Friday, April 16, 2010

Sarah Palin purposefully misquotes Barack Obama in attempt to undermine his presidency.

This is what the old witch said on her Facebook page:

Asked this week about his faltering efforts to advance the Middle East peace process, President Obama did something remarkable. In front of some 47 foreign leaders and hundreds of reporters from all over the world, President Obama said that “whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower.”

Whether we like it or not? Most Americans do like it. America’s military may be one of the greatest forces for good the world has ever seen, liberating countless millions from tyranny, slavery, and oppression over the last 234 years. As a dominant superpower, the United States has won wars hot and cold; our military has advanced the cause of freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan and kept authoritarian powers like Russia and China in check.

Damning information isn't it?  Except that is NOT what the President said!

This is what he said:

Ed Chen of Bloomberg asked the following question:

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Good afternoon. Given the progress you have cited in recent days on your foreign policy agenda, to what extent do you feel like you have gained political capital with which to take further to the international stage for the rest of this year, to perhaps rejuvenate some initiatives in trouble spots such as the Middle East and elsewhere?

THE PRESIDENT:  It is a vital national security interest of the United States to reduce these conflicts because whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower, and when conflicts break out, one way or another we get pulled into them. And that ends up costing us significantly in terms of both blood and treasure.

So I’m going to keep on at it. But I think on all these issues -- nuclear disarmament, nuclear proliferation, Middle East peace -- progress is going to be measured not in days, not in weeks. It’s going to take time. And progress will be halting. And sometimes we’ll take one step forward and two steps back, and there will be frustrations. And so it’s not going to run on the typical cable news 24/7 news cycle. But if we’re persistent, and we’ve got the right approach, then over time, I think that we can make progress.

As you can plainly see Palin's Facebook ghostwriter COMPLETELY misrepresented what our President was trying to say in order to make him appear to be unhappy with the our dominance and to make the case that he is actively destroying America's military might.  This of course feeds into the paranoia that her teabagger followers have that he is a socialist, when in fact Sarah is the real socialist, and that he is on a mission to destroy this country. In point of fact he is valiantly trying to repair the damage done to America after eight years of George W. Bush, and getting NO help from the Republicans in that endeavor.

Those of us living up here in Alaska have known for a very long time that Sarah Palin is a habitual liar who will say literally ANYTHING to destroy her opponents and to cover up for her own inadequacies. 

She, the people that blindly follow her, and the hacks who write these rantings for her, have demonstrated themselves to be the absolute ugliest and most deceitful people in this country.  They are poor losers who will resort to the most disgusting means imaginable in a vain attempt to smear the man they blame for their defeat.

Sarah Palin was the mean girl in high school, and that attitude persists to this day.  Only now she has infected those who get too close to her with her patented vindictiveness as well.

When I go after Sarah Palin I bring truths to light that she does not want anybody else to know.  When she and her supporters go after President Obama they have to "make stuff up"  That in a nutshell demonstrates the difference between us and them.  I don't have to "make things up" to damage Palin's reputation I only have to steer people to the truth and let it do that job for me.


  1. Enjay in E MT3:30 PM

    Excellent Gryph -

    Considering how much SPac pays out each quarter for political advise & consults, the Queen of Quit doesn't listen!

    The former half term gov is a middle aged grandmother that has not matured beyond a high school sophmore mentality.

  2. Anonymous3:42 PM

    when I hear people say that palin is authentic, they should say she seems authentic, because she really isn't. as money grubbing as she is there is no way she is not guilty of some kind of crime.

  3. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I totally loathe and despise this lying, grifting bitch and everyone who works for her.

  4. Thanks G~great post. Now if Scarah can be brought down, never to rise.

  5. Lisa Ann4:15 PM

    actually, when I watched this speech, I heard the same thing she did, as did everyone i've spoken with. "whether we like it or not..." I do truthfully believe in giving people benefit of the doubt, but if you look at President Obama's past, he really has no reason to like America. He wasn't really raised here during the impressionable years.

    I think he's a good person with good intentions but you do have to wonder how he truly feels about things

  6. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Can You Smell What Palin Is Shoveling Now?

    ..."Sarah Barracuda" has dominated the national spotlight for over one year. Fish often begin to smell after they have been around too long. I am not a tax attorney and I have never worked for the IRS, but my common sense conservatism is telling me something stinks.

  7. Anonymous4:29 PM

    So...if Alaskans " have known for a very long time that Sarah Palin is a habitual liar who will say literally ANYTHING to destroy her opponents and to cover up for her own inadequacies"...then why haven't more people stepped forward and called her out on these lies??

    Come on, Alaskans! You have the power, not her, to speak the truth and get her out of the national spotlight! Why are you so afraid?

  8. Anonymous4:34 PM

    In palin's facebook post it says "we may have the greatest militry". She is saying what she is lying about obama doing.

  9. I love it that the media is picking up on the Crazy Woman's misquoting our Pres. Of course, she didn't write it but she should perhaps teach her paid minions to be more accurate when partially quoting our Pres.

    She's just a stupid bitch followed by other stupid people, there's really no other way to put it.

    Oh, and right, we're elitist for calling her stupid. Well color me elitist any day! This stupid bitch even had an educator for a father and this is the best she can do?

    Her best friend god certainly didn't open many educational doors for her, but perhaps He has other plans for her, hopefully in his Heaven, far away from us Earth dwellers. That's it, she can be President of Heaven! I hope there is no Facebook up there....

