Saturday, March 27, 2010

RNC rejects opportunity to sign joint civility statement with Democrats.

According to Politico:

Various members of the DNC — including Chairman Tim Kaine, Executive Director Jen O’Malley Dillon and Communications Director Brad Woodhouse — contacted their respective RNC counterparts this week in hopes of getting RNC Chairman Michael Steele to co-sign a document with Kaine that, in part, called for “elected officials of both parties to set an example of the civility we want to see in our citizenry.”

“We also call on all Americans to respect differences of opinion, to refrain from inappropriate forms of intimidation, to reject violence and vandalism, and to scale back rhetoric that might reasonably be misinterpreted by those prone to such behavior,” read the proposed joint statement, which came at the end of a week which saw acts of vandalism and threats of violence directed at members of Congress from both parties, but mostly aimed at Democrats who voted “yes” on the health care bill.

Unbelievable!  After all that has happened this last week, and how poorly the GOP and their followers reacted to the passing of the Health Insurance reform bill, you would assume the Republicans would be anxious to put all of that behind them and move on.

Apparently not.  Instead they are taking their rhetorical shovels and digging like crazy seemingly unaware that they are digging their own political graves. (Once again GOP, not a threat, just an observation.)

I guess now they are not just the party of "NO", but the party of "HELL NO!"


  1. You know Gryphen ... it's not the crosshairs, it's the shorthairs. The GOP, Tea Party, Sarah Palin, John McCain, Michael Steele, the acting out Congressmen, they have got us by the shorthairs. Palin tried to have Rahm Emanual fired, FIRED, from his job for appropriately using a word 6 months ago in a sentence behind closed doors in Congress that had nothing to do with her son. Nothing. And she was even calling for Obama to speak to it. Now, they employ rhetoric that is seriously inciting violence, but instead of being held responsible, they quote the first amendment, they excuse their graphics or words by saying it is used all the time. If we press the issue, if (in my wildest dreams) we were to arrest Sarah Palin (which I believe should be done) they will yell: "police state. Tyranny. We told you. Obama is a tyrant. We are losing our freedoms. We told you this would happen!" We can't win - there is no dignity in the GOP right now and they don't care. Yesterday in Nashville, TN an innocent man and his 10-yr. old daughter in their car were rammed in the rear repeatedly by a man who didn't like the Obama bumper sticker. Terrible things are happening and we can't do anything about it.

  2. Anonymous8:11 AM

    DaisyDem -

    Don't lose faith. We can win - we already have with at least the beginnings of health care reform in place. I know how you feel, but as time goes by these idiots look more and more foolish and desperate and will be revealed as such to the millions who have not been paying much attention to this point. The congressional democrats have already received a bounce in the polling, for showing that they can get something done, and the reform bill has received a small bounce as well. That's bound to go up as people come to understand the package (MANY haven't been paying attention), and as they see that the world hasn't come to an end. The Republican Party, unfortunately, is going to sink even lower.

  3. Scarah and McCaint are sooo jealous that Boehner said "Hell No (you can't)" first.

    Gryph probably already posted this video but here it is again.

    I hope we can pressure the Senate and HofRep ethic committee's to take up the matter of inflammatory rhetoric and lying by, at least, their members.

  4. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I could just envision Sarah's reaction if she had a little visit from some dark suited gentlement from the Justice Dept. A little instruction for her and her legal council on just where the line is on incitement to violence and sedition. The next thing you know, there'd be a hysterical tweet or facebook entry (ghost written of course) screaming about how the government is persecuting her.

  5. Someone needs to turn things around with a graph showing every single Republican, to a no conscience man, as the ones who tried to block reform of the insurance companies who have been so freely ripping off the American people.

    That is not vandalism...its holding accountable the elected officials who respond to their bribes instead of their constituents.

  6. honestyinGov9:40 AM

    Ahhhh... now I understand...?
    The GOP has already said " NO " to everybody ABOVE the Earth and so they are digging their way to 'Hell' to say " NO " to everybody down there as well.
    I ' Get It ' ... now.
    My question is... " Who will be there to greet Sarah ?" And based on her deeds... they will be telling Her " YOU should have been here a loooooong time ago "... " What kept You?"

  7. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Heidi Beirich, the director of research at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist and hate groups, said she thinks Palin went a step too far.

    "The gun sight: It's clear what it means," Beirich said of the map on Palin's Facebook page. "It doesn't really get more violent than that. Even if it was meant in some kind of twisted jest, certainly the time to take it down has more than passed."

    Palin this week refused to back away from the rifle-scope imagery or her use of the term "reload."

    Read more:

  8. Anonymous12:54 PM

    In watching the Greta videos and during the rallies she has such heavy, fast breathing. During the Greta interview when MCain is talking & she's just sitting there quietly, at times her respiratory rate is over 30 (sometimes with very deep breaths). She's used to the media and shouldn't be overly nervous, especially given the friendly interviewer.

    Also, lots of blinking and eyes darting around and hand wringing, especially in the beginning.....She's very hyper, like the crazy lakeside quitter announcement with the honking geese.

    And in Game Changer, they talk about how she crashes sometimes & is almost unresponsive. Then somehow gets it together to carry on campaigning. Something very strange is going with her.....

  9. Thank you anonymous. I will try to be optimistic. I want Gryphen to take her down.


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