While the bulk of the three-day affair has been spent on strategizing for the 2010 elections and figuring out how to grow the conservative activist base, convention-goers shifted their attention from tax-and-spending complaints to President Obama's citizenship during a rousing speech after dinner Friday night by WorldNetDaily.com founder Joseph Farah.
Farah, a conservative newsman whose raison d'etre of late has been to challenge Obama's eligibility to be president, used the bulk of his remarks to hit that point -- and got quite a welcome reception from the hundreds of tea partiers in the room.
"Where's the birth certificate?" he asked, echoing the words from a controversial billboard campaign he started. "It's a simple question and it has not been answered."
The room burst into applause. When he first brought up the issue, Farah got a standing ovation.
The WND head proceeded to contrast the supposed genealogical evidence behind Jesus' birth against the evidence behind Obama's birth.
"God didn't want there to be any doubt about Jesus' eligibility or qualifications to be the king of kings," Farah said. "There's a lesson in this story for Barack Obama. His nativity story is much less known."
First off let me just say that comparing Obama to Jesus Christ is a REALLY silly way to frame an argument. But since this ridiculous moron wants to go there, then perhaps I should point out that there is NO birth certificate for Jesus. None.
Virtually every single thing we know about Jesus was written in the Bible. If you have any doubts about the veracity of the Bible than it cannot be offered as proof. On the other hand Obama's birth certificate is a government document that has been verified by independent researchers.
Compare that to the almost 250 year search for the historical Jesus.
"...we can now know almost nothing concerning the life and personality of Jesus, since the early Christian sources show no interest in either, are moreover fragmentary and often legendary.; and other sources about Jesus do not exist." Rudolf Bultmann.
Have you ever noticed that the only people who compare President Obama to Jesus Christ are self identified Christians who claim to distrust him?
Things that make you go, hmmm.
Update: Orly!
The woman dubbed by the Orange County Register as “queen of the birthers” arrived at the National Tea Party Convention today and did what she always does: hustle around talking to reporters and trying to get media coverage. Pictured below: Taitz talking to Lydia DePillis of The New Republic.
I'm no Christian, but I do believe the bible gives Jesus' lineage twice. And they're different.
ReplyDeleteas I said on another blog earlier, we can expect 10% of the population of any given country to be insane.
ReplyDeletethese people are part of our 10%. as are the palinbots.
Did Farah bother to point out that there are two genealogical accounts given for Jesus - and that they don't match?
ReplyDeleteMatthew 1:1–17
Luke 3:23–28
Not to mention that both purport to be his line through Joseph, who wasn't even his biological father.
Yup - that was a good comparison, Farah. Looks like Obama is standing on firmer ground than 'you know who.'
The "argument" he makes underscores the lack of basic analytical skills of these folks.
ReplyDeleteThey come up with or hear a slogan that can be easily remembered and recited, and they are off to the races with it. No critical thinking, no pause to reflect, no concern for truth.
I like to think that most adults (and many adolescents and some children) have a healthy curiosity, ask questions and seek reasonable answers. But these folks? Please.
I am truly amazed that they have the guts to stand up in public and speak this dribble. I am even more amazed that there are people who believe it.
Thank goodness for the internet. It allows anyone with an open mind to do research, to share information, and share concerns.
I wish the MSM would do more investigate reporting on the back story of these groups. It might snap some folks out of their infatuation with frauds such as Palin.
heh heh - this nudnik is completely unaware of the problems with the genealogies in Matt & Luke. What a buffoon.
ReplyDeleteAn Aryan Brotherhood get-together looks a lot like a Teabagger convention - maybe it's the same thing!
ReplyDeleteAh-ha! HIM! One of his billboards is on the eastbound PA Turnpike outside Philly. We've been trying to figure out how to shoot paintballs at it, or cross out "birth certificate" and write in "beef." I know--mature, but what can you do? The entire thing is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteBTW, whatever happened to Orly "The Lost Gabor Sister" Taitz?
I'm amazed that they're still fixated on this tired subject, but I guess it's the only cohesive idea the Baggies have come up with to date in their quest to Save the Country. And I'm surprised Farah even compared Pres. O in any way, shape or form to Jesus. Doesn't our President basically represent the anti-Christ to these loons?
Orly Taitz is there!
Gryphen, in case you aren't aware of this: When I use the Yahoo search engine & type in "Immoral Minority", the first choice is Joseph Farah's site. Always irritates me when I hit WND site.
ReplyDeleteIf I type "google" into Yahoo search, then google page will bring me here to your site. (Not mentioning it because it's a problem to me, just thought you might want to know).
There is no historical verification that Jesus Christ ever lived beyond the Bible.
ReplyDeleteBeyond the dead sea scrolls, there is no verfication on the authenticity of the Bible, as to when it was first published. Not totally clear on that one.
It first appears long after the birth of Christ.
Not to mention that the nativity story itself is completely different in Matthew (where the wise men from the east show up) and Luke where it's the shepherds keeping watch over the flocks by night. Which is it, Einstein?
