not going to take a bath on this. He's having cash flow problems (although "Avatar", a Fox Pictures release, has brought in a bundle). It's been rumored that DirecTV is going bankrupt and may be sold to Dish TV as well. So--to make up the loss on the "book", he's chained Palin to Pox to make her work off the liability to him. Palin may love money, but she's a piker when it comes to the Big Boys--Murdoch will throw her under the bus (why do you think Beck has such latitude to say what he did?) before he lets her stiff him (no pun intended). And don't forget the Murdoch family squabbles over Pox's direction.

    I'd love to read her contract with Murdoch...


  66. Anonymous3:34 AM

    All that Googling and he slms her with a gotcha founding fathers question. Limbaugh will probably ask her to spell Alaska or Iran or some other spelling bee word. Always some backbiter out to get her. Poor gal.

  67. Anonymous4:43 AM

    It's not $P that we are "frightened" of. It's the dillusional fan base that refuses to see her for what she really is and how she is using them!

  68. uh oh, the bots are not going to be happy about the write-up about their Queen in the UK Telegraph's list of the top 100 most influential conservatives.

    They've been waiting with bated breath so see where she appears on the list (no. 4) but it's far less flattering than they anticipated:

  69. Anonymous5:02 AM

    I don't think the theory of flagging sales to justify getting Palin on makes any sense. All these huge corporations have totally different budgets, books, boards of directors, etc. If Fox was doing poorly, maybe, but for cable news, I think it's the one that makes the most, if one is to go by ratings. I think Murdoch just likes to spew propaganda to his own ends--that's why she's part of the team.

  70. Anonymous5:03 AM

    I looked up the Founding Fathers just for fun and George Washington is NOT considered one. The signers of the Declaration of Independence are considered the Founding Fathers and there are dozens of names, not one of them Washington.

    And Thomas "Age of Reason" Paine is a favorite of hers since they all are? He would despise this woman's religous BS and everything else about her!

  71. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi are #2 and #3 respectively on the liberal side of the most influential list.

    Sorry, Granny, you lose again.

  72. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Loved the Couric moment.....Who is your favorite founding father? ALL OF THEM!

    Cut Sarah some slack. She thought Couric was asking, "Who is your favorite foundling's father?"

    That is why she answered, "ALL OF THEM."

  73. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Anon at 5:36 said:

    "Of course she's paranoid. She's a effing idiot and is afraid her base will find out."

    Please. Like her base could tell.. Pfft.

    This is the craziest thing I've heard. It's clear that Beck was hoping for some "kindred spirit" kind of moment. Perhaps he was hoping to make her his second wife. Who knows. Instead he found that Palin didn't trust him and sought to justify it to his audience. Because how could she not trust such a profound, sexy guy like him? Must be some logical explanation. Wait, there is. It's television. Television made her that way. If it weren't for television they'd have been rolling around on the floor right there in view of God, George Washington's ghost and Lady Liberty.

    Damn, you television. Damn you for what you did to poor Sarah! Damn you to heck!

  74. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Manicured, jowley face like a babies rear end. Beck really seemed to want to make an impression on her. I only realized they were sitting on a platform a day after. Couldn't understand the low ceiling. So it was set up specifically for her hour long chat.

    If she hears his waspishness about the Statue of Liberty and her paranoia? And she will. hmmmm?

  75. The repeated reference to the number seven in the discussion of the statue of liberty, IMO, represented the Seven Mountains dominionist brand of christianist theology toward a desired world theocracy. At this point, Sarah 'can be used' to 'progress' this take-over of 'America First,' and then world dominion. The 'elect' will lead while because they believe in capitalism in the meanwhile.

    Along with tin-foil hats, we must use our DOG ears to hear the whistles and to recognize the tune.

    Lord have mercy on us all.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.