(Photo courtesy of Mudflats)
So I get this phone call last night from a source close to the Palin's who tells me they have been INSIDE the famously untaxed Palin Lake Shangri La on Safari Lake.
"Do tell" I say.
Well for one thing those are NOT cabins! They are very nice homes, much nicer than many of the other homes in that area.
The main house (which my source estimated cost between $50 to $60,000 to build) has a kitchen and living room on the bottom floor and two upstairs bedrooms.
There is a guest house (which they estimated to cost about $40,000 to construct), and what was described as a "snowmachine warehouse" (also costing about $40,000).
Property co-owner Scott Richter (Who got the property in a divorce settlement) also has a three-bedroom A-frame up there as well.
Now I did not get an exact date for when all of this was constructed but my understanding is that it was done before Palin was elected governor. So essentially the money for this would have been coming from Todd's oilfield job. On the Palin's 2007 tax returns it shows that Todd made about $102,716. I am guessing he made somewhat less in the years before, so where did they get the $130-$140,000 to build this little "home away from home"? And yeah I know they commerical fish, but that still would not cover such an expenditure.
And while we are on the subject of questionable Palin goings on, here is a little write up from Palin legal mouthpiece, Thomas Van Flein, attempting to tell the public that "there is nothing to see here just move along" concerning the recent Todd Palin e-mails.
A recent article discusses what purports to be a new "revelation" that Todd Palin was a "powerful first dude." To most Alaskans, and to the millions of people who read "Going Rogue" this is neither new nor a revelation. Like many married couples, including political 'power couples,' it is common for a spouse to play the role of key advisor to the other spouse. The Palins were no different. Todd Palin had official and unofficial duties, but one thing was clear: he was a key advisor to Governor Palin and involved in her efforts to improve the State of Alaska. Officially, in addition to the duties traditionally expected of the spouse of the Governor, Todd Palin was put in charge of a Workforce Development commission with the goal of increasing vocational education opportunities and awareness. But unlike some spouses of elected officials, Todd Palin did not travel with an entourage, had no designated office, had no title other than "First Dude", received no pay, and had no staff. He donated his time to the people of Alaska by assisting the Governor. Each spouse of the chief executive is free to define his or her own role. From the policy oriented Hillary Clinton, to the more traditional and charitable work of Laura Bush, to the combined policy/traditionalist role of Michelle Obama, the first spouse takes on the duties within their interests and within the context of their marriage to the chief executive. Todd was no different.
What Van Flea (sorry couldn't resists) fails to divulge here is that, though historically first spouses played some role in their partner's administration, the first spouse role was usually relegated to photo ops, and having tea with visiting dignitaries. It was NOT being CC'd on sate business, vetting CEO's, and choosing judges!
Van Flein uses the example of Hillary Clinton to make the case that some spouses have been known to get involved in policy making. However I must point out that Hillary was a graduate of Yale and taught law at the University of Arkansas, she was NOT a Wasilla high school graduate whose claim to fame was riding a snowmachine really fast.
Todd had absolutely NO business being involved in state business, and neither did daddy Chuck for that matter, but Sarah was so overwhelmed by her responsibilities that she desperately needed her family to help her do her job. THAT is what the e-mails help to illustrate, and that is why they are a big deal.
Before I close this post I cannot resist addressing another part of Van Flea's (Oops did it twice!) post.
What is interesting is that the same media outlet that today breathlessly reports how close the Palins were while Sarah Palin was Governor--too close for at least one reporter--earlier reported that the Palins were not close enough and headed for divorce. Consistency is not necessarily a hallmark for investigative journalists, but certainly truth should be.
Now I have no idea if this is directed at me, or perhaps some other media outlet, but since I broke the story perhaps I should address it.
When I reported my information, the Palin's were definitely having severe marital difficulties. (That has now been reported by a variety of sources.) And they were indeed throwing the word "divorce" around quite often. In my estimation they were probably headed for a separation or an actual divorce. Now that is just my estimation, there is no way to conclusively predict the future of their marriage.
However when I decided to report the Splitsville story I knew full well that they would almost certainly NOT get divorced once I reported it. By this time I had a kind of understanding of Sarah Palin and how her petulant mind worked. She would NEVER allow an Alaskan blogger, especially me, to get this scoop. NEVER!
