Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bill Gates: "We need energy miracles."

"What we're going to have to do at a global scale is create a new system," Gates said in a speech at the TED Conference in Long Beach, California. "So we need energy miracles."

Gates called climate change the world's most vexing problem, and added that finding a cheap and clean energy source is more important than creating new vaccines and improving farming techniques, causes into which he has invested billion of dollars.

Perhaps the climate change deniers will pay attention to somebody like Bill Gates. After all he is either completely or partially responsible for the computer that people are using to read these very words.

He is also a smart entrepreneur who has made billions creating innovative products and then creating a demand for them. Who better to talk about climate change and help brainstorm ideas about how to address it?

The world must eliminate all of its carbon emissions and cut energy costs in half in order to prevent a climate catastrophe, which will hit the world's poor hardest, he said.

"We have to drive full speed and get a miracle in a pretty tight timeline," he said.

Gates spent a significant portion of his speech highlighting nuclear technology that would turn spent uranium -- the 99 percent of uranium rods that aren't burned in current nuclear power plants -- into electricity.

That technology could power the world indefinitely; spent uranium supplies in the U.S. alone could power the country for 100 years, he said.

A "traveling wave reactor" would burn uranium waste slowly, meaning a 60-year supply could be added to a reactor at once and then not touched for decades, he said.

Gates also called for innovation in battery technology.

Now see those are some VERY interesting and innovative ideas, that could have a real positive impact on reducing our need to burn fossil fuels and add their emissions to the greenhouse gases that imperil our planet.

I often think of climate change deniers the way I think about Creationists. The science is too hard for them to understand so instead they feel more comfortable saying it does not exist and replying on faith instead.

However like creationists (who have ministers who may very well know that what they say is false but rely on the ignorance of their congregants) the climate change deniers have the Republicans and Fox News to take advantage of their lack of education and to foster their distrust of climate science. (It never ceases to amaze me that the people who say that the biologists and climate scientist are dead wrong, have no compunction about trusting science to heal their sicknesses, keep their planes airborne, and continue to improve their 50 inch flat panel television sets.)

I have always felt that part of the problem is that climate change is not obvious to the casual observer (Like a flat panel television or airplane for instance), so it is easy to confuse those who do not spend the time to research it.

If we ran out of fossil fuel tomorrow, I have little doubt we would see workable alternatives introduced in less than a month. However as long as the gas and oil corporations can still make a profit, and they can afford to throw money at our politicians (Everybody give big shout out to Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski), and essentially purchase their own media outlets (Let's all say "hey" to Fox News), then many of our politicians do not have the will to do what is right.

And that is criminal neglect that will have a serious negative impact on our children and our children's children.

It will take more important and influential people like Bill Gates to bravely stand up and speak the truth to the world, before we will see the politicians suckling at the teat of big oil finally release their liplock and work toward a solution to this desperate problem.


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I propose that all those that think climate change is a hoax immediately stop using all of Bill Gates' products as a boycott of his radical thinking. Think of how much internet pollution would be cleaned up.

  2. Just imagine where we could be if we had continued the alternative energy research started in the 70's. Instead, along came Reagan and he put a stop to it. He even removed the solar panels from the White House roof that Carter had put up.

  3. Sorry, but after the problems he's caused with Windows I can't trust anything he has to say. Will there be glaring security holes in his energy platform as well?

  4. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I'm going to go seriously off topic here because I read a story that has quite a bearing on the Palin/Johnston Custody Case, in particular the part that the Sea of Pee want Sarah's fans to play in making their feelings known to the judge. Not a good idea.

    Firday, Feb.12 Tribune has a long article about an infomercial guy with a case pending in court. On his website, he asked all of his loyal fans to bombard the judge hearing the case with emails telling how satisfied they were with the infomercial guy's products and/or services. The emails got out of hand and included threats.

    You can guess how this is playing out. The judge has fined the infomercial guy for trying to influence the outcome of the case. Infomercial guy's arguments have to do with freedom of speech, which, according to local law professors have as much validity as yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. As proof of the intimidation, the judge put his laptop up on the bench, and every other second a bell went off indicating another incoming message. The word "harassment" doesn't even begin to come close.

