Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pray like crazy (and I do mean crazy) for Trig Palin on April 18! Just when you thought things could not get any weirder!

So I received this notification in my e-mail box yesterday, telling me that there is a website dedicated to praying away Trig Palin's Down Syndrome. And the first thing I thought was, "Okay someone is yanking me!"

But oh no my friends, this is on the level.

Please sign up below for the Prayer Team!
This will help us to know how many people plan to join together on Sunday, April 18, 2010 in prayer, asking our Lord to heal Trig Palin of Down Syndrome.

Through this miracle, His Majesty will be displayed to all nations!

This woman is ACTUALLY requesting that people pray to God to take away Trig Palin's extra chromosome, so that HE can be healed. Why Trig Palin you ask? Well she explains that, kind of.

Q: Why Trig Palin?

A: Trig Palin is well known in the media; people all over the world know just who he is, and they already care about him. It will be much easier for them to sincerely pray for someone they care for, instead of what to them is a random name.

Also, it is known publicly that Trig Palin indeed has Down Syndrome. Science has no way to undo this condition, which is the result of an extra chromosome; but God can. When Trig Palin is found to be miraculously healed, everyone but the most hardened atheist will have to acknowledge God’s Majesty!

My first concern is that somebody needs to hide the scissors and other sharp objects where this poor soul cannot find them, because I am pretty sure her elevator does not quite make it to the top. If you know what I mean.

My next concern was that this poor delusional creature would suffer threats and verbal abuse at the hands of the Palin-bots. You see they know full well that if Trig Palin were suddenly cured Sarah's most useful prop would be rendered virtually useless. It is bad enough the little guy is almost too big for Sarah to carry around for photo-ops. (Did you see that last In Style photo shoot? I thought Palin's spleen was going to fly out of her body as she struggled to hold the toddler.) But if Trig was cured she might have to try and get attention through her rapidly fading looks and her (cough cough) intelligence. Let's see how long THAT lasts.

I think this lady is wasting her time. If she wants to really pray for something that will benefit Trig Palin she should wish that his mother was not that narcissistic, money grubbing, crazy woman. Oh wait, I think that prayer has already been answered.


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Lord, if you could also, too, spare a moment for those folks in Haiti...

  2. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Maybe Sarah is behind this, so she can swap out her "retarded kid" for another one and claim a "MIRACLE"!.

  3. They care nothing about Trig or anybody else with Down Syndrome.
    Palin has already accepted her baby. She needs to be seen in a sympathetic light to continue her 'poor me' agenda.
    This women and followers only care about advancing their own religious beliefs and to advance their agenda of having palin elevated in the eyes of the republican party and to so called 'christians' everywhere, a miracle relating to palin.
    If this were not the case, why not pray for all those who have Down Syndrome? If God could cure one, surely He could cure all those who have the same condition.
    It makes me ill to read these types of things.
    Better they pray for palin so she sees the light and accept her own limitations!
    And please dear God, make sarah put those glasses on Trig!!!

  4. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I've never been totally convinced of the severity of Trig's Down Syndrome. Example: could those red, red cheeks be "Rouge?" A little makeup here and there, some drugging and well ...

    the miracle push could be Sarah saying it's time to move on or perhaps child services is doing an inquiry re: his intervention services.

    Sarah is not normal, maybe norml, though.

  5. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Didn't God's birth announcement say Trig was "perfect?" Now we are praying to defeat "god's will?"

  6. Anonymous7:39 AM

    It's sad that someone would want to try to change God's little gift of Trig. For those of us who care about and care for developmentally disabled family members, this miguided prayer project is highly offensive.

  7. Anonymous7:43 AM

    The problem is that God has already answered Sarah's prayers. She famously said during the election that God wouldn't let the wrong people win. He didn't. We all got the message, loud and clear.

    Sarah's metaphor for opportunity is that God is opening the door a crack so she can push her way on through. What part of getting the door slammed in your face doesn't she get?

    So, prayer warriors, why not pray to heal all of the sick, put an end to war and poverty, and if you are so powerful, put in a prayer to save the planet and all of its inhabitants. Please.

