Sunday, March 14, 2010

As panic sets in Palin returns to Facebook to rally her dwindling followers for one last doomed stand against the inevitable.

If Senator Reid, Speaker Pelosi, and President Obama get their way, soon our country will be changed forever. Using every partisan parliamentary trick in the book (including some they invented just last week), Washington’s Left intends to ram through their takeover of our health care system regardless of the consequences.

I will only subject you to but a smattering of the crazed and desperate typing of Palin's Facebook ghostwriter (If you wish to read the entire post I have linked it to my title.), but is is important that all of us be aware of what the final push from the Republicans to kill the health care bill will look like.

As illustrated in Palin's blog post, the approach is to accuse the Democrats of "breaking the rules" (which of course is defined as using the same tactics that the Bush administration used to get legislation through for eight years), and to suggest that if the Democrats succeed in getting the health care reform bill through congress it will be political suicide.  Which of course is exactly the opposite of what they truly fear.

Ask yourself this simple question.  If the Republicans REALLY thought passing the health care bill would mean the defeat of Democrats in the upcoming election, do you really think they would be warning them ahead of time?  No, they would be keeping silent, while planning how to take advantage of their incredible good fortune.

No the real fear is that if, and when, the Democrats pass this bill it will make them much harder to defeat in upcoming elections. As a matter of fact Republican Senator Orrin Hatch said as much back in November.

As you listen to the crazed accusations of rule breaking, the unsolicited advice to Democrats, and the doomsday rantings coming form the Right, you cannot help but notice that they are reaching a crescendo. 

But ask yourself this question, when was the last time the Republicans really fought hard for everyday Americans?  Stumped?  Yeah me too.

Now ask yourself this, when was the last time they fought tooth and nail to protect the corporations who fund their re-election bids?

Now do you get it?

Look to be perfectly honest I am not a fan of the bill as it is written right now either.  It does not have the protections I want for the consumer, it does not contain the public option, and it does not control the costs.  But I also know that once bills get passed they can be amended.

If the Democrats don't get this bill passed now, we may never see it passed in our lifetimes.

Sarah Palin has free health care for her children.  Both the Republican politicians in the House and in the Senate have the best health insurance in the country.  And yet these people have the audacity to stand in the way of the rest of their fellow Americans having access to what they take for granted.

THAT is what the voters need to remember in the upcoming elections. Who stood with the voters and wanted them to have access to affordable comprehensive health care, and who stood with the insurance companies and wanted to deny them that same right.

Here let Rep.Weiner spell it out for you.


  1. laprofesora4:44 PM

    Thanks,Gryphen, for Scarah's FB post, even though I couldn't stomach reading it. But it's always worthwhile to know what we're up against. I feel like I did before the election, too nervous to think about what might happen. You certainly bring up a valid point: if HCR would mean the end of the left, the right wouldn't be so afraid of it. I want all their lies, rhetoric, fear mongering and hypocrisy to bite them right in the collective hiney.

  2. Do any of those nutters know that Palin's own children and grandchildren--1/16th and 1/32nd Yup'ik, respectively--qualify for the Dread Scary Socialized Medicine?

    Or do they just figure that whiskey or salt cures everything at the Palin compound?

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Send her more money 'bots!!! She's fighting for you from her Lear Jet!

  4. Yay, Republicans want the population of America to be sick and facing death panels because they can't afford decent medical care and those that have meager over priced coverage will be subjected to denial of coverage in the event of catastrophic illness.

    Palin and her ilk know not what a death panel truly is. Thank goodness that her gay native husband covers their family thanks to his nativeness.

    They want us not to kill babies thru abortion yet they would require that those babies once born have no healthcare. Such a twisted grifter strategy.

    Ha ha, word salad, but I can't help myself today.

  5. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I love it when the say things like changing things in this country forever. . .such drama, such catastrophy and end daying. And we all know Sarah and her hard right family ain't about the drama.

    When Sarah steps up to help get her childrens socialized health care adequately funded by Congress to the Indian Health Service - she can speak to health care issues, along with energy use off the road system in Alaska, special needs challenges and its resulting financial burdens to real hard workin American families, stautory rape, sex trafficking and other sexual exploitation and women's health issues. . .you get the picture.

  6. Gasman5:08 PM

    Is there even a single Facebook post that Palin herself has actually written? Has the woman actually ever WRITTEN anything? I suspect that she writes about as much as she reads: damn little.

