Friday, February 19, 2010

Mercede Johnston speaks out about the Palin family's attempts to penalize Levi and keep him from seeing his son.

First Facebook and now this. It looks like Mercede is tired of being told to "sit down, and shut up".


  1. WalterNeff3:42 PM

    What's with the hair in your state?

  2. Erica3:44 PM

    This is truly heartbreaking.This video made me cry.We must help Levi!
    What a nightmare.

  3. Anonymous3:47 PM

    She is so beautiful.

    Please email all the senators and ask them to vote for public option.

    pass it on!

  4. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Good for Mercede. But dayum girl, one bumpit is plenty.

  5. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Heartbreaking. That says it all.

  6. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Go, Mercede! Sing it, sister!

    Pat in Texas

  7. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Mercede, please know that your family has the support of so many. We see your plight and our hearts go out to you. You all have handled yourselves with dignity and grace through this. I admire the mature attitude you and Levi exhibit and congratulate your parents on the job they've done. Tripp is so blessed to have family that love him despite the attacks that have come your way. Keep holding on to him!

  8. Anonymous4:28 PM

    "It looks like Mercede is tired of being told to "sit down, and shut up.'"

    From the headline, I thought she was actually going to give us something new. I don't fault her. She expressed her heartfelt thoughts. Sounds like they might have been scripted, but doesn't mean they weren't also authentic. Also doesn't mean they weren't scripted for trial strategy, which isn't necessarily a bad. I don't know, but I know I didn't learn anything new.

  9. To me it's always child first and the Palin family has not that in mind. Cras vindictivness does not a leader make. The Johnsons are always welcome at my table.

  10. Anonymous4:46 PM

    It's ridiculous. Bristol should be paying Levi child support. This is a 50/50 state, and she makes more income than he does.

    A woman friend of mine had to pay child support to her ex-husband, and he made more money than she did.

    Levi needs to consult to a family attorney?

  11. Sadie, it is good to hear from you. You and your family have a lot of support.

  12. Anonymous4:56 PM


    Write the book. Help Palin decide she wants to go back to fishing in a leaky boat full time. Use proceeds from book exclusively for a trust for Tripp's college education and may sure you control the trust. That would drive BS Bristol-Sarah wild!

  13. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Hang in there kids. Eventually this will get before a judge. Most family courts want both parents involved and the judge is going to know from discovery how much money is available to each parent.
    Sarah has no legal standing in that court unless she claims Bristol or Tripp as dependants. If she does then her income becomes part of the equation.

    Gryphen do Bristol and Tripp both have access to live time health care since they are in small part descendants of the native people?
    That also could become part of the equation, if Bristol and Tripp have no health care expenses and if things like education and other things are subsidized.

  14. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Levi has leverage...he has insider information on the palin's, so why isn't he spilling the beans? He has every right to be in his son's life, and if they're playing power games with him and sarah palin has the corrupt court system on her side, then all's fair. Levi, come on, use what you have before sarah tries to silence you, like she did in troopergate!

  15. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Tripp and Bristol have government health care.

  16. Anonymous5:44 PM

    How can we help ?

  17. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I keep reading that everyone is looking for something new.It's all been laid out in the Alaskan blogs.What comes next is an indictement,someone who has proof of her skullduggary,She keeps digging a deeper hole and for sure she's going to bury herself.Just be patient the longer she's in the headlines the better the chances are she'll trip her self up.

  18. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I fear that the income disparity will hurt Levi when Van Flein is able to make his case. I don't think Levi is being represented properly. He needs a new law. Nothing against Butler, but he can't take on the Palin machine by himself.

  19. She is a sight for sore eyes.
    It is great to see Mercede looking and sounding so good.
    Stay strong and speaking up for family.
    You are all cute as a snuggy bear.

  20. What is it with Alaska and "Bumpits"?

    I think the reason they don't want Levi to have any sort of formal custody is because then Bristol will have to pay him child support. I think this is all intimidation to get him to sign over his rights. They're putting a price on Levi's access to his son and saying if he can't pay, he can't have access.

    They're not even divorced. They were never married. So some laws are not going to apply.

  21. This is what I don't get. Todd is 1/8 Native Alaskan,right? Which means Bristol is 1/16 and Tripp is 1/32 and he qualifies for health care?
    According to my family tree, I am 1/8 Native American and I would never ever consider myself eligible for any govt program.
    What is up with that?

  22. Anonymous6:24 PM

    She did very well, came across as articulate and sincere. I'm glad to see she got rid of the over-bleached locks. She looks best with her hair a little darker, although I agree, the natural center part, straight sides look was more flattering than the current 'do.

  23. Anonymous6:29 PM

    $1,750 a month to see his child? The Palin's are a vindictive bunch. They are just messing with Levi and trying to make his life miserable. I think a good judge will see right through this BS.. good luck Levi!

  24. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:34 PM

    How did a custody case b/c a support case????
    Bristol makes way more than Levi...
    REX discovery....check granny's assets too!!!