  8. emrysa7:48 AM

    gryphen do you think this is a joke? that someone is making fun of sarah's ignorant followers?

  9. Anonymous7:53 AM

    My very first thought on reading this is that Sarah's patience has run out with Trig, she wants to return him to his real mother, and another, much cuter, baby will be substituted. I agree wholeheartedly with the second commenter, Anonymous at 7:04 am. I kid you not, I do not put that past her for one second. Trig is too heavy to lift now, and therefore no longer useful as a prop. He will squirm, try to escape her clutches, and do unpredictable things form this time forward. She must fear that her inability to control him will reflect on her. A new, cute, toddler would bring incredible amounts of adulation from the masses and massive confirmation of Sarah's special powers. Don't get me wrong: I totally believe in God's ability to heal even the impossible situation: He healed me from incurable asbestos cancer and certain death. But I know equally well that Sarah is a very sick and very manipulative person , and I would not put this scenario past her for one second.

  10. Anonymous7:53 AM

    It still bemuses me that these people act as if there hasn't been a child born with DS prior to, or since Trig was born -- whomever he was born to. It is pretty offensive that they act like Trig is the only person in the world with DS or that only Republican 'Christians' don't abort DS babies.

  11. Put yourself in their shoes. If Trig is cured, then Sarah becomes the undeniable miraculous leader of the dominionist evangelical end-times christian army. You bet'cha!

  12. emrysa asked: gryphen do you think this is a joke? that someone is making fun of sarah's ignorant followers?

    Well if she is putting them on she is playing it very close to the vest, because I could not find anything on her site to tip me off. As crazy as it sounds, she seemed genuinely convinced that this would have an impact on Trig's Down's syndrome.

  13. Enjay in E MT8:12 AM

    Hasn't the Former 1/2 Term Gov. publically said that her Trigg is "an angel from God" and is "perfect"?

    Then why pray to change perfection? Why pray away the gift God gave her? It has only been a couple years!

    Maybe the Former Gov is realizing the responsibility and challenges that face families with disabled children. And why some families, that obviously are not as well off financially, feel they need to make a choice.

  14. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Wait a minute. I'm an athiest. Hardened? I'm not sure. But if this works, I WILL have to aknowledge God's Majesty. If it doesn't, she needs to become an athiest.

  15. emrysa8:20 AM

    thanks for the response, gryphen. I don't know what to think. this is so freakin wacked out. then I read the comments here from those who suspect a switcheroo, and I get suspicious...

  16. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Ever since I watched Clinton and Bush in the Rose Garden the other day, I felt sick to my stomach. How dare either one of them join ranks, when their own HISTORY (esp Bush) is filled failure. It absolutely makes me sick.
    Lee Siegel agrees:
    "It wasn’t just, as commentators quickly pointed out the obvious, that Bush had failed the people—the poor black people—of Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina and was now eagerly seizing the chance to renovate his image by flaunting his help for the people—the poor black people—of Haiti. It wasn’t merely that Clinton had performed one under-handed tactic after another during the late presidential campaign to defeat Obama and recover the White House… for his wife. What turned the stomach was the display of sudden mutual forgiveness and nonpartisanship—at a time when our politics is paralyzed and polarized by the utter lack of both."
    It's a great read, if you feel the same as Lee and I do:

  17. Sharon in Florida8:26 AM

    "Trig Palin is well known in the media; people all over the world know just who he is, and they already care about him. It will be much easier for them to sincerely pray for someone they care for, instead of what to them is a random name."

    Oh yeah we don't want anybody wasting their time praying for any random names. Let's make prayer "easier" for people all over the world.

    Also, too, I think the bots are very eager to get curry favor with Sister Sarah. Many comments on her FB page show their eagerness for her approval.

    By the way, does the site ask for donations?

