Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jon Stewart confronts Republican hypocrisy over terrorism and Newt Gingrich declares the "Shoe bomber" an American citizen. (He wasn't!)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Newt Gingrich
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Time and time again Jon Stewart demonstrates his superior command of the facts and ability to dismantle the arguments of people like Newt Gingrich who are trying to obfuscate the truth and press forward an agenda that depends on the ignorance of the American people.

And if there are any of those ignorant people visiting here today (and of course there are not because this blog attracts the most intelligent visitors on the intertubes), I would like you to know that Richard Reid, the "Shoe Bomber", was a British citizen, not an American one.

Newt's argument was dependant on the viewers being too ignorant to know that. Or perhaps Newt himself was too ignorant to know that.


  1. Great Stewart clip as usual. I do wish Jon would have pinned Newt's ears back when he said Reid was an American citizen though. He let that slide. How CAN these slugs look themselves in the mirror when all they do is LIE! Psychopaths all! Thanks Gryph!!

  2. I watched the whole show last night, and Stewart said at the end of it that yes, Reid was a British Citizen. He said he wasn't sure during the interview but sounds like some staffers were looking up that info and got it to Stewart after the interview was up.

    I only wish they were able to get it to Stewart during the interview and could have zinged Gingrich with it.

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    You got it right. Newt is too ignorant to know that.

    Have you seen this yet?

    Rachel lays into every Republican out there.

    Republican Contradictions and Hypocrisy

  4. Gasman7:19 AM

    I'm really surprised that Stewart didn't catch Gingrich's assertion that Reid was a U.S. citizen. I don't think Gingrich was intentionally lying, I think that like most conservatives he simply is sloppy and lazy when it comes to facts. Gingrich was trying to make a point and wasn't about to let mere facts stand in his way. I don’t think his intent was to be factually inaccurate, he simply didn’t care enough about the facts to make sure that he was being accurate. His goal was not historical accuracy, it was to advance his larger neoconservative boilerplate piehole effluent, facts be damned.

    Gingrich's analogy of the German saboteurs caught in 1942 was equally as flawed. Gingrich asserts that FDR's treatment of them as military prisoners should be the model for Underwear Bomber. The captured Germans WERE SOLDIERS from a foreign government with whom WE WERE AT WAR! And that war was Constitutionally declared against an existing nation state. Of course they should have been subjected to military justice: they were soldiers captured in a time of war. Underwear Bomber resembles these German saboteurs in no way whatsoever; he was a civilian and he was not acting as agent for any foreign military or nation state. I’m surprised that Stewart let that one slide as well.

  5. Newt needs to reed the newspapers...because that citizenship being British came out like ASAP. And also the GOP slap on FBI for the miranda rights being read was traced back to Cheney.

  6. Anonymous7:27 AM

    We watched The Daily Show this morning and were shocked when Gingrich outright lied about Richard Reid. The Republicans believe if you tell a lie often enough it will become truth. I mean, why let a little thing like truth get in your way.

    In actuality the benefit of the American system applies to any person who commits a crime in your country. Outside of these BIG bad guys, there have been lots of other non-American citizens who've had the benefit of rights protection and due process in your fair land.

  7. I had to point out Reid's British citizenship to a troll on MMFA the other day as he declared "Idiots Reid was a U.S. citizen."
    Repug wingnuts are certainly not brimming with facts are they?

  8. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Gingrich had a few of his facts wrong about the German saboteurs also. There were 8, not 14. They wore their uniforms ashore so they'd be treated as prisoners of war and not spys. All had lived in the US prior to this act. At least two had been given US citizenship probably three as the third had served in the US army before WW II. Only 6 of them were executed, the other two were given a 30 year sentence and a life sentence and both had their sentences commuted by Harry Truman and they were released in Germany.

    But don't let the truth get in the way of a good story Newt.


  9. Anonymous9:46 AM

    What foreign govt was the "xmas bomber" working for? None that I know of, therefore--he should be treated as any other criminal and once on American soil, given his Miranda warning and every other consideration that someone charged with a crime in this country should get.

    What is there about that that some people don't understand?

    Would those critics have anything to say if he had been a white Australian?

    Facts are just so difficult for the reactionaries.


  10. Anonymous10:19 AM

    We need to start asking why these neocon/palinista hate the Constitution so much?

  11. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I think the cons think no one will question them about their lies. For eight years the cons became very comfortable with not being questioned about anything, To do so was unamerican. Now a number of their top dogs want us to think 9/11 did not happen while Bush was president. And now, with 83, it is clear where the country is headed. No media, no questions. Only like minded welcome. Use the police, or military if needed to enforce. And all on Tp dime.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.