Friday, March 26, 2010

On her way home from a biker bar Palin stops in Arizona to twist the knife she stabbed into John McCain's credibility during the 2008 campaign.

I have not seen a man suffering so much pain onstage since Roy was attacked by that tiger.

Her speech is nothing but talking points and stale jokes about past mistakes. 

Writing on the hand? Check! 

Shallow beauty pageant days? Check!

Stupid dead fish go with the flow comment? Check! 

Bring up the fact that you were a "city manger" (even though in reality you were forced to hire one)? Check!

Give a verbal handjob to the Teabaggers? Check!

(If I may just interrupt my snark fest for  a moment, I simply cannot allow Palin to butcher our national history.  Kids.  The original "Tea Party" on Boston, Massachusetts was an act of defiance against King George of England because the people of America were tired of  being taxed by England without representation.  It was not a protest against "big government" it was a protest against a "foreign government", demanding that Americans hand over their money.  Today the citizens of this country have representatives speaking for them in the government.  They are called Congressmen and Senators.

Not EVERY citizen will agree with decision made on their behalf by their representative, but that is why we have elections.  We are free to choose a new representative if the current one is not to our liking.  We ARE participating in our government, and as long as we are we do not have to threaten a revolution.  THAT is called sedition, and it is illegal.

Now let's get back to the snark.)

Joke about McCain's age?  Check! (I was watching McCain's face when she told that joke, and I think he might have made his own emprecatory prayer right then.)

Disparaging remarks about Obama-care, Pelosi, Reid, and Democrats?  Check!

Mention Teabagger centerfold, Scott Brown? Check.

Well now, it looks like Palin is finally walking back her violent rhetoric!  Okay for future reference, "reloading", using sniper crosshairs to identify Democrats, and saying "take them out", is only her mavericky way of saying "go vote America".  Oh well that just makes everything okay now doesn't it?

It must be OUR fault for not using our Palin-speak to English dictionaries.  And I guess all of that aggression and violence toward the Democrats who voted for the health reform bill must just be an unfortunate coincidence. Or worse yet, more of that " making stuff up" from the Lame-stream media.

Somehow I have serous doubts that having Palin screech her support while dressed like a truck stop librarian is going to help John McCain one little bit.

After listening to her bizarre changes in pitch I am almost certain that only dogs and dolphins were able to hear everything that she had to say. I imagine dogs all over the country rubbing their ears on the ground and howling in an attempt to stop the pain.


  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I haven't laughed this much all wk.

    I think it is wonderful she is helping him lose again. He can still act and SNL will give him more work.

  2. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Is it about to be revealed that Sarah Palin is Jesse James Mistress #5? I can't think of any other reason for her new Grandma Biker look.

  3. honestyinGov3:34 PM

    Check the two questions that the Cafferty File ( CNN )asked today about The BumPit Out of about 300 comments... she might have had 3 that were NOT negative. Some comments were quite creative.

    The second question by Jack ended with this question and response....
    "Have you started thinking about who you will vote for for president in 2012?"

    Brian in Boise, Idaho writes:
    Jack, I'm voting for Obama no matter what because from what I can see, the only people running for the GOP nod are total idiots: Huckabee denies evolution, Romney flip-flopped on health care reform and his face looks like a cereal box, Gingrich is a corrupt beltway insider and Palin, I'm pretty sure, is the product of a conjugal visit between Charles Manson and Ann Coulter. These are not ideal options.
    NOOOOO... No conjugal VISITS!!!!

  4. I just threw up a little in my mouth.

  5. Jackie3:35 PM

    Her Lame Stream Media remark got lots of cheers. Which cracks me up becuz she now belongs to the Lamest Stream Media, Faux News.

  6. Love your snark!

    I jumped around the video as I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing. I was shocked by the small and unenthusiastic crowd (minus the pom pom waving campaign staff in the front row). It's time for the media to quit pretending Palin is such a star.

  7. nice look. very Presidential. once he loses will folks finally get it or does he have the voting machines rigged?

  8. Anonymous3:40 PM

    OMG her voice is annoying...screech, scratch...and the rambling. You'd think she was running for the monarchy all over again...incite, incite, incite!
    'blah, blah, blah" I want her arrested for her treason.

  9. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Interesting that neither John nor Cindy ever look at her. I really don't think they can stand her.

  10. She needs to fire whoever is in charge of her medication. That hypery thing is not working for her. The speed freaks will love her.

  11. ManxMamma3:55 PM

    Holy God....what a mess she is. I doubted my eyesight at first, but yes, it was a biker chick outfit...although with a longer skirt than usual and no boots. Her hand and body movements were manic. WTF is wrong with her?