  18. Anonymous8:29 AM

    First off, Down syndrome is not an illness to be cured. It is a genetic condition that affects a person's development and capability. With proper therapy and education, a person with Down syndrome can lead a healthy and happy life and are often much happier than individuals without this genetic condition. So asking God to relieve Trig of Down syndrome could actually cause him to be an unhappy adult (especially since he'll realize what a prop he was as a child). I'd certainly be willing to bet that he'll be a happier adult than the other Palin children. So this prayer is more to benefit Trig's caretakers than it is to benefit Trig himself.

    I agree with the person who said we should pray that Trig gets the therapy and education that he needs. This would be a much more worthwhile objective.

  19. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I believe that you have to give something to bless. If you ask for a miracle behave accordingly; i.e. put on the glasses, and the other ds developmental requirements that those therapies that such individuals it is known benefit from having systemically applied.

  20. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I don't think it is a joke
    Back in my crazy church days (Holiness.. no cutting hair, watching tv blah blah)

    One guest minister and his family came to speak and everyone was telling me how their youngest daughter "was cured of being mentally retarded"
    They said "they" have been praying for years and one night she was "healed".

    She had Downs and trust me.. she still did.. you could tell just by looking at her.
    Now I am getting a creepy pit in my stomach :( I DID notice she was very quiet and well behaved! I bet they used strict discipline on her so they could take her around to churches and show the "healing power" of da lawd

  21. Anonymous8:52 AM

    "He healed me from incurable asbestos cancer and certain death."

    I call bullshit on this. Are you telling me that God picked you out because you are so special and let others die. I don't think

  22. Gryphen - I don't care if you post this or not. I just had to say something.

    Anon @8:52: No need to call this person's beliefs into question. People survive cancer everyday - why? Who knows and who really cares, except the person and their family/friends.

  23. Grainne9:16 AM

    wow, i had a look at the site myself, and that is some crazy talk going on there. i guess it just seems completely rarional, though to theose who take the bible literally, every word. hey, i'll add trig to my prayers. but i certainly won't pray for him to be something that he's not.

  24. Anonymous9:19 AM

    The second poster more than likely hit the nail on the head. The first thing I thought of when I was reading the story and before I read any comments was....... This sounds like it's right out of Evangalical TV. A preacher lays their hands on someone and they cast away their crutches or wheel-chair and are miraculously "cured". And the sheep believe it really happened. And send more of their DOLLARS to these "healers". Sarah O'Paylin wouldn't stoop this low for money would she? Hah hah...snort. Chuckle, hahahahahaha, chortle, belly laugh..... hah hah hah Of course she would. Especially if she didn't have to pack "that retarded baby" around any more.

    I guarantee you, if she swapped out babies and Trigg was all of a sudden "normal", there are people who wouldn't question it in the least and would in fact try to convince the rest of us that yes, Sarah O'Paylin was indeed chosen by God. A scenario like this would be a win, win, win for Sarah. Except when the truth came out.

  25. Anonymous9:21 AM

    8:30 AM

    The "healing power" of da lawd along with "OBEY" can come from the pharmacy.

  26. FEDUP!!!9:23 AM

    OK, here comes my conspiracy theory...

    I believe we have been seeing tow different toddlers being presented as Trig: One that is obviously and quite severely afflicted with DS, and one that is ruddy and happy like in the latest picture shoot where he and Tripp are riding some type of rocking horse.
    This is just a ploy to give the DS toddler back to his rightful parents (or to institutionalize him, since he has been so much neglected (i.e. no needed therapies, no glasses, no hearing aids, etc)...), and come out with the 'healthy' (twin?) toddler - the one that was pictured in the birth announcement.

  27. Anonymous9:30 AM

    anon at 8:20 am,
    the clintons and the bushes / shrubs have been in bed together for a LONG time, it's just that now they are coming out of the closet about it. and yes it's sickening, especially those in-groupy little smirks.

  28. Anonymous9:37 AM

    And after they pray away the retard, an asteroid comes to take them all away!!


    I already know the answer: yes, no or maybe later, just like if I prayed to a tree instead.

