And quiet she remained as the Acting Program Director from Akeela House, Dorothy (I kid you not) Pickles, described the emotionally distant woman with a sense of entitlement who had first come to their facility, and the impressive progress she had made during her treatment. Ms. Pickles made the observation that Diana Palin "has found herself" during her treatment, and had every confidence that, if given the chance, she would do well with her battle against drug addiction.
She again sat quietly, almost mouse like this time, as the prosecutor reminded the judge of the severity of Ms. Palin's crimes. He reminded the judge that she had burglarized several homes and, several times had even brought her daughter along. That her drug addiction was "not an excuse, but a condition". He felt that she should serve three years for the one burglary charge remaining and the maximum for the reckless endangerment of her four year old daughter.
I happened to be sitting next to Ted Turcott the man who had walked in on Diana Palin robbing his house, and he shook his head at that pronouncement and mumbled "That's not fair". When I asked him what his feelings were he said that the really felt for Ms. Palin, was most worried about her children, and wanted her to be back with them. (Right before the case began Ms. Palin's attorney handed Mr. Turcott a check for $2,600.00 in restitution for what Diana Palin had stolen from him. At first it was mentioned that this came from Diana's "family", but later that was corrected on the court record as coming from Diana herself. I don't know how she was able to scrape that much money together to pay her fee, but officially it was SHE who paid it. Since I WAS siting right there I did ask Mr. Turcott if I could see WHOSE name was on the check, but he just smiled and shook his head no. Hey, it was worth a shot!)
After Palin's attorney, Mr. Fannon, had argued his case and recommended a much lighter sentence than the one the prosecutor had asked for, including time already served, it was time for Diana Palin to face the man whose house she had broken into and provide her allocution.
Diana stood and nervously faced Mr. Turcott and with great emotion apologized for what she had done. She then went on to thank him for how kindly he had treated her daughter, who was with her that day. She thanked him again, and then, wiping away a tear, turned and sat back down. I watched her shoulders tremble as she fought to compose herself.
Like I said I was sitting right next to Mr. Turcott, and I could see him wiping away his tears, and clenching and unclenching his jaw in an attempt to hold back his emotions.

Then the judge read the sentence.

She made a point of saying that Diana Palin's name had NOTHING to do with her decision on the kind of sentence to hand down. She then went on to say that Palin had a good family to support her (None that I noticed in the courtroom that day, by the way) and had a very good chance of rehabilitation. She mentioned how important it was that Diana Palin be able to work on her rehabilitation with the support of her family, and that part of that rehabilitation included getting a job, which she could not do while incarcerated. She also pointed out the seriousness of the crime, especially the fact that she had brought her four year old daughter along, and that her daughter had not only witnessed her committing a crime, but then had been forced to watch as her mother was placed under arrest.
Still the judge determined that Diana Palin be placed on SIS (Suspended Imposition of Sentence) for the remainder of her sentence. And that she continue to receive outpatient services at Akeela House as a condition of her parole as well.
As she was getting ready to leave the court room Mr. Turcott, who had regained control of his emotions, walked up to Diana Palin and shook her hand, before wishing her well. Ms. Palin appeared very moved by the gesture and whispered "thank you". Then Mr. Turcott quickly made his exit.
Dennis and I looked around, and made note that WE were the only media present. We both thought that at least the ADN or Valley paper would show, but if they did they must have been hidden from view.
I know that there is an urge to compare this sentence with the OTHER famous sentence that was just handed down in a Palmer court room. However, as much fun as that might be to do, it is not fair.
Diana Palin is a woman with a troubled past. I looked up her records and she has been in court twice as the victim of domestic abuse, once in 1999 and again in 2001. She has suffered for at least the last three years, because she sought treatment in 2007, with an addiction to Methamphetamine. In short she is a mess. And just the other day her husband filed for divorce, which included a protective order under the heading domestic abuse with children, which may or may not have to do with including her daughter on her crime spree.
