Saturday, April 17, 2010

Andrew Sullivan has an excellent take on the Tea Party movement.

From The Daily Dish:

The last week has seen a lot of analysis of the Tea Party Movement. It's a Republican rump, according to the NYT, and a national majority, according to Pat Caddell. My view is that it's so amorphous that you can slice it any which way. A minority of Americans seem enraged by the Obama administration in ways that are hard to explain. But many Americans also retain a healthy distrust of government and debt (even though they keep voting for lower taxes and more spending). They have a real point. Over the last decade, it is surely evident that big government has come back with a vengeance. And one has to grasp that part of the tea-party anger is pent up from the Bush years. Most of the rational tea-partiers accept that the GOP has been as bad - if not worse - than the Democrats on spending, borrowing and the size and scope of government in recent years. They repressed this anger during the Bush years out of partisan loyalty. Now, they're taking it all out on the newbie. It's both fair and also unfair.

It's fair because Obama is a liberal who believes government can and should help the poor and disadvantaged and has proven it by providing access to insurance for the working poor. But it's unfair because Obama's fiscal and governing record is massively distorted by the impact of the bank meltdown, the steep revenue-killing recession, and the stimulus. Until its last months, the Bush administration could claim no such excuses for its awful debt-management. The big Bush jumps in discretionary spending, the big leap in entitlements under the unfunded Medicare D program, the long nation-building wars put off-budget, and the huge claims for executive power dominant in the first term: all these are far more damning to my mind than Obama's pragmatism in grappling with an economic collapse or even the healthcare reform, which at least formally claims to reduce the deficit and pay for itself (unlike Bush's Medicare-D). Even the protests at the manner in which the health reform was passed are disingenuous. The Medicare-D process - involving holding the vote open for hours and brutal arm-twisting on the floor of the House - was far, far more cynical and brutal.

And this is why, despite my own deep suspicion of big government, I remain unmoved by the tea-partiers. Their partisanship and cultural hostility to Obama are far more intense, it seems to me, than their genuine proposals to reduce spending and taxation.

You know I was just thinking last night, right before I dropped off to sleep, that if a movement similar to the Teabaggers had emerged during the early years of the Bush administration that I might have been at least interested enough to have read their brochures and even possibly to attend one of their rallies.

But if that group had also decided to call themselves the Tea Party I would have NEVER been able to take them seriously, as it would have shown an incredible lack of historic perspective and demonstrated a terminal case of ignorance on their part.

However if they had chosen another, more palatable, name I might have been able to hang out with them in their protests against the Bush administration's government expansion, their illegal wars, the dumbing down of our eduction systems, the suspension of habeas corpus, and the fact that they were spying on citizens of this country.

Yet if I had managed to go along with the movement at least that far, on the day that I saw signs calling Colin Powell a N****R I would have been finished with them.  The same would hold true if I found myself standing next to somebody whose sign, or rhetoric, called for the overthrow of our government.  Or if there were signs and protesters calling for violence against George Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell,  Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, or any other members of the Bush administration. If I saw those signs, and realized that the other protesters did not find them offensive, I would have known I was not standing among people who shared my values. I would have simply walked away despite the fact that, on many issues, we were in agreement.

The facts are that those sentiments course through the veins of the Teabagger movement, and to me that makes any salient points they might make suspect.  If hate for Obama is their primary motivator, than they are not a "movement", they are a mob.  And mobs are forces of destruction, not forces for construction.


  1. EmilyPeacock7:05 AM

    Andrew Sullivan, with surgical precision, goes to the very heart of the matter. Thank you for your insight.

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Sullivan is not of the same age group nor racist background as most of the teabaggers. My dad would be if he were still alive. I have no doubt he would drag his obese ass down to whatever protest he could get his government paid for wheel chair driven to by his government modified auto after cashing his government issued social security check. THAT is the teabagger mentality.

  3. the teabaggers are the same people who last summer made up the townhall angry mob.
    their beef is more about their simplistic nostalgia for some revisionist version of 'murikuh circa 1955 than anything else -- you know, a time when a white male heterosexual could sip his nickel soda without being bothered by uppity 'leetusts, and the "middle class dream" was that every white hetero male could consider himself king of the world

  4. emrysa8:07 AM

    andrew is correct.

    it's difficult to take people seriously who propose no solutions. lower taxes is not a solution. smaller government is not a solution. both of these things are just soundbites.

    I'd like to see some big name blogger start asking the question: is it possible to have a small, effective government in a global society? you know, it just might not be possible, it might be simply a consequence of governing such a large geographic area and and trying to work with the rest of the world. when people like palin and others keep using this term, it sounds like nonsense, because no one has answered the question: is it possible in 2010 to have a small government and have it be effective?

