Friday, February 05, 2010

Todd Palin e-mails lead story on Countdown. And did you know Bill O'Reilly edited his interview with Jon Stewart to make himself look good?

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And for those who, like me, thought that Jon Stewart was off his game on the Factor, just take a look at this.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

See? I knew Jon Stewart kicked his ass!


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Gryphen, do you have any info about the sex video and photos on Sarah? Her Repub supporters/controllers have had access to this info since at least as early as spring 2008, as have the Dems, but methinks in this climate of the John Edwards sex tape surfacing (just announced) that there might be increased money demand for this info and someone might finally sell her out from deep inside one of the camps. Seems like this email kerfluffle is the perfect "cover" to distract everyone from such a REAL revelation - hope it doesn't get buried.

  2. emrysa6:22 PM

    both of those were great! but the 2nd one was superb. yes, stewart did kick ass. the weird thing was that I got the vibe that oreilly knew he was right. maybe I'm wrong...

    praise the forces for jon stewart. an extremely smart man who can make it funny.

  3. thanks for posting the Jon Stewart link, Gryphen, as well as all the other stuff about the Palins (I prefer to read your synopsis rather than actually watch/listen to), keep up the good work!

  4. Stewart rules! O'Reilly knows he and Fox were ripped to shreds...also knew he was gonna fix it so Fox viewers stayed in the dark.

  5. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Saying 'Fair and Balanced' is Fox's way of putting lipstick on a pig.

  6. Anonymous7:06 PM

    @anon 6:18 - Sarah has a sex video?

  7. Forever Anonymous7:24 PM

    Thats is a great example of the spin zone, not matter what's the slogan, if you watch Fox News, you are in the spin zone.

  8. It was a great show. Keith was really on top of his Palin current event. And Stewart rocked. I was disappointed that Rachel did not do any follow-on. She was having a great time in New Orleans though so it was a fun hour.

  9. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Love Jon Stewart, he is always right on!

  10. icstraights9:11 PM

    Yeah well here in Juneau, it was a unanimous vote with us downtowners that she quit because of a sex tape.

    How unoriginal though; I believe it is THE ONLY reason other guvs have quit.

    SO anon @6:18. Where did you hear this or was it just surmised, like us here in ol' J town?
    It would be hilariously awesome if it were true!!!

  11. Anonymous9:53 PM

    sex tape-please lord let this be true. Seems like the only thing that can really kick one of these power hungry asses is a good sex tape.

  12. Anonymous9:54 PM

    only thing better than a Palin sex tape would be a Ben Stevens sex tape

  13. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Fucking trolls dream of Ester every night. there is your tape.

  14. Gasman10:36 PM

    Billow the Clown cannot face someone like Stewart who is not cowed by Billow's arrogant bullying. Billow is an intellectually lazy coward who is so used to his sycophantic staff jamming their noses up his ass that he has begun to believe his own hype. He is so sure of his invincibility in his own lair, he thought that he could brow beat Stewart. Billow is not stupid, but he is not very brave.

    Stewart refused to back down and treated him the way journalists should have been doing so for years: with disdain and an unwillingness to accept his transparently partisan pro GOP boilerplate narrative.

    Billow's response? To try and hide the evidence of his impotence by editing out Stewart's effective attacks.

    The sad truth is, if Billow had just left the interview intact, he would have come out looking and smelling a whole lot better. As it is, he appears to be a sniveling little coward who seeks to falsely burnish his image by hiding footage he finds inconvenient. After all that, the footage came out anyway. Billow's flaccid performance is there for all the world to see AND his cowardice is revealed.

    The FauxNews sheeple would not have cared one way or the other. They would have reflexively declared Billow victorious, no matter what. However, the rest of us have yet another piece of evidence - as if we needed anything additional - that Billow and his compatriot liars at FauxNews are nothing more than bloviating, posturing, bleating frauds bent on GOP ideological advocacy at the expense of the truth and even our democracy.

    Murdoch, Ailes, O’Reilly, Beck, and the rest of the traitorous thugs at FauxNews display contempt and disdain for the Constitution in their stilted, phony, manufactured fictional stagecraft that constitutes the ignorant, bigoted, and hate filled sewage which they spew forth and pass off as “news” on a daily basis. They are unAmerican and they are beneath contempt. FauxNews is a black hole from which no truth can emerge. They are a cancer which should be excised from our national body.