Which is exactly the way I want it. Now Sarah and Todd are bound together in defiance, and possibly a lucrative monetary agreement, as the scandals just keep right on coming. Perfect.
Occasionally somebody will come over and try to poop on my parade by pointing out that I was wrong about their marriage and...and... "nanny nanny boo boo"! But those people must not play chess.
By the way if you want to read the rest of Van Flea's post I am afraid I have to direct you to the sea of urine. As much as I hate to send anybody into the darkness, it IS their post and those are the rules of blogging. Just remember not to touch anything over there, and to scrub up with disinfecting soap after you are finished.
Update: I just got of the phone with my source and, since so many of you wanted to know, I asked about the plumbing situation at the "cabins". I was told that at the time my source visited, and this was a few years ago, there was NO indoor plumbing but that there was a generator. So for those of you who were curious about that, now you know.
So....the Ted Stevens syndrome.
ReplyDeleteWho files charges?
Gryphen - Thank you and the rest of your peers for continuing to expose this woman. I am sick of the M$M who will not do their jobs,and keeping fawning over Granny grifter - she's a fraud and fake - they seem intent on trying to reinvent her otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you were wrong about their marriage. They have never looked happy to me.
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing how Van Flea and others are comparing Todd to Hillary Clinton And Laura Bush and not to the husbands of female governors. They don't seem to understand Palin wasn't/isn't the President.
I think this revelatory info on the make-up of the cabins should be sent to the friendly neighbourhood tax assessor! Good job Gryphen!
ReplyDeletegryphen they'll never get divorced because sarah can't function on her own. that much has become obvious. why should todd leave? he's got a great paying gig as her flunkie.
ReplyDeletethey don't need to have a happy marriage as long as they can get by with a financial partnership. which it would appear is what has been going on for years anyway.
Excellent post, Gryphen. Copies should be forwarded to the IRS. They take a very dim view of acquiring more stuff in a year than the amount of declared income and gifts would account for. (They used to offer a 10% finders fee for reporting tax cheats. It has to be someone from Alaska).
ReplyDeleteAs for Todd being compared to Hillary, Laura or other first ladies, his wife was not POTUS. She was a governor, and he should be compared to the spouses of other governors. Jenny Sanford ran her husband's political campaign and career for 20 years, according to the Barbara Walters interview last night, but Jenny had far more education and business experience than Todd. She also did not participate in administration of state business.
Todd and Chuck being cc'd on government emails crosses the line. It's no wonder they have to accompany Sarah everywhere she goes, because she cannot think or act without their support.
I wonder if at the time you were hearing those Splitsville rumors, the Palin conversation involved Sarah saying that she was tired of the boring governor job (that she hadn't been doing anyway) and Todd arguing that they could keep it up for two more years because there were all of these opportunities for him and his buddies. She wanted to cash in (as Levi described) and he wanted to keep the power trip going a little while longer. As you wrote, now they are stuck with each other, just to spite you. You do get the last laugh, after all.
Take a look at the New York Times today:
ReplyDeletePalin, Visible and Vocal, Is Positioned for Variety of Roles
I think you may want to check how much money these set netters can make in a six week period. I personally know guys clearing close to 50K last summer on one site.
ReplyDeleteHad Sarah held a press conference and announced that Todd would be handling portions of Alaska's administration, I suppose Van Flein might have had a point re: Hillary Clinton.
ReplyDeleteIt's fact that Todd was afforded all this power and influence under wraps. Indeed, I've come to the conclusion that the ONLY reason for the Yahoo accounts was because of Todd's involvement. He's the reason they were so paranoid about no one seeing that they were passing on confidential information and letting him direct state business.
Had every email been from Sarah herself with "hun, what do you think?" I would cut them a little slack. But everyone in the administration clearly treated Todd as someone who was an equal part of the administration: one who had undergone no election, no employment interview, offered no credentials, and had no accountability to the people of Alaska.
This is just the tip of the iceberg too. How much has NOT been revealed?
Palin is no longer a Governor besieged by ethic complaints an opposition research operatives, still Van Flein continues to be very busy putting out flames...what's a lawyer to do; Palin's higher calling is to taunt the law.