After sitting in that courtroom I feel much the same compassion for Diana Palin that I felt for Sherry Johnston. However...
The difference of course is that Diana Palin is a REAL junkie, and Sherry is not. Diana Palin made the choices on her own without the help of a police informant setting her up, Sherry had such help. (By the way, for those who remember this post from back in June, I should let you know that I have done another interview with a different inside source and had every word confirmed, and have learned even MORE detail. And THIS source is even closer than my last source.) And Diana Palin was allowed to suffer the embarrassment of this sentencing with minimal media coverage, and once again, Sherry was not.
However having said that, I am going to close out this post by saying that I believe that Diana Plain has suffered sufficiently for her crimes. Unlike her prosecutor, I think her drug addiction had everything to do with the fact she placed her child in danger, and I have to wonder where this supportive family the judge spoke of was when she so desperately needed them. And I also hope that she does NOT get her children taken away, because I really believe that children need their mother, and I also believe that the hope of having them back in her life might be exactly the kind of motivation that Diana Palin needs to stay off of drugs.
P.S. somebody asked in the comment section on the other thread if Diana Palin knew Mr. Trucott. I DID ask him that question and he said no. However she had been inside of his house before, because she had robbed him before.
P.P.S. I might be able to provide some video of Diana's allocution sometime next week. It depends on whether or not any other news outlet wants to buy it or not. If they do, I will link to their site.
I agree with you Gryphen, the penalty for Diana was not too light. Instead, the penalty for Sherry was simply TOO HARSH.
ReplyDeletePlease answer this - was Bristol's phone used to set up the sting on Sherry?
Incredible post Gry. I admire you even more now. You have such compassion - but it really comes through in this post.
ReplyDeleteI also wish Diana the best of luck with her rehabilitation. I wish at least one family member would have been there to give her support.
She has it here.
I wish Diana Palin the best in her recovery.
ReplyDeleteJust because Sherry Johnston was treated unfairly, it does not follow that Diana should be treated poorly as well.
Sad that her brother and sister-in-law (Todd and Sarah) were not there to support her. Where is the compassion that the bible speaks of?
Wonder if the restitution $, came from Todd?
ReplyDeleteYa know the old saying~ money talks...not fair at all...
ReplyDeleteIf your reading this SJ.keep your chin up...you have more class than the grifters and frauds....
Thanks Gryph for the post....
From all I hear about Wasilla, it seems like we shouldn't have to wait too long before we have the opportunity to see if another addicted person breaks into a house, twice, and gets a lenient sentence.
ReplyDeleteYes, the phone that Sherry bought Bristol, and that Bristol MAILED back to her, was the one that the informant used to text Sherry and urge her to sell her medication.
ReplyDeleteI have no proof that Bristol was involved in the sting however.
Wasilla is a VERY small town. I find it hard to believe that with three burglaries (by Palin) having been committed against the same household (Trucott's), there is no connection between them. Perhaps there isn't, but I seriously question this. I also question his apparent emotional support and compassion for this woman after what she did to him. Was he paid off by, ahem, the 'supportive' Palin family members? Is he afraid of them? How odd that a man who was burglarized three times by a long-time methamphetamine addict would weep and feel that degree of compassion for the addict whose bad behavior had put his own personal safety at risk. How many times does THAT happen in courtrooms across America? When it comes to the Palins, I have come to believe that there is always more than meets the eye and that nothing can be taken at face value.
ReplyDeleteOK, please know the whole truth before makeing these typpes of judgements. Number one it was two times, number two it was not methamphetamine she was addicted to. people pre-judge so quickly with no idea of what really happen.
DeleteI certainly wish Diana Palin well and hope that she continues to successfuly manage her addiction.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, it would be great to hear more about the entrapment of Sherry.
Great post.
ReplyDeleteDiana Palin, like all people addicted to drugs is a very
sad case. Her addiction has wreaked havoc in her life. It's pitiable. I hope she works it out. I hope what is best is done for her children. The sad fact is, though everyone needs a mother -- some aren't able to be good mothers.