The problem with the MSM picking up the stories & reporting accurately is that TeaBaggers, Palinbots, etc. don't listen to MSM or MSNBC or anything except Faux & Rush & whatever other freako is out there.
ReplyDeleteI've given up trying to convince the one's I know personally that those sources are lying to them, that they're giving them inaccurate info. They don't want to hear it or read the truth. Or they'll say "it's all so confusing, I don't know what to think". So I hang up the phone & think "no, you don't know how to think".
When I type in Bree Palin the first thing that comes up is sarah pac. Has to big $ behind that dingbat.
ReplyDeleteOrly Taitz? I thought he had decided to go ahead and have the sex change operation. Guess he's waiting until after the convention.
ReplyDeleteAnon @2:52PM--Thanks! I wondered if Orly was there. As if we needed even more proof that this is a certifiable freak show!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know of a site that is following this teabag circlejerk live?
ReplyDelete"Where's the birth certificate?" he asked, echoing the words from a controversial billboard campaign he started. "It's a simple question and it has not been answered."
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah thinks it is a fair question, the same applies to her and Trig.
The tea baggers in Tn total 600? How many will go to queenies speech? Astro-turfed hooplah is zip and ugly screed.
ReplyDeleteA lot of these self proclaimed Christians that are attending this teabag party are hypocrites, just like their leader, Sarah. They talk about their faith but their actions show what they are really all about.
ReplyDeleteThe Holy Bible: written 200 or more yrs after the supposed 'Existence of Jesus'...
ReplyDeleteIt is a nice fairy tale consumable by adult children that need a daddy to tell them what to do.
I still don't understand why the anti-Obama extremists call him The Messiah (their label) then proceed to bash him. It's twisted.
ReplyDeleteOrly has ARRIVED at the convention! She is THERE! Let the games begin. I hear that FOX is shunning her - is she too kooky for Faux? Then WHY sarah?
"God didn't want there to be any doubt about Jesus' eligibility or qualifications to be the king of kings,"
ReplyDeleteWhy does God have to verify anything with mortals? God doesn't need our approval not does God have to prove anything. Assuming there is such a thing as a half mortal half spirit (just like in Roman and Greek legend, Ahem.)- God could have that person born anywhere on earth to anyone he saw fit.
The mans' statement is absurd.
Sarah doesn't learn. People turned away from her in 2008 because of people at her rallies. It looks like she is right back in the midst of many of the same type.
ReplyDelete"Things that make you go, hmmm."
ReplyDeleteFunny, that's not what I sound like when I retch.
Paylin is speaking right now on CSpan, but after 4min and 4 seconds, I had to cut her off. I can't stand to listen to that voice and folksyness crap she's trying to put over on the people. It's too damn phoney for me to watch.
ReplyDeleteIf that 2 dollar fuckin whore doesn't shut her god---d--amn mouth right now slaming our President, she's gonna be picking her ugly head up off the ground pretty damn soon.
ReplyDeleteRe: Jesus's lineage in the Bible...I believe (and it's been a while, but I think I'm correct) the lineages are different because one traces his lineage through Mary, and the other through Joseph (which is interesting in and of itself, because why does it matter if Joseph isn't his real dad?).
But both have different paths to get to the same root: King David.
Wow, the dregs of the earth, all in one place!
ReplyDeleteWatching La Palin screech on CSpan.
ReplyDeleteI remember white lipstick from when I was a young man; it looks no better to me in my old age.
funny how you trolls always use 'wow'.
ReplyDeletetake a creative writing class, oh that's right. only elitist believe in higher education...
Watching her live on c-span now. AMAZING: her solution for the over-stretched budget – lower taxes. Yeah, THIS will really help us pay for a bigger military, pay for our Social Security, Medicare, and VA benefits, help our school systems, keep our roads in repair, enhance our national security, as well as pay off the national debt. Yeah: make the revenue LESS, and that way everything will be BETTER. Every wage-earning Murkan understands this also too: bring home LESS take-home pay, and then all the bills can be paid more easily and everything will be better. YUP.
ReplyDeleteOh, and just as I predicted, she is showing a LOT OF LEG. And if her high heels were any higher she would totally throw her back and anal sphincter out of joint.
Here are a few more blurbs from Princess Sarah on c-span during her tea party Q & A session: distrust of the other party makes us a less secure nation. The solution to this: she knows the other side is not trust-worthy, so when she is prez she will just do what she thinks best. Yeah, that'll REALLY make us secure. Kinda like Germany in the 30s.
ReplyDeleteWhen she is 50, she won't look so hot in the stilettos, methinks. In fact, she's tottering already.
Lol Love and Knishes 2:48 Balls away!
ReplyDelete>>> If that 2 dollar fuckin whore doesn't shut her god---d--amn mouth right now slaming our President, she's gonna be picking her ugly head up off the ground pretty damn soon. <<<
ReplyDeleteGee, thanks Janet, for maintaining a high level of intellectual discourse.