  12. Gryphen, I think you covered it all in your check list! The recurring lies.. I'm getting very sick of the "city manger" lie.

    Will it ever end?

  13. Comments are hilarious..

    "She looks like a white supremacist meth dealer in that leather jacket"

  14. Anonymous4:08 PM

    "Is it about to be revealed that Sarah Palin is Jesse James Mistress #5? I can't think of any other reason for her new Grandma Biker look.
    3:32 PM"

    OMG YES, was just gonna say that!

    And CindyMcc looks like she'd rather stab forks in her eyes than be there.

    ...screech screech.

  15. Anonymous4:12 PM

    The jacket was the first thing I noticed...and, if you watch Cindy McCain, it was weighing heavily on her mind too..

    Cindy's first obvious glance at it was at :24..again @ 1:02 then most definitely at 2:31, 2:54 and 3:58...then between 3:58 and 4:04 she looks long and can almost see the bubble above her head reading:

    "Oh my God! I can't believe that cheap piece of shit she's wearing...I wonder if she fished that out of the Bay? Or just shot it? Please God don't let her start telling some bullshit story about how she shot it and tanned it herself...Hmmm..Or maybe Chuck shot it from a helicopter. No it isn't a wolf pellet...I need a closer look...I wonder if it's baby seal...could be Todd took a club to it...Or maybe Piper...Whew come to think of her, I'm sure glad she left her brats back in Alaska this time, like John told her to...I wonder if Piper can read at third grade level, yet..."

    At that point, I couldn't take any more of Sarah's I stopped watching, but I have a feeling that Cindy took a few more quick peeks and threw up in her mouth a little each time that she did...I say that because I noticed Cindy's mouth movements all along and they left me with the impression that that's what was repeatedly happening to her...with every phrase SP spoke and every painful glance at Sarah's wardrobe choice...upchuck..upchuck..upchuck.

  16. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Will the real city manager please stand up. Is he/she being paid to keep quite and let biker hag pretend she was the city manager also too? Again, I will say, I am so thankful my daughter, who is palin's age, did not turn out like that. That woman is a disgrace to all women.

  17. Anonymous4:27 PM

    sjk, love your post. I would change dealer to taker though.

  18. oh Willow!4:28 PM

    How high can her voice go? She could be breaking a world record with that screech. I don't know I've seen her eyes dart that much before. Hands are very wavy. I hope someone is gettng lot's of screen shots. This is classic manic. We may soon know why, officially.

    Willow Palin involved in vandalism of Palmer home
    Another chapter of "Sarah Palin's Alaska." How can we thank TLC?

  19. Anonymous4:31 PM

    i'm sure john was happy about grandma biker making a joke about his age. I never noticed before she really has a set of cankles there.

  20. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Funny she should mention Castro since Michael Moore took the workers from the world trade center there and they got better care than they did in the US.

  21. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Probably bought that jacket at her favorite biker resale shop.

  22. Anonymous4:33 PM

    She is definitely on Meth. Probably had a lot in all those little zipper pockets.

  23. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Sarah looked like a wanna be biker mama hooked on uppers, is this what her show will be like? OMG she's freaky! And her voice was enough to make your ears bleed. Cindy sure didn't hide the fact she can't stand Little Miss Cheerleader, Biker Granma. I would love to hear what she was thinking.

  24. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Your right about Dogs & Dolphins...
    my boyfriend and my dog as soon as that screeching came on they both groaned....LOAD!
    I guess the granny grifter is trying out the "slutty librarian/biker whore look" complete with FM 5'high heels...
    Cindi did look as though she was shooting daggers from her eyes at the whorish one....

  25. Anonymous4:54 PM

    "Hell no" + Hell's Angels jacket--
    now, I get it. Isn't that just so clever? How to win pseudoXtian friends and influence the hateful dominionists.

    She's Satan's stand in...or more likely S A T A N, herself.

    The woman is a lunatic. Anyone have any doubts now that she called Trigg, "the retarded one?"

  26. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Here's what stands out the most in this video: She is standing right in front of John McCain's face. You cannot even see him. She completely OVERSHADOWS him.
    What a metaphor! It echoes the whole 2008 campaign.
    IT'S ALL ABOUT HER! John McCain IS a slow learner.

  27. Anonymous5:12 PM

    omg have you seen this. repeating her talking points is like communists.

  28. It is sick. It is all just so sick. They are making fun of the fact that they are inciting violence and today (or yesterday) in Nashville,TN a motorist rammed a vehicle in front of him because he had an Obama/Biden sticker on his car. The driver was a father who had just picked up his 10-yr. old daughter from school so she was in the car with him.