ReplyDeleteYou're starting to come off as petty, childish, and boring. You better come up with an iceberg pretty soon because interest is waning quickly on this blog. As it is with the others who are down to their group of regulars.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, a quick thanks for posting my explanation to my poorly worded post. I felt like a real ass after I realized how it sounded.
ReplyDeleteThis is quite excellent info you've gotten here. I suppose that maybe with Alaskans getting to see these emails and this tax issue will maybe open their eyes and piss them off enough to keep up the momentum going of slowly peeling back the layers on who she really is. You are in an excellent position to get that information as it comes, as this post shows.
I was thinking about what Shannyn and AKM said on her show the other day, about how they get info on her all the time from Alaskans, yet do not wish to dabble in some of the more tabloid-ish type stuff. I can respect them for that. But at the same time, much of that information does go to someones's character and honesty and the public has a right to know. The "private citizen" meme they are using just doesn't cut it as their excuse that these things about her are no longer relevent.
I'm gonna shut up now before my cabin fever and snow blindness really begin to show.
Keep up the good work and I'll try not to be so jealous that I'm not up there in Alaska, also too :)
Susan in MD
I remember a while back when someone was posting how the Palins took money from his/her trust. I wonder if it was true and what happened to that person.
ReplyDeleteI went over to that dreadful site to read the rest of Fleabag's post. I'm not understanding at all the masthead on that site. Why would you advertise that your candidate turns her back to you? Most times candidates go with a full-face-forward-stare-at-the-camera thing. At Shit-4-Brains (or whatever it's called) you get her back? Is that cuz she's walking away from her job?
ReplyDeleteThe entire Van Flein statement is available on the MSNBC website.
ReplyDeleteSaves people the bother of going to the Ocean and wading in the filth there.
Suppose that cabin was built at the same time as the house in Wasiller?
ReplyDeleteIt's some chutzpah to get a house out of the contractor on the sports complex. Getting a house AND a cabin is gold medal chutzpah territory.
You know what I'd like to see under Sarah's picture?
Inmate #
Well, then they were built when she was mayor? and had the rec center built? Looks to me like the building materials were freely distributed amongst the Palins and friends. And I do mean free ... as in "borrowed, lifted, stolen."
ReplyDeleteHm. The link to the NYT story looks okay, but the little pointy finger doesn't show up (in Firefox or IE6), so it doesn't work. Dunno why.
ReplyDeleteGo to www.nytimes.com and click on Politics, lefthand menu. You'll see it there.
It's important not to engage Van Flea's deceptive argument.
ReplyDeleteHe uses the spouses of presidents as examples of governor's behavior. They are not equals.
He should be equated governors' spouses. But he can't find any. ha ha.
The best thing to do here is to interview past Alaskan governors for their opinion. Then print that as your rebuttal.
Of course, that is just my opinion.
I've always thought it was money holding the Palins together. Neither one of them really seem to function independently, and none of the kids seem to function really well, either- so far, three out of four in trouble, and number four too young to be independent yet- just wait.
ReplyDeleteThey're just not family people. They're money people. They view family less as people to love and support and nurture than as "our team- us against them" which explains the collective Palin/Heath idiocy over Trooper Wooten. Normal people realize that it's better to divorce amicably, resolve kid issues amicably, and avoid stirring up trouble. The Palin/Heath clan thrive on it, because it's Their Team! Wolverine!
@Anon 8:55am
ReplyDeleteAccording to the link Gryphen posted for the tax returns, Todd only made $15k+ with fishing in 2007. Since he has a few other places for income, including his wife, he may not work as hard as some of the other fishermen to make money with fishing. IMHO, of course.
Just seems the Palins want to do the least amount of work possible but collect as much money as they can.
I looked up Susan Knowles and there is info that she was involved in his CAREER, like making decisions on campaign flyers etc. but not involved in the actual governing.
ReplyDeleteGryphen: Why isn't the FBI involved in this now? Or at least the IRS? What are the laws in the US regarding these clear violations of law?
ReplyDeleteWhen Hilary was assigned a position, she had to take an OATH! Did Tawd do the same?
