Friday, February 19, 2010

You just have to take a moment to read this Phil Perrier piece on Palin from the Huffington Post. This is laugh out loud funny!

And lets face it, Sarah Palin is a gossip columnist's dream. At first blush she came across as a Christian "family values" no-nonsense conservative. Then, the press started poking around and found delightful amounts of nonsense in Sarah's closets. What ensued was the veritable Jerry Springer episode that is the Palin family; Bristol, the 17 year old pregnant daughter, Levi, the dimwitted yet hunky father of the Love Spawn, Trig, the baby with Down's Syndrome, and Sarah's husband, a man who has displayed less personality than a bowl of moose stew. And it got better, Levi posed for Playgirl magazine, his mom got arrested for selling prescription meds, while Sarah and Bristol and Levi tossed verbal grenades through the press at every turn. Forget running for president, this smells like a damn compelling reality show on Bravo! The Kardashians look like Ozzie and Harriet compared to the Palins. It's perfect, a horribly dysfunctional, morally bankrupt, greedy, fame-obsessed, Christian conservative family, with guns! Sign me up! (You can read the rest of this wonderful post by clicking the title at the top of the page.)

The only problem with Sarah Palin's reality show is that it is happening in MY reality.

Here is perhaps my favorite line from the post.

This woman has a persecution complex you could drive a truck through.

Amen to that, Mr. Perrier, Amen to that!


  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    And, due to John McCain's misstep, Sarah Palin's reality show came close to being the entire world's reality.

    The columnist's dream is a disaster at the helm of the United States.

  2. Anonymous1:53 PM

    "The only problem with Sarah Palin's reality show is that it is happening in MY reality."

    We really need a name for this. There is a huge segment of American life that is playing out like a reality show, but it's happening in real life. The "Vacuousphere"? Suggestions?

  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    And "mentally unstable" as icing on the cake.

  4. ManxMamma2:17 PM


  5. Anonymous2:19 PM

    OMFG, that's the best description of the wasilla hillbillies I have EVER read!!!!!!!!!!!

    Golden piece of work :)

  6. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Thanks, I thoroughly enjoyed that. From the comments: "this is a woman who is currently feuding with a cartoon (Family Guy) over their portrayal of her and her family." You failed to mention the cartoon is winning........."

    If nothing else, the Palins bring out people's humor.

  7. Gryphen!!!!

    The quote you posted includes:
    "Levi, the dimwitted yet hunky father of the Love Spawn, Trig, the baby with Down's Syndrome..."

    So, Phil Perrier is saying that Levi is Trig's dad??? LOLOL!!!

  8. Anonymous2:23 PM

    This was my favorite line from the piece:

    "Palin knows deep down, or, you know, as deep down as she gets, that she is spectacularly unqualified to be president, and that the "liberal press" would rip her new orifi on a daily basis."

    Sarah will remain coy about thinking about the possibility of maybe running for president. That way, the faithful can contribute to her PAC, the bottomless pit of money to donate to Sarah's favorite causes and politicians (such as Bristol's consulting company, Todd's protective security and advice). I hope that she puts Trig on the payroll as Best Political Prop Ever. Maybe when he's older, he can spend it on therapy.

  9. Anonymous2:41 PM

    @1:50 PM

    Why does everyone blame McCain? Does Alaska accept any responsibility? Just asking....

  10. Anon @ 01:50PM, I believe people blame McCain because many of us do not think she could have bootstrapped her way onto the national stage. He put her there. She hoodwinked some people in Alaska to become Governor but McCain made her a national PITA.

  11. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Sarah didn't win 50% of vote in Alaska!

  12. Quiet13:22 PM

    ENNEALOGIC: I had to re-read that phrase a couple of times myself, but unfortunately, it looks like it's actually just a list, not a statement about Trig's parentage. Prolly should have been semi-colons instead of commas . . .

  13. oops, my comment was directed to anon at 2:41 PM. Sorry.

  14. I don't think any description of Palin can be considered complete unless it includes Gasoline and Matches - her common sense solution for everything conflict.

  15. onejrkitty4:13 PM

    The writer forgot the arrest of Todd's sister for taking her toddler along with her to rob houses !

    That is priceless.

  16. Anonymous4:24 PM

    There were those of us that voted for a decent, responsible and well-respected former governor in Tony Knowles. Never had a moment's doubt in casting my vote for another term for Tony - whether it be for mayor of Anchorage, governor of Alaska, senator or whatever else he might decide to attempt. The loss was profoundly felt by many of us and, only now, is the significance beginning to be known to those swept away by sp's faux charisma. Please don't hold all Alaskans responsible for this horror!!