Do I think the Palin name and money helped her? Yes. Do I think she should have been thrown in prison?--No. Do I think Sherry Johnston was handled harshly because Sarah Palin wanted it that way?---Yes.
And the world keeps turning.
Well, I hope for Diana Palin's sake that she uses this amazing opportunity to fix what ails her.
ReplyDeleteDon't know her and don't know if she actually has skills to enter the workforce when her rehab is done, but I have a feeling that she had a husband that supported her and now that he is gone she most likely has little chance of being able to make a life on her own.
Perhaps she should look into snowmachine racing as a career. Either that or she'll be serving me at the Taco Bell drive thru. Either that or her brother and sister in law will be responsible for her.
It would almost seem that in some families, that sense of "family" only goes so far. It seems a shame that there was no "family" there for Diana. She looked far healthier in today's picture, and I'm glad she seems to be making a serious effort to turn her life around.
ReplyDeleteYes, there may be more to the story than meets the eye, but even so, Mr Turcott's compassion reflects well on him.
I wish them both well.
What about the famous Palin family thing. No Dud. Shame on him.
ReplyDeleteHow would she know Mr. Trucott kept cash in his bedroom??? dealer? or boyfriend? Just saying???
ReplyDeleteSorry,but what makes you think that the best thing for a child is to be with their Meth head mom? She has already shown her poor judgement and ability to put herself and her needs above her child.Returning her to her children before she has finished her "treatment" is a tragedy waiting to happen.Now that she knows she can get away with it,she will be more likely to relapse. Perhaps it would be better for the husband to find someone who does not do drugs to bring into the lives of his children.The records show that it was other men she filed the domestic abuse claims about,not her husband.
ReplyDeletepeople make mistakes and deserve second chances,but how many Meth addicts do you personally know who were able to get and stay clean? Even one relapse could endanger her children . I know what I am talking about,my brother started with pot,he is now 55 years old,still does meth,as does his wife,they live in the garage of one of their children,there are padlocks to keep them out of the house because they will steal anything,they are never left with children. They both have been through treatment,paid by family members,and the state,several times.My brother has been jailed,and in treatment. Meth is a hard habit to kick.
One of our best friends growing up "took the rap" and went to jail because my brother had children and he did not.He died in jail,for my brother,the meth addict,who so totally screwed up his girls that the state removed them multiple times for abuse. They always sent them back,because"they should be with their parents". They would not let me keep them.2 Of the 3 girls have had their own drug problems now,one is ok,the other is still living a bad life.
In his meth fueled rages,my brother beat his oldest so bad she was hospitalised as a teenager,because she told him she was gay,and had a black girlfriend.He spray painted "Oreo" on her body after he beat her.Her sisters called 911,or he may have killed her.
No,I don't think sending a meth addict home to her children is the right thing to do,nor do I care if it might give her some incentive to stay clean.If she can't do it with only herself to worry about,she will never do it with the stress of raising children,and it will always be their fault.She may learn to hide it for a while,like the woman who used to come to our casino where I was a pit boss.Martha was a pretty,tall,svelte redhead.She came to the casino with a different guy every night.Those guys got rougher,uglier,and older.So did Martha. One night her husband came in,told her never to come home again,and to forget she had children.Martha begged and pleaded,he took her back,she got "treatment" to help her meth addiction and prostitution to pay for it.6 months later,Martha was stumbling through the door with 2 rough,ugly guys.Instead of $50 Blackjack,they were $5 players.They found her in a hotel room days later,beaten,bloody,and high.At the hospital,they learned she had liver failure from the drugs and drinking.Martha died a few weeks later.
I feel sorry for those children.
Dorothy Pickles said that Diana Palin came in with a sense of entitlement. I wonder where she got THAT from.