My goodness, the level of corruption is mind-boggling! When oh when will Quittypants and Tawd be under investigation? What does it take?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteYou're starting to come off as petty, childish, and boring. You better come up with an iceberg pretty soon because interest is waning quickly on this blog. As it is with the others who are down to their group of regulars.
I don't usually respond to these comments. But this one is especially funny because this month we just set a new record for the number of hits IM gets in a month. So thank you all very much for that!
And if this is my "group of regulars" well I can certainly live with that.
FJDANDY, asked if the FBI or IRS is involved in investigating this and all I can say is that if I knew they were I could not say so.
Do you know that saying "I could tell you but then I would have to kill you"? Well the FBI is only half kidding about that.
Van Flein argument holds no water, and Andree's appeal should proceed because many of the redacted emails also include Chuck Heath. Search the database with his name, Chuck was included in those concerning the Matsu dairy debacle. Is Chuck also a trusted advisor similar to first spouses?
ReplyDeleteHas anyone up there called the IRS to report the unusual spending?
ReplyDeleteMy understanding is that many spouses (starting with Abigail Adams) were sounding boards for their husbands. Sometimes made suggestions. But their influence was through access to their husband's ears. Hilary is a little bit different - but it was public. She was given an official job and everyone knew what the job was. Nancy Reagan is a bit different, having to consult astrolgers before giving her go ahead for international meetings - but still, all influence was directly to and from their husbands (excpet for the specific job HIllary was given for health care). Nancy/Hilary/Abigail/Roslyn weren't receiving high level reports. They in the chain of communication. They weren't sitting in the corner of the room. They may have been solicited by others around as a conduit for the President's ear. There have been someone people who discussed things with them because they respected the spouse's opinion. I don't thnk any of them (with the exception of Hillary as it related to the health care plan) approved or disapproved of any official action, and never was a way to bypass the President. If I remember correcly HIllary and Bill had disagreements about how to rpoceed on the hleath care bill on a few issues and in the end, Bill won those arguments, because he was president.
ReplyDeleteGryphen: Thank you for what you do.
ReplyDeleteThat troll or Palinbot needed a slap and yours was a good one.
Paging a tax expert: the Alaska Inaugural Committee Inc ( costarring friends of Sarah) Form 990 filing is available here Thanks to Palingates for the link.
The first thing is that this 2007 year form was filed 9-22-08.
I am not an expert so I'm not going to say anything other than there looks like a discrepancy or two with this.
Let the experts speak.
And again, a comment form another anonymous :Alaskan" claiming how much Toad could have made fishing. Again I call bullshit, because we have SEEN THE TAX RETURNS! Hello, McFly?!
ReplyDeleteThe income the Palins have reported over the last several years (pre-book and speaking career obviously) does not match their expenditures and lifestyle, simple as that. There is no way a family of that size would have been able to build several large homes, purchase businesses, snowmachines, cars, insurance, etc. in a state with an extremely high cost of living.
It is clear that Palins have been grifting for a loooong time.
BJA mentioned the strange masthead on the C4P website which shows Sarah facing away from the visitor. I was puzzled by that too. But I think it is a subliminal reference to the Seven Mountain Plan. You can learn more about this from Frank Schaeffer who was on Shannyn's show recently, from Leah Burton or just Googling "Seven Mountain" as well as " The Family". This is from Restore America.org. Basically the people who are of this mindset believe that they are called to take leadership in 7 key areas to further their religious agendas. Running for office is a form of ministry. Once you pass through the looking glass into that world, everything is justified. See Sen. John Ensign's and Gov. Mark Sanford's sex scandals or any number of TV evangelists.
ReplyDelete"Over the past several decades believers in Christ
have come to realize that God has called them
into ever widening spheres of ministry, having
specifically trained and equipped them to serve
Him in our educational Institutions, our media
and communications systems, including print,
radio, television, the Internet, art, athletics,
entertainment, business, science, technology,
and civil government at all levels, federal, state &
It doesn't seem to matter if you are competent. It's all about a sense of calling. Does that remind us of anyone ?
Two problems with Todd's role as a shadow governor
ReplyDelete1) he received all the perks and privileges without any accountability
2) during Troopergate he was not considered part of the inner circle but now with these emails per Van Fleece he is a trusted adviser - can't have it both ways!