  25. Anonymous6:51 PM

    The hair is a Wasilla thing that does not apply to the rest of the State of Alaska.

  26. She's good. "They have enough money". Right on MJ

  27. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Good God, these kids are so young.

    Even if this 'interview' came off scripted, Mercede comes off as a natural. Much more talent (and verbage) in front of a camera than Sarah or Bristol (and to be fair, Levi, too. Also.)

    Contrary to the grifting nature, this custody thing isn't about the money, it's about making the Johnston's suffer.

  28. honestyinGov7:37 PM

    There are toooooo many quotes and stories to tonights Bill Maher Show. I'm SURE you will find the clips. It's a GREAT cast tonight. Wanda Sykes comes out later. The Panel.. Norah O'Donnel,Elliot Spitzer and Seth McFarlane. It was a great Show and at the end of the Show Bill covers the tea Baggers and calls them a Cult and explains why.Shows the Palin Family photo.

    Everything about Seth was funny. He said he held off on giving any interviews all week about the Family Guy kerfuffle knowing he would be on Bills Show.
    His quote... " I saved my Sarah Palin Virginity for you "

  29. Anonymous7:43 PM

    "What's with the hair in your state?"

    That was my first thought, too. Do all women in Alaska have big hair?

  30. Say NO to Palin in Politics7:55 PM

    Mercede, good for you, you have the right to speak up. And what you said was right on and true.

    I hope the best for your family and Trig.

    The Palins need to grow up. But don't hold your breath, people rarely change. I'm sorry.

  31. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Mercedes is just stunning. She's got
    the looks to be a fashion model right up there with Heidi Klum. She's just a 'natural.'I've never heard her talk or watched the other videos before.
    Boy! The Johnston kids are sure good lookin'! Hopefully, Trip will
    continue resembling them in physical
    appearance & in character. It'so
    vital that Levi gain joint custody
    of him.

    Sharon TN

  32. You know, Levi will get a court-ordered visitation schedule to see Tripp and Sarah will still keep jerking the chains and making it hard to see Tripp.

    There's only one way to stop the games. Trig! And he needs Levi's and Mercede's help.

  33. Anonymous9:00 PM

    +++ do Bristol and Tripp both have access to live time health care since they are in small part descendants of the native people?+++

    No. Bristol is 1/8, Tripp is 1/16. Don't qualify.

  34. anon. @ 9 pm: Are you sure re the health care? See the court documents:

    It’s in seciton C (paraphrased:

    Insurance [for Tripp] is not necessary as he is an enrolled tribal member of the Curyung Tribal Council within the Brisotl Bay Native Association Consortium. Majority of Tripp’s healthcare costs are covered by IHS and the Alaska Native Medical center.

  35. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Levi & Mercede have more class than the entire Palin clan.

  36. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign9:45 PM

    Mercede, you go girl! And ignore all these Outsiders making fun of our hair. They think we care, heh heh!

    I get the same chuckle when I read people exclaim "Oh my gosh! She's wearing shorts and a t-shirt at the beach!" Yep, must be an Alaskan. I've gone almost entire summers wearing shorts over long johns - another tried and true Alaskan set of duds.

    Oh well, all of that is beside the point. I'm proud of you for caring for your little nephew & speaking out, remaining kind, real, and civil. My heart breaks for you not getting to see him. There are no words to explain why the Palin Drama Moms are the way they are. There is something deeply wrong there, that's all. It will work out for your family!

  37. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I've gone almost entire summers wearing shorts over long johns - another tried and true Alaskan set of duds.

    You must be from the valley. Nothing to brag about.

  38. No wonder Bristol doesn't like Sadie!

    Mercede is gorgeous! Bristol is homely.

  39. Pray for Levi. He's little David against Goliath.

  40. Donna4:10 AM

    I'm troubled when people make judgments about the quality of legal work in a matter in which they are personally not involved. For the person who advocated Levi change lawyers, how do you know what his plan is or is not? How do you know that he is not consulting or working actively with someone who specializes in the area? As a lawyer of 30 years, I believe it's a serious mistake to believe you can judge from the outside what's going on. While I, too, do not know the whole picture, based on what I've seen to date, I believe Levi has the far better representation.

  41. Anonymous5:05 AM

    When Trig was first indroduced into the public, this has been my thought. Palin's say, he is a down syndrome child, but I see, and saw a possible, alcohol syndrome child.

    Could he possibly be both? Bristol after all, was drinking and drugging during the time she was expecting this child.

    Another thing, all, the Johnson's, have the upper hand on looks compared to the Palin's and they don't need plastic surgery to obtain them.

  42. Anonymous5:46 AM

    sjk: Right on. "DNA first"!

  43. Anonymous7:14 AM

    thank you 6:51 PM

    Mercedes can be a natural if she wants. She has an innate gift and will do well speaking and in front of a camara. After time away from Wasilla Mercedes will see things different. Don't forget they are from a very small place and close to a small clique and part of the ones that won't leave the 'last frontier' myth. Sarah and Bristol will also do like a FLDS hairstyle. Church is a big influence in Wasilla. I would like to hear about the people and styles of Wasilla from an anthropologist.