ReplyDeletesooo... she or her "family" paid a bribe to the victim in the form of pre-sentencing restitution so that she would not have to go to jail. Amazing. And people wonder why 2nd Amendment proponents advocate for the right to shoot burglars found in homes they have no right to be in.
ReplyDeleteIf this particular palin is addicted to meth, she is addicted for life. If she's like that other palin, she'll be back in court in the near future because she probably thinks she's too famous to follow the rules most of the rest of us follow, namely, if it's not mine, do not steal it from the owner.
No one paid any one before court, you people make me sick with all these harsh judgements and you have not one clue of the truth. Also she paid her own money back to that man no one helped her!
DeleteSorry Gryphen,
ReplyDeleteElocution is not the same as allocution.
Another grammar n*zi
This is the first I'm hearing about Sherry buying Bristol a phone. Why was a struggling mom of 2 buying a phone for a girl whose parents have plenty of money?
ReplyDelete"A sense of entitlement". Why does that not surprise me? I've heard all the Palin women and girls suffer from it.
ReplyDeleteShortly after Diana Palin's arrest, I was chatting with a friend of hers who maintained that the extended Palin clan would turn their backs on her.
Thanks Anonymous 7:08. I actually wrote it right the first time but the damn spell check kept saying it was wrong.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is where was the compassion for Sherry Johnston? Didn't they handcuff her in "pink" handcuffs? It seems everything was done to publicly humiliate her. I wish both Sherry and Diane well in their lives, however, I do believe the Palin name and money had something to do with the sentencing. You can't convince me otherwise.
ReplyDeleteUhemmm Gryph? I am thinking Trig looks a LOT like Diana Palin...Nothing like $P.
I unnderstand the sympathy. I think she might have felt owed the money for what ever reason. But folks someone addicted to meth. Might have broke in finding no cash could hav pulled out a knife or gun and killed the guy.It happens every day. Bless her though
ReplyDeleteshould be "read ALOUD"
ReplyDeleteThe Palin and Heath women are lookers, of that there is no doubt. . .but they are proudly and resoundingly Valley Trash. You can't buy class.
ReplyDeleteFound money and/or 151 proof taste of power sure does buy you a lot of arrogance though. Entitlement through association.
Does Geoffrey Dunn have a chapter on the early Palin household years? Dysfunction and jealous rages, cat-fights and hickey's from Dillingham to Wasilla to Hawaii to Palmer?
Would they have ever gotten as far as they have were it not for their hood looks? If Diana looked something else, would her twice (thrice) victim be so compassionate?
Compassion is the default of normal people. As it should be. Nice post, Gryphen.
ReplyDeletePS: It should be PPS as in "Post Post Script"
Today, we are all grammar n*zis
I read Mr. Trucott was waiting in his house (a bedroom or bathroom) and watched her go straight to a cabinet where he kept the cash before pulling a gun on her.
ReplyDelete...not exactly the same as walking in on her.
Can you clarify that for us, Gryphen?
Dorothy Pickles? Vanna White is the judge? Of COURSE the name "Palin" has nothing to do with the decision! It was "Take your Daughter to work" day!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, Gryphen, but as a victim of a burglary at gunpoint in my own home, by a crack addict who got a lienent sentence, I found it very difficult to believe she's rehabilitated herself enough in such short a time, to get a slap on the wrist. I don't know enough about her case, but I believe she burglarized the same house more than once. The owner was in the bathroom with a gun and had the composure not to use it.
Diana's lucky, and I do hope she gets the help she needs, but things could have taken a much worse turn, and her child could have been left motherless, and that would have been sad.
Some family Diana has. No matter how bad what she did was, someone should have been there to support her. Todd, where's your backbone, compassion?
anon 7:36 - I agree!
ReplyDeleteDiana sought drug treatment back
ReplyDeletein 2007, & still had a drug problen
through 2009, up to the present.
