Friday, March 26, 2010

Alan Grayson: Teabagger opponent an "undead minion" in Palin "Zombie Army".

Damn I am REALLY starting to love this guy!

From the Orlando Sentinel:

Less than a week after Sarah Palin directed her zombie army to “take out” Congressman Alan Grayson, one of her undead minions has risen to the challenge. Peg Dunmire has filed to run as the Florida Tea Party’s candidate against Grayson in November. Dunmire evidently is the first person to qualify as an official Tea Party candidate in any House race in the country.

“I read Dunmire’s announcement,” said Grayson. “I then forwarded it to the Guinness Book of World Records, for consideration under the category ‘Most Consecutive Cliches.’ This kind of right-wing drivel gave America $4-a-gallon gas and two endless wars, and drove us all to the brink of national bankruptcy. Was she living in a cave for eight years?”

Grayson was asked why he thinks that Dunmire decided not to run as a Republican. He laughed out loud. “Dunmire is not running as a Republican, because the Republican Party of Florida smells worse than a rotting carcass. The stench reaches all the way to the Georgia state line,” Grayson said. “For goodness’ sake, on the day that their state leader resigned in disgrace, a ‘Shred-It’ truck rolled up to Republican headquarters. Dunmire doesn’t want any part of what the grand jury in Orange County rightly called their ‘Culture of Corruption.’”

“Whatever money you give to the Republican Party in Orange County ends up in Chairman Lew Oliver’s pocket,” Grayson continued. “He’ll probably take that money from the Palin event, and lease a Lexus. Oliver had to rig his own election to win the job, and then he had to cancel all those local Republican Party meetings to keep it. Lew Oliver couldn’t find his rear end with both hands, unless there was a twenty-dollar bill sticking out of it.”

Why would ANYONE attempt to have a war of words with this guy?  He ruthlessly eviscerates his detractors without even raising a sweat.

I would pay big money to see him debate Sarah Palin on any network show you can name.  Hell she could even have it on Fox and bring Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck as back up.  It would still be a slaughter.

(By the way for all of you right wingers desperately attempting to find examples of liberals inciting violence, I used the word "slaughter" ONLY in the sense of a verbal victory, not an act of physical aggression. But hey, nice try!)

Best picture of Sarah Palin yet! (Hey if you are going to lead a Zombie Army....)
You know I am no expert, but I just don't think that Palin's recent plastic surgery has been much of an improvement.  What do you guys think?


  1. I love Alan Grayson, the more I see him the better I like him!

  2. Dorian2:12 PM

    Grayson definitely has a way with words and is proving more and more entertaining; but I both respect and admire him most for showing with his actions that he actually cares about people as opposed to just pretending to do so.

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    he is such a breath of fresh air, calling it like it is.. right wing drivel!

  4. I love Alan Grayson too and I love, LOVE this blog, but lose the picture. She makes herself monstrous without needing any help from anybody so it's over the top, and you're just giving them good reason to hold you up as an example of hatefulness.

  5. AK has NOTHING on local FL politics, believe me! FL stinks to high heaven.

  6. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Palin's Zombie Army! Boy is that a keeper!

  7. Grayson is the best. I wish there was a round two with Tweety Bird (Chris Mathews). Chris refuse to acknowledge he was wrong in their famous meeting.
    Maybe this time Old Chris will have projectile vomit instead of just through up in his mouth. EWWWWWWWW

  8. Caroline Jumper3:26 PM

    If you want to support Congressman Grayson's March 27 "Money Bomb" with a few dollars, please see

  9. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Love the blog, but lose the aombie picture of Palin. That's beneath you.

  10. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Grayson for President ..... hopefully someday soon after Obama ....

    Chugiak, Alaska

  11. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Caroline Jumper said...
    If you want to support Congressman Grayson's March 27 "Money Bomb" with a few dollars, please see

    Yes, please donate! We need to support this congressman! I gave earlier today.

  12. Alan Grayson is my FL hero!


  13. "Culture of Corruption" sounds like we here in Alaska have something in common with Florida!

  14. Gasman10:57 PM

    If more Dems handled the GOP and the teabaggers like Grayson does, the rightwingnuts would not spout the amount of inane bullshit that they do. They act like morons because in their insular and parochial world, nobody questions the official narrative, no matter how insane it is.

    A dozen or so Graysons at the national level would effectively neuter both the GOP and the teabaggers. The GOP and the teabaggers operate only in a climate of unthinking, unquestioning lock-step conformity. Grayson not only does not fear them, he mocks, scorns, and belittles them as the imbecilic goobers that they are.

    If just a few more national level Dems were as handy at verbally abusing both the GOP and the teabaggers, we'd have a much higher level of discourse overall.

  15. Love Grayson. That picture of Palin is unnecessary. She's scary enough. Don't stoop to her level. Thanks!

  16. Grayson needs to be charged with the responsibility of answering all the prevarications and distortions of the Rethuglican Party, on a daily basis, or as needed. This guy is an absolute gem. The barbs flow from his tongue, with the ease with which a horse swats flies with its tail. The barbs of truth telling, that is.

    In this capacity a spokesperson for the Democratic Party, Grayson's illumination of the Rethugs falsehoods, could go a long way toward turning the information tide in the Dems favor, and provide heartening entertainment for those of us who have suffered, so greatly, listening to the Rethuglican Party chest thumping it's ideological garbage for years.

    We'd welcome the relief.

  17. Anne NC6:21 AM

    We need more members in Congress like Alan Grayson. I gave to the money bomb yesterday and am thinking about another donation today, especially if they don't hit their quota. Gryphen, I agree with a couple other posters. Don't stoop to their level, lose the pic of Palin. She's her own worst enemy.

  18. I know this is an old article but What a wanker! American politics is really just one big popularity contest isn't it? You want your country to be run by the person who's best at making digs? Cause they sound like bitchy little girls to me. I don't care what they think about each other! Does this guy even have policies because he doesn't sound like he has any interest in actual politics.

    If it hasn't happened already he's going to get dicked on by the media , because he's clearly fake as anything and it's got to come out sometime.

    Seems a total fame whore to me ...and I'm sure that's a great foundation for government.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.