Sunday, April 04, 2010

Does Sarah Palin have a problem with African Americans?

I ran across this very interesting article by Dr. Boyce Watkins a portions of which is as follows:

I was surprised to see the typically apolitical LL Cool J take such a strong stand against Palin and Fox. But this rapper's stand up moment reminds us of just how deep the Palin/Obama divide has become. It's not as if Sarah Palin has very many fans who look like LL Cool J. Her appeal in urban America is almost non-existent, and I've personally never seen or heard a speech, platform, or agenda item of Palin's which reflects the views and issues of African-Americans and Hispanics. Perhaps she just forgot to include black and brown people in her agenda, or maybe she thinks she would just be president of an all-Aryan nation.

One thing that's clear about the existence of Sarah Palin on the political scene is that Palin was undoubtedly created by Barack Obama. Without having Barack Obama to hate, there would be no Sarah Palin for conservatives to love. The Antichrist always needs a nemesis, so perhaps Sarah can bring the purity that the earth so desperately needs after being sunk into the socialist, tree hugging ghetto Armageddon created by Obamacare and other "clearly destructive and irresponsible policies." Sarah "The Good Witch" is also a reminder of our country's irrational reaction to racial anxiety. Rather than accepting a strong, black authority figure, we would rather presume that he is the anti-Christ and support an incredibly unqualified person for the presidency.

Not much to disagree with there, but it also got me to thinking about Sarah Palin and race.  As many of you probably know Palin has had problems with the black community in Alaska even before she became John McCain's running mate and started comparing America's first African American candidate to domestic terrorists. (And that does not even take into consideration the "So Sambo beat the bitch" slur the accuracy of which is still undetermined.)

She then took her act on the road and used her awe shucks passive aggressive speech patterns to incite racial tension every place she went and tapped into a powder keg of racism and hate that is still spilling out in Teabagger rallies all across this nation.

However there is some evidence to suggest that Palin, and by extension her teabagging followers, may have a problem with ALL non-whites. Let's not forget that her father, the gaffe prone Chuck Heath, explained that Palin did not finish college in Hawaii because the Asian's made her uncomfortable

And there was also the incident back in early 2009 when a number of rural Alaskan villages were starving to death and Palin took six weeks to respond to a crisis that had already been averted with the help of several progressive Alaska bloggers and radio personalities.  And then when she finally did go out to meet the rural natives she went to the WRONG villages and brought along Franklin Graham, anti-gay preacher Jerry Prevo, and a plateful of cookies as back up.(I know what you are thinking "Yeah but isn't Todd an Alaskan native?"  Well yeah but probably not more than 1/8, and he definitely passes for Caucasian in most teabagging circles. Besides Sarah was knocked up and she needed to marry SOMEBODY!)

So is Sarah Palin a racist?

What do you think?


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Sarah doesn't come right out and say racist things, but to the ears of AA and Hispanic people, we hear the code. We know the code.

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Hell yes she's a bigot. Was there ever any doubt?

  3. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I really don't know for sure is Sarah is a full-on racist or not (although signs point to "yes), but she is always an opportunist. She welcomes racism into her fold and into her rallies and she has never once denounced the outright or hush hush racist images and words of her supporters or of the tea baggers. So, by deed or by omission, she is a racist.

  4. Anonymous5:01 PM

    ONE WORD - YES!!!

  5. and that's why she will never be President of the United States.

  6. I don't think she's racist, but probably uncomfortable with people who don't look like her. Because not looking like her increasing the chances that you may not think like her and that's just not allowed in her world view.

    She can't handle that kind of reality check.

    I do find it repulsive how she uses ignorance and fear fueled by racism to build a platform for her idiocy.

    Again, she can't be President of only people who think and look like her so even if she were to attempt a run for the White House, there will be such a rise up from people of color, she wouldn't know how to handle it.

  7. fromthediagonal5:11 PM

    Not merely YES, but HELL YES!!!

  8. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Yes, I think there is a strong possibility that Sarah Palin has racist tendencies, if not outright racist philosophies. One's first inclination is to say that she is merely uncomfortable because she was raised in an isolated, almost exclusively white environment, but you know, so were my husband and I - my husband in a rural agricultural environment and I in an urban environment in an agricultural environment, but neither of us have hesitations about forming and maintaining friendships with non-whites. So, why the difference?