  10. I wonder if Palin gets the same advice as the other liars about the hot button phrases to use to incite the feebleminded. The latest leaked item is to say "bailout" as often as of course, the same scam artists as started the "death panel" nonsense, are now trying the same tack with the BANK reform attempt...and the Fox News watchers will hear all the "facts" about how the legislation will "guarantee that banks will have to be bailed out, time and time again." They will NOT hear about how the bill includes a fund the banks have to pay into, so that they pay for any of their members who need bailing out, THEMSELVES.

  11. Anonymous4:37 PM

    lisa ann

    I guess Obama likes this country enough to lead us out of a pit rather than into it like Bush. That's good enough right now.

    As for you, where were your impressionable years spent, in a sewer? Cause when you open your mouth, shit comes out.

  12. Anonymous4:37 PM

    In palin's facebook post it says "we may have the greatest militry". She is saying what she is lying about obama doing.

  13. Anonymous4:43 PM

    In front of people from all over the world, including world leaders and worldwide reporters, remarkably, Sarah Palin continues to prove over and over again, that she is an IDIOT!

  14. icstraights4:47 PM

    Oh why can't 'they' just haul her off in pink handcuffs...
    I am so sick of this...

  15. Anonymous4:51 PM

    It is a vital national security interest of the United States to reduce these conflicts because whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower, and when conflicts break out, one way or another we get pulled into them. And that ends up costing us significantly in terms of both blood and treasure.


    That is exactly what he said. Obama is laying the groundwork for massive cuts in defense spending so he can pay for huge expansions in social programs.

  16. She is the nastiest person to ever have been given a platform. Dam you John McCain, you must live with your legacy now. In future history books she will be recorded for the hate, lies, and everything else that she is.

    Now in her speeches she didn't know the Bush doctrine, but she made up one for our President Obama. She wasn't vetted, but now she says he wasn't. She had no experience, but now he has none. There's more, but I'm too mad to think of it all. This cu;t will surely reap what she sows. Christian indeed, God save us from the Christian's trying to take this county down. They are acting the way that the Nazis did and someday they'll pay. Lord have mercy on their soles, if they have one.

    Please pray for the safety of our President and his family. From the time she came on the stage she has been trying to get him killed and would love it if he was. This is good against evil and our President isn't the evil one.

    I hope the Palins go to jail soon. Where the heck is Levi, he said he knows stuff that would take her down. Do people have to hold their tongues until testifying in court is that what they are waiting for?

  17. Lisa Ann4:57 PM

    If he's leading us out of the pit, why are his budget plans set to place us in considerably more debt? Dont get me wrong, I hate what the Bush admin got away with and hate that NO ONE stopped it. Why did the DEMs go along with it freely? I'm purely an independent who doesn't associate myself with any party so I ask this to everyone: What does it mean when one President (who's got strong ties to wall street and big govt) spends and lies for 8 years and no one protests and the current president hits roadblocks at every turn?

    I find it fascinating! Historically, Wall Street is the real force that has ruined the world. Everything is always about money. Sad Sad truth

  18. Obama spent his formative years in Hawaii, just as cut off from the "real world" as we sometimes feel here in AK.

    Yet he still is manages to have an incredible grasp of world and national affairs. He also manages to maintain a calm and serene voice due to his intellect and personal integrity.

    He is a strong individual in charge of our great nation and is respected by the leaders of other nations and the majority of Americans.

    The losing side will always accuse the winning side of tyranny. That's just the way it goes....

  19. Good one Lisa ann :) She's still in the sewer.

  20. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Unfortunately, too many of her fans only read her FB page to get their news. Or Faux. Everything else is a conspiracy. Yes, the whole country is in on it. We have been plotting for years to get Obama elected- even before he was born!
    Lisa Ann, get your facts from many sources before you make comments like that.

  21. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Lisa Ann honey, did you dial up the wrong blog?

    bless your heart

  22. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I've almost given up on Levi - only because he has so much to lose if the comes out with damaging information on the Palin family.

    No, no, I take that back - he feel as if he has a lot to lose. The truth could set him free.

    I still think he should have asked for a paternity test.

    Anyway, Sarah is sick, deep down, soul rotting sick. It is beginning to show up in her facial expressions - the hate she spews is increasingly taking over and she cannot hide it no matter how much plastic surgery, cosmetics or special lighting she hires done.

    Her voice is becoming increasingly tight and fragile as if her throat is trying to keep her from lying so much. Her negativity is going to consumer - probably sooner than later.

    I'm ashamed to say that I just hope it happens before she damages our country any further. I know it's wrong to wish ill against someone else, but I have to be honest: I am soul weary with the harping and lying she does.

  23. Lisa Ann5:22 PM

    Actually, Obama was first raised Indonesia (?) with communists; his father left him, his mother eventually left him to do political stuff in Indonesia, that's when he moved to Hawaii with his grandmother. He doesn't have a real grasp on what America is, aside from what an outsider's grasp is. I literally don't know what to think. Intelligent people distrust him, radical conservatives obviously distrust him, who can we trust to give us the facts? No one anymore. Not during the last 10 years and probably not for the next.