  17. What with Scarah pissen on the teabaggers tellin them to pick a party. She should be lookin over her shoulder. Those folks dont take kindly to grifters.
    Scarah you might want to duck next time you hear a small plane--Just sayin. Them folk aint tied real tight.

  18. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Another great piece on Palin I found off of HuffPo --

    Girlfriend's Guide: Sarah Palin is so Bitter! by Vicki Iovine.

    Most enjoyable:



  19. Anonymous4:59 PM

    This opening paragraph to the Iovine piece is perfect:

    Does Sarah wake up every day, reach for her specs, slip in her "Bumpit" and begin snorting around the media outlets like a truffle pig in search of the juicy fungus of persecution? It's like an itch that she scratches so often it has become a tic. Every slight is personal in the All About Me Universe of Alaska's Governor, Interrupted. Nothing is too random or private or just plain irrelevant for her to rush to Facebook with her righteous censure.


  20. If you haven't had a chance, when you're at HuffPo hit the "Living" tab.

    There's a huge picture of Disney's Alice in Wonderland's Red Queen with "Girlfriend's Guide: Sarah Palin is so Bitter". The article is a hoot.

    "Does Sarah wake up every day, reach for her specs, slip in her "Bumpit" and begin snorting around the media outlets like a truffle pig in search of the juicy fungus of persecution? It's like an itch that she scratches so often it has become a tic. Every slight is personal in the All About Me Universe of Alaska's Governor, Interrupted. Nothing is too random or private or just plain irrelevant for her to rush to Facebook with her righteous censure."

    The rest of the article is just as good.

  21. with her folksy charm and her boilerplate "lower taxes, less government, blah, blah, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan, Baba Booey..."
    she'll finish a distant second or possibly third...

    My favorite quote from the piece!

  22. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Tell me again Johnny Boy how you vetted Sarah Palin..

    What in the he11 where you thinking ya dum fck?

  23. One observation I have made in all my years is that under achievers very often resent those who "make the grade."

    Another thing I've noticed can be defined by the old adage: Birds of a feather flock together.

    This, "in a nutshell," pretty much explains the dynamics of Sarah Palin and her bots.

    And since I am finding myself "knee deep" in cliche's, here, I'll add these that I've thought from the beginning (August 2008) perfectly describe Sarah Palin--and her brood.

    You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, and you can dress 'em up, but ya can't take 'em out.

    What Sarah doesn't seem to understand is that money and class are not the same thing, and there "ain't enough money in the world," to buy 'class'--and it just so happens that it is 'class' that she and her bots lack most.

    Everytime Sarah opens her mouth she either, "puts her foot in it," or speaks with, "forked tongue."

    Golly Wally! It's almost as if every negative cliche' ever written applies to that woman and her bots.

    Oh yes, I could go on and on and on...but, I know thinking about her can "give a person a really bad headache," so I'll stop so you can all go "take a couple of aspirins and lie down."

    Get a good night's sleep everyone. Hopefully, when we all wake up in the morning, we will discover that Sarah Palin was nothing more than "a really bad dream." And those bots of hers? Well, they will still be out there waiting for the next "wagon to hitch their lame mule to."

  24. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I'm miffed that HuffPo didn't post my following comment on Phil Perrier's column:

    "Palin should be outraged over Phil's column but she'll give him a pass since he described her as a "savage beauty" and "fabulous looking." Hmmm. I assume a "savage beauty" in hand is worth two ripped "orifi" in the bush."

    I ask you, gentle readers, what is the problem with this comment that it should have suffered the hatchet from the moderators?

  25. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Posters have asked the question regarding other celebrities with disabled children. Here are a few examples that turned up during a quick search:

    Judy Woodruff, news analyst, has a child with spina bifida. She and her husband, Al Hunt, quietly work for charities associated with spina bifida.

    Mayor Daley of Chicago had a child who died of spina bifida.

    Colin Farrell's son has Angelman's syndrome, which is marked by developmental disabilities. Farrell is involved with Special Olympics.

    John Travolta's son, who recently died in the Bahamas, had Kawasaki disease. Jett Travolta died from a seizure related to his disease.

    Maybe the reason we have to look for celebrities who have kids with disabilities is that they are quiet about it, working privately and in their own way for charity and education, as they choose. Sarah is the one who tucked her kid under her arm like a loaf of French bread, to quote a very observant person with Down syndrome.


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