    If you would like to read the story, here is the link:
    I hope that the very nice folks who think that using to internet to badger someone is a good idea will think twice, now that there is legal precedent against this form of intimidation. The fine is $37 million dollars, plus the possibility of incarceration. Maybe the Pee People should think twice before they try to intimidate the judge hearing the Palin/Johnston custody hearing.

  5. If the Right can easily pin a tag onto anyone, it is the tag "elitist" for Bill Gates.

    I met him in Seattle when he was about a sophomore in HS. He and a buddy of his - the novelist Frank Herbert's son - hung around the radio station where I worked - KRAB FM. If only I'd known.

  6. Mr gates has finally spoke. this whole new energy idea is not working from the ground up. some from on top have to draw the initiative from below,then some may pay attention. For more than 25 years i have known how to create my own power. We should all be off the grid. But we are lucky we live where we can most cannot. A new tech would put the utilities and the oil companys out for buisness.
    I can jump up and down about biofuel for steam generated electricity and steam heated greenhouses. but the corporatocracy wont have it as it will hurt their bottom line. The technology is here,the ability to use it is not. End corporate personhood and perhaps people will hear how to fend for themselves.

  7. Hindsight is 20-20

  8. Deb in WI6:29 PM

    I've also read a few articles on how Google's company also is working on technology for clean energy. You can also read more from their website here:

    It's nice to know the high-tech companies are taking an interest. They don't just talk the talk, but are very dedicated and actively working on solving the problem.

  9. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Say ree will have to ask someone what she thinks about this. I can't wait to hear.

  10. Anonymous6:59 PM

    During the carter admin I bought a little jeep that got 40 miles to the gallon. I did my part. The thing with Bill Gates is he writes these tomes that don't make much sense to the dimwits (me) but there is a lovely buzz.

  11. Mac And Cheese Wiz9:42 PM

    The man is a genious. Now if he could harnass the word salad factory of Sarah Palin, the wind energy of Rush Limbaugh, the nervous energy of Glenn Beck and the Republican fillibuster turbine, then we'd solve the energy problem for good.

  12. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Good post, Gryphen. I liked your commentary as much as what Gates had to say.

    Basically, Americans are like big babies on the teat. They don't want anything to change. Just keep shoving them that warm teat and they're content.

  13. Anonymous2:29 AM

    You are exactly right Jerry, I was one of the folks who was trained for alternative energy in the 70's. By the time I graduated, Reagan was a shoe in and already the departments where I was thinking of working were gearing down. I ended up a shop gal in a department store. I have despised the GOP ever since then.

  14. "If we ran out of fossil fuel tomorrow, I have little doubt we would see workable alternatives introduced in less than a month"

    Your sentence above is the problem of most peoples thinking. Many do believe there is a quick fix at hand, but is surely far from reality.

  15. Palin's solution to this dire problem would be a three word sound byte with the word 'baby' in it. I do not dismiss the ideas of Bill Gates because Windows is flawed. When his teams of programmers assembled the code they didn't anticipate all contingencies (I worked in IT for 31 years, it's a human thing). Alternate energy production and storage is the future.

  16. Anonymous5:48 AM

    The new technologies coming are are so exciting. Batteries that are as thin as a sheet of paper and rechargeable! Clean safe nuclear power that is renewable and reuseable. The impetus is there. Corporations, dinosaurs that they may be, will come around when they see how much they could profit from these new ideas.

  17. Anonymous7:12 AM

    We certainly need clean energy. Yes, political/corporate motivation is part of the motivation for climate change deniers, but you have missed the boat with the creationists.

    Deniers are not "like" creationists, they are creationists. If you listen to the Christian fundamentalist, you will hear that only God is big enough to influence the climate. It is taught, just as creationism, to their home "scholers" It is part of their religious belief and weaves well into Republican politics, anti-science, and corporate interests.

  18. I'm not a 'denier' of global climate change, but i do think we're targeting the wrong greenhouse gas.

    CO2 is a requirement for life on this planet.

    People denying the deniers should do some research of their own.

  19. "CO2 is a requirement for life on this planet."

    So is water, but too much of it will kill you.

  20. I have been waiting for years for Bill Gates to come out with his autism.


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