Monday, March 15, 2010

Alaska legislators VS Obama Administration over Endangered Species Act.

(Hat tip to Phil Munger for the photo)

Members of Alaska’s congressional delegation met with two top Obama administration environmental officials Friday to discuss several issues that could have wide-ranging impacts on the state.Of most concern to the delegation is the proposed listing of a critical habitat for the Cook Inlet beluga whale and petitions to list ice seals as threatened or endangered species. The delegation is worried that such decisions by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration could harm the state’s economy.
Now don't let the photo of our legislators standing in Don Young's" museum of death" make you believe that they are not caring, and compassionate, people who just love the little furry woodland creatures of Alaska.
Obviously at least ONE of them loves the animals so much that he has their heads and antlers chainsawed off to stick onto his office wall. And now he can sit and gaze at them adoringly for hours on end.
So clearly these legislators are fighting to keep NOAA from declaring more animals, such as the beluga whales and ice seals, as endangered animals NOT because of a careless disregard for their fellow creatures and a pathetic addiction to the money pumped into our economy by gas and oil companies, but because of their fear that NOAA has not used "proper" science to reach its conclusions. In other words until independent scientists (paid for with money from the oil companies) have had a chance to conduct THEIR studies, there is no reason to go off half cocked and try to keep these creatures from being killed off.
I mean just because the population of the beluga whales has decreased by 50% in four years time is no reason to be in a rush to protect them now is it?
And by the way, it should come as no surprise to anyone that second string governor, and Palin lapdog, Sean Parnell agrees with our legislative three stooges.  Yeah who could have seen that one coming?


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I guess they are not happy until all theses animals are gone and then nothing is in the way of drill baby drill.

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    After the photo, Lisa Murkowski asked: How did the animals stick their heads through the walls without breaking their "horns" and messing up the plaster?

  3. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Well, the white whale with a big brain just needs to slap that treeoo around.

    I'm sure that the big oil science money will just manafacture more reports that leave the oil and gas industry off the hook. Industry will come up smelling like roses because of the new jobs in ocean sciences, new money to the uaf and uaa system that is much more in support of the industries needs, they the planets.

    It's time to get off carbon to power our homes and infastructor. Its time to turn down the thermastat and put on coats. Its time to stay home and learn how to grow food again. It's time to use the wind to power our vessels again. Its time to be greatfull for the high standered of living that we have in the USA and Europe. Its time to be better parents and show by example.

    Creating a steady stay of health is the goal, not a higher profet margin.

    Bucky said that its time to stay home and grow food and compost our own shi*!

  4. Alaskans need to love Alaska a little more and take care of it...politicans don't give a damn that's for sure.

  5. Somebody should take Don Young whaling. A whale head on the wall would fill up the office and leave no room for him.


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