Saturday, January 30, 2010

Greta has the Sarah-Furby on to discuss the President's speech, the controversial Superbowl ad, and the Teabaggers convention.

Part One

How in the world does Greta ask the quitter what she would do in Obama's place without rolling her eyes or banging her head on the desk?

Doesn't she already know that Palin is going to spout the same barely understood talking points that she ALWAYS uses! I mean doesn't Greta watch her own damn show?

I think that Greta got a little fed up toward the end and tried to actually get Palin to give a substantive answer. I wonder how much longer it will be before she is on O'Reilly's show complaining about how dumb Sarah is like Beck did?

Now in Part Two Palin addresses the Focus on the family Super bowl ad. Oh this ought to be good.

Did this nasty woman just call Planned Parenthood a "pro-abortion" group? This is the group that tries desperately to educate young men and woman on how to practice safe sex to avoid unwanted pregnancies and the risk of contracting an STD. It sure as hell beats the Palin method of faking a pregnancy to cover for your daughter, than outing that same daughter to cover for your lie, and then convincing her to tell the world she has been "re-virginized".

Somehow just putting on a condom seems far less complicated and somewhat more cost effective, don'tcha think?

I am still confused at how Pam Tebow giving birth to Tim, "made the world a better place". I mean it is JUST football, right?

So according to Sarah herself she IS going to speak at the Teabagger convention in Nashville, "you betcha"! And by the way this "cause" she is donating her speakers fee to? Who else believes it will go right to Bristol's LLC?

I am still completely distracted by Palin's mouth. It looks like she is trying to make it appear natural but when she really gets into her argument she loses control of it ans it starts to skew sideways. Very difficult to concentrate on her words with that going on.

Of course, then again, maybe that is a good thing.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    UGH, I couldn't even get through the first video. I surely can't try the 2nd one. This idiot says the same things over and over and over...she has no idea what she's talking about, no idea about policy, government, anything. Someone, put a pin in her head so the rest of the air comes out!

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    It truly is difficult to watch her attempt to speak "english" with her mouth so out of whack... and do you notice when it gets bad her head tilts too??? at one point she ha her head almost laying on her shoulde!!!!!

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Neanderthals like Sarah Palin don't realize that basic sex education and prevention are the best ways to keep abortions from occurring.

    Abstinence does NOT work!
    Just ask Bristol.

  4. Dammit. I've said no nicely several times to Planned Parenthood in the past week or so, and now I'm going to send them some money AT ONCE! The main vilification of PP is to call them "pro-abortion"! Snort stomp rave.

  5. GrainneKathleen9:54 AM

    i wonder if sarah ever watches herself on tv. my guess is yes. but why doesn't she notice how nasty and biased and completely 100% anti-obama no matter if the quesion had anything to do with him or not she comes across? she comes across as angry, jealous, petty, and 100% ignorant. she didn't answer one of greta's questions, not a single one! how long can a foaming at the mouth ignoramus make it on tv, even on fox? or dare i ask that question?

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Geezez, Gen-you-wine!?? What a clueless dolt. She still can't give any specifics, just repeats that common sense solutions garbage. Well, What the hell are they? She ought to talk about pointing fingers. That's all she did on the campaign trail and all she did in Alaska.

    As far as her repeating the talking points on interstate insurance purchases it's evident she's lost. She fails to understand that for that to happen there would have to be a national standard as states have different rules. Oh, but Sarah says it's simple. She would just demand and POOF, it would happen. Please. What a clueless cow.

    Evident that she also is clueless about what the President's job is thinking she can just call up Congress and demand things. Thank god we avoided the Palin bullet. She has no idea how our government functions. I would think Alaskans know that better than anyone.

  7. At 4:52 on the second tape, $P insists that teabaggers want to tell Washington "you're loading up our children and grandchildren with unsustainable death." Not debt. Listened to it three times, it's "death."

  8. Anonymous10:09 AM

    "I am still completely distracted by Palin's mouth. It looks like she is trying to make it appear natural but when she really gets into her argument she loses control of it and it starts to skew sideways. Very difficult to concentrate on her words with that going on."