  24. Well said, Gryph! Keep at it!

    It's mind boggling that Sarah and her tools care so little about the USA that they would work to undermine Pres. Obama's recent spectacular, successful efforts to maintain our strength and make us and the world safer. He uses complex sentence structure but anyone with a shred of intelligence understands what he really said.

    AKPetMom - You're hilarious!

    Gryphen - No pressure...but it would be sweet if you had a little something special planned for the 2nd anniversary of Trig's presentation.

  25. Anonymous5:27 PM

    He should have moved the word "because" to after the first comma in the bold text above.

  26. deebee5:35 PM

    Lisa Ann, which are the "impressionable years"?
    Are these the ones in which you formed all your beliefs and allegiances?
    BTW, We just visited that "non-American" Punahou High School. It was more impressive than most colleges I've seen, and the admissions' requirements are decidedly more rigorous.
    P.S. The American flag flies there.

  27. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Hey, Lisa Ann, you can't backtrack from the fact that you think Obama doesn't like America. That puts you squarely in tea party territory.

    And, what? You think our impressionable years end when we are 10 or 11 (when Obama returned to the US)? Maybe for you and Sarah and other people who grow and mature during the rest of their childhood.

  28. Lisa Ann, I don't usually do this and Gryphen can attest to it, but you are a doofus, take some meds, go away. President and I repeat PRESIDENT Obama was born and raised in Hawaii - the 50th state of the United States of America. Have you ever heard of the 50 states? So he wasn't on the mainland; what the heck difference does that make? Then he was educated on the mainland. Again, take some meds, get over it, go away.

  29. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Obama is convinced he can talk and charm his way to world peace.

    Pray that we don't find out he is wrong.

  30. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Meant to say, "Maybe for you and Sarah and other people who DON'T grow and mature during the rest of their childhood."

  31. Anonymous6:23 PM

    There are posters on here that I love, for either their insightfulness or their humor. Then there are those posters on here that I give all the consideration they deserve, none.

  32. Wait a second, Lisa Ann, is that you? Lisa Ann of "Who's Nailin' Paylin" fame?

    I saw your film and was impressed by how you "handled" those two Russian men.

    Nice to see that you are expanding your horizons and making statements using the written word rather than wasting all of your considerable talents on the adult film industry ;-)

  33. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I wouldn't care if President Obama came from Mars, he has proven that he can lead this country out of an economic mess Bush put us in, and he has restored the world's faith in America's ability to elect an intelligent president over an idiot. Everything he has done since his term began has been in the best interests of this country and it's citizens. I am proud of him.
    AKPetmom, you rock :)

  34. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Lisa Ann,
    Please make sure to read many different newspapers, watch many different newscasts and perhaps get out of the country occasionally! It really is a great and miraculous world out there!

  35. Lisa Ann6:57 PM

    Why is anyone who disagrees with some of what Obama is saying automatically a palinbot/teapartier? Ans I never said I personally believed Obama hates America. It's just difficult to determine his motivations.

    btw - I do read this blog for a reason and do believe Palin is vile.

  36. Speaking of spewing lies and distortions via her facebook ghostwriter, here is an EXCELLENT blog (see how, when a commenter critizes the queen, the comments disappear. When a commentor LIES about our President, it STAYS up):

  37. Anonymous7:14 PM

    From Lisa Ann upthread:

    "...but if you look at President Obama's past, he really has no reason to like America."

    And now it's "difficult to determine his motivations."

    Rational people understand his motives are to try to clean up Bush/Cheney's mess and to make this country better for all of us.

    You question his motives and suggest that he has no reason to like America because he spend his impressionable years (I guess age 10 marks the end of the "impressionable years" to you) in another country.

    Yep, you are one step away from Orly-ville.

  38. Purposefully?? I thought she was just a fucking idiot.
    I have to disagree...she IS a fucking idiot...

  39. she's a fraud, folks7:37 PM

    The ONLY thing more stupid and ignorant than Sarah Palin herself are her near brain-dead followers.

    It's amazing that they are willing to continue proving that truth by continuing to comment on this blog.

    Stupid and ignorant comments. Every. Single. Time.

  40. Anonymous7:39 PM

    When was the last time Palin was pictured going to church? She has sold her soul to the devil, she spews her lies and negativity. A hate merchant profiting off the fears of others - is this the good Christian Woman that the Palibots worship?

  41. sallyngarland,tx7:59 PM

    I read Palin's Canada speech and she said something " on behalf of America". So she thinks she is the spokesperson for America???

  42. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Palin INCITES
    Obama UNITES

    Incitement makes the $$ Today Glenn Beck made a comparison of those "not so smart 10% people" to those at their desks in the towers during 9/11.

    It's gone too far.


  43. majii8:19 PM

    So now it seems that some posters here want to subject others to a patriotic purity test without a reason. I find it very troubling to see this coming from people who call themselves Americans. I'm African American, a child of the 1950s and 1960s, a survivor of American segregation, and I am often considered by some people in this country to not be American enough, patriotic enough, and not a contributor to this society based only on the amount of melanin I have in my skin. There have been times in my life in which I have been followed around in stores because clerks automatically figured that based on the amount of melanin in my skin, I would steal something. No matter what a person does or does not do, there will always be a certain segment of the population who will smear them for no reason, be suspicious of them for no reason, say untrue things about them for no reason, distort what they say for no reason, propagate sterotypes about them for no reason, lie on them for no reason, except for their need to make themselves feel superior somehow. I taught school for 33 years, and recently retired with a good pension, but when some people see me, they never bother to think beyond their prescribed sterotypes of African American women.