    Perhaps because our families did no inculcate racism nor was it even tolerated. It was a mark of white trash. Intolerance was something that bespoke ignorance, and even though we were raised in blue collar classes, we were taught that everyone was equal and everyone deserves respect until their character or behavior dictates otherwise.

    If my parents heard someone use a racially-charged word or phrase even in a grocery store, I knew they would speak out against it to the person who had used it. I was proud of them, even if a bit embarrassed as a teenager that they were drawing attention to us.

    We were also taught to put ourselves into another's shoes, so to speak, and consider their circumstances. It build empathy and understanding.

    Did Sarah's parents not teach her these basic lessons?

    We grew up to be progressives on most issues. We grew up to champion civil rights for all. We grew up to have tolerarnce.

    We did not come from a privileged background. Sarah's parents were better educated than our parents. My parents did not attend church, though my husband's parents did. Yet, they both taught us to respect others and to fight for the rights of others.

    Why didn't Sarah learn this? Did her parents fail to teach her or did she refuse to learn? Was she so self-absorbed and so fearful of her own inadequacies that she had nothing to spare to think of others?

    I don't know the answers, but I sure have lots of questions.

  9. Yepper, shore is.

    All joking aside, I have a hangover right now from reading the Sunday paper, and from listening to the news. I cannot take any more talk about hate, hate, hate... it is so OBVIOUSLY race based - in PART. Not completely, but in part. I read in the Boston Globe (sometimes termed a liberal rag) a letter from a tea bagger in Boston who again used the words "real American" - where does ANYONE get off calling themselves a real American - and I am something different? Good grief.

  10. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Yes. Sarah Palin has all the characteristics of a closet racist. She also uses her skills to incite the people and appeal to their basest hatreds and fears and then as has been said many times she then steps back and lets the mob do her dirty work. She is the worst kind of racist in that she is not honest about it. Just like the KKK she wears a "white sheet" of "innocence" in spite of the evidence at all of her rallies.

  11. I have thought for a while that her downfall is going to be an on-camera racial slur. It's only a matter of time.

  12. Olivia5:28 PM

    Without a doubt. No question about it. Her campaign has always been us against them, against people who aren't like us, you know, real Americans against anyone not quite white and anything darker. Does she know that white will be the minority soon?

  13. Is Sarah a racist?
    Hell yeah!

  14. Anonymous5:41 PM

    OK, has their ever been anyone on her staff that is black?

  15. "A bill enacted by the Alaska legislature requires that the Governor of Alaska issue a proclamation each year to commemorate Juneteenth. Palin not only failed to issue a proclamation in 2007, but also refused to issue a proclamation retroactively. As a result of then Governor Palin's inaction, the activities of citizens and civil groups which had celebrated Juneteenth were disrupted, resulting in unrealized event revenues and event cancellations."

    Juneteenth, a holiday observance which celebrates the freeing of the last remaining slaves in Galveston, Texas on June 19, 1865, was signed into law in Alaska in 2001. The bill known as HB 100 specifies that the "governor shall issue a proclamation observing the day."

    "The utter disrespect in failing to issue the 2007 Proclamation, even retroactively, is a slap in the face to black people."

  16. Linda6:06 PM

    I asked my brothers before the election if the reason they hated Obama and supported McCain/Palin was because they were racist. They were so adamant in their response that it wasn't true that it made me believe it was true. They (and I) were raised by well-meaning, uneducated parents who were very racist. My brothers have college educations but never overcame the narrow thinking that goes with being raised in a small town by small town bigots. The same is probably true for our girl Sarah. It takes intelligence and rationality (which I have more of than my brothers, if I do say so myself) to question the belief systems of those around you and to be willing to accept new ideas and different looking people. Clearly Sarah is not open-minded about anything. Because, of course, she is neither intelligent or rational. Anyway, that's my take on it.

  17. Anonymous6:31 PM

    It looks like Palin has a problem with people who do not look like her. Don't forget about the Asians in Hawaii?