    How in the hell am I supposed to pay attention to what she is saying with that image stuck in my mind?! Now I'll be looking for smoke coming outta her ears when she gets flummoxed by a really tough question like "what's your favorite color?" from Hannity or Greta.

  9. Tyroanee10:10 AM

    I can't for the life of me understand why she would even put Planned Parenthood in the same line as pro-abortion... just jaw dropping how she can point a bony finger when her daughters are out running amok in Wasssup-ilia- Either knocked up or locked up?
    That town better start batten down the hatches, cuz when Piper gets of roamin' age, it's gonna be a tornado!

  10. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Gryphen wrote: "It sure as hell beats the Palin method of faking a pregnancy to cover for your daughter,.....

    Yes, or faking a pregnancy for any other woman! But I agree wholeheartedly with what you said above. Which makes Bristol the mother agin in your opinion?

  11. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Oh good grief! I listened to the first clip, I can't bear to listen to the next clip. She sounds so self-righteous. She really is a terrible speaker.

  12. Anonymous10:36 AM

    The decent thing for $carah to do is waive her fee for speaking at the Teabagger's Ball. But she won't, because she is all about the money. She's full of crap when she says she'll donate her fee. She will simply launder it back to herself in an unethical way.

    BTW -- what is the status of $carah's illegal Alaska Fund Trust?

  13. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Have you read/researched this from Palingates?

  14. Anonymous10:37 AM

    She's got Howdy Doody chin too. She looks like ventriloquist's dummy.

  15. mommom10:51 AM

    What about her nose? It is so different from before!! We get to look right up her nostrils while she is talking.In the past it turned down at the end,now it is pushed up and looks like her nostrils are 2 black holes staring out at us.

  16. Anonymous11:07 AM

    All she does is attack, she says nothing. Why is anyone even interested in inerviewing her? She has nothing! I see Greta's frustration in Sarah's non-answers as well. Oh, I use "as well" because I cannot use the words "also" and "too" anymore. I try to phrase sentences where I don't have to use those two words.

  17. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Interesting choice of words to defend her speaking fee: ……I’ll be ABLE TO donate it to the people and events……

    She doesn't say she WILL, she says she is ABLE to (and thus could also choose to keep it). And who will ever know gven the lack of disclosures with her....

  18. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Sarah Palin offers NOTHING NEW. Everything out of her mouth is Repub talking point vomit. Same shit, different day. Surely even Faux viewers will get bored. I know I am. I practically have to force myself to read and comment on a Palin article. President Obama's fantastic performance the last few days puts frauds like Palin into sharp perspective. It's only a matter of time before we are ALL begging Palin to just go away.

    And another thing I've also noticed: Palin, with her new plastic looks, is blending in with the herd of Faux Femmes. Whatever "it" Palin had, she's lost it.

  19. Anonymous11:11 AM


  20. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Is it possible that she has been watching and studying too many Nancy Grace tapes? Her make-up job, facial expressions, head movements, forcefulness, negativity levels, dripping sarcasm, and lies are reminding me more and more of Nancy Grace. However, her complete lack of intelligence, experience, facts, or supporting detail is sui generis Sarah. She has become almost a caricature of the castrating female, and is awfully far from pretty or sexy.

  21. sixdollarman11:19 AM

    "We need to get back to the democratic principles of the Founding Fathers and apply those common sense solutions to the economy and health care and empower women and say "No" to Washington and Big Government to progress this blessed nation under the umbrella of job creation also too, so that real Americans can keep more of their hard-earned money and enjoy the freedom paid for by the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform..."

    Like a parrot, Ms. Palin's been well-trained to rattle off phrases endlessly - but has not one original idea or solution of her own to offer. No surprise there.

  22. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Credo has a petition going to PULL THE AD.

    Sorry if already posted.

  23. Q: (Greta asks) What would Sarah do in Obama's place?

    A: Sarah would mumble something incoherent and then quit.

  24. 10catsinMD11:44 AM

    Why can't Tebow look the camera in the eye? He is always looking down. Is he ashamed?

