Friday, February 05, 2010

Hey let's take a look and see what the Teabaggers are up to shall we?

First up we have Georgia's William Temple who came dressed as Button Gwinnett, a Georgian signer of the Declaration of Independence. He would like to slip Sarah Palin a little tongue and kick the whole governemnt out and replace them with Teabaggers.

I don't want to use the "R" word, but he certainly DOES like to dress up and I am not at all sure that he and reality are on a first name basis.

Here we have an actual sighting of a Palin-bot. Shhh, don't make any sudden moves, they are skittish and easily confused by facts and bright lights.

Here is a Fox News report that tries to explain just who the Teabaggers are, but after you watch it you will probably be more confused than ever.

I am a little surprised that a whole 44% of Fox News viewers do not take this movement seriously. They must be traitors who also watch the Fascist/Nazi/Socialist news channels of CNN and MSNBC.


  1. Anonymous3:30 PM

    this one I think you'd enjoy

  2. Teabbagers don't know what facts are and they do not WANT to would spoil their temper tantrum.

    Even a 2 year old has a better idea of just WHY they are angry while have a temper tantrum than these whack jobs do.......


    Simply means ;


    The bottom line with the teabaggers starts and ends with Obama.........

    Now that Obama and his family have been in the WH for a year now, living their life out in pictures as every presidential family does............the racist heads are exploding!

    While the media is trying to make hay from this....there are only 600 people at this convention....out of 330,000,000.......three hundred and thirty MILLION Americans!!

    And Alan Keyes teabagging "cruise" only garnered 100 folks even though he heavily pitched it.

    Teabaggers are poor , uneducated, deliberately ignorant, out of work, and the poorest of the disabled.

    The rethugs and FOX news are taking advantage of them as is the republican way.

    How is it that the rethugs are able to convince these fools to act and speak out against their own best interests?

    I find this teabag nonsense almost as sad as it is dangerous.

    Sad for the folks we see with their signs, confused and angry, and dangerous because of who is behind this.

    Rupert Murdoch still brags about changing the entire political landscape in Australia AND claims responsibility for Margaret Thatcher in England .

    He accomplished that, they very same way he is operating in the US, with all the newspapers and magazines he owns, but most egregiously with FOX "news".

  3. Anonymous4:05 PM

    song about Palin - "Change You Won't Regret"

  4. Anonymous4:06 PM

    You can spot most Teabaggers by their wild eyes. They have some sort of a cross between deer-in-the-headlight and thousand yard stare going on.

  5. look out...there are DOZENS of them!
    lmfao....go away teabarfers.

  6. Lynne5:04 PM

    Wow, all I've watched so far is the first one of the three videos. That was a wild eyed rant, and it made me shudder. If this nutcase is an example, I think I'll bolt my door. Too bizarre!

  7. Gasman5:08 PM

    You look at these slobbering goobers and then consider Tancredo’s words about Obama voters being illiterate and stupid, uttered while he was up to his armpits in teabaggers. I am willing to bet that the average IQ of those folks is NOT in the triple digits. Having already seen many of the hand lettered teabagger signs at previous events, I am pretty sure that Tancredo can make no boastful claims about the literacy of this imbecilic tribe.

    The average teabagger couldn’t spell CNN.

  8. Lynne...again5:18 PM

    If you want to see an IQ the same as a guy's shoe size, go to that YouTube link that was referenced in the first comment. I've never seen anything like that. Drunk? Maybe. Ridiculous. Unquestionably.

  9. Anonymous5:25 PM

    What the heck is a "signer of the American Revolution?" Revolution???
    Signer of the Revolution?

    Then he goes on to talk about how we need people who know the Constitution?

    It would have been more meaningful if he could have proven he knew American History. Good grief, poor, poor man - embarrassing himself and his family like that in public. Oh, yeah, they probably wouldn't know what was wrong either.

  10. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Wow, yep, you got them there "donators" to inspire.


  11. Anonymous5:33 PM

    and, Sarah, Button Gwinnett was actually a FOUNDING FATHER, didja know that?

  12. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Here is the clentcher! Gag!!!

  13. Eileen C. Tallon6:49 PM


    Not being as politically correct as you and others...I say wild eyed William Temple is as mentally retarded as Sarah Palin.

  14. Anonymous8:03 PM

    There are 600 people and 150 media folks..I had more people at my HS dance..why on earth is the media trying to make a big deal out of this? Did they even sell enough tickets to cover Palin's speaking fee?

  15. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Rmember that 2 million person Tea Party they threw on the Capitol Mall? You know, the one that really gathered 40,000 people?

    These 600 are the last ones who will admit they were there.

  16. honestyinGov9:35 PM

    Look up in the C-Span archives the featured speaker today. It was Joseph Farah, CEO and founder of World Net Daily. This guy is Bachman crazy times 10. No matter how I describe his speech to the audience... it won't do it justice. He spoke about his numerous Birther theories.Did you know that the Bible shows the direct parentage of Jesus but the State of HI Birth Certificate is invalid....? No kidding!! Your head will hurt. And these typical Tea Baggers loved what he was saying... much applause. He is their role model. Judson Phillips introduced him. Phillips said the WND website is the second most important website he goes to to get ' informed '. His words... you can read stuff there you won't read anywhere else... HOW TRUE!! Anybody else would be embarrassed to present ideas like that. You will enjoy the clip. Joseph Farah and Sarah Palin... what leaders and role models. They LOVE them both.

  17. Anne NC11:48 PM

    If this teabagger movement was as big as they claim it to be, 1/3 of the country, they would have moved the convention to a larger venue due to hundreds of thousands of requests for tickets. As it stands, last week there were still tickets available to see $P. I could have bought 20 without difficulty at $349 apiece. This is NOT the all important convention they are trying to pretend it is. I can't wait to hear $P's very own speech that she had written for her. I wonder if RAM wrote it?

  18. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Interesting point in the 3rd video: Looks like Judson Phillips is franchising his operation.

    Wonder what he'll charge? Enough to pay off the debt of this "convention?"

    Of course! There's one born every minute.

  19. notmensa1:18 AM

    Gift Bags!! They get a tee! A fanny pack! A weird cone thing that 'doesn't even hold coke'.

  20. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Perhaps he could direct Sarah to the Wikipedia entry (and maybe have a read of it himself):

  21. chancefavors2:30 AM

    4:06 PM...
    I noticed that.

  22. Anonymous3:45 AM

    The tea partiers want smaller government...

    But their poster-gal Palin effectively INCREASED the number of AK Governors from one to almost two.

  23. Anonymous4:45 AM

    But "serious group" is such an ambiguous term.
    They do take themselves seriously.
    They and have done serious damage tothe nation dialogue.
    They are seriously divisive
    They have turned the RepoTaliban inside out and and round about and the results of that are very serious.
    They are seriously dangerous becasue the speek in the language of racism, and violence.

    And still they could only get 50% of the poll population to call them seriousl.

  24. tigerwine5:00 AM

    Poor Button Gwinnett - he says he's one of the Signers of the American Revolutin (not the Declaration of Indepence.)

  25. You could probably get more people at a a high school basket ball game.

  26. You know- I served in the Navy- as a hospital corpsman and am honorably discharged. I would bet dollars on the cent that 90 % of these "patriots" never served anything but themselves.

  27. The guy in the beret and colonial outfit was too funny. The affected accent didn't work too well for him though. Shifty and wide eyed- unable to look the reporter or the camera in the eye. And he is probably one of the "bright ones"...

    All about the "targets" and ending tyranny. Well lad- take that gun and fight for your country in Afghanistan- you patriot you....


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It just goes directly to their thighs.