    Ya wanna see Palin have a stroke? What would happen if her underage daughter got drunk and was impregnated by a non-white person? That would put Palin over the deep end because there would be no way Sarah could pull off another fake pregnacy with an African American child!

    LOL... Sarah u got sum explainin'

  18. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Born in Idaho. Grew up in AK. Married to secessionist.. but guilty without those associations just by her words and actions. Real Americans, Sarah? Real Americans that are WHITE!

  19. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Absolutely palin is racist. Anon 5:18 post is on the mark. My husband is African-American, and what palin thinks is her code words to the goons is picked up instantly by us. She came onto the stage as a flame throwing racist. And, that ignorant, smug, look on her face shows her contempt for our President every time she spews out his name, and never refers to him as President. Also, too, didn't her daddy say she left Hawaii because there were too many Asians? The first brief attempt to attend a university. Those old men who find her so attractive should visit your blog the last time she was there and check out the cheese, and lack of heavy makeup. Not an attractive sight.

  20. "... maybe she thinks she would just be president of an all-Aryan nation."

    Finally, an accurate interpretation of Sarah Palin's Real America. Palin and white supremacists go together like Bibles and lynch mobs.

  21. Anonymous6:54 PM

    She is one of them kind, that have no problem with people of color, as long as they don't act like color.

    Thankfully she ain't as bad as papa Heath.

  22. Yep, Sarah is a racist. You already know that Gryphen. You didn't have to ask.

    I think it was that guy, McAllister on her staff that she was trying to say was black. But everyone knew that guy was white but supposedly he had some 'black' in him. Also keep in mind that a black musician came out around the time of the election saying that he met Sarah years ago before she was married. She found out he was black and made a comment that she didn't mess with no black men.

    She is so bitter that a black man beat her to the White House. I wish someone would ask Sarah if she would be against her daughters aborting a baby by a black man. I wonder would she say that she would 'choose life' then.

    Sarah Palin is a hypocritical, racist, batshit crazy lady. It is what it is!

  23. Nice comment from a white person on

    BRB56 said:

    President Obama is much like Jackie Robinson (the first black allowed to play major league baseball in the 20th Century for those who don't know that our national past time isn't busing from state to state to try to intimidate elected officials). No matter how well Robinson played, and he played very well indeed, there were always many in the crowd who shouted hateful things at him, who hoped he struck out every time at bat, or dropped every ball hit his way. There were death threats against him.

    Of course, when separated from the crowd, many of those who didn't mind calling him a "n..." while hiding among the mob tried to mask their racism by saying they were just being loyal to their team when they wanted Robinson to fail.

    We see those same things today against Obama. The extreme right wingers say they want him to fail, but not because he's black, oh no that would be to admit racism. They just don't like his agenda, and after all, they're just supporting their team.
    But let them get in with the mob and you have them spitting on Congressmen, calling out the N-word, breaking windows, etc.

    Of course the next whine is "don't bring race into this"! But it is steeped in race, despite the denial of the right. It is the right who constantly bring race into it, though trying to disguise it as something else.
    We hear he wasn't really born in America, he's secretly a Muslim, he's a socialist, but what we're really hearing is "he's not one of us!" And in that context "us" is what you see when you see a crowd shot of the Tea Baggers or the Republican Party. When right wingers like to mock the president because he uses teleprompters (as all presidents have since they were invented), it doesn't take much to understand what they are really pointing out to those in the know, wink wink. It's like all the black jokes I heard, and sometimes told, growing up. The punch line was always meant to show that blacks were dumb.

    Lie to yourself if you have to in order to make peace with your conscience, but don't try to lie to people who don't wrap the flag around them like granny's comforter and depend on Talking Points and mob courage.

    Because to many Americans it doesn't matter if Obama hits a home run. Just like Robinson, he's going to be jeered and spit at as he runs around the bases. less

  24. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Total crap. The trumped up Juneteenth lawsuit was thown out. The phony ethics charges were obviously fabricated and tossed. The supposed racist 'kill him!' shouts were investigated by the Secret Service and the FBI and were found to be misunderstood.