  5. Well said.
    The tea-party movement is also being hijacked by the hard core, high-profile righties and is also funded (as Rachel Maddow has repeatedly pointed out) by huge corporate special interest groups.

  6. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I don't always agree with AS, but in this case, he is on point.

    I just wish he had been more prescient during the Bush years.

  7. When Tom Tancredo stood on the stage at the Tea Klan's convention in Nashville and received rousing applause for advocating a return to Jim Crow - and laid blame for Barack Obama's victory on its absence - the Tea Klan's agenda was laid bare. To refer to them now by any name other than the Tea Klan is nothing but PR. They're a bunch of uninformed, booger-eatin' racists - the rest is just window dressing to try to look politically relevant.

  8. Anonymous8:46 AM

    You're pissed off because they oppose the policies of the man-child President.

    You're scared they will morph into a "Moral Majority" which is likely because America is still a center right country.

    A "Moral Plurality" would be devastating for Obama and liberals.

    In November, voters are going to make some adjustments and again in 2012. It's coming.

    The only thing you will be able to do is call them filthy names.

    Rasmussen today

    Obama 45/54

    p.s. While you were sulking last night Sarah was rocking with a crowd of 16,000 in liberal Louisville.


  9. carol from Minnesota8:46 AM

    This makes sense to me. They have some points that are real and I believe that Obama is trying to address those very concerns. The tea baggers are misrepresenting what he is doing and lying about what he is trying to accomplish.

    So I agree with their concerns mostly but do not agree that their way is the way to solve the problems but instead their way is why we are in such a pickle in the first place.

  10. Anonymous9:09 AM


  11. Anonymous9:45 AM

    At least, even within the least some are waking up as to what Sarah Palin is really about..

  12. emrysa9:45 AM

    well it seems someone is still bent out of shape because grandpa-man didn't win the election.

    man-child, seriously?

  13. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The baggers are 18% of the population. That's it. Majority my ass, anon at 8:46am.
    Rasmussen is about the last poll any thinking person would trust, they are right wing owned and operated.

  14. icstraights10:32 AM

    8:46- In John Stewart's words the other night..."Go fuck yourselves"...get off this blog, pop a pill and go watch Faux, you moron.

  15. This is what Anonymous @ 8:46 AM has for us:

    Belittling an intelligent well-educated erudite black man in his mid-40s by calling him a "man child".

    Harkening back to the old "Moral Majority" days when in reality they were never a majority, but were noisy enough to make everyone THINK they were. Deja vu.

    Ooooo, scary, November cometh and "voters are going to make some adjustments". With all the stupid mistakes and scandals the Republicans are involved in, their downfall might be "backing the wrong horse" (Wall Street, big banks) -- just yesterday after the SEC nailed Goldman Sachs for "setting up some trusting clients and deliberately misleading them – to the tune of effectively transferring $1 billion from them to a particular unscrupulous investor."

    No one with any analytical sense relies on strictly right-leaning polls like Rasmussen. In fact, our President doesn't rely on polls at all, to his credit. does a much better job at "feeling the pulse" of the American public, because it polls intelligent informed people too, not just people who listen to Fox "News".

    The overall approval/disapproval rate for President Obama, compiled from many sources, is 48% approval/47.7% disapproval. And you even got the Rasmussen poll numbers wrong -- lists them as 47% approval/52% disapproval.

    As for Palin, according to the Louisville KY Courier-Journal, she told the crowd yet another version of the Trig birth story (this is at least the 4th or 5th different version). THIS time, "she recalled looking out her Anchorage, Alaska, office on a snowy day and getting a doctor’s call confirming it."

    In her book "Going Rogue" and several other times she previously has said that she didn't want to hear the diagnosis over the telephone, so she drove to the FEMALE doctor's office to hear the news -- however only a couple of days ago she couldn't remember whether the doctor was a HE or a SHE -- in Hamilton Ontario Thursday she said, "Well, about 12 weeks along in the pregnancy, Todd was in Canada, a vo-tech school in Edmonton. I went to the doctor and he said well we’ve got some test results for you and you need to sit down and just be prepared. And I thought, I’ve never been sick a day in my life, everything’s going to be fine. And she told me the baby’s going to be born with Down syndrome."

  16. Anonymous11:11 AM

    To anonymous 8:46. Even though you are a troll and signs are up not to feed you, I am the type to take pity on any poor creature who has obviously been maltreated by its mistress.

    She and her bosses have fed you a restricted diet of lies and misconceptions while keeping you on a leash that is too short in a dark and scary place.

    Poor baby. Glad you stopped by because we can help.

    We can enrich your diet with truthful tidbits. Take care not to stuff yourself too quickly at first; you are not used to savoring real facts and reality.