    I was recently in a big box store minding my own business when this elderly white couple came up behind me. I happened to have my Prada bag that day. When the guy saw it, he said to his wife, "You can see what she does with her money." He didn't know me, but it didn't prevent him from making a judgement based on the amount of melanin I have in my skin. He naturally assumed I was a welfare mom who had purchased an expensive handbag instead of helping to take care of my family. He probably thought I was receiving medicaid. None of this is true, and it has never been true.
    My point in saying all of this is that I consider President Obama as American as anyone else who was born in this country, and anyone who wants to draw conclusions about others doesn't live up to the principles on which this country was founded. To people like these, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are celebrated but their words are never put into practice.

  44. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Did Chuck Heath run to ID, then AK to dodge the Vietnam draft.
    He was young enough to watch the Korean war draft...and old enough to be drafted for Vietnam.

    Did he pull a C.O?
    Did he even register.

  45. Gasman8:23 PM

    Sarah Palin is simply a lying moron. She lies by purporting to write her own Facebook posts. Anybody who has ever heard her speak (or read transcripts of same) knows that she couldn't make a subject and predicate agree even at gunpoint. She also writes like she talks. Therefore, she did NOT write this latest - or quite possibly any - Facebook post.

    Secondly, she is simply incapable of getting her facts right. She fucks up EVERY statistic or quote that she attempts to make. During the election, she couldn't get the facts straight concerning Alaskan energy production, a subject she should have arguably known SOMETHING about. Despite pitching the standard GOP bitch about an activist Suprreme Court, when pressed by Couric, she couldn’t cite a single Supreme Court decision she disagreed with - WHAT ABOUT THE FUCKING JUDGEMENT IN FAVOR OF EXXON AND AGAINST ALASKAN FISHERMEN?!?!?!? Whether her misquotes and factual bumbling are intentional or are simply because she is a moron is up for debate. It is probably an equal mixture of both. What is beyond dispute, however, is that she couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

    Why anybody thinks this vapid twit should be anything other than an object of ridicule is totally beyond me.

    Sarah Palin is a imbecilic clod who attracts morons the way shit attracts flies.

  46. Lisa Ann8:26 PM

    Thanks for the tip, but I've seen much of the world. I'm 27, seen 46 states intimately, been to 13 countries, worked my way through college and am not in debt, have devised a 10 year plan to pay my parents back for my K-12 education, own a home in FL (rented) and currently live in Manhattan and work as a production manager/producer's assistant, and have had more blue collar jobs you can think of. And I have probably donated more to charity than any of you have in your lives.

    I fight welfare because I've met people who continue to have children just to stay on welfare. I've had a couple leave a 6 mos old on my doorstep because they didn't want to cancel their plans of getting wasted and whatever else. I've met too many teenagers who pay their parents bills voluntarily and work their way through college with no govt/state/private finan aid.

    I believe we cannot further become a country that promotes welfare states and laziness. If you give people the opportunity to take free money with no payback, they're never going to learn. Now, I wasn't against the first bailout entirely because allowing huge businesses to fail would've been horrible, but regulation isn't where it should be.
    Look to CLinton about that. His admin didn't regulate well as we know. Each president has accomplished respectable feats and endures failures. We're humans, designed to fail, yet innately given hope and drive to succeed.

    Oh and btw, You people think you're so open minded, but if you examine my past posts, I never attacked Obama or anyone else, yet you slam me anyway. Way to be like the teapartiers you hate. Y'all are all the same, Repubs or Dems. People don't think about the other person's feelings - no matter how vile the true intentions. I wouldn't let Sarah teach my child any more than you. All the same - spewing hate and bullshit to push your liberal, one sided agenda. Shame.

    No offense to anyone personally. I don't know you so I don't judge you. Just think about what you put out there. All of this hate reflects back on you.
    And yes, I write Lisa Ann as my name because that movie makes me laugh and what's life if not something to laugh at.

  47. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Hmmm, I wonder why people are protesting this president after not protesting eight years of shit. Hmmm....I know, let's ask my friend Ray Cyst. Maybe he knows!!!!

    I'm sorry, but I'm going to be really mean. Because you know what? That's the only way we can cut through the incredible amount o BULLSHIT being spread all around us. The sheer amount of lies! It's incredible.

    There's not a massive outpouring. 5,000 people at the Boston event is NOTHING. It's even fewer people than there were last year. About 20 times that went to the anti-war protest, in Chicago, alone. So suck it. There are way, way, way more of us. We don't have home phones. And we don't get polled.

    I wish people would just drop the charade that the teabagging dipsh*ts are ideological. They have no uniformed, cohesive protest. First they protested the bail out, which by the way happened under Bush, but they ignored until the black dude came to office. Then they were protesting the stimulus, then it was healthcare, now it's the tax rate, which hasn't done anything in the last two years but go down, and in the words of the best president we've had so far this century, "You'd think they'd be thanking him."

    But no, they walk around with signs asking for his birth certificate. Weird how no one made an issue about John McCain's birth certificate.

