Friday, January 15, 2010

Just like I predicted Jon Stewart has a blast with Glenn Beck's lustful interview of Sarah Palin.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Crazy Like a Contributor
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"Hello Clarice" Oooh creepy! Silence of the Lambs is a PERFECT metaphor for how unnerving that interview was!

Glenn Beck: Well, Sarah - have the lambs stopped screaming?


  1. I don't know why anyone would not think this Fox gig is a bad thing. Well, bad for Sarah, but awesome for the rest of us. It is comedy gold. Now SNL, Stewart, Olbermann, Maddow, Colbert, and even Chris Matthews have an endless supply of free Sarah crazy. Who needs comedy writers when the shit literally writes itself.

    Combined with the tabloid family, Sarah is literally the best entertainment out there. How many nights a week will Sarah be on?

    Sarah will be "Couric'd" every night on Fox, not intentionally by the hosts, but just because she is so stupid...hoisted by her own petard.

    Please don't quit this job too, Sarah. Stewart and everyone else has not had so much free material since W left office...we kinda miss it.

  2. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Fox needs to give Sarah a prerecorded show format where she can do multiple retakes and has a written script to read from.

    She can never survive a "live" show of any nature. She has several dozen talking points and that is all there is... She is too uninformed and ignorant to do interviews of any nature.

    The blank look on her face during Beck's chat matches the empty space in her head.

  3. Anonymous5:39 AM

    What a drastic difference in her composure/personality between her Beck interview and her Hannity one.
    I think this is a good visual of the "two Sarah's" mentioned in Game Change.

    Her Hannity appearance must have been taped before Beck's show as she referred to the Massachusetts Senate race being over a week away. (Tuesday, Jan. 19th)

    Also very noticeable in the Hannity piece she kept saying the "Democrat" party. Reminded me of her penchant to say O'Biden.

  4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:47 AM

    Haven't seen this one as yet--couldn't bear to when it was on, but I'm wondering how many heads they'll eventually find in Glen Beck's fridge? I can't tell if SP looks dazed, overwhelmed, or scared shitless. All of the above?

    Love Stewart's take on this; brilliant as always.

  5. Anonymous5:54 AM

    She's a stoner... hilarious!

  6. Too funny! It's Hannibal Lecter meeting Hannibal Lecter.

  7. Kasha Knish5:59 AM

    Thanks for both Glenn Beck's comments on his smarmy interview with Palin and too, also, Jon Stewart's comparison with Hannibal Lecter and Clarice.

    Meanwhile, check out . Just when you think Sarah Palin has been covered from every angle, here comes an interview with Cheech & Chong. It turns out that Palin is on their list as a person with whom they would like to smoke pot!

    Here is part of one of their quotes.... "She answered a lot of questions like a stoner," Tommy Chong ..."

  8. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Jimmy Kimmel chimes in!

  9. In the clips I have seen of Paylin's various Faux appearances, I have noticed she is completely and utterly lacking in confidence. During the campaign, she was arrogant and nasty and snide and put on a good pretense that she knew what she was talking about. This was, after all, God's plan and she was walking straight through that door that He had opened for her.

    What I'm seeing now is more like a feral cat. She shrinks into herself. Her facial expressions switch from fearful to confused, and I would even hazard a guess that she's on some type of anti-anxiety meds.

    She looks absolutely lost and terrified, no spirit whatsoever. Defeated. How the lemming bots see eloquence and poise and strength is a mystery to me.

  10. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Thanks, I needed that.

  11. Ripley in CT6:46 AM

    HAHAHAHAHAhahahahahah!!! I love John Stewart! OMG, I'm so glad I only have basic Fox news ever on my tv... though I do miss Comedy Central.. so thanks Gryph!

  12. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Well don'tcha know we have the Democrat party and the Republic party according to our newest political analyst, Governor Sarah Palin.

  13. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Chris: "What I'm seeing now is more like a feral cat. She shrinks into herself. Her facial expressions switch from fearful to confused, and I would even hazard a guess that she's on some type of anti-anxiety meds.

    And looks like she added a little topper, since if she had taken the appropriate dosage she wouldn't show look that disassociated from what's going on she must be 1)taking too much of her drug/s of preference, 2)even dumber than she sounds (certainly possible), 3) scared sh**less, or 4) genuinely mentally ill. My own guess is the latter; but the first listed is a definite possibility.

  14. laprofesora7:11 AM

    Chris: I noticed the difference in her demeanor, from the campaign trail to these 1:1 interviews. She lacks the charm and charisma that she has in front of a crowd of her sdmirers. Obviously she feeds off the adulation of her fans; she was even more animated on Oprah's show. She needs the cheering masses to get her revved up.One to one she's flat, sedate, even boring. Another indication of a messed up psyche?

  15. I think the difference between Palin now and Palin on the campaign trail is due to two things. First of all, as we know, she was well protected from having to answer any questions in a real interview as any other political candidate in history would have done; and she had a script and a teleprompter. All she had to do was react to the adoring crowds. And secondly, she was not under the tremendous strain with her family in the tabloids and established as the First Family of Trailer Trash. And then of course, as has been pointed out lately, she is losing ground with her bots. AND the big one that will finally take her down is coming at her. There is nothing she can do to stop it. She is scared. Period.

  16. Anonymous8:16 AM

    The beck interview was indeed very creepy....all those whispered answers, leaning way too far into her personal space, and the whole journal thing....ewwwww. You definitely could tell the change in Palins demeanor. I am certain that Beck creeped her out too. Now with the 'behind the scenes' tidbits that Beck released about Palin not trusting anyone, and her last minute will be very interesting to see if Palin-who-can-hold-a-grudge-longer-than-anyone-else (and who also settles scores via twitter & facebook) will EVER appear on Beck again. Just saying....

  17. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Sarah Palin is afraid. Her fear in this interview is palpable. Remember, she's a "hick on a high wire." New York scares her, too, no doubt.

  18. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Dear Journal,
    Today I saw the first episode of the "$ara and Dippy Show". It was so romantic! Next time I want to share it with my falafel and lubricant.... luvd it !!!!

  19. Warning -- petty, catty observation:

    Like Jon Stewart asks, look at Sarah Palin's face.

    In that still picture of Palin in the Stewart parody video, did you all notice that the plastic surgery apparently didn't also remove Palin's incipient sagging jowls? There's a bit of droop to the one in clear view.

    Goodness, the woman's only 45 y/o. She better have Pastor Muthee strengthen the spell on her "Dorian Gray" picture.

  20. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I would never leave my 16-year-old daughter in a room alone with Glenn Beck. He is deranged.

  21. Insightful comments here. Chris at 6:23 really nailed it for me.


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