    God damn Bill O’Reilly and go to hell.

  15. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Two things:

    1) Is it just me or does Jon come across better when he's not being such a smart-ass all the live-long day? He is a really smart and insightful guy and should show a bit more of the serious aspect of his personality on his show.

    2) O'Reilly hardly interrupted at all. He eerily let Jon rip him and Fox new ones. What was up with that?

  16. Anonymous11:59 PM

    A sex tape? Just speculation? Or were there rumors??

    One other thing besides a sex tape that could bring her all the way down would be incest. Even fundies couldn't get past that - or at least I don't think they could. These days who knows.

  17. honestyinGov12:00 AM

    I had been reading the comments about the emails and what they found.
    I don't seem to remember any of them that talk about one of the IMPORTANT people in this drama. I have not seen any emails that refer to Levi....? Sarah and Tawdry must have talked about him. or does he come up in the next ones to be released.What was the date of the last one released.
    I'm sure Rex Butler would like to see what they said about Levi... before this months Court date. Where's Levi..?

  18. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign12:50 AM

    @ Anon 9:53

    With Palin, if a tape existed I think it would be just a sex tape, not a good sex tape. Remember, she has that awful screechy voice, is extremely conceited and incurious, and quits halfway through everything. LOL!

  19. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Her Salina nonsense

  20. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Anon at 9:54 PM, I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit with that visual.

  21. Anonymous4:31 AM

    I keep wondering why Sarah needs two houses and two cabins. The spared buildings are where she keeps her clothes.

  22. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Gasman @ 10:36 - Amen, also too.

  23. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I really believe this may be the time (for people looking for Palin to fall)to take a look into her form of religion.

    Her Church has plans for this country. Sarah, is only the catalist for these plans.

    PLEASE go to: Talk To Action/ Reclaiming Citizenship. on side bar look for Palin;s churches and the New Apostolic Reformation

    There is available a whole lot of imformation on her form of religion there goals,aims and reasoning.

  24. Anonymous6:47 AM

    The purported sex tape was reported in anonymous comments on this very blog last year. Take a look at the IM archives from July 2009. Another AK poster confirmed on Palingates that such a tape was known about from the 90's.

  25. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Keith Olbermann. Will you marry me??

    Kidding, of course... but man, he really made my day.

  26. Anonymous8:09 AM


    The time has come. We need a more fully-functioned comments section. One like Palingates has.

    What say you?

  27. Ripley in CT8:14 AM

    Here you go Gryph. I've sent this to MSNBC. *sniff* Is that AIP I smell?

    YEP! Fish is a member of the American Freedom Movement and hates being a republican candidate. Arnold and his wife proudly proclaim to be registered unaffiliated voters.

    Read carefully... it's a biggie.

  28. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Yes, Todd Palin was the real governor of Alaska. A card-carrying AIP member using his Barbie-doll wife as a front. With her full cooperation, of course. Same with $carah's attempted leadership of the Teabaggers, another anti-American movement.

    In the words of Todd's infamous T-Shirt...If you don't like America then get the hell out.

    Oh,the irony!

  29. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I have heard from a very credible person that a sex tape does exist. It would have been made in 93-94 sometime. It is the reason the Valley Polaris partnership was dissolved. Let's just say that after discovering the tape, Todd was not shy about discussing his anger about it with anyone who would listen at the time

  30. crystalwolf aka caligrl11:18 AM

    Gasman@10:36 AWESOME POST!!!!!!
    Thanks!! You say what needs to be said!!!

  31. Anonymous1:06 PM

    And this changes the big picture, how?

    Stewart concedes Ailes--now he's the guy you people should be sweating out--has used masterful media legerdemain to morph news into conservative opinion "sprinkled" with a little real news here and there.

    Ailes is the magician who rehabbed Nixon's political life after Howard K. Smith "officially" pronounced it dead.

    Ailes was behind the meteoric rise of Reagan as well as Bush '41 and he followed those coups by making Fox the media juggernaut it is.

    To Ailes Obermann and Stewart are lightweights.

    Think about: NOTHING has stopped Ailes from managing Rupert Murdoch's agenda. Nothing--not the White House, the combined forces of the N.Y. Times, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC.

    I'll even give you a bigger gotcha: Ailes has got George Soros pissed off at Obama.

    Yeah, this was a big moment in the larger game.


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