  29. Anonymous9:40 AM

    There is no such thing as asbestos cancer,that would not be the name of the disease.

    nature happens and God does not mess with what he put in place and I don't even believe

  30. Anonymous9:55 AM

    You know you can't prevent every crazy person from doing crazy things. You let a small group of people reason to waste your time on?
    We hsve more important work to do like serving our president. Now get on his website and commit your soul to your Messiah.

  31. I found this Miracle Prayer" story intriguing. Way back when, on palindeception.com, I wrote that the fact that Trig had Downs Syndrome seemed like a contrivance -- a lie to put it bluntly -- because older mothers were more likely to have such a child. Since Sarah Palin was lying (I am quite certain) in her claim that she was the birth mother, this was a key "fact" which could cement her lie for many people.

    Of course, as Trig aged, it would become aparent that he did not (fortunately) suffer from Downs Syndrome. I thought there was a reasonable possibility therefore that she might later assert that there was a misdiagnosis and that he did not have Downs Syndrome at all. If this story has any credence, then it would seem that Sarah Palin will let this lie do double duty, by allowing the "misdiagnosis" to be converted into a "miracle."

  32. Every now and then a baby I called Baby Blue appeared. Looked very like Trig,but smaller, and more amenable, who smiled, waved, seemed to see and hear the people around him without eyeglasses or hearing aids. Only appeared twice.

    I wasn't the only one wondering if she borrowed a look alike for a few hours.

    But in the unlikely event this happened what would happen to the bigger, red cheeked Trig?

    I'm not much into theories, but Baby Blue seemed different than Trig.

    With Sarah Palin ANY deception is possible. Her audacity to try anything no matter how idiotic, mixed with incredulous folks who would swear on a stack of bibles that she is honest, when we know most everything out of her mouth is a lie.

  33. Anonymous @ 8:13
    That caught my attention, too. Why is it we never hear "hardened Christian" or "devout atheist?" Just one more of the many daily reminders of the incapacity for self-awareness possessed by those in a bubble. Why is it important to know how many will be praying? Does it allow her to know how hard she has to pray? Or how long? Is there a pocket guide for that? Are there charts and graphs? And if God hasn't healed DS before, doesn't that call for just going flat out for as long as you can, anyway? I'm confused.

  34. Anonymous10:14 AM

    mesothelioma is curable yet. Usual survival time with or without treatment from time of its manifesting. About 3 years.

  35. I pointed out over at Palingates that the Pray4Trig site has a bumper sticker for sale, and the bumper sticker has the wrong date printed on it. April 28, 2010, instead of "Trig's birthdate" April 18, 2010.

  36. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:52 ----

    Here's another puzzler: I wish someone would explain the phrase "There but for the Grace of God, go I" when talking about someone else's misfortune. God graced me but not the other guy? God chose sides randomly? Why not grace ALL of us?

  37. I think on April 18th, I just might pull out the ol rosary beads, and pray.

    Pray that Trig finally gets the therapies and interventions he should be getting.

    Pray that he is finally wearing his glasses and hearing aides on a regular basis, not just when the bloggers are making his Granny remember them.

    Poor little guy!

  38. This is beyond belief!! Any response from Queen Esther on this? I, and many others, have pointed out that it was going to be interesting to see what her prop would be when she could no longer haul Trig around, which we all know is getting more and more difficult. Sheer madness!!

  39. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I don't think the email was a joke.

    I have relatives who earnestly believe divine intervention saved them in extremely dangerous situations and when they were very ill. And they may be right.

    However, the person sending this email on behalf of Trig has a poor understanding of the scriptures and his condition. Trig is not "ill". She might as well try to pray away the stripes on tigers. It's just how they are.

  40. so if his "healing" by prayer proves that there is a God then if he isn't healed by prayter then thatproves there is no God, right? They should probably think these things through a little more.

  41. These sheeple are in possesion of maybe one brain cell per person. MAYBE. If there is a God, I am sure SHE is quite busy now.

  42. crystalwolf aka caligrl11:34 AM

    Pray that TriG b-day will suddenly REALLY b/c 4/18???

