Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Reporter from Crooks and Liars describes Palin's failure to motivate crowd during "motivational" speech. Apparently she was still paid.

"I wasn't motivated" one man said to me in the elevator as I left the speech, "she sounded un-prepared and erratic and focused an awful lot on her script."

"I was also kind of amazed that they let her go first, I mean, we weren't even all seated yet when she started." Palin started her speech at 8:00 AM sharp, she was the first person out of the gates - there wasn't even a Master of Ceremonies. And given the fact that morning rush hour in Houston was exceptionally bad today, it meant there were going to be a lot of unhappy ticket holders(particularly as some paid as much as two hundred dollars.)

"She already gave her speech?!" One man exclaimed in the lobby after arriving minutes too late, "What the hell, I was stuck in traffic... why wouldn't they save the best for last?!" Several elderly women with Palin lapel pins who were trying desperately to hurry through security were also distraught when they heard the news, "Ohhh Noooooo! Nooooo!"

Sarah Palin had another engagement in California later in the afternoon and didn't have a minute to waste. The speech itself seemed more like a sermon, Sarah frequently attributed "God" and "Jesus Christ" to lifting her out of despair. She gave several long rambling examples of tough times in Alaska, during which she would occasionally lose her footing and immediately jump to praising the state for it's beauty.

She also focused heavily on her trade mark lines as a crutch. During one incredulous example of a way to get motivated describing a bed time fairy-tale she told to her daughter: "Last night Piper asked me to tell her a bedtime story and I said 'YOU BETCHA,' let me tell you about two brothers named Abel and Cain..."
(Sarah REALLY likes telling Piper stories from the Bible, including the story of Queen Ester. Hmmm I wonder why she chose THAT one?)

The crowd was made up mostly of office-workers who opted to come to an "all day business seminar" instead of sitting in their cubicle and so the fanfare was minimal. As I gazed around the audience from my VIP seat - just feet away from the stage - I had the impression that most of those sitting near me were insulted. Sarah Palin was clearly still in campaign mode, but this wasn't a crowd looking for a stump speech. (Oops Sarah cannot hold a crowds attention unless they are intellectually stunted Palin-bots.)

She ended by spending several minutes with her head down reading from the podium and gave a very abrupt and final "God Bless America" before departing the stage. As she left one man with a thick country drawl leaned over to me and said "you know, she's not that impressive in person." (To read the rest of Josef Jarod's post just click the title.)

I love the part where he describes that her head was down all through the speech. I wonder if she is reconsidering her attack on Obama's use of the teleprompter? "I am getting the worst kink in my neck. If only I could look up and still see my speech. Oh yeah...I burned that bridge....damn it...I forgot!"

By the way, speaking of bad Palin speeches, Shannyn Moore had author Geoffry Dunn on her show yesterday and he was at her wood stiffening speech to the Sierra Cascade Logging Conference. You can listen to his take on that speech as well as describe his upcoming book, "The Lies of Sarah Palin", right here. (Geoffrey's portion starts about a quarter of the way in.)


  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    She read from her script?! But I am told that she doesn't need help giving a speech, no teleprompter, no notecards, just an outline on her palm.

    Yes, on Morning Joe they talked like the ONLY notes she had were on her hand when the crowd noticed she READ from notecards with her head down except for the Snarky remarks.

  2. Ripley in CT7:31 AM


    Come on man, just give it up. Give up the information you have. Let us all hear it and then go do some of our own digging. You have SEEN how adept bloggers are at gathering info and putting together puzzles if you've visited Palingates. Be first. Throw the first stone. Something that will actually bring her down fast, not this long, drawn out tax evasion, illegal account, money laundering stuff. She or someone she knows would have to admit any of that for it to stick. Please, man, I'm begging you. She's down, kick her.

  3. laprofesora7:33 AM

    It occurs to me that Crazy is going to get an over-inflated sense of her own popularity, given that she only visits "friendly" territory. This could lead to her over confidence, and sense of infallibility, which (hopefully) could lead to her making some disastrous miscalculations. Add to the equation that she never listens to anyone's advice, and we might see an implosion sooner rather than later. Could happen.

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    On HuffPo, there are several good posts suggesting that Sarah is not good candidate material if her only message is one of hatred. They also reference her thin skin and tendency to hold a grudge, not good qualities in a rough and tumble political world. The mean girl snark only goes so far if there is no positive message.