    Today, on Gawker, there was an article about a protest of teabaggers in Florida at NASA because the president was cutting a program. Are you effing kidding me? These people! IF Barack Obama announced tomorrow that he was doing away with all personal income taxes, these "people" -- and yes, I use the term people loosely, because they act more like animals, or, more precisely, lab rats spinning wheels in Frank Luntz' workshop -- would protest about NOT getting to pay taxes. These people are driven by nothing but fear, boredom, stupidity, ignorance and racism. And I'm sick of people acting like it's otherwise.

    So, Lisa Ann, you "independent" troll, if you really need something to do, instead of posting comments on a blog where your opinions aren't welcome, why don't you go read a book or something. I hear a lot of people like the Twilight series.

  48. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Gryphen, you missed the best part...

    She referenced American Exceptionalism in her FB post. Does that mean that Sarah finally learned the big word from the East Coast Meanie Elite Charlie Gibson tried to learn her?? Or was it the only thing she can say about foreign policy, without really knowing what it means, like a kid asking about a pee peee?

  49. Anonymous8:54 PM

    the pic is truly demonic-nice orange tan scarah- you aren't foolin' anyone here...
    truly scary!

  50. Anon at 8:38pm, I would like to hug you for how well you phrased your argument. You are so spot on and well spoken. Thanks!

  51. Anonymous9:38 PM

    As always, Gasman is the best. Love the boot one.

  52. What a sick sick bunch those pee-ers. lies and contempt. Keep puttin out the truth Gryph, best tool in the box.

  53. Well I, for one, am not happy that we are the dominant military power. We are not a force for good, we are a force of death. Liberating Iraqis, yes, from this physical plane to a place where there is neither sickness nor suffering nor sighing...

    As usual, people look at the surface of things. As if McCain is really the one responsible for the Sarah phenomenon. Rather we need to ask ourselves, what has become of our media?

    Here's what Jesse Ventura says:

    "How dare Fox, CNN, and MSNBC call themselves news stations? They're entertainment stations. Think about Anna Nicole Simpson. A live feed to the hotel where she died? Why would she deserve this type of coverage? She's nothing but a silicone-breasted gold digger who married and old guy to get his money. Yet the woman merits weeks of our attention?"

    C'mon people, quite puzzling about the strange silence of the mainstream media and and their strange tendency to continue to publicize her as if she were not a laughing stock. Question what role she is playing and why, and who if fueling it.

    The corporate fascists are using the sentiments of the religious right as their front. They are being used to promote and agenda.

    I believe they will fail but the stakes are actually pretty high, and she is the visible portion of a corrupt iceberg that has all but obliterated true democracy.

  54. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Sarah Palin told a Freedom Hall crowd of about 16,000 Friday night that she was there to inspire women in their faith, not to talk politics.

    But... Palin — now a best-selling author and headline speaker at tea-party tax protests — did plenty of both in the course of her nearly hour-long talk at an evangelical Christian women’s conference.

    “This nation needs you,” Palen told the women. “Know the facts. Stand for what’s right. Don’t be discouraged by the mocking of those who want to claim we just cling to our religion. I’m the first to admit — yeah, I do cling to my faith. That’s all I’ve got.”

    She denounced this week’s Wisconsin federal court ruling that government observance of a National Day of Prayer was unconstitutional — which the crowd joined in booing. She asserted that America needs to get back to its Christian roots and rejected any notion that “God should be separated from the state.”

    “Hearing any leader declare that America isn’t a Christian nation and poking at allies like Israel in the eye — it is mind-boggling to see some of our nation’s actions recently, but politics truly is a topic for another day,” Palin said.

    The event became sold out quickly after Gov. Palin was announced as a speaker. According to Waldrep, the event drew only about 5,000 last year.

  55. deebee10:51 PM

    Lisa Ann, thanks for the auto-bio.
    Though we disagree i welcome and thoughtfully read your opinions, and hope you do likewise. In this way perhaps we all will benefit.

  56. Valley Independent11:08 PM

    Nicely done, Gryphen.

    Likewise, Majii.

    Lisa Ann, your comments are offensive. Many American citizens who were born foreign nationals and who didn't live here during their "impressionable years" love this country and appreciate what it means to be an American much more than many of us ever will.

    As to Obama's motivations, you and I will never know what is in his heart, and it is not for us to speculate.

    What I see, though, is a man demonstrating good family values (unlike Palin and the rest of the conservative hypocrites). He speaks in language I understand about issues that concern me. He most certainly "grasps" the version of America I know.

    I may not always agree with him, but at least he's doing something. He inherited a mess, and has so far done as well or better than anyone else I can think of would have.

    I'm not impressed with those who are critical of him, but have nothing of their own to offer up. As a conservative, I thought the first big Bush Republican bailout was wrong, and I didn't agree with the Obama Democratic phase II, either, but both did some good. I don't like everything in the health care bill, but I do like some things. The bottom line is that I am willing to give him a chance and work within the system to do what I can to influence our government in a positive way. At least with this President, I feel that I can make a difference, and I'm not nearly so worried about the erosion of my personal privacy and freedoms as I was during the last administration.

    I think it is you who has the closed mind.

  57. @Lisa Ann,

    My children did not grow up during the so called "impressionable years"- are you saying they have no reason to love America because of that?

    I know I've very likely feeding a troll, but there is no doubt in my mind that our President loves our country. You say,"He doesn't have a real grasp on what America is, aside from what an outsider's grasp is." How exactly are you qualified to make that assertion- because he didn't return to our country until he was 10?