  43. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Yes, "He did heal me of asbestos cancer and certain death." This event happened 28 years ago, and there are piles of medical records and doctors and nurses at the Dana Farber Cancer Center and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston who would so attest. I am now 61 years old, healthy, and functioning normally. I am not aware of any other asbestos cancer survivor who is healthy 28 years after the fact. To tell you the truth, I could not believe my own healing myself for many years, because other oncologists kept telling me that this was an impossibility. There were lots of committed Christians praying for me all during this time, people whom I had just met and did not know well at the time, and to whom I am exceedingly grateful to this very day. Miracles DO happen, and they do happen with prayer. Doctors will tell you this, and there have been studies confirming this. Getting what you want is not what prayer is about. Prayer is not like a machine that you turn on or a magic chant that you say and, bingo, the bad stuff is gone and your demands are met. Instead, it is a matter of Grace, of undeserved favor – and NOT because any person is more special than any other (sorry, Palinbots), but because God is God and, having created all things, He is certainly entitled to do as He ordains. 28 years later, I am still amazed and grateful to be here. I promise: I do not believe for a moment that I am more special than any other person, and I don't think God sees us that way (one person or group as being better or worse than another), either. Any God who had such biases would, by definition, not be God. He would be a bigot.

  44. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Are you sure this isn't a prankster?

    because it seems there is little but spamming going on there. Meds for sale etc.

    Of course I believe the Palinbots are capable of any whacko thing, and that includes thinking they can pray Trigs down syndrome out of his system..

  45. Anonymous1:02 PM

    The book, Going Rogue, said Bristol stated to her mother: "This year you're going to rent me a baby for my birthday." What a strange thing to say. I've never heard anyone say such a thing b4. People often speak what is in their hearts. Renting babies was in someone's heart and it was imputed to young Bristol in the book. I've never heard a young person say such a thing b4. How strange. These are strange people. If I would have said something like that I would have been reprimanded and told people are not rentable. I would have been set straight about that by my democrat mom. Interesting.

  46. @Fed Up,

    You took my thoughts and put them to post. I was thinking the EXACT same thing.
    It's sad really. ss$carah is such a cold hearted souless person, I would not doubt it for a second.

    The other thing I was thinking is that ss$arah's little Trigger was not a preemie. Whoever gave birth to this child could have messed up her due date or ss$arah did. That explains part of the Wild Ride and why Trigger is so big already for (supposedly) being a preemie. It takes more than a year for most preemies to catch up to an average sized baby of the same age. And Trigger looks huge for his age.
    So ss$arah screwed up the due date. She had to hurry to the Hospitol in Alaska, by passing the one closer and better equiped to the airport. She had to be there when Trigger was born. If she really was pregnant with a D.S. baby, she would never had gone to TX at that late stage in her pregnancy. And Dr. Baldwin-Johnson cannot and will not say a word. And, the story of why she isn't recorded being admitted to the hospitol would be something along the lines of keeping the press away.
    What a tangled web she weaves. It has to, at some point, catch up to her. There is no way she can keep this bizzare charade going too much longer. (I hope).

  47. "Rent me a baby" is an odd thing. Kids say things like: GET me a baby or GIVE me a baby. Not rent.

    Sarah is a liar. (Like we didn't already know that! LOL)

  48. Anonymous2:05 PM


    Baby Blue {baby in blue, not baby turning blue from cold} was a different child. No one said the extra child had a name. He/she was cleverly just slipped in.

    If enough time goes by and there are no pictures of the child known as Trig, he could be replaced.

    Too bad the good folks around Wasilla can't take photos. Does anyone know who cares for Trig? Is he allowed to go to a doctor appointment? Can he leave where they keep him sequestered? I'm remembering Rose Kennedy's lobotomy. I hope they aren't thinking of some strange procedure.

    1:02 PM...

    What was the context of "This year you're going to rent me a baby for my birthday." Why would she have ghost writer write that?

  49. Anonymous4:09 PM

    My sister-in-law swears she was healed of breast cancer by faith and prayer.She was diagnosed with a tumor in her breast.She went for a test and was told she had cancer.she wanted a second opinion and got it,same result went back again and she claims her tumor was completely gone. her words not mine.She said she had a prayer group praying for her.My self I think we have guardian angels that watch over us. I know of at least 3 times if not more i should have been killed and excaped with my life.