  29. GrainneKathleen5:33 PM

    "truck stop librarian"
    i was thinking another jesse james mistress, maybe.
    and my dog was acting funny today; wow, her screeches range from sea to shining sea!
    thanks for the laughs!

  30. Let's not forget that Megan McCain is coming out in August with her book. I remember her being quissed about it when she guest hosted the View. She wouldn't answer any Palin the book.

    Regarding the Pat Boone envy biker garb..... I am more than certain Palin wore that to get back at stylish Cindy. 45 year old rich women don't dress like that have no class..nada, zilch.

  31. Anonymous5:41 PM

    3:32 PM 4:08 PM -

    Jesse James has far better taste in mistresses and some can even speak co-herently. I don't think the worst man in the world would stoop to the level of Palin. She is too old for him and she has no visible tattoos.

  32. My first thought: how does black leather speak to her "we don't do violence" routine?

  33. Linda6:16 PM

    Sorry, I usually just lurk, but I am loving this post and the comments. Anonymouse at 4:12 -- I love Cindy's internal dialog! ROFLMAO!

  34. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Hmm, mommy and daddy in AZ. Who's takin' care of the little special needs baby in AK?

    Oh, never mind. I guess he's with his mother, so everything's ok.

  35. Anonymous6:32 PM

    sjk from the belly of the plane....

    I say things have been rigged in Arizona for many years. I don't know if it is the voting machines now. The Arizona mafia did a great job in the old days, they looked better because Las Vegas mafia was worse. J Mc never gets caught, when he almost does it all goes away. The old Navy days, Keating 5 and so much more. It won't be until he dies that he and his legacy will be ripped a new one.

    Cindy, too. When she stole drugs from the children charity' a close friend was used. He later told how Cindy gave drugs to Meghan, who was a foul mouthed spoiled child. J Mc's connections with DEA and others get them out of everything. I can see why SP will kiss his pussful butt forever. He can have computers scrubbed or anything necessary to get what he wants.

  36. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I am not sure if the dominatrix look really works for Palin...sure the look is aimed at particular segment of the population that are attracted to the "look" and the "Concept" And it is one step beyond the "naughty" school teacher glasses, the endless assortment of suggest outfits from the passe short skirts and high-heels to the outdated hair. Perhpas this is something she find as attractive, but in reality it she looks really cheap like some working woman or biker chick who has long passed their prime.

  37. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I think her dominatrix librarian look makes her look really, really dysfunctional. Like Two-Face on Batman--can't decide which to be, so she'll be both at the same time. Egads!

    "Take up our arms" means VOTE??? So I guess "fly the planes INTO the buildings" really meant vote early and often? Give me an effin break.

    She's a total frickin mental case. And John McCain is a coward and a joke.

    Somebody SPILL IT up there so she'll have to sit down and STFU. What's the frickin holdup???? GAH.

  38. Anonymous6:50 PM

    That jacket was probably made of Alaskan Elk leather.


  39. Don't buy her book6:58 PM

    Meghan McCain might be a lusty, smart enough Republican Daddy's wittle chickie, with money, a good education and socially techwise, but her book will suck because she won't let go with what anyone wants to hear about. She is a traitor to cover up the scoundrels. Sorry about the previous sentence.
    Don't buy her book

  40. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I started to watch the "Vote For McCain Rally" and had to leave to go to the restroom. When I got back it turned into "We Hate Obama Rally"... What the heck happened?

    It seemed like a very short rally with nothing new mentioned from "Johnny and the Millionaire".

  41. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Curioser, I think you were watching the Obama speech yesterday when you said that there were a handful of people. Even Laura O'Donnell had to admit that there were about 3,000 people.

    I know that some of you have never ran a company and the greatest job you probably had was to remember to ask "Do you want fries with that?". FYI, CEO of companies hire COO's CFO's and if the company is large enough there is a President in addition to the CEO. So, whether or not she hired a City Manager, that is par for the course.

    As far as "sticking the knife in", I would be very careful since that could be misconstrued as inciting violence. In any event, she did not volunteer to speak but was asked and I am sure that McCain was happy to have her there.

    Also, what is the problem with wearing a tasteful leather jacket? Where does "violence" come up in that?

    As far as standing in front of McCain, one, he could have moved and two, she does not have eyes in the back of her head to know that she was allegedly blocking him. I saw him perfectly, but maybe your vision is clouded from all the Kool-Aid you have been drinking.