Anyone remember the family photo from
the Palin family vacation at the resort in Arizona, with Sarah's
sisters & Diana holding Trig? That
proves Diana, a drug addict had unrestricted access to Sarah's
children. Yet, Sherry wasn't allowed
to visit the hospital when Tripp was
Also, why was Mr. Turcot teary-eyed?
Wonder how Diane knew to target his
home to rob?
Sharon TN
Good grief, Anonymous 7:32 pm, Trig DOES look a lot like Diana and not at all like Sarah! Not makin' any accusations here, I'm just observin' and sayin'.
ReplyDeleteAnd the probability that she gets clean and stays clean for the rest of her life is very, very low. Meth is unbelievably addictive, much more so than cocaine – to say nothing of the mental and physical damage that it causes. AA's position is that no addict can reverse course without first hitting bottom. Has Diana really hit bottom? How will she support herself now even if she doesn't have a habit to support? A psychiatrist who specialized in addictive problems once said that every addict destroys at least three lives. A multiple, family tragedy is the usual scenario. A friend of mine was once a foster parent to a child whose parents were meth addicts. I can't speak publicly of the behavioral problems exhibited by this child: they were beyond both description and comprehension. All things considered, I am not confident about Diana Palin either being 'at large' or being allowed to have custody of and care for her small children. I am not suggesting the absence of compassion: I am recommending a serious dose of reality, and compassion for her victims.
oops, I meant 7:32-
ReplyDeleteanon 7:32 - I agree!
I do not believe for one moment that Trucott and Diana Palin had never met before the burglary.
ReplyDeleteThere was no forced entry.
She entered multiple times.
She knew right where the money was kept.
Why would she know where the money was - unless had some kind of transactional relationship with Trucott?
Sorry. I don't buy it. Any of it.
ReplyDeleteIf Palin had been a Native or person of color, her butt would have been slammed into jail for these crimes. Period.
Not only is the judge full of it but something strange is going on with Mr. Trucott's response and Palin's knowledge of his house.
Typical Alaskan court shenanigans when a Palin is involved.
mommom.....I so totally agree with you.
ReplyDeletejust wanted you to know that.
The hard stuff, can be hell damn hard, I have been there, and do not want to go back. No, I do not want to go back, BUT, I still care about the hurt a person and families goes through when dealing with this type of pain......it hurts so bad when you care.
And, because we may be close enough to these figures, does not mean we are responsible for their choices. No, we are not.
Two things that you mentioned in your story. No Family of ANY KIND there... and yet the Judge feels her family will give her ' support '.OH REALLY..? Well before she has even left the Courtroom.... they stopped supporting her. Granted... if Todd was there it might be sort of a Media issue but not ONE other member of the Family could show up..? Based on THAT Fact.. she will need a lot of help.
ReplyDeleteAnd then there is the issue of NO Media... why is that? Todd and everybody could have shown up and it wouldn't have made a difference or a Media circus because NO media was there to report it. I'm guessing they decided to purposely not show up.... that way they wouldn't be conflicted with how they would have to Report the story to the readers.{ Oops we weren't there... can't report on it! } Heaven forbid that some " Palin Fans " should call or threaten them... like they do to OTHER Judges. The other Media ( excluding Yourself and Dennis )were " SEE no Evil, HEAR no evil, and SPEAK no Evil "
Media Monkeys or just Ostriches with their head stuck in the sand. The result is the same.
And using some of my own ' common sense solutions ' reasoning about the check Mr. Turcott received. Had to steal money to get drugs... but has money to reimburse him for his loss...? That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard... other than one of Sarah Palin's speeches.
Good luck Diana. Your Family threw you under Sarah's bus.
I'm a counselor and have worked as a substance abuse counselor. It takes about 2 1/2 years to go through meth recovery (although it is truly a lifelong process). It is one of the longest recovery processes because of the severe depression associated with the recovery. It is difficult to hold down a job and focus on recovery, at least for the first 6-12 months which is one of the reasons the failure rate is so high.
ReplyDeletePeople are addicts because they have not learned how to "do" life.