  25. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Ugh .... its extremely hard to listen to Palin for more than 15-20 seconds. She says the same thing over and over again. I agree, Greta seemed to be trying to get her to say SOMETHING substantive, but to no avail. IMO, Greta will be on with BO'R soon to talk about the ignorant ex-Gov from AK.

  26. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Her teeth have also changed: they look bigger, almost inflated. Were her veneers enhanced to support, fill out, or distract from her sagging mouth?

    And wow, is she ever one angry woman – Exhibit A of the b***ch stereotype, the argumentative, screeching, nagging, self-righteous woman that men hate. In fact, at this point, I think she is probably driving away her male audience. She must be seething about the negative publicity that will come from Bristol's upcoming trial, the shame over Diana Palin's situation, Levi's good fortune and, most of all, Geoffrey Dunne's book.

  27. 10catsinMD11:50 AM

    Why doesn't Greta ask Palin about Todds sister Diane and her bringing her children with her on a robbery. It that about a strong woman?

  28. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Dont shoot the messenger (me) but OT
    A link to keep, print, spread around:

    Blocking The Recovery (GOP)
    While Reaping Its Benefits

    How do you say....Hypocrisy

  29. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Tyroanee -" Wasssup-ilia...either knocked up or locked up" LOL!

  30. Anonymous12:05 PM

    If you read the 2007 article that mentions the Tebow episode in the Philippines, it states that Pam was ill two months BEFORE she got pregnant. She was in a coma.
    The time line for this dramatic conception and pregnancy is screwed up if that article is correct. What did Mr. Tebow do, screw her when she was knocked out? Why wouldn't a doctor warn her after she woke up NOT to get knocked up? And why didn't she mention she put her child and herself in danger by getting pregnant when she was taking such strong drugs for her illness in that stupid commercial????

  31. "I am still confused at how Pam Tebow giving birth to Tim, "made the world a better place". I mean it is JUST football, right?"
    * ** * ** * ** * ** *
    I didn't watch or listen to the videos, so I am reacting to just the information in Gryphen's post, but I'm sorry, the "he could grow up to be a great doctor and find a cure for cancer" thing is not an argument for whether one should decide to have an abortion or not.

    There's over, what, six million people who wish Mrs. Hitler had had an abortion? How about Mama Bin Laden? Mrs. Amin? We can go on and on.

    Does that woman ever look at the other side of an issue? (Yes, I know, the answer is no). But there are at least two sides to this. And there are reasonable arguments on every side. That's why Roe v. Wade must stand - because only that way will all people get to decide what THEY want to do, rather than the big evil government telling them what they should do.

  32. Anonymous12:18 PM

    OMG Tell Obama not to point fingers????? All Sarah Palin is good at is pointing fingers, causing problems. Obama is so far over her head!

  33. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I don't know if its the right side that is the problem, it might be moving as normal and it might be the left side is frozen stiff.

    Either way something is wrong.

  34. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I bet even Fox will soon get tired of her word salad.

  35. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Palin is an absolute train wreck. At least the other Faux pundits are good propagandists.

    Fox has overreached with Palin. Anecdotal proof: My mother was sucked into the Fox vortex in the 90's. She is the prototypical elderly Fox viewer. Yesterday she realized and acknowledged, for the first time since Fox came into existence, that Fox's journalistic standards might be lacking. Praise the Lord, hallelujah, my mother has come to her senses! It's a miracle, fifteen years of brainwashing undone by 10 minutes of Sarah Palin's gibberish. Thank you Sarah, thank you for giving me my mother back.

  36. Anonymous1:07 PM

    A good way to take her down is to make her a national laughing stock. I think if some smart cookie made up t-shirts, a la Tammy Faye, entitled "I just ran in Sarah Palin" with make-up stain on the front representing her face, liked she just hugged you, except exaggerate the makeup to represent the plastic surgery, and in the back of the t-shirt, make it look like you are getting knifed.

    Humor does really well. Richard Nixon was taken down by the grassroots this way.