  42. Anonymous7:43 PM

    "Also, what is the problem with wearing a tasteful leather jacket? Where does "violence" come up in that? "

    Please, don't insult our intelligence. The connotations associated with wearing leather are NOT one of ingenue and innocence. The style of her jacket says it all. It was tight, it had zippers, it was biker all the way. She is NOT a biker. On her, and in the venue she was in, it is NOT tasteful, it is slutty. It was meant to create a stark contrast in age in order to sexualize the campaign of an old, old man running, very likely, for his last term in the Senate. Why do you think she made the inappropriate age joke? She chose that outfit on purpose.

  43. Anonymous8:12 PM

    One thing is clear. Sarah is spinning out of control fast. You can only admire someone for their beauty and shine for so long before you begin to see the unstable shell of the person underneath. More and more of her fans are seeing the truth. She might be raking in the money, but there is not one rational, thinking republican that believes she is qualified for office. Of course, McCain and others will use her for her celebrity value, but her usefulness will pass. The more she speaks, the faster that day will come.

    The facts are no friend to Sarah. How many people lived in the town she was mayor of? How much debt did she leave? How many jobs has she quit? Was she even half-way through her term as governor? Only those totally blinded by ideology can can compare her to our president and actually believe it.

  44. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I am in agreement and serving a citizen Fashion Citation for the biker style jacket/sleezy and way too tight in 'busting out all over'. Hindsight wisdom if we hd known the insstability of Palin's apperance we'd have implored the RNc to let her keep the clothes and a hair stylist. At least she did not wear that mullet/Blagovich wig although it would have been perfect for the Everything's $10 teen slut jacket.

    Wow, an appearance to endorse anyone is to promote Palin foremost. It must have stung the McCains when Palin quipped "this time I think he's gonna win" considering the country got wise and elected Obama due to her ignorance and habitual lying.

    Each speech of hers is repetitive. She lies stealing credit for the real City Manager. She lies about things people have no need or desire to lie about. This past week we have seen she is incapable of dressing appropriately also even to make coments on Fox. I have never seen anything like this!

  45. Didn't McCain once carry himself with dignity? I don't remember because he's been so sullied by associating with this hateful creature.

  46. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Read the comments on Sarah and JohnBoy

  47. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Oh my gosh- the way McCain was clapping, with that dopey smile on his face? He truly seemed like a senile, perverted old man- especially in the backdrop of the biker chick Palin while she gave her manic talking points.

  48. tweet from BorowitzReport:

    "I'm pretty sure that Sarah Palin's leather zipper jacket was originally worn by Ben Stiller in "Zoolander.""

  49. Anonymous10:01 PM

    C'mon, be honest! Is it at all possible to look at THOSE two and then look at President Obama and NOT thank our collective lucky stars that the election turned out the way it did? I still get an involuntary shudder deep in my soul every time I hear her or McCain open their respective yaps.

  50. Anonymous10:22 PM

    uhhh anon@7:04 - the previous mayor of Wasilla didn't need a city manager. Sarah was 1st who couldn't handle it.

    For the saner folks, check out this post today (re: SP's Tucson speech) by one of the authors of the incredibly hilarious "Why Me Not President?" series.


  51. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I couldn't watch the whole video - that voice drives me nuts. I watched more of John and Cindy. John not paying attention - going through his pockets and reading things, and, love Cindy's facial exercises and obvious boredom; and McCain's surprise to find out he's part of the Tea Party Movement - and of course, McCain's clapping. I thought, "Where have I seen that clapping before?" "Oh, yeah, I remember, I saw it here:"

    Also, watching McCain brought back old memories of the campaign, and I remembered picking out a song - "their song" - I used to play it during the campaign. You can listen to it here:

    Doesn't it remind you of Sarah and John - Ah, those were the daze (no pun intended).

    And what's with the biker CFM outfit? I remember reading one time: If you feel you have to flaunt it, it only makes people realize how you just ain't got it, and you are so NOT qualified; you lack confidence in your intelligence, therefore you feel you have to use something else to get ahead. Hence the get-up and Monkey Shoes.

    No matter how good looking Palin thinks she is, she needs to focus more on getting educated, her personality and attitude - 10 years from now the latter might be all she has going for her.