Comparing a dolt like Todd to Presidential wives is ludicrous. No wives made policy or had government employees calling them about judges, sat in on confidential meetings, etc. yes, Hillary was given a job...publicly...so it's not the same thing. How insulting for Van Flea Collar to equate an uneducated dolt to these women. I have no doubt the Palins will be their own undoing.
ReplyDeleteVan Flea Collar will continue the spin as long as the Palins pay him. He's hired to attempt to put out legal flames. His problem is he spoke about the taxes without knowing the law...or just lying about it...and now he may find himself in the same legal shenanigan crockpot as the Palins.
some of the emails refer to the ever shrinking circle of trust (i am paraphrasing)... is this their paranoia or was there really no one to hire up there? other than high school friends.....gads.
ReplyDeleteAs other have already pointed out, VanFlea's comparison to Hillary, Laura and Michelle is inaccurate in many ways.
ReplyDeleteBut you can still use those First Ladies as a comparison to the First Dude to see that his role was still far from acceptable- the equivalent to his role in the governing of Alaska would be for Hillary to have a desk inside the Oval Office, or Laura to be copied onto top secret memoranda or Michelle to be sitting inside the Situation Room during national security meetings- none of which has ever happened and all of which would be just as unacceptable (and lambasted) as Toad's immersion into the Governor's office.
A spouse as a sounding board? Of course. But not as an unelected, unscreened, unpaid, unqualified official directing government employees- which is what the emails show he was.
Thanks for all the great work Gryphen!
It's quite funny to real VanFlea make reference to Todd as a "key advisor" and everyone knew (we did but not in the reference he makes) wherein it was not all that long ago they were selling everyone a bill of goods that he was a 'private citizen' when the subpeonas were being served in Troopergate.
ReplyDeleteSeems VanFlea flip flops as to what he is selling too!!
Isn't there some 'abuse of power' in regard to the idiot we almost had as our VP? Allowing Todd to have as much access to our State government that he had was as wrong as wrong can be. I want to see these two investigated by the FBI as well as the IRS and hopefully they both end up in jail. I feel so, so sorry for their children. What horrid examples they have set for them.
ReplyDeleteGryph -
ReplyDeleteDid you happen to verify if there is plumbing? I see the informant says there is a kitchen, which means running water, and drainage to septic usually.
Can you verify? Are there bathrooms?
ReplyDeleteAren't these the 'cabins' to which Sarah referred as she was twittering away, on the long drive from her governorship with the car packed with kids and food - and if so, did she not describe 'in her own words' these cabins (to which she was so looking forward to spending time in...)
Which might suggest there is documentation of her total awareness of the state of and existance of said cabins - and would that not poke a hole in van flein's defensive arguement of 'they thought the cabins were still under construction therefore they didn't declare them on the property taxes...'
Also too and - just because a couple is together on Wednesday doesn't mean they didn't have a huge fight the previous Monday and arrange to split up. Sarah still is in all those governor's picnic photos without her wedding ring, and she still drove off from the last one leaving Todd stranded.
Just because they appear solid today doesn't cancel any of their previous behaviour.
Yeah, Van Flea, they are so close. I would like to ask them under oath when was the last time Sarah and Todd did it. Hook 'em up to a lie dectector. I would bet dollars to donuts the last time the Palins did the nasty was well over 9 months before Trig was conceived.
ReplyDeleteMany in CA wish that Maria was making policy decisions but it is just not the case.
ReplyDeleteAnd Toad is no Maria.
To the Editor:
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that Mr. Van Flein begins his statement with"...to the millions of people who read 'Going Rogue' this is neither new nor a revelation."
As one of the "millions," I can tell you that Todd is pretty much left out of the book. There is virtually no mention of Mr. Palin in conjunction with Private Citizen Palin's 20 months (and post election change) as governor.
Perhaps Mr. Van Flein should read Going Rogue--or point out what sections of the book he is referring to. No doubt the index will help....WHOOPS!
I remain:
In awe.