    Your feeble attempts to backtrack from your initial statement were pathetic.

  58. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Ever since Obama was inaugurated, this doofus has been trying to undermine his presidency. All she has done is not only to prove how brain-dead she and her lemmings are, but also that she is a sore loser suffering from sour grapes syndrome.

    In her efforts to undermine Obama's presidency, she uses lies, distortions, and taking words out of context. In the process, she reminds the entire world as well as Americans that she is a 14-karat fool who doesn't belong anywhere near a political office, least of all the presidency.

    The media needs to stop giving undeserved dignity to this 46-year-old grandmother who is a high-school mean girl trapped in a middle-aged body.

    However, I believe that her achilles heel is an outsize ego that prevents her from seeing her serious shortcomings. I also believe that her ego is going to one day be the cause of her downfall. It can't come a moment too soon.

  59. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Palin is beyond ignorant.
    Her President is trying to make the world a safer place for her two grandchildren to grow up in, and this ungrateful c**t is using it as an opportunity to praise mindless warmongering, as the way to "advance the cause of freedom" in countries her past President invaded without cause.

  60. Anonymous4:06 AM

    So we can't trust Sarah, that is how she is wired. When she was a youth, she probably lied to her parents when she said she is going shopping with her friends and really was in Curt Menard's bed. It is also a reflection of how her children are wired too, they are just a bunch of bad seeds that terrorized the neighborhood.

    The bad thing is Sarah has found her niche which is lying to make lots of money from the idiots who believe in her.

    The good thing is Sarah can now afford to pay for a mother (nanny) to take care of and mother Trig in the way a child like him needs.

  61. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Lisa Ann, you spent time in other countries? I'm sorry, but I simply can no longer trust your agenda. It may not have America's best interests at heart.

  62. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Speaking of Palin's facebook comments, whatever happenend to Meg Stapleton? Not a word or a peep about Palin's BFF? Meg went quietly into the dark cold Alaskan night without a word from Sarah? Meg probably wasn't that cold with the bundle of money Sarah paid Meg to keep her trap shut? There had to be a falling out between the two?

    Palin motto is "Loyal To None"... not even to her children when it comes to being a mother!

  63. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Hey, Lisa, you've been to 13 countries? Was that in your formative years? Mmm. Maybe YOU don't know this country. Maybe YOU are a communist.

    You're a troll and a twit and a typically absurdist liar. You said nothing about Obama? You also maybe have a brain tumor because you have short term memory problems. You wrote:

    Actually, Obama was first raised Indonesia (?) with communists; his father left him, his mother eventually left him to do political stuff in Indonesia, that's when he moved to Hawaii with his grandmother. He doesn't have a real grasp on what America is, aside from what an outsider's grasp is. I literally don't know what to think. Intelligent people distrust him, radical conservatives obviously distrust him, who can we trust to give us the facts? No one anymore. Not during the last 10 years and probably not for the next.

    "Intelligent people distrust him?" Who? You? We ALLL know how smart you have to be to be a production assistant/producer's assistant/coffee fetcher. Clearly, you should be running the country.

  64. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Why wouldn't Lisa Ann's opinions be welcome on this site? She is, if anything polite. Argue with her opinions if you will, and by all means question her identity, but posters telling her she should go away sound like those on the Palinbot sites.

    For me, Lisa Ann, Obama's formative years spent in Indonesia and Hawaii are one important reason I voted for him. He has experienced Muslims and Asians of all stripes (both foreign and domestic) and knows them as PEOPLE, not political footballs to be despised.

  65. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Oh my.....the day a poster has to list their saintly accomplishments on an anonymous blog, is the day I sincerely pray they consider getting the help they so desparately need. There is no shame in therapy Lisa, I myself have benefited from it.


  66. First of all, to those of you labeling Lisa Ann as a "troll," please get a grip--this is not a helpful way for dialoging with another individual--she's asking questions and raising issues that could all be usefully countered with information, and if she genuinely has issues with Palin, all the more reason to offer rational conversation rather than knee-jerk reactions.

    Yes, it annoys me greatly that there are those who question Obama's commitment to and affection for the US. He clearly loves his country--why else would he have bothered to get involved in politics and put himself and his family through all of the nonsense that goes along with being a public figure. The rhetorical forces on the right who want to undermine him have done a good job of demonizing his upbringing. It's worth noting that Indonesia in the late 1960s through 1998 was a pretty authoritarian state (NOT COMMUNIST!!) and that the revolution that brought longtime president and leader of the military and president from 1968 (through 1998) was supported by none other than the US ... Furthermore, suggesting that to have grown up outside of the US makes a child less patriotic, or less in tune with "American" values (whatever those really are) is pure nonsense. In fact, what experience outside of the US can do is offer an person a broader view of the world, and an appreciation for the unique opportunities available in the US, as well as the power of US influence in foreign places--for good or for ill.

    Being critical of one's country is NOT being unpatriotic (as those on the right loved to say during the Bush II years), but is rather a sign of one's deep love of one's country (indeed--if we applied the notion that criticism and correction of behavior indicated a lack of affection to parenting, for instance, we would come up with the utterly wrong-headed notion that disciplining and correction one's children would be a sign that one "hated" those children, rather than the much more correct reading that if you love your children and are trying to do your best for them, you'll offer criticism and discipline as you help them learn how to be the best they can be). That said--to read Obama's statement (& to yank it out of context as Palin's ghost-facebooker has) as being critical of American power is flat out wrong--the thing that the "whether we like it or not" applies to is the cost in blood and lives that goes along with our role as a superpower, and I think it's safe to say that no one is happy about the human cost and sacrifices, but they are part of the whole picture.