    I’ve got to get ‘em in while I can, so here’s a double dose of "Quote of Day for Sarah":

    “Believing ourselves to be possessors of absolute truth degrades us: we regard every person whose way of thinking is different from ours as a monster and a threat and by so doing turn our own selves into monsters and threats to our fellows.” - Octavio Paz


    “When you want to believe in something, you also have to believe in everything that’s necessary for believing in it.” - Ugo Betti

  7. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Wow, proof that it is a ghostwriter - she referred to the Party Leaders and the President by title. Never happens in her speaking and palm writing styles.

  8. Anonymous5:15 PM

    HOly cow Weiner was AWESOME!!

  9. Anonymous5:17 PM

    If anyone knows something about jamming and ramming a bill down someone's throats, I suggest that the Republicans are the ones. They willingly gave up their constitutional right to declare war and handed to over to Bush. They rushed us into a war with Iraq when there was either no evidence or trumped up evidence. When the T-baggers asked for their country back, I suspect that is the country that they want- when the GOP suspended the rule of law, declared war on someone who did not attack us, and to criticize them would be the act of a traitor.

  10. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I like the new format Gryphen. Sharp.


  11. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "kill the bill," huh?

    It would be interesting, but sad at the same time, to know just how many persons with the name Bill, William, or whose last name is Williams, die over the next few days without proper medical care because they could not afford medical insurance.

    Like I say, sad--but enlightening.

  12. Thank you!!!! This is one of your most cogent posts.

  13. Read the post and am stunned to read some of the posts complaining about the link to an anti-HCR site requires a contribution before a signature may be registered. Hmmmmmmm...........WOW!!

  14. mocha6:05 PM

    Every Republican knows when the Health Care Reform bill is signed and goes into effect at the end of this week, that by the election in November, every American is going to be realizing the benefits of the bill even if it is not the best bill. Now, what the Dems need to find and spread far and wide are the stories of people who faced certain rescission of their insurance, but were spared when the bill was signed into law. And the stories of the people who could not get health insurance on March 17 because of a pre-existing condition, but were able to get insurance on Monday March 22nd, because the bill was signed into law on Sat the 20th. When these stories emerge, along with those by friends and neighbors that they thought they were going to have to declare bankruptcy to pay for a procedure that their insurance wouldn't cover and then as soon as the health care bill passed, they were able to get the care they needed, the Republicans are going to be scrambling to retain the seats they have in the Congress, let alone gain enough seats to re-take the majority. If the Democrats tell the story the way it should be told, Republicans will be in the minority for a generation or more. And They Know It! ( I don't think Sarah knows, she's just babbling the talking points Bill Kristol gives her.)

  15. Eileen C. Tallon6:52 PM

    Canadian citizens faught a long and hard battle for our Health Care Plan. While the Conservatives opposed all parts of it.

    Thankfully WE the people won out and are deeply thankfully to the late Tom Douglas who instigated and faught hard for Health Care for all Canadians to be covered fully from birth to death.

    Of course we had people who did not want it. We certainly and with much thanks, did not have a crazy, lying Sarah Palin clone babbling along like the hypocrite she is.

    Personally, I believe Sarah Palin is committed to trying to destroy order to set up her own little Queendom.

  16. Mocha I thought this doesnot go into effect till 2014 er somthing like that. Correct me if im wrong.

  17. Ok... here's my latest stupid question: Where is Palin's outrage at Dan Theil's absolutely HORRIFIC comments about Reid's potentially crippled wife?

    You can't even say "Down syndrome" and "former governor of Alaska" without inviting the wrath of the Quitta from Wasilla, but some columnist suggests that a 69 year old seriously injured woman be killed and she's silent.

    Oh, and hey... how about that unpaid hair stylist? We ever hear how that was resolved? Did she decide to donate the money she would have paid the gal "to the cause?"

  18. Anonymous7:39 PM

    "If this bill passes this year, children with pre-existing conditions will now be covered, there'll be an end to lifetime caps and annual caps on what the insurance companies will cover, so if you get sick you won't go broke, if you get sick they can't throw you off your insurance. The doughnut hole will be filled in so senior citizens will save hundreds of dollars on their prescription drugs, the life of Medicare will be extended, and on and on and on.

    So, if the Republican Party wants to go out and say to that child who now has insurance or say to that small business that will get tax credits this year if he signs the bill to help their employees get health care. If they want to say to them, "You know what? We're actually gonna take that away from you. We don't think that's such a good idea." I say, let's have that fight. Make my day. I'm ready to have that. And every Member of Congress ought to be willing to have that debate as well," - David Axelrod.