When you add the stress of work and parenting (and now a divorce) to Diane Palin's life (if I read your post correctly, she is to get a job?), they are setting her up for failure, so it is almost certain that she will serve her time in jail.
I am also a certified victim's advocate and at least in my state, it is considered abuse to be under the influence in the presence of minor children, especially if you are the custodian of said child. To have as the guardian a parent who is newly in recovery is putting that child at risk, especially when that parent has already demonstrated poor judgment (taking the child along on housebreaking expeditions). So, do I think her last name didn't matter to the judge? Get real.
A cousin of Diana's spent two full years in jail for quite a bit less, and then went back to jail for another 6 months for violating probation. He had a drink in the bar and got caught. He wouldn't have been in trouble in the first place if he didn't have an alcohol problem. Not a drug user, ever. No children involved.
ReplyDeleteNo resources, no attorney, no phone calls, application to treatment denied because it costs and he didn't have the money. Came out of jail broke, owing all kinds of stuff, still with a booze problem, less resources than before. Identifiably Native. Somebody else got 5 years full probation after a jail sentence and a massive fine - the judge said that it was to set an example. They were being held to a higher standard because they "should have known better." Unfair? Certainly. But we all know that and we don't care.
Maybe Diana understands the breaks that she got. I bet she doesn't - when you're that far in, it's all miserable, nothing feels like a break.
The SIS isn't because of Mrs. Palin. It's because of Diana's dad and sisters. They didn't get her out of anything; she can demonstrate the resources to be successful.
Mr. Turcott. Gryphen, you don't mention that he's a competition champion black belt in karate.
Keeps large sums of cash in his bedroom. Doesn't call the cops the first time he gets robbed. Waits for the thief to come back? Now, why would he think the thief would come back?
Car pulls into the driveway - in the daytime - a woman steps out and approaches the door. What would you do?
a.) Answer the door.
b.) Call the cops, reporting a woman knocking on your door, come quick!
c.) Grab a gun and go hide in the bedroom. (Even though you're a black belt in hand-to-hand combat).
Looks like Mr. Turcott got away with a li'l sumpin-sumpin himself.
Connected shenanigans? Gee, it's Wasilla. 5,000 people. You think these people didn't all know each other? Of course they did; how is it even possible that they didn't?
Sorry, but I think Lady Justice is now hanging her head in despair.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Johnston did not get her fair share of "liberty and justice for all."
Regarding Trig looking like Diana, of course he would since Diana and Todd are brother and sister. If Todd is the dad, they would all share the same DNA. It's tempting to speculate about different scenarios, but a family resemblance between Trig and Diana wouldn't necessarily mean anything more than that he looks like his aunt.
Anon @5:54 has it right. There is definitely something more than meets the eye here, and it's hard to imagine there was not a prior connection between Palin and Turcott.
ReplyDeleteWho would rob the same house three times unless they had good reason to believe they would find more of what they stole last time? And who would continue to keep large amounts of cash in their home, hidden in exactly the same place, after already being robbed twice unless... what? If the guy was a drug dealer, or involved in some other shady business that she knew about, it would seem pretty risky on his part to press charges against her. All we know for sure is not to take anything at face value when a Palin is involved.
And thanks to those of you who shared your personal stories about the horrific effects of drug addition on families. For those of us without any first-hand knowledge of this, it is sometimes easy to allow our compassion for the 'victim' we see struggling against the odds, to overshadow the other more innocent and defenseless victims in the background.
The fact that the judge even mentioned Palin's name might have something to do with the decision is inappropriate.
ReplyDeleteThe judge said Palin had a "good family to support her". That must explain why she's a drug addict who feels the need to rob homes, when she could be spending quality time...with the family.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised Sarah hasn't mentioned her vast knowledge on drug addiction, since her grandchild, her home in an oil-rich state and her proximity to Putin make her an instant expert on special needs, energy and foreign affairs.
I don't wish to see Diana get punished. I don't even wish to see the Palins suffer for this.