Hi Headtrip Honey - the first generation in both genealogies is Joseph, and they diverge from there on. The Hebrews were patriarchal and would not be concerned with Mary's lineage.
ReplyDeleteOrly was there because Farrah of World NUT Daily supports her insane birther crap. But Orly's like the plague to Fox now. Poor orly, looking for home for her insanity. Ok, so Sarah's rant is an hour of my life I want returned. Maybe I can sue her for it back! LOL Too funny when she lost her way in her speech so many times. That's what she gets for being a twitstick and looking at her notes.
ReplyDeleteSarah reading answers off her hand
Gryphen - Please post this up..Sarah was caught reading from hand during the Q&A part - supposedly she had never seen the pre-screened questions,so why was she cheating..she such a phony and fraud
She is on UTube already. Listening, can't watch. she is still talking out of the right side of her mouth. Screeching now. Yikes.
ReplyDeleteWhen's the KKK going to show up?
ReplyDeleteHe's kidding right? There is no birth certificate for Jesus. None of the stories about Jesus that are in the Bible were written while he was supposed to be alive. The stories of his birth show rational people that he wasn't born on Dec. 25, yet we celebrate Christmas on that day. So we are left with the fact that there is no proof that he ever lived. Why? Oh yeah that's right God decided to take all of Jesus up to Heaven so no one could ever find his remains. Why? So his enemies couldn't claim that his resurrection was imagined. I know my president was actually born, I know where he was born and I know when he was born. It says so on his birth certificate. Don't believe me ask the Republican Governor of Hawaii.
ReplyDeleteIf Jesus Christ himself, backed up by all 12 apostles, and a choir of angels 1,000 voices strong produced a valid birth certificate for Barack Obama, hand notarized by God, Joseph Farah and the birthers would STILL reject it. THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IT IS ABOUT PRESIDENT OBAMA’S RACE. No matter what birth certificate is ever produced, Obama will STILL be black, so it won’t make any difference to these knuckle dragging goobers.
ReplyDeleteThese inbred morons are latter day Klansmen with fewer organizational skills. They know they can’t actually wear sheets and yell “N*gger!” but they can call him “Kenyan.”
These peawits are the dumbest of the dumb, they are beyond imbecilic, they are barely sentient. The extent of their "thought" process is the basest form of rudimentary brainstem activity. These primitive beings react to hunger, pain, and most all, fear. These are the foot soldiers of Sarah Palin. These are the deluded simpletons who honestly think that Palin could best Obama in an honest debate.
You simply cannot argue with that kind of logic.
What she is saying has already been explained. It is old hat. Nothing new.
ReplyDeleteBoy is she STUPID!
She is just reading her speech from her index cards!
She is fumbling over rehearsed lines.
She has nothing new-- criticisms of everything.
I wonder if piper is her practice coach.
But everything has already been addressed!! Still stupid.
JFK and Barry Goldwater almost in the same breath! Geesh.
Without a DNA test, Jesus lineage is just a good story in a good book.
ReplyDeleteThe Matthew and Luke genealogies shows Christ's relation to David, the king line, and his relation to Aaron, the priestly line.
ReplyDelete"Thou art a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek." (Psalm 110:4)(translated as King of Righteousness. A priest king.) Christ is an descendant of the kings/ Judah and the priests / Aaron.
The Matthew and Luke genealogies shows Christ's relation to David, the king line, and his relation to Aaron, the priestly line.
ReplyDelete"Thou art a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek." (Psalm 110:4)(translated as King of Righteousness. A priest king.) Christ is an descendant of kings/ Judah and priests / Aaron.
Hi anon @7:33 & 7:36 - you haven't shown why the genealogies are almost completely different!
ReplyDeleteAs regards to the christian scriptures, an extraordinary claim is being made - that they are inspired by god and are without error. When an apparent error is pointed out, your evidence to the contrary must be overwhelmingly convincing. Just saying "Well one points to the priestly line", sorry that isn't going to work.
ReplyDeleteAs to why, as headtriphoney already mentioned,
"...the lineages are different because one traces his lineage through Mary, and the other through Joseph..."
5:27 PM
Dude Joseph appears in both genealogies. Was he Mary's father? No. If one genealogy is Mary's lineage, why is Joseph in it?
ReplyDeleteAnyway thanks Gryphen for putting up with this side-issue. My last comment on the subject.
The Teabaggers are x-tian birthers. It shows with their standing ovation to this guy.
ReplyDeleteHe said Americans are being asked to "accept on faith" that Obama is a citizen.
He takes for granted that his audience is x-tian, who believe the maker committed his soul to be born an human so that he/she could experience death and over-come it. It's a basically an comfort story to get you ready to meet your own deathpanels... The bible is a story of the family of the man whom they believe to be this messiah. The story has nothing whatsoever to do with the POTUS and Farah is another fine example of a Loo-la going around spouting, "God didn't want..." as if he knew.
The Matthew genealogy lists Jacob as Josephs father
The Luke genealogy lists Eli as Josephs father by law
I really enjoy your postings, Gryph.