  19. yukonark7:40 PM

    To MrsTarquinBisquitbarrel @ 4:53:

    You mean whiskey or salt doesn't cure everything?


  20. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Thanks Gry!
    And hey, I like the new look here! Good job!!

  21. Gryphen, looking good! I like your new layout.

  22. Enjay in E MT9:19 PM

    So the failed VP Candidate & half term gov is back to spouting off in Face Book" again. Guess couldn't get enough written on the "Talk to the Hand"

    Like the new design!

  23. sunnyjane2:38 AM

    I'd love to have the opportunity to debate Palin on the health care issue. Problem is, I'm afraid I'd punch her in the mouth and get her "stupid disease."

    I'm not a violent person and I've never punched anyone in the mouth in my entire life. Well, I did throw the butter dish against the kitchen wall one time, but I think that was PMS.

  24. EXACTLY! Suddenly, Mitch McConnell is concerned about the Democrats reelection bids on November if/when health care passes?? Are you kidding me??

    If this bill was such a disaster, they would sit by and say absolutely nothing while the Democrats self desctruct, right? Then the Republicans could campaign against it, and get their majority back. So why the obstruction?

  25. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Love the new format and this article. The one point that stuck out in her speech wasn't even political. It has to do with her mouth. What would she have said if Piper wasn't with her? Are her speeches like movies with ratings for Adult and Children?

  26. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Please correct me if my recollection is incorrect but didn't Palin state that she and Todd were small business owners who either 'went without' health insurance or struggled to afford health insurance? If so, how can that be if Todd and all family members are guaranteed free health care because of his ancestry?

  27. Anonymous10:28 AM

    If it does pass it's not going to change much at all. There is no public option and so the insurance companies are still going to gouge the people for more than they can pay. In fact they are going to have the opportunity of punishing the people for supporting it. Americans are just not ready yet to accept socially responsible change, they still think it's the evil socialist boogeyman.

  28. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Someone I really respect told me that the current debate over healthcare reminds her of the same rhetoric that Reagan was spewing against Medicare - that it's socialist, et. al. The Democrats should embed a video of that from the mythological Republican leader (who by the way named names during the McCarthy trials and passed the most liberal immigration laws ever, allowing millions of non-immigrants to obtain green cards. And lets not forget Iran-Contra). Anyhow, no one I know who has Medicare today is willing to give it up. And Medicare is the best government healthcare system we currently have.

  29. Anonymous12:50 PM

    This health care fiasco is headed straight to the Supreme Court; regardless of your politics, this kind of tactic should scare hell out of you. The Senate Bill won't pass the Senate now and Pelosi admits it won't pass the House, either:

    "Nobody wants to vote for the Senate bill," she said. She wouldn't rule out that option, she said, because there is no official bill language yet, which she said she needs first before she makes a decision on process.

    A second option would entail a vote on a rule followed by a vote on the reconciliation package. The Senate parliamentarian, Pelosi said, has told Democrats that such a strategy would not be acceptable, because the Senate bill must pass the House before the reconciliation amendments can.

    So the third option is to write the rule so that the passage of the reconciliation package deems the Senate bill to also have passed, a parliamentary maneuver she said the Senate parliamentarian had said was acceptable.

    It's a technical distinction and Democrats hope that it's deep enough in the weeds that average voters will focus instead on the substance of the legislation instead of the confusing process. Asked if she had firmly decided to pursue the third option, she answered, "I like the third one better."

  30. Anonymous1:33 PM

    So the Palin children shield works both ways? Constituents, advisors, and even her campaign handlers had to wear kid gloves around the kiddies. Not much room for candid, bare knuckle adult policy, conduct and issue discussion which is an insult to the very people one wants to rule over - but apparently cute ol Sarah watches her mouth around Piper?

    FU Sarah, and leave your poor kids at home. I won't watch my mouth around you, ever.

  31. majii5:26 PM

    Anon@12:50--Don't worry so much. The bill will be passed according to the rules in each house of Congress. The only people pushing the lie that the way HCR will be passed is illegal are the conservatives in Congress. Funny, they didn't feel like this when they were passing those huge tax cuts for the rich and Medicare Part D (without paying for them) when they had control of the WH and Congress, and something tells me that you were also silent about these pieces of legislation. A true conservative would not have been silent about legislation that had not been paid for, including the war in Iraq that also wasn't paid for.


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