    Anyway, a long enough (and perhaps not entirely coherent) screed ...

  67. Anonymous5:20 AM

    To fish begin to smell..... I love it!!!!!

  68. Comment, part II--
    By the way ... (& I know most here will agree with this--i'm just so frustrated with the constant drumbeat of nonsense spewed by Obama-bashers & so venting!)

    being critical of one's country is NOT being unpatriotic (as those on the right loved to say during the Bush II years), but is rather a sign of one's deep love of one's country (indeed--if we applied the notion that criticism and correction of behavior indicated a lack of affection to parenting, for instance, we would come up with the utterly wrong-headed notion that disciplining and correction one's children would be a sign that one "hated" those children, rather than the much more correct reading that if you love your children and are trying to do your best for them, you'll offer criticism and discipline as you help them learn how to be the best they can be). That said--to read Obama's statement (& to yank it out of context as Palin's ghost-facebooker has) as being critical of American power is flat out wrong--the thing that the "whether we like it or not" applies to is the cost in blood and lives that goes along with our role as a superpower, and I think it's safe to say that no one is happy about the human cost and sacrifices, but they are part of the whole picture.

    I, personally, am so deeply grateful to have a thoughtful, intelligent, well-spoken President who does not try to package himself into soundbites, and I am so tired of Sarah Palin and those who think she's worth any time and attention. A failed, half-term, quitter governor who is demonstrably incapable of intelligent thought, let alone speaking, stuck in a middle-school clique mentality should not have any space in our national dialog. Her nonsense is a distraction, and her words and those of her followers are damaging to the entire nation. Their rhetoric hits the worst fears of those who are unable to see other points of view, who are unable to get beyond their gut prejudices and dislikes, and can even take in those, who, like Lisa Ann, call themselves "independent." One of the things that the conversations at Gryphen's site can do is model a more respectful and listening dialog--rather than calling Lisa Ann a "troll," offer real information instead.

    I have no doubts about Obama's love for our country--I, too, love my country--but it's not a blind love that would gloss over real problems and pretend that we (any more than any other country) are perfect, or even morally superior. Nations, like human beings, are not perfect, we need to always appeal to our "better angels" because human beings, and the nations we create, are all imperfect. I see in Obama someone who understands this, and wants to appeal to our better natures to lift us up. Idealistic, perhaps, but really the only way to keep going.

  69. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I think we can agree to disagree with Lisa, if we call her a troll and to leave we are no better than the peons at the PeePee site. I'm sick of the we vs. they attitude in this country.
    I have a friend who was born and raised in Bulgaria. A communist state at the time, she was taught in gov. schools and is a scientist, and is now an American citizen, probably has more love for America than most Americans. We have had a lot of discussions on America and American citizens-She has seen both sides and she says we are all spoiled and she is right,we don't know how good we have it in the United State and all the freedoms we enjoy.

  70. mocha6:27 AM

    It was clear the "whether we like it or not" was about getting pulled into conflicts when they break out because we are a dominant military superpower. It is a nuanced phrase that it doesn't surprise me that Palin and her followers would not understand the nuance. It is unfortunate that a highly educated, deep-thinking President would have to gear his speeches to the 7th grade reading and listening level of Palin, where every sentence has to be structured "Adjective, Noun, Verb, Adverb" If you can stand to listen to her speeches, they are nothing but a series of slogans and rallying cries strung together. She has taken her NasvilleTeaParty speech, which was fairly well written originally and condensed it down to just the slogans and screeches it over and over. She is stupid and the person who wrote that speech must tear her hair out every time she hears the Palin condensed version.

  71. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Sarah Palin is the one who hates America. Her husband was a member of a secessionist party that she delivered fond greetings to when she was governor of one of the fifty United States, and then she tried to lie about her husband being a member of the party during the presidential campaign, because she knew exactly what that party's goals were, and how it would look for a candidate for VP of the U.S. to have a spouse who advocating seceding from the union.

    Sarah Palin is stupid, venal, dishonest, and she hates the U.S.A. That's why she advocates for Obama to bomb the shit out of other countries. She knows they'll have to defend themselves. She can then stage a coup to take over the rubble.

  72. Anonymous6:50 AM

    So who would invite her to speak let alone PAY her to talk trash if they knew the truth about her?

    Why isn't the truth being told? Why has babygate been swept under the rug? One comment suggested that Meg got paid off to keep her mouth shut. Wouldn't it be interesting to know ALL of the people that have been paid off to keep quiet about babygate?

    Is there a conspiracy here? Is knowing information that would weaken her base and discredit her in essence "conspiring"
    to promot a crime?

  73. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Sour grapes from a sore loser. She really is pathetic. I cannot even imagine why anyone would listen to this dingbat. She still lives out her mean girl days, spreading rumors and lies, just like in Jr. High. And dumber than a box of rocks.

    BTW -- I'm still waiting to see little Trig's birth certificate.

  74. Anonymous7:03 AM

    am i missing something? that quote is in the document you linked to.

  75. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I don't "agree to disagree" with Lisa Ann. This isn't who likes ice cream and who likes frozen yogurt.