    Our mental diets are much richer and diverse than what you are used to getting by on because we believe in feasting upon diverse viewpoints with an emphasis on finding the best quality of commentary and trying to digest it. We only get cranky when we run into acrid, moldy and thoughts well-past their use-by dates. Most of those have come from the dark place where you have been tethered these past couple of years.

    You need to get out more. I recommend trying a places such as libraries or bookstores. In them, you can read about other, less-biased polls. Rasmussen isn't all that well respected, but you wouldn't know that so visit places you don't normally go - maybe take a few classes on critical thinking.

    You can read views from all perspectives and make up your mind. It is scary at first, we know, but try it. You will be amazed at how wonderful it feels to exercise your brain and not be force-fed narrow-minded views.

    I am sorry your hearing has suffered. You comments about Louisville indicate you seem to think Sarah is akin to a rock star.

    Sweetie, don't worry, it is a common mistake.Her screeching is often confused with an off-key electric guitar whose wires are coming loose.

    Don't worry. We know we can't change you. No one can. People can only change themselves.

    However, most of us have the skills and the experience to help.
    We can invite you to get out more, listen more, read more, look at something other than Fox News.

    You might discover that America has already changed. Most of us now look to the future, not the past.

    Most of us like having a black President and are very, very proud of him. He is not a "man-child;" he is an extremely intelligent, well-educated man who has won back the respect of all those countries who thought America had become a nation of bumpkins and fools.

    I am not about to call you filthy names. Your mistress has used them all up attacking us. We do not blame for your narrow-mindedness. Thinking for yourself is scary, takes guts, and lots of work.

    You have to be open to new ideas and tolerant of people who look different than you. You have to read about history to learn from the mistakes of the past. You have to move past emotional patriotism and blind dogma. It's tough because it requires you to be more flexible and open to change.

    Come join us in the sunshine. We will be patient. We have much to offer: tolerance, insight, patience, confidence to live without guns strapped to our hips, trust that we can live and play with others of different religions, gender identities, and viewpoints. That is what faith means, it is what trust is all about. It is the goal of being American. You might even find out that the Constitution encourages those activities.

    If you come forth from the shadows and leave Fox and Palin behind for a while, you might find you do not need them. You might find it pleasant to talk with others about issues without shouting at or condemning them. Wow, imagine that!

    You might just come to like those of us who refuse to follow Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck deeper into the shadows. We like the sunshine of truth and freedom to be who we are. Come and try it, play with new thoughts. You might like it.

  17. Anonymous1:13 PM

    For Anonymous 11:11 a.m.

    That was truly beautiful - you are a kind, patient, and insightful soul. If I were a teagagger or repugnant, I would want to talk with you due to the above-mentioned qualities you display. You deserve a special commendation! Thank you from all progressives.


  18. Anonymous 11.11

    Wow, that was effing beautiful!!!

  19. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Perhaps paylin tells so many stories regarding Trigg is she can't keep up with the details of three babies.

  20. Gasman7:25 PM

    While I could quibble with Sullivan’s assessment of the degree to which President Obama is or is not liberal - I find him remarkably UNliberal and very centrist - I applaud his dissection of the teabaggers as the ignorant racists that they are.

    For all of their bitching about how they aren’t racists and don’t condone violence, there has not been a single teabagger rally to date that hasn’t had a sizable representative slice from the bigots and those advocating rebellion against the Constitution. Not only that, as Sullivan points out, the teabaggers don’t shun these forces from within. The reason? Racism and an unwillingness to EVER support any black POTUS is THE prime animus which motivates these knuckle dragging cousin fucks. They are no better than their sheet wearing Klansmen progenitors. They hate and fear all non-whites and will NEVER support anyone who does not look like they do. God damn them all and go to hell. They are the worthless brain dead scum of humanity and we will all be better off when they cease drawing breath. Unfortunately, our country will never be rid of them, so we need to crush them in the realm of public debate.

    I have been heartened to see that within the last week two separate teabagger rallies drew more counter protestors than ‘baggers. Check out the following link from the teabagger rally at the University of Michigan:

    Note how pissed the actual teabaggers look. They are NOT happy that others crashed their little party. However, according to the latest NYT poll about the teabaggers, they are under the delusional opinion that theirs is the majority view held by most Americans. If more counter protestors show up each time they gather, maybe they will get it through their tiny little minds that THEY ARE THE MINORITY politically. Maybe then they will opt to change their tactics and actually engage in the real political dialog which makes our country great.

    The teabaggers are ignorant racist thugs who need to be called out and challenged each and every time they emerge from their subterranean lairs. I view them as moribund cave dwellers who are gasping their last as a cohesive political force. I seriously doubt that they will be much of a force beyond 2010. Good riddance.


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