  52. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Anonymous at 4:32 pm. As a Cuban, I feel that I have to correct your statement. If, and is a big IF, Michael Moore's stooges received care from the Castro regime, they received it from a hospital that is not available to the Cuban people. FYI, if a person (not a member of the govt, or a tourist) gets sick and has to go to a hospital, the patient's family has to provide sheets, clothing, medicines, syringes (unless they do not mind reusable syringes). My cousin, who is a Cuban educated physician, came to this country and had to take classes in using medical devices because he had never seen any of the ones here in Cuba. Furthermore, his education was so "wonderful" that when his own son developed an infection from a bug bite, he had no idea what to do and my mother was the one to take his son to the hospital. I cannot blame him too much for that since antibiotics are not available to the regular population. If you would have done some research you would know that Cuban nationals in this country send medicine to Cuba from Canada so their family members can get them. Case in point, my uncle had a stroke and they asked us to send medicine, then his daughter had the audacity to write that medical care is free in Cuba, but medicine is not available. Maybe she should have given him a "pain pill". I ask you, what good is free medical care when the medicine you need to combat what ails you is not available? So, before you write something about which you know nothing about, I would suggest you do some research. It might also interest you to know that when Castro got real sick a few years ago, he did not use Cuban trained physicians but instead had a physician flown in from Spain to take care of him. If medical care there is so wonderful, why was that?

    What really saddens me is that for some reason people like you want to take the greatest country in the world and turn it into a third world country. Sadder still is that a person like me, who was not born in this country, has greater regard and respect for this country than you do.

  53. I must say, I didn't think Sarah would top that Harry Potter black velvet outfit. Wow. Black leather biker chick jacket... who woulda thunk it?

  54. I saw more footage that included Todd. When my son was a teenager he had more common sense of what to wear to an event then Todd. The McCains present themselves professionally and Cindy McCain has personal style, taste presenting herself well to the public. IMO for Palin to show up a la hard core biker look and Todd looking like he went all out to not wear a t shirt, the two of them conveyed an attitude of F-U, spit upon the decorum, professional public image of the McCains i.e. disrespectful to them.

    Palin is about grandiose claims and dragging to putting others down at her level. She is vengeful demonstrated by her F-U attitude whether writing on her hand, her fans threats of violence lying the lamestream media made it up.

    I knew someone bipolar who did dress in provacative outfits when manic, namely leather that was suggestive so it is possible Palin has comorbidity evident in her word salads that are a trait of Cluster B illnesses. Last weekend she wore a sweatshirt to appear on Fox, then that day dressing like a country western personality, now a biker chick..she is not stable.

  55. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Why is McCain standing directly behind Palin so that you cannot see him? I thought he was the candidate.

  56. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Sarah reminds me of the woman you see in every bar. You know the type I mean. Grandma that tries too hard to recapture her youth by dressing in what she perceives to be hip and sexy. The one that hangs on all the guys in the bar and winks and smiles so they will buy her drinks all nite in the hopes that they can bang her.

    But guess what? She's just a cock tease, and when she's done reaffirming to herself that she is still hot, she'll leave alone to go home to the poor sucker she left sitting at home.

  57. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Hey Palin,
    If you like the crosshairs imagery so much, why aren't you instead using it to target all the Repug and Teabagger candidates that you want to see elected.
    And put the biggest crosshairs imagery on yourself and Johnny-kins.
    That would be more in alignment with your statement of "When we take up our arms, we're talking about our vote."
    This refocused crosshairs imagery would then take care of the "ginned up controversy" wouldn't it?

  58. Anonymous7:12 AM

    ...dsmyre @ 5:05's remarkable, isn't it? Every time she comes slitherin' out of her house, she reveals more of her dark side.

    It is really quite pathetic...Beck and Limbaugh verbally tripping at her heels, pretending that the world they want to create would care one iota about even them.

    The Sarah on display is the woman that the Republican VP campaign staff had to work with in 2008.

    With that in mind, the magic that they worked for that brief moment, just to make her someone who could be allowed in public, is rather amazing. It must have made their dark lord so very, very proud.

  59. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Anon 6:05 am your comment is so true.

  60. Cindy Lou put on her best "Stepford Wife" face, but you could tell she had to fight back the urge to grab Palin by the throat.
    You could see through the thin "smile" Cindy thinking, effing Palin is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

    John warned us Obama would spread the wealth around (9:14).

    When we talk about taking up arms, we are talking about our vote.

    A "ginned up controversy".

    The screachy gravely tone @ the end hurts my ears.

    We don't apologize for america???

    Why the hell is this windbag still in the ntl spotlight?

  61. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Who was it that Sarah hired as a
    city manager when she was mayor & are
    they still in local politics? Might
    be interesting to interview this person. Or is he afraid to talk, too.

    Sharon TN

  62. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Cindy McCain as usual looks classy, Palin as usual looks like a cheap hooker.
    McCain as usual looks like he slept in his clothes.

    It is interesting watching the different expression on his face. Talk about mood swings.

  63. Anonymous2:14 AM

    If she ever gives a speech without at least one lie in it, THAT will be newsworthy. I only listen until I catch the first one these days. It really saves time.


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