    We saw at the famous tea baggers speech that Sarah could not stop looking down at her notes and reading from them. If they had asked her at the last minute, and she jotted down some ideas while traveling to the event, well, OK. But, she was paid $100,000. or more and had plenty of advance notice. They clearly did not get what they paid for. The least she could have done was to rehearse, not do a cold reading.

    That inspirational speaking group that charges $19. to attend has been the subject of good research pieces on Rachel Maddow's show. The low attendance fee is the lure in suckers, I mean attendees, who will be barraged with real estate offers, pyramid schemes and religious propaganda. Kent Jones interviewed people as they exited one such conference that featured former President Bush and the foot ball player, Terry Bradshaw. The reaction was that the foot ball player was better.

    They say that this group has attendees fill out a form evaluating the various speakers. If Sarah did that badly, she won't be back. Her travel plans may have meant that she would go on early, but we should give the group some credit too. They must have caught her tea bag speech.

    Sarah must think that she remains "authentic," with that screech, nails on the blackboard voice, poor delivery, reading notes (either on paper or hand), but it is not what we expect of our major political candidates. She is going to have to cash in quickly before that "authentic" star fades.

  5. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Head down throughout? Right out of the gate? Not everyone was in attendance or even seated as she rolled out without an introduction replete with pomp and circumstance?(a WWII guard presenting of the flags, the boyscouts recitation of The Pledge of Allegiance?)


    She painted herself in a corner on that teleprompter thingy right? Now she can NEVER use it, else get piled on even by her peeps for it. She'd lose her 'authentic' creds.

    But then again, she is a maverick rogue and she is nothing like consistent.

    I sat through one of her speech's in Soldotna in 06. The crowd was a gibbering ass kissing mess, it was quiet a display.

    I looked about and wondered, "What the hell did she say that warrants this adulation?" It was frightening, but that's her all over, charming the pants off you and you wake up the next morning wondering what was put in your drink before remorse sets in.

    The walk of shame still shambles on with this woman's succession, I mean, success.

  6. Anonymous7:58 AM

    @laprofesora--- wishful thinking... but what else do we have at this point ?... karma can be ugly.

  7. laprofesora@7:33, I agree, except for the word 'going to get'. I think she already has an over-inflated sense of her own popularity. Also, she is already way too overconfident - I mean, to think "hey, I could be VP of the whole freekin' US, sure. No prob". That's some hubris. It shows no signs of abating. Yes, the playing to the friendly-only crowd only continues to play into it.

    As for the disastrous miscalculations, R-gate was one. If'd she'd just kept her mouth shut, hardly anyone would know what RE said. But she had to bring it up, Rush went with it, she knee-jerk replied, and now every entertainer and youtube video maker is spewing the R word far and wide, and it will now be used more than ever! What an idiot

    She certainly never seems to listen to the right people's advice, the people on the right have been more than generous in their estimation of her, giving her every chance.

    They're not telling her to sit down and shut up, they're merely telling her to sit down and learn.

    If she chooses not to, she ... well, I was about to say she will reap what she sows, but the better analogy is she will not reap anything because she hasn't done the work of sowing!

  8. 10catsinMD8:10 AM

    There is another good article on Daily Kos from a reporter (?) in Houston that "takes down" Perry and Palin - two peas in a pod so to speak. Very well written and a good comparison between the two.

  9. Wendi8:14 AM

    The People's Republic of China (PRC) and Murdoch are loving every moment of the media taking Sarah Palin serious as a POTUS. The powers that be are scary, the freaktoid bots are scary. Once the curtain is yanked, Sarah Palin is a nothing nutcase.

  10. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I had read somewhere else (?) the lectern at Gaylord's tea party convention was state-of the-art with a built-in script reader display.
    Any truth to this?
    $P did seem to be reading a lot as she spoke but wasn't shuffling note cards or turning pages.

  11. BAustin8:41 AM

    I have attended one of these motivational sessions in the past...and basically went because it was a free day off of work. It was way better than I thought (low expectations). I saw Colin Powell (awesome), Suzy Orman (suprisingly good), and Rudy Guiliani (also suprisingly good). Don't know who all was on the roster for the deal in Houston, but sounds like Sarah was definitely out of her element.

    She is only effective in attack dog campaign mode (i.e. we hate the other side, we don't have solutions, but anything is better than THEM).

    Since she only has a handful of talking points, people aren't gonna pay big $$$ to hear her talk for very long.

  12. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Palin is considered 'saving the best for last', at a motivational seminar no less?

    That's rich!!