  37. Wouldn't that money be very useful for those babies of moms who made the CHOICE to bring them into this world yet through no fault of their own struggle to provide for that family. I'm just saying what they are saying...common sense. Pro-life for some of these folks ends AT BIRTH!

  38. sunnyjane1:16 PM

    I am still pissed about the statement Sarah made on Oprah's last show that Bristol was receiving mail from women's groups saying she should have had an abortion.

    I have NEVER seen anything from any "women's groups" that tells women they should choose to have an abortion.

    Let's see her produce some of these mailings that Bristol's been getting. LIAR!

  39. emrysa1:17 PM

    gryphen "sound off" was some great advice! I don't know why I didn't think of it before. it seems apparent to me that she has read your post from a few days ago - she starts off really working that left side and like you say, once she gets into her talking points, she just loses it and crooked mouth happens.

    I bet greta is kicking herself wondering howinthehell she could have ever fallen for palin's bs. I bet she's probably embarrassed by her earlier sarah & todd interviews.

  40. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Planned Parenthood was the only way I and a bunch of my friends could afford annual exams when we were in college. It is the only way many, many people can take care of their reproductive health.

    And, COME ON, Greta. You are an intelligent woman. Can you please get your head out of Sarah Palin's ass? What is your deal???

  41. Anonymous1:19 PM

    She definitely has van sustern mouth. I watched it without sound, I can't listen to one more of her stupid speeches.

  42. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I just posted this at palingates..
    this was in June 2008
    just a few months before
    S.P. busted through and started
    with her Absinence jargon

    Pregnancy Boom at Gloucester High - TIME,8599,1815845,00.html

    This was all over the news
    I am wondering why it wasn't brought up when Palin started her "preaching"
    yes there was Bristol sitting fat and happy as proof..
    but at this school all they did was teach Abstinence
    The head of that program's own daughter got pregnant

  43. In a mere 1:33 minutes Tim Tebow said, "...some people won't agree with it, you know, but, I think, they can at least, um, respect that, but I stand up for what I believe, and, um, and I'm never, you know, shy about that, I don't feel like I'm very preachy about it, but I do stand up for what I believe, and at least you can respect that because I do stand up and, um, unfortunately in today's society not many athletes tend to do that, at least stand for something, and so, um, you know, I'm just, you know, standing for something and you know, I'm always been very convicted of it, one, that's the reason I'm here, uh, is because my mom is a very courageous woman, um, and, uh, you know, wouldn't say no in a lot of, um, circumstances, so, um, you know, that's the reason I'm here and I'm very thankful for that, and so any way I could help, um, I would do it..."

    Yes, that was a run-on sentence. He didn't pause once, except for the "um", "you know". And I had to listen several times -- he DID say "convicted".

    He sounded a lot like Sarah Palin did when she gave her "Quittin' Alaska" speech. Hyped up and breathless. Um, you know.

    These two should go out on a speaking tour together -- Mr. Malaprop and Ms. Word Salad.

  44. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I just couldn't listen for more than a few seconds but her face actually looks plastic these days. I've seen how some women who've had things pulled too tight don't even have facial expressions any more. Her perpetual smile now completely contradicts the venom that comes from between her lips.

    And I sometimes wonder...she appears to have just memorized the run-on talking points she seems desperate to get out without taking a breath. If someone stopped her in the middle of a sentence, would she have to go back to the beginning and start again?

  45. So Bristol had Trig?

  46. Gryphen says: "It sure as hell beats the Palin method of faking a pregnancy to cover for your daughter, than outing that same daughter to cover for your lie, and then convincing her to tell the world she has been "re-virginized"."

    Ahhh...It all makes much more sense this way. :)

  47. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Palin comes across as quite fake, cheery chirpy, & with no depth of character. Also lacking humility, & the inability to fess up to inenvitable mistakes, which everyone can encounter in life. Just a phony plastic smile on her face, even when Greta is asking questions, very out of place & weird.

  48. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Politico is reporting SarahPac raised 2.1 million.

  49. scarlet/oregon2:32 PM

    What is most noticeable to me in the recent videos of $arah is her face looks 'fuller' and wondering if she's pregnant???