    Furthermore, Lisa Ann's interpretation of her earlier comments is reminiscent of the original post here by Gryphen. You don't think we are smart enough to read your comments ourselves, Lisa Ann? You don't think much of our intelligence and you certainly think highly of yourself, my dear.

    You write, "I never attacked Obama..."

    I'll repeat my earlier post:

    From Lisa Ann upthread:

    "...but if you look at President Obama's past, he really has no reason to like America."

    And now it's "difficult to determine his motivations."
    You question his motives and suggest that he has no reason to like America because he spend his impressionable years (I guess age 10 marks the end of the "impressionable years" to you) in another country.

    Your words speak for themselves, Lisa Ann. You question the motives of a sitting president, blatantly writing that he has no reason to like America and you don't think that's attacking? Of course it is!


  76. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Lisa Ann seems pretty ADD or ADHD wihout meds. . . . .

    your politics seem like your life: out-of-control

    Lisa Ann get a grip and stabilize yourself. . . . .either get on some meds or get off the ones you're on. . . .

    Your life is out of control, you don't know which way to go or what to do. . . . .what actually happened during your formative years. . . . .

    Youe politics resemble your life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    UNSTABLE. . . . . . .

    sounds like someone else we know....I see more and more of this crazy behavior because people see it from the crazees(Palin, Beck, Hannity, Laumbaugh to name a few) that people consider it normal behavior.......

    it's not normal.....get therapy

    Your life is out of control

  77. Someone needs to tell this bitch to STFU. Has the mainstream media picked up on this latest lie? If not they should.

  78. mocha9:05 AM

    " Obama was first raised Indonesia (?) with communists; his father left him, his mother eventually left him to do political stuff in Indonesia, that's when he moved to Hawaii with his grandmother. "

    Lisa Ann, you really need to do some reading about your President. Your lack of accurate information is appalling for someone who claims to be so well-educated and well-off. He was not 'first raised in Indonesia'. He was born in Hawaii and lived in Indonesia only from aged 6 to 10. He did not live with communists. His mother's husband, Lolo Soetoro was a geologist who worked for the government and then for Mobil Oil. His father left his mother, indeed, when he was about 2. His mother didn't live in Indonesia doing "political stuff", she was an expert on micro-financing and worked for the Ford Foundation. You should be ashamed for knowing so little about your President that you would believe what you wrote. And if you didn't realize it, throwing the word "communist" around is a right wing trick to conjur up the mistrust and witch-hunting of the 1950s.

    You have raised hackles here because on the one hand you claim to be independent, and yet you recite right-wing talking points and disinformation more like a middle-aged bitter PUMA than a 27 year old educated 'independent' woman.

  79. Anonymous9:10 AM

  80. Anonymous1:52 PM


    Your comment was so beautifully written that it was easy to see that you were a teacher with such lovely grammar. I have always had to prove myself too since as a fairly dark-skinned Latino female, the white community was always leery of me as though I could not be trusted to walk among them, or go to an expensive store to purchase expensive clothes for work, or live in a lovely community, or belong to their country club because they really only accepted 'lily white' people and I didn't qualify. But they were 'forced' to accept me because my money was GREEN and they were way too GREEDY to not understand the meaning of MONEY.

    I learned that they were no better than I was and continued to make my way through life. I don't care what any of them think because I am an old lady who is happy and no one can change that. I refuse to allow anyone to make me feel unworthy because of my heritage. We are all human beings and individuals and should be seen as such.

  81. I saw that sign from the teabagger rally saying, "Palin can't finish a job or a sentence." Seems she (or her ghostwriter) can't finish reading a sentence either.

  82. Anonymous2:19 AM


    English is my second language and I understand exactly what the President meant: The US gets pulled into global situations whether we want to or not, because we are a superpower. Duh.

    I can't blame Saint Sarah for not understanding what the prez said because he was using a much more complicated sentence. He should remember to talk as though he's explaining it to second graders so she can understand.

  83. Sammy6:42 AM

    Does anyone know how to file a complaint with the FaceBook administrators for them allowing Sarah Palin to spout lies and hate on the FB site?

  84. Anonymous10:45 AM

    For the 5th time, once again I posted JUST THE EXACT quote in FULL on Sarah Palin's Facebook page. No personal comments against Palin, just the words of the President. Within 45 min. it was deleted. ;) 2 other people have been doing the same thing over the last 2 days.....their quotes disappear as well. have so many of her adoring fans get upset every time we do this too....

  85. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Eventually even the Tea Party will get wise to this half governor, there is nothing that they can possibly gain from her except empty pockets.

  86. Anonymous11:40 AM

    People are wondering if he is loyal to this country even tho his early years were not entirely spent here? Are you kidding? So, people in this country who are from other countries who have undying passion for their country, wave their homeland flags high and come together in large masses... like at sporting events or Motivational arenas... anywhere that numbers of people congregate... and you see their pride and dedication to their country... is that fake? Why? Because they aren't IN their country? His years away from this country were not of his choice. It was based upon the choices his parents made for their family. How narrow can you be... someone doesn't have loyalty to their country because they didn't spend years in their youth in the country? Get a grip! So I suppose if you took a job overseas for 5 years, your loyalty to the US would cease to exist... I mean... the fact is... you aren't living here! You might as well be a traitor or a spy! Right?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.