  13. Gasman9:11 AM

    In her greed for gobbling up speaker fees, Palin seems to be remarkably inept (who knew?) at targeting her ideal audience. Her excessively shrill teabagger bullshit does not play well beyond the teabagger base. If she gets too much bad press from many other such performances, even the teabaggers will begin to wonder if she is deserving of royal status.

    Palin is also hooked up with that snake oil group hawking $19 tickets. This is a front for marketing seminars, books, and DVDs. Palin is simply a shill for other grifter crooks. How much longer do you think she’ll be able to pull off this scam before people start howling?

    Could it be that the arc of Palin’s trajectory is now heading downward? How loud will the cries of “fraud” have to get before she can no longer sell tickets? Many of the true blue teabaggers criticized Palin for speaking at the “scammy” Teabag Convention. She’s not expanding her popularity, she is diminishing it. Go Sarah, go!

  14. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I put in for a pre-order of Dunn's book and I thought the expected release was April, now I see it is a release of info to be added?

  15. here's a pic of $P with her very own TelePromper,_NH.jpg

  16. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Of course she read notes at the teabagger ball and she used a teleprompter at the convention, and most good speakers DO use a teleprompter in the modern world.

    Imagine her WITHOUT the script.

  17. I agree ... she will never be able to use a teleprompter without revealing what we already know her to be - the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. I also think the Motivational Seminar people had seen her Teabagging Party speech, and so just shoved her onto the stage first (maybe even convincing her that she got to go FIRST, ha, ha) so they could get her out of there. Because they had a contract probably and couldn't back out on it.

  18. At Palingates yesterday I asked the same question about the Dunn book. Apparently Geoffrey was ill and there were delays in completing the book. Seems like if he turns it in a couple weeks, the publishers should not need until July to edit, fact check and print??????????? Hope that we see it sooner.

    So, what is the next book out? Is it going to be Meghan McCain next. Then Levi, then Dunn, then McGinnis? - I will not buy Meghan McCain's book. I will sit in Barnes and Noble with a cup of coffee and take a look at it.

  19. Really good interview/talk between SM and Dunn.

  20. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I do not recall where I read it, but I read palin has an iq of 83. I listened to the wonderful Shannyn Moore radio from a link here, and a caller was talking about the same thing. For someone who wants to lead our country isn't 83 not much above borderline...fill in with her fav word. I kinda get the feeling that is why she made such a stink about RE. It was all about her.

  21. Anonymous1:36 PM

    === "Last night Piper asked me to tell her a bedtime story and I said 'YOU BETCHA,' let me tell you about two brothers named Abel and Cain..." ====

    This is not what she said. Check the transcripts, she didn't say "You betcha" and she didn't tell a story about Cain and Abel.

    Makes you wonder who the Liar is.

  22. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Is this from the Onion? Read the first few paragraphs out loud-- it's FUNNY.

  23. Kat in Key West2:44 PM

    I had a thought today. Maybe we should be thanking Senator John McCain.

    I know, I know, just wait a second.

    If Senator McCain had not chosen Sarah Palin as his VP where would we be today? Senator Obama would have been elected and would still be our President. Senator McCain would be right where he is, in the Senate. And Sarah Palin? Well, I'm guessing she'd still be Governor of Alaska. With me so far? Sarah Palin would also be on that list of "up and coming Republican stars". The majority of folks in this country would have never have heard of her. That would have put her in the perfect position to run for President in 2012 and probably win. As it is, due to her exposure as the VP candidate, we have lots of folks that know who she is (an empty vessel) and where she stands (wherever the money is). We also have our tireless AK bloggers who continue to get the word out about Sarah Palin.

    Between now and the beginning of 2012 when the first primaries start, I am positive Sarah Palin will take herself down. Too much is now known about her to make it an easy run.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Otherwise, I'm going to have nightmares.

  24. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:29 PM

    Well the peezoo has decided to "factcheck" this story and they found the reporter wrong!
    She didn't say "you betcha" and she didn't say story of "Cain & Abel" she said "the story of Esther" Big shock there!!!!
    She see for yourself, she is quite psychotic looking in the speech, not motivational at all unless you want to be 5150'd lol!

  25. ""She already gave her speech?!" One man exclaimed in the lobby after arriving minutes too late, "What the hell, I was stuck in traffic... why wouldn't they save the best for last?!""

    They save the best for last? Well, apparently they did. Truth in advertisement, eh? Dude shoulda known better.


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