    If you look at the 'pre-new-face' it is thinner.

    Just thinkin....nothing would surprise me at this point.

  50. Earl Grey2:43 PM

    Thought you guys might enjoy this:

  51. Gasman2:51 PM

    You obviously aren't fluent in Talebangelical-speak. The fundies use the word "convicted" to mean that God has impressed something upon their hearts. It has no connotation with the legal system.

    Simply Google "convicted by God" and you'll get several examples. I'm not sure from whence it comes, but I've heard it used this way for at least 30+ years.

  52. Wasilla Billie2:51 PM

    Have you noticed that Palin seems to tilt her head to her left? Is this her attempt to straighten out her sagging mouth? By tilting her head it makes her mouth appear horizontal.

  53. Anonymous3:00 PM

    My mother died when I was 13, and Planned Parenthood was there for me at 17 when I needed to talk to someone and get protection.

    Funny aside: I was the local Beauty Queen and when I arrived, the woman who greeted me was one of the pageant judges. I must have look shocked because she told me not to worry, obviously!

  54. Anonymous3:03 PM

    KoJo: perhaps there was damage?

    Wow. And who wants all athletes to "stand up" for something? Can't they just play great ball and do whatever good they can on the side like most of all of them do, schools, clinics in Africa, sports camps for disabled kids, and they are heathens for the most part!

    When Tim Tebow uses his riches from sports to build a school in the third world, he can have the microphone again. Plenty of great athletes stand up and GIVE BACK, not just talk.

  55. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Palin is tilting her head to her left to compensate for her mouth dropping on her right side.

  56. Why is that idiot asking Sarah what she would be doing if the election had turned out differently? Sarah wouldn't be president -- McCain is the one she should be asking because after all, he would have been the President.

    Furthermore, I don't think she heard the same speech I did or was her selective listening turned on?

  57. Wilderness Lover3:15 PM

    Gryphen, I can't stand this anymore! Someone needs to shut her crooked, nerve-damaged mouth and send her packing, to be heard from no more! But it's going to take a big revelation, such as proof that she faked her pregnacy with Trig, to get her off my TV screen. Her voice is worse than fingernails on a blackboard. I'm so sick and tired of her lying, hateful, cocky jibberish that I'm ready to scream!!

    Gryphen - I'm begging you...put me out of my misery!! DO SOMETHING!!

  58. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Well, seems she lessened her narcotic dose that she used for the Hannity interview. i think she has an earpiece in her left ear, the hair did not budge and that ear was totally hidden and she spoke much better, but didn;t say much of course.
    WTF does GVS ask Palin what she would do if he were presidient....if McCain Palin won, she would not be president.....
    Happy to see GVS calling Palin FORMER Governor and Palin calling our President by his title at least once.
    I still hate her and my stomach is totally sour after watching these videos. EWhy did i do that after a pizza dinner? Uggh.

  59. I just can't do it, can not listen to her anymore.

    Interesting comment from 'Guest' over on Bree's post today on N.O.W. Wish I could give credit to the observant person, but thanks to Guest for finding this:

    "So, do I understand what's going on?:

    On Thursday night, Mrs. Palin told Greta: "I mean, there are so many offensive commercials out there and, um. There's commercials out there that belittle women and demean them and make them feel like sex objects and I haven't heard a whole lot of protest from N.O.W. on that."

    On Tuesday, Mrs. Palin wrote on Facebook: "Women’s Rights groups, like NOW, commendably call out advertisers and networks for airing sexist and demeaning portrayals of women that lead to young women’s diminished self-esteem and acceptance of roles as mere sexed-up objects."

    How many choices are there? 1. She did not write the Facebook post. 2. Someone else wrote the Facebook post, but she did not read the Facebook post. 3. She neither wrote nor read the Facebook post.

    Is she makin' stuff up? Am I missing something? Is she busted?"


  60. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Common-sense solutions … common-sense solutions … common-sense solutions … common-sense solutions.

  61. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Sarah Palin: "If I were the president... commonsense solutions..."

    Well, Sarah, you're not the president.