Bill Abendroth
Samsara Samizdat
He, he...I mentioned this on Bree, Toad is the Don Corleone of the Frozen Tundra. Can't you picture him in a darkened makeshift off with his laptop and blackberry handing out favors, building contracts, cabinet appointments, and judgeships in that squeaky high voice of his?
ReplyDelete"Don Paleone, my contruction company hasn't gotten a bid in a while, and I need to show some income on my tax return. I have some beautiful flat screen plasma TV's for your hunting cabin that fell of the truck yesterday"
So . . . . the fact that Sarah TOLD Van Flein that Todd was an 'unpaid consultant' to her when she was governor . . . . means we are supposed to BELIEVE what Sarah says?! LOL. My guess: since the Palins never do anything for nothing, an investigation should be made as to whether there are records somewhere showing that Todd was paid a hefty hourly consulting fee for his 'consultant work' while she was gov. Second suggestion: let the IRS check this out also, too.
ReplyDeleteThe estimate of $130,000 etc. should probably be doubled for a retail estimate. Cost of living differential in AK is about ten percent isn't it?
ReplyDeleteMarriages have ups and downs. Perhaps your story did serve as an intervention of sorts. That's nice. However, she must be paying a huge amount to Flea every single month. How tiresome.
Why doesn't the borough build a road into those homes as a scenic view and byway. That would be excellent. Much needed too, also, there. How DOT friendly. And they haven't been getting their fair share relative to Anchorage DOT money have they? Just my belief. Can you spell STIP?
Why would Van Flea choose to try to portray Hilary Clinton's role in Universal Health Care, a worthy social cause, as equivalent to Todd's role as Shadow Gov? There is a much more direct comparison available in Nancy Reagan's role as Shadow President - both were covering up their spouse's incapacity to perform the job. While Todd's role lacks the egregiousness of propping up an Alzheimer's victim in the Oval Office, he does appear to have been living Dick Cheney's wet dream - being his own independent branch of government and accountable to no one while wielding the powers of the Chief Executive.
ReplyDeleteGood catch by Bill Abendroth! That one deserves to be highlighted.
ReplyDeleteFunny how desperate that last comment about Gryphen being "wrong" about them getting divorced sounded. Van Flein should have left well enough alone. In his zeal to overemphasize his point about Todd and Sarah's "closeness" (which really has nothing to do with their romantic relationship with each other), he can't resist that shot about Gryphen being wrong about them divorcing. I say, give that time. Everyone knows--their "partnership" has more to do with being "partners in crime" rather than loving partners in a marriage. There is enough dirt about their marriage--on both sides--to make any guesses about their future together dicey. Just give it time. They are just stuck with each other for now.
ReplyDeleteSo Innocent she needs her lawyer to do her talking, if there's nothing wrong why the lawyers....why not just come out and say that, it would mean alot more to her sheeple
ReplyDeleteMaybe the little troll is telling us TOAD made more than $50,000 but only declared part of it> Maybe Anon.8:55 should have kept his mouth shut, might just get those Grifters in trouble.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if they have a house in Dillingham?
ReplyDeletehow do you think the palinbots would react if michelle obama was copied on all of the presidents emails? if she was passing confidential information between parties? if she monitored government contract negotiations?
you think they're foaming rabid right now? they would be going completely SHITHOUSE CRAZY if this was happening with the obamas.
but it's okay that the palins did it.
I'm sure the FBI and IRS are already on this story....Probably have been for some time. Neither one of these announce when they are sending agents out to investigate.
ReplyDeleteI have read on at least one post that "drug sales" could have added greatly to their "huge" unaccounted for income.... just saying.....
The Divorce rumors have been verified in at least two publications not counting Gryphen's splitville post. I think they were on the brink so to speak, but decided to ride it out (for looks only) and they are Grifters TOGETHER...both vindictive, can you imagine them divorcing???? I think Todd was "fixing the roof" alot in the months preceding her quitting and up until the book tour. Something happened to bring them back, Now they are back to being Grifter's together...does anyone know if Toad still see's his GF in Palmer?