But, would it be too much to ask that a judge explain her ruling without blowing smoke up my ass and insulting the intelligence of the public they're supposed to serve?
Sorry, Gryphen, but I don't think Diana Palin deserves to have her children back. As the mother of a son who has had drug problems (along with his wife), I had to intercede and get custody of my 2 grandchildren and kept them for 5 yrs because frankly it was becoming dangerous. When they got older and wanted to be w/parents, I allowed that, believing the parents wanted to "start over" but it wasn't long before the drug and alcohol abuse started again. However, neither child now does drugs or alcohol, and each now has a child of their own, but neither is married. In fact, my grandson, at 19, had a son in Dec and told me yesterday that the mother, whose own mother kicked her out of the house, is granting full custody to him. He's a wonderful, responsible young man who intends to take care of his child to the best of his ability and we will support him all the way. My granddaughter is doing right by her own child, too.
ReplyDeleteThe number of children in this country affected by drugs and alcohol is really staggering, an epidemic, really. America needs to grow up and stop all this selfish behavior--it seems no one knows the meaning of responsibility and sacrifice needed to raise children anymore.
BTW, like a couple of others on this blog, I think Palin actually knew Mr. Turcott in some capacity. Why would he weep over someone he allegedly didn't know? There's more to this than meets the eye. Just call me skeptical.
Isn't it a given that a judge will
ReplyDeletebe impartial regardless if your name happens to be Rockefeller, Madonna
or say, Palin? Odd that the judge made a point of stating the presumed obvious. And one wonders how Ms. Palin, caught stealing to feed
her drug habit was able to whistle up
the money to repay Mr. Turcot.
The ADN didn't hesitate to cover Sherry's case from beginning to end,
but didn't figure we needed to hear
about the sentence in this case.
Probably hoped we'd all forgotten
about it.
Sharon TN
The sentence doest fit. The relationship of victim and criminal doesnt fit. Then 4 year old on the trip and no child endangerment charge doesnt fit. No family present during a sentencing that refers to said family as part of her road to success and sobriety doesnt fit.
ReplyDeleteBeing allowed ANYWHERE NEAR the blessed T1 and T2 doesnt fit....
I smell a rotten salmon
Diana looks like Todd, so we know that the father and mother of one of the clan for sure!!
ReplyDeletefunny how Track looks nothing like him, which is not uncommon, but he is a ringer for a Menard, which is uncommon.
Seems like Diana may know Turcott in an intimate way,w which is why she knew where he kept cash around and why he was nice at the end.
ReplyDeleteI've thought all along that Palin must have had some sort of relationship with Trucott. How else would she know to rob him and where he kept the money.
ReplyDeleteTHAT'S the story I find most interesting...
Despite any reports to the contrary, there was supportive family present.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree that Diana should not be granted any sort of custody of her children at this time. She should instead be granted generous supervised visitation with the potential to eventually gain joint custody if she keeps her life straight and has no relapses.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Gryphen, for covering this.
ReplyDeleteAnd please do write another story about Sherry and Bristol's phone.
I suspect Diana's family was not in court at her request, to minimize claims that she was getting a special deal because of her family. Had Todd been in the audience, more tongues would wag. Don't assume she doesn't have the Palin's support. I hope she does.