  44. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:50 AM

    I can't believe what grifter's the Paylins are! Tripp is on Socialized medicine????
    I wonder if TriG is too?
    Is there a list we can find? They just want everything FREE, FREE,FREE!

  45. Anonymous9:16 AM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl -

    Why would TriG not be on Socialized medicine?

    I think it is interesting that all those Alaskans died under her regime and not much is ever said about that. It was over 200 that died due to her medical debacle.

    Did any of the deaths include those with Down syndrome?

  46. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Mercede was so eloquent. No wonder Scarah and Bristol don't like her! She is 100x more articulate than either of them. I agree with her, this is ridiculous and heartbreaking. How much longer will the palins be able to continue their tyranny?

  47. GO MERCEDE10:50 AM

    I don't care when people wear shorts over long johns, big head hair or any cultural look. It can matter if one wants to be taken serious in a different venue. Mercede can both symbolise her culture and stand up for her nephew. Stay with the look you like, girl. She could be a media talent but a home girl is just as good. Finish college and don't neglect your drive to be a surgeon.

    Mona, I think much of Bristol's problem with Levi stems from her jealousy of his sister. She can't say Tripp should not visit his aunt. She can say that about Sherry and she could box Levi into a tight corner where there is no time for family bonding. That will NOT happen in a decent family court.

    'DNA first. then money' how true! I think what Donna said about not knowing all and the better lawyer is Rex. Levi may have a family lawyer in time. This is not going to be tried in the court of public opinion. Good press and public relations would be nice but Levi and Tripp can do alright in court without it. Sarah is self destructing whether she has ghost writers write for her or they say nothing. Hang in there Mercede and Levi and stay with the truth. Tripp will come out a winner if he can escape the toxic family decline.

  48. Anonymous11:04 AM


    Sarah Palin knows the dangers of socialized medicine first hand, the grandson who resides with her is a victim of it's evils. Sarah must be desperately afraid that the death panel is in her immediate family's future.


    C. "...Tripp is an enrolled member of Curyung Tribal Council within the Bristol Bay Native Association consortium. Because the majority of Tripp's health care costs are already covered by IHS and the Alaska Native Medical Center, Mr. Johnston has no need to purchase additional health insurance...."

  49. Mercede is beautiful (inside and out) - but what shines through is her intelligence. Outclasses the Palins in every way - yep.

  50. crystalwolf aka caligrl11:27 AM

    KOS has Tripp on socialized medicine!

    great comment here:
    The Only Republican Teabaggie

    Is refuse any and all help from the evil government and its agencies, pull yourselves up by your bootstraps or jockstraps or whatever straps you have handy, and rail against this type of socialism during your search for other coverage, which may or may not accept your proposals.

    Hypocrisy much Sarah??? How's that lyin' stuff working out for ya Sarah???

  51. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Tripp gets socialized health care:

  52. Anonymous12:11 PM

    ++ all those Alaskans died under her regime and not much is ever said about that. It was over 200 ++

    Prove it.

  53. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Levi has admitted in court filings that he owes $20,000 in back child support. Why doesn't he pay that while the court is waiting to determine what his future obligations will be?

  54. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Martha Unalaska - Love your colorful descriptions of life in AK.
    Mercede is a beautiful young woman and I am starting to believe the Johnstons are three levels about the dysfunctional Palin family.

  55. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I have been posting that Sarah Palins whole family is on government run healthcare because of todds heritage, including trig who would have been a victim of her imaginary death panels. Here is proof that what I have been saying is true.

  56. Anonymous3:28 PM

    12:11 PM ~ I was referring to these elderly and disabled, 227 dead plus another 27 dead.
    Troubled Alaska health programs Mon Aug 10, 2009
    "A particularly alarming finding concerns deaths of adults in the programs. In one 2 1/2 year stretch, 227 adults already getting services died while waiting for a nurse to reassess their needs. Another 27 died waiting for their initial assessment, to see if they qualified for help."
    For some reason this story did not get enough scruntiny. It is time to revisit all of the palin health care events.
    Changes in elderly Alaskan health care over a year and a half?

    Palin quit after a brief 20 months on July 26, 2009. Palin started her job on December 4, 2006.

    9:16 AM

  57. Anonymous3:54 PM

    If you read this Mercede. I just want you and your family to know, that our family is rooting for you. And so are a lot of other Alaskans.

  58. Mac And Cheese Wiz6:26 PM

    Mercedes, stay strong and don't give up hope! Speak up and be proud of what you're doing. Your family has the support of a lot of people.

    It's obvious you love your nephew and want what's best for him!

  59. Anonymous12:30 AM

    So, is Mercede attending medical school? I didn't know she wants to become a surgeon. Didn't I also hear Levi was trying to make money to help her with her education?

  60. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Yes, her aspirations to go to school and be a surgeon was in an early interview. Perhaps that was on the Tara Banks show.


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