ReplyDeleteDoes Willow still go to school there? I think the SOA should initiate a AUDIT of xGINO's time as GINO and retroactively Impeach her!And I hope Van Flea gets dragged in and loses his license for lying. I hope the FEDS were the one who took her Home HD and copied it. http://crivellawest.biz/pdf/1534.pdf
Another fascinating post, Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't find a 4th property for Scott Richter or Richter Investments. Could his 3-bedroom chalet be on the 3rd Palin-Richter jointly-owned property in voting precinct 15-130 Trapper Creek...Plat 73-045, Tract H?
Tract H also shows $0 building improvements and the owner address on the assessment is the Palin's home, 1140 W Parks Hwy.
ReplyDeleteThat banner photo is purely designed to show off her body: strong muscles in her back, nice butt. Subliminally invites people to touch her, put their arm around her. IMO.
So van flein, where are the emails to Michelle asking her to make appointments to the cabinet and to confirm when she can be in a homeland security committee meeting.
ReplyDeleteFrom a Pee Warrior on C4Pee:
ReplyDeleteStacy said
"Yeah, I loved the "Todd Palin did not travel with an entourage" part.. Considering the size of Michelle's, that's pretty funny."
Are these people all inbred with IQs of 70? Todd Palin was the (secessionist) husband of a (quitter) state Governor, and he supposedly had a job with an oil company, up until *he* quit, that is. Michelle Obama is the wife of the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES.
Keep in mind, if an entourage *had* traveled with Todd Palin, they likely would have seen things which were obviously inappropriate for any provate citizen of Alaska to be doing....say, stalking and harrassing an Alaska State Trooper, for starters.
It also would have been evident to any "entourage" with either Todd or Sarah that the Palin teenagers were left on their own the majority of the time (which we now know = truancy, vandalism, drug use, underaged drinking, at least two teenagers having sex in the Palin's home, and a teen pregnancy or two). This is why the cook was let go and Sarah was not worried about security....even though she now claims her daughters had allegedly been threatened with rape. riiiiight.
There's no need to make anything up about the Palins, because evidently the whole family is batshit crazy 24/7.
Correction on my post above. 73-045 is the ASLS #. The Plat is 76-10. Confusing!
ReplyDeleteDid you see the email where someone asked for Trig's birth certificate a month after he was "born," so he could be put on Mrs. Palin's insurance?
Sarah tells Esquire that marriage is basically a business contract.
ReplyDelete"This is what I've been telling Bristol, before she gets married, is, Bristol, there are definitely gonna be tough parts in marriage. You have to look at those tough times and remember that you have essentially a business contract with this person."
I'll never forget Walt Monegan having a meeting in the governor's office with Governor Todd Palin. With Walt's long history in government service, imagine how bizarre it seemed to HIM.
ReplyDeleteIf, according to Van Flea, it was a well known and accepted fact that Toad was an adviser to Sarah then it makes it even more odious that McCain's people didn't find a problem with a man, who was a member/former member of the AIP, an anti-american terrorist group and being married to their pic for VP. Come on!!! This is absolutely frightening and says alot about how inept the whole vetting process was.
ReplyDeleteVan Fleabag said: 'they thought the cabins were still under construction therefore they didn't declare them on the property taxes...'
ReplyDeleteThey didn't even know if their own freaking cabins were under construction? Suuuure!
"That banner photo is purely designed to show off her body: strong muscles in her back, nice butt."
ReplyDeleteGood thing she's not in the hawaii shorts in that pose.
I hope someone is sending the entire file to Romney.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget $P said in a couple of interviews that her advice to Bristol was to look at marriage as a "business partnership". Which must be how these two must view their "marriage". So I guess no divorce for ole "Toady" any time soon. Unless that so-called girlfriend of the Toad starts making wave. *Wink
ReplyDeleteOf course the grifters are always telling the truth about their income on their tax returns aren't they? Just like she did on her financial disclosures. And of course she can always have Van Flea protest their innocence because they just didn't understand you have to report all the income from those pesky bribes. LOL!
ReplyDeleteHere's the assessment for the 3rd Palin-Richter Tanner Creek property.
Gryphen - Can you please ask your source if this is the location of Richter's 3-bed house?
If not, where could it be (unless under other family member's or business' name)?
It might make quite a spash if it turns out the Palin's have a 3rd chalet with untaxed building improvements.
Yes Cowbell.....that does seem to confirm that Sarah was insured thru Alaska state government insurance.