I spoke about my brother,but I did not mention my stepson.A sunny,happy boy nick named Chip who had the possibility of both wrestling and football scholarships,met a girl from out side his school the summer before his senior year.No more wrestling.No more foot ball.No more school.He was in thrall to the girl,who was worldly and sarcastic,and beautiful but grungy.By 18,Chip tried Meth with her.At 19,he was holding a job in construction,and she gave birth to beautiful blond blue eyed angel.Who has fetal alcohol syndrome.Its not real obvious.The eyes are a little far apart,the area between her nose and mouth is a little odd,otherwise an angel.But she is now 6,and the emotional development of a 3 year old,and cannot keep a thought in her head for 5 minutes. Her mother left,abandoned her to Chip.He tried.He did.But the lure of the drug pulled him back,and all I can say is thatn he had the good sense to call his sister,the one who is a teacher,raising a special needs child.He gave her his daughter,and told her never to give her back.3 months later Chip was in jail in NJ .He was offered the chance to get out if a responsible member of his family would tajke responsibility and he had to remain in treatment .We gladly offered to bring him here to Louisiana,but with the stipulation he have no contact with the girl. He refused.Then he was kicked out of the treatment program because the girl was showing up outside the fence around the area where he was allowed to smoke,and he was becoming uncooperative. He is still in jail.
ReplyDeleteHis daughter is happy,but we all fear what teenage years will be like for her,she is so pretty,and so emotionally damaged,she may have a very hard time with the normal teen stuff.Hopefully,history will not repeat itself.
No,Diana Palin should not get custody of her children.
Let us not tar Trucott. The story sounds fishy in a way, but they could have had a relationship at some point.
ReplyDeleteMen tend to be soft on women they have known, and I don't imply known biblically.
Only Trucott and Diana know why she would rob him so many times.
It is interesting the Trucott continued to keep his money in the same place after the first burglary. I was once a victim of a burglary, and I immediately moved anything of value to places that I thought wouldn't be searched. I also fixed the locks on the doors and got a dog.
ReplyDeleteSeems like someone took allot of trouble to make her up like $P. The glasses...the makeup, the bangs? And how convenient that Dennis is the only "Press" to cover this?
ReplyDeleteI smell a rotten salmon too!
Anon @7:30 said: Despite any reports to the contrary, there was supportive family present.
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that Gryphen is not telling us the truth, or that the family was there incognito, perhaps wearing blacked out visors?
Anon@2:50pm...oh you know some of these anons they know so much...so much they can't even sign a name.
ReplyDeleteI think maybe Toad went in drag...that's why Gryphen didn't recognize him. And la cabrona went as a tranny, oh wait...that's how she looks now, that is not a disguise!
The answer to Diana Palin's lenient sentencing may be because the court is trying to expedite cases involving palins... docket is full and there is another case coming up involving Bristol Palin and Levi. Don't forget Willow Palin's recent run in with the law involving breaking and entering.
ReplyDeletecrystalwolf - what's that all about?
ReplyDeleteOf course Todd Palin and his wife weren't there. Neither were Bristol and Tripp and Trigg and Piper and Chuck and Sally Heath. Not Molly Heath McCann Wooten and Heather Heath Bruce either.
Are people forgetting that Sarah Heath and her tabloid parents and siblings are not Diana Palin's family?
Gryphen wouldn't necessarily have known them by sight if they were in the courtroom.
We all intuitively assume that there's more to the story with Mr. Turcott. Obviously.
The media reported a tiny bit after the arrest; the little girl said that she had been to that house before. That doesn't mean that she had been there while her mom was on a robbery run a previous time. It probably means that the child had been there legitimately (and knew Mr. Turcott).
anon @8:16
ReplyDeleteMaybe I misunderstood what you wrote but your comments doesn't make sense. Of course Todd, Molly, and Heather, along with any spouses, SHOULD HAVE been there to support their sister.
That's what families do.
Since when is "family" only your own spouse and children?
The Heaths in Wasilla and aunties/uncles/grandparents in Washington state are NOT Diana Palin's "family".
ReplyDeleteThe Heaths are Sarah Heath Palin's family. They would all be there if Sarah was in court.
so i was in treatment with diana palin, she has no emotion. she does not cry does not care about anty8ing else but HER!!! so those tears in court are totally fake. just like the treatment we went through. she was dating a BOY a 26 year old. LYING about it. and is now dating a 33 year old from out treatment....and now is shooting up herion with someone she met up with in treatment. so this is NOTHING like a sad story. shes a junky that steals all of her money from her family and poor victims with her kids in the car