    It amazing, Sarah did a whole lot of talking and didn't say anything. Why the hell would anyone want to know what the hell she would do? She makes no sense and is saying just spewing drivel.

    It's not even fun to watch her anymore.

  62. If I hear her say "common sense solutions" one more time I think I'll throw up.

  63. Anonymous3:53 PM

    What in the H... is political DNA? CLONING of millions of Sarah Palins? That can't be correct... per the bible belt clones do not have souls. Help?

  64. SarahPAC raised $2.1 M in 2009

  65. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Sarah is going to have to stop smiling. The left side of her mouth goes up the right side droops. Very bizzare looking grimace.
    That would seem to indicate some nerve or muscle damage on the right side around her mouth or cheek.
    Not only does the area not respond to the brain's signal to contract to raise the corner of the mouth it actually flops a bit.

    Maybe that's God's hint to keep her yap shut.

  66. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Did you read on HuffPost about that baby born without eyes to a 15 year old? Must be one of those 'Less than ideal circumstances' Sarah keeps talking about every thirty seconds.

  67. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I think she is gonna take Fox down. Everyone is going to wake up and realize how warped they are with their reporting. They could have been loyal Fox followers for years but Palin is going to make them realize they are too smart for her stupidity.

  68. I have a friend who has a unique reason for being pro-choice.

    Her mother conceived a wanted child, who was found to have an inherited disease (his father's) which they knew would be horrible, so the pregnancy was tearfully terminated.

    A few months later, my friend's mother conceived again -- conceived my friend, to be exact.

    Nine months later, she was born alive and well.

    Palin and friends would have condemned my friend to non-existence and her parents to a life caring for an increasingly ill child. That's their version of one kind of happy ending, apparently.

  69. This is too funny.

    Sarah has climbed over the top of Greta just llike she crawled over the political corpse of John McCain after their election failure.

    Poor simple Greta doesn't even know she's roadkil yet.

    Greta, walk into the's time to go Greta....

  70. Anonymous6:42 PM

    "Abstinence does NOT work!"

    And Sarah even has two grandkids as proof!

  71. Anonymous6:47 PM

    "her face looks 'fuller' and wondering if she's pregnant???"

    Sarah's not pg. She had her tubes tied after Piper's birth.

  72. Mac And Cheese Wiz8:09 PM

    I think the mutual admiration society between Greta and Sarah is beginning to wane. The more Sarah morphs and spews word salad, the less patient Greta seems to be.

    Does anyone think Sarah could survive the butt whoopin President Obama gave the Republicans the other day? She'd implode.

  73. Enjay in E MT8:15 PM

    If the government (federal) puts in and passes a bill that says insurance can cross state lines, then there will be about 50 states fighting it in court because the fed would be infringing on "state rights & laws" And I would bet that if she still had the title of Gov., she'd be first in line with the lawsuit. Again, too much govt. interference.

    We would all like to have smaller government - but privatizing (out-sourcing) government responsibilities to the private sector is NOT the answer. We would all love "common sense solutions" to the problems - the first step to finding a solution is actually identifying the problem. Then working together to find a solution, not just saying no!

    And for those Tea-baggers going to pay $$ and hand the money over to ScaraPac for "her" to determine who will benefit??? Isn't that what we do with our tax dollars, give it to the government and they decide who or what project is worthy?? Just say'in.... I trust the government more than a former 1/2 Term Gov. to decide what to do with my money.

  74. Anonymous1:03 AM

    The games that they play with the American public is just disgraceful...

    The very people who love and support Palin are the very one's unable to afford the price of admission..

    Fck Greta
    Fck $arah
    Fuck all of em'...

  75. sunnyjane3:17 AM

    Sometimes it seems like my whole life has one big Sarah Palin rant. But I cannot understand why the people at Fox still address her as "Governor." Is there anybody who DOESN'T know that she's the former governor of Alaska? If not, then go ahead and introduce her as "Gov. Palin," but for heaven's sake, call her Sarah after that! The rest of them call each other by their first names, why do they insist on doing it differently with Palin?


  76. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Palin's head tilt may be to compensate for a vision problem/crossed eye.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.