ReplyDeleteWonder if she continued with Cobra after resigning? And also wonder if birth certificate was ever turned in for processing.
Are birth certificates public information in Alaska? And being that Trigg is supposedly part Alaskan Native American wouldn't that also be notated somewheres?
Julie -- Glad you posted the link to the NYTimes story on SP. I'm surprised no one has mentioned it. I'm shocked that the NYTimes does not seem to care at all, or to acknowledge, the issues we have been discussing here. They gave the sordid Edwards story plenty of space, although he is of no political importance, but a hoax upon the electorate by the GOP VP candidate (which Edwards only ever wished he was, on the Demo side) in the form of a faked pregnancy -- plus all these other irregularities -- just is not worth covering. I wonder why? The proof is there: the photos don't lie.
ReplyDeleteJust one thing to add about the "facilities" up at Safari Lake. Surely there is a well and septic tank? We have those all over the place in this county and at our own house. They might have had to get a drilling truck up there, but there must be a rudimentary road of some type.
ReplyDeleteDid your caller mention an outhouse? If not, they're shitting in the woods with the rest of the bears.
Re: Palin's photo on the C4P masthead.
ReplyDeleteI think it actually means that the denizens of the C4P have Granny Grifter's back. God knows they're not doing any thinking on their own. I'm just amazed that Alaskans aren't more up in arms over this con-artist family.
Of course, I'm originally from Maryland, and we have our own political shame to live down. Just Google "Spiro Agnew" and you'll see what we have to live down....
That's a rotten shame she doesn't even have a proper outhouse. Ghastly.
ReplyDeleteAmy1 said...
ReplyDeleteJulie -- Glad you posted the link to the NYTimes story on SP. I'm surprised no one has mentioned it. I'm shocked that the NYTimes does not seem to care at all, or to acknowledge, the issues we have been discussing here. They gave the sordid Edwards story plenty of space, although he is of no political importance, but a hoax upon the electorate by the GOP VP candidate (which Edwards only ever wished he was, on the Demo side) in the form of a faked pregnancy -- plus all these other irregularities -- just is not worth covering. I wonder why? The proof is there: the photos don't lie.
No proof, nothing that would stand up in the court of public opinion, much less the court of law.
And yes, for the record, photos, lie.
The water is not an issue. I spent a summer at a BLM campground with no running water. There are very large containers that farmers use to haul water out to animals in far off fields. You can fill them with potable water for human use. You can also bring in lots of bottled water.
ReplyDeleteLook's like the Queen of the Tea Party has some 'splainin' to do.
ReplyDeleteThe State should hit her hard for tax evasion.
Fines, Fees, Back taxes & hefty penalties.
Hey wait! Is that Russia I see in the distance??
ReplyDeleteAs a photographer, the masthead for Golden Pond is shot at a slight angle to make her butt look smaller. The darts in the back of the blouse and the tint of the bra straps is sexual. I believe her bottom has been photoshopped a bit. She normally does not appear in fitted attire, preferring jackets to cover up the width and flatness of her bottom.
ReplyDeleteThe emails were amazing because in many Sarah was asking someone else to contact Todd. Not a lot of direct communication between the two which I think indicates a certain riff between the two. The body language between Sarah and Todd and Sarah and the children is very interesting and one of the first things I noticed.
For example the Fairbanks picnic where Sarah's clenched fist is holding Todd's finger and outside of this gesture and one where she touches his leg, there is no contact. Very little maternal contact with the children and when there is, it looks artificial.
say ruh's shoulders are small, fragile looking. It makes some (men) feel protective of her (in the extreme) without them being aware of this (extreme) inate response. Her little fragile shoulders are her best (ugg) body part. So, it was selected for the masthead I believe. Also, too, the little ears, tiny little neck make her appear vulnerable. Japanese men are acutely aware of the neck on geisha's. That's it. say ruh is a geisha wanna be for a certain money set of behind the scene financiers. They are idiots. EVEN THEY CANNOT CONTROL THIS WOMAN. The only person who can control say ruh is Piper.
ReplyDeleteCan you highlight that these structures have no plumbing or electricity? That would definitely change the cost that you claim.