  50. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Our aunt was a Christian Scientist, and never saw a doctor for more than 40 years of her life. When her health began to fail, we were her only close relatives, so care fell to us. She begged us to call a Christian Science practitioner who would pray for her long distance.

    Since this was before the days of the internet and cell phones, the best we could do was to leave a message on the woman's answering machine and wait for her to return our telephone call. While waiting, our aunt took a turn for the worse, and passed away.

    A week or two later, our phone rang with the offer of prayers. "I've been praying for your aunt. Let me tell you where you can send your check." We are still laughing.

  51. Mac and Cheese Wiz5:59 PM

    The stoopid- it stings!

  52. "The book, Going Rogue, said Bristol stated to her mother: "This year you're going to rent me a baby for my birthday." What a strange thing to say."

    Oh, I think that's Sarah projecting again onto one of her children--and that Sarah is the one renting the baby in real life.

  53. Send money to heal Trig Palin. If you send enough money, God will heal him. Send what you can. Cancel your cable, your magazine subscriptions, your newspapers. Go meatless an extra day each week. Trig needs to be healed and only you can heal Trig by donating to SarahPac. Show God how much you love Trig and want him to be healed. Send your donation today and urge all of your friends to do the same. If you donate enough, God will see your faith and he will heal Trig.

    Send money now!

    (If Sarah is reading this, you'll see this on Facebook within 48 hours.)

  54. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Bristol's Mamma heart page 57 going rogue: "You,"she decreed, "are going to rent me a baby for my birthday!"

    I didn't misremember this item from that dull book. It's so hard to read the book because it's so boring. This tidbit was interesting though. Well, Bristol was only seven. But still it seems odd.

  55. Anonymous11:56 PM

    I just sent the link to this site to a friend with a special needs child. Here is what she commented back to me.

    "All my kid wants is to have a friend...but she's beginning to see that if she doesn't walk and act like the rest of the kids then people will just put her to the side, tell her she is special, and leave her there to be alone. She's getting the message that she's broke big time. I really don't think the people at that website get it at all."

    "Sorry to get riled up but maybe we should pray for healing and acceptance from/for the world instead of for one person to be "fixed.""

  56. So much for the child being loved and accepted for who he is.

  57. She claims to have been hacked so she changed the name of the site to pray4healing to prevent further attacks I guess. Of course the fact that the site is easy to find would mean the same exact thing will most likely happen again.

  58. Anonymous7:33 AM

    When my son had rosy cheeks like that sometimes it meant he had a fever. Hope he's not doing prop duties while ill. Have a nice day.

  59. Interesting timing. One thought I had was that there is another toddler in the wings waiting to go on the Palin express and replace Trig. Weird, I know, but when it comes to all things Palin, anything deviant is possible.

    I think we can all agree that
    Trig, a little cutie-pie, is not receiving the benefits from consistent and appropriate early intervention, thanks to his "mother" MINO. She is just too darned busy taking care of herself in her oh-so-psycho-pathological way. Oy!

    Trig with Palin: no glasses, no hearing aids for his waking hours. Oh maybe a very few times he's worn them but not all the time, like he is supposed to, in order to receive the maximum benefits.

    This MINO Crazy Person might think that this healing gig could really benefit her. By replacing Trig with another "prop-child" who was healed by God, then the Crazy Person could use this to her advantage. Imagine, no more worries about Trig becoming more frustrated and difficult--because he can't see nor hear clearly due to a lack of real caring and love. He is a prisoner at the whim of MINO.

    Crazy Person is capable of Crazy Behavior. Just a thought in process.

  60. Anonymous12:45 PM

    This is way out there....but, could Trig have a twin (a healthy one) who looks like Trig minus the down syndrome characteristics? What a hoax it would be that suddenly the Palins' deliver to the world a HEALTHY TRIG! I know, I live in the land of the absurd but....


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