    Disagree with Palin on things that matter, not this invented junk.

  25. How could anyone who wanted to appoint Wayne Anthony Ross as Alaska Attorney General be considered a racist? Why Wayne is the most un-racist person anyone could find in the entire USA. But the Alaska legislature didn't want such a pure, un-racist AG, so they voted him down - the first time in Alaska's history an AG nominee was rejected.

    And then there's the cookies and bibles trip to a culture beyond the verge of desperation last winter. Now there's another example of how un-racist Palin is.

    And her instructions to staff out in the predominantly Native Bush to only report the good news back to her. To do it, they had to flat out lie, because there just wasn't any "good news." Howe could THAT have been racist?

    Snark aside, more national attention needs to be put upon Palin's interactions with Native Alaskans and other minorities while she was AK's gov.

  26. Not only hell yes but HELL YES.

  27. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Anon 6:40

    "Anon 5:18 post is on the mark. My husband is African-American, and what palin thinks is her code words to the goons is picked up instantly by us."

    You both are absolutely right. I'm AA and picked up on Palin's bigotry, the moment she opened her mouth at the RNC.

  28. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Her bus tour avoided urban areas and went specifically to nice all white places, or as GWB would say, the base.

    This is just a thought. I wonder how many African Americans watch Fox News? The language on that station appeals to the low information religious right wing of the GOP. That appears to be Sarah's audience.

    If anyone knows the racial demographics for Fox, it would be interesting to learn. My guess is that it is about as white as the Tea Bag crowd, and the people who turn out for Sarah's speeches. It will also reflect the very low number of minorities in the GOP.

  29. Anonymous8:09 PM

    There's no doubt in my mind that Palin is racist. I'm caucasian but I recognize the code words she spits out and so does every other person raised in the South. Palin would keep at least some of her base if she were pro-choice and/or anti-gun and/or believed in global warming. She would even hang on to some of the base if she dropped the fundamentalist pose. But she would lose her entire base if she came out pro-African American and pro-Hispanic.

  30. Anonymous9:07 PM

    A loada crap. LL Cool J wanted to get paid, he never said a word about Palin.

  31. Anonymous9:45 PM

    As long as we are being honest here, the entire GOP agenda is so filled with hate against Obama, and much of it has to do with his race. As much as they hated Bill Clinton, I don't recall any pictures of Bill portrayed as Hitler or any of the other disrespectful ways that they have been going after Obama. Palin is part of it, and they are glad to have her along because she fits right in.

  32. The 'community organizer' remark in her convention speech sounded pretty racist to me -- my first impression of her. In general, I doubt she minds people of color so long as they know their place (gawd created them as inferior) and don't act uppity. Isn't it hard for anyone who interprets the bible literally to be anything but racist?

    I don't feel qualified to criticize Dr. Watkins but I'm not convinced by his unequivocal statement that Obama "made" Sarah. I think she's probably very capable of stirring up hate and fear irregardless of her opponent's race, though everything was intensified and magnified with candidate Obama.

  33. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I think you missed the most obvious and unambigous racist evidence available: Palin refused to ever attend the Juneteenth Celebration. She has NEVER attended it. AND...even under a lawsuit she refused to retroactively sign the proclamation...How could you forget that Gryphen???

  34. Gasman11:01 PM

    Anon @ 7:11,
    You and your entire teabagger clan are full of shit. Your contention that “The supposed racist 'kill him!' shouts were investigated by the Secret Service and the FBI and were found to be misunderstood” is simply not factually accurate. At least one instance was dismissed for lack of evidence, but the Secret Service categorically DID NOT EVER say that the incidents did not happen. And I find your wording that the Secret Service and the FBI took no action because they “found [the incidents?] to be misunderstood” to be so absurd as to be unbelievable. You are a Palin troll. Go straight to hell. Do not pass "Go." Do not collect $200.

    As to your contention that “phony ethics charges were obviously fabricated and tossed” is also utter bullshit because the Branchflower Report specifically found that Palin VIOLATED ETHICS LAWS! What part of this don’t you understand, moron? You are either a liar or congenitally stupid. Which is it?

    The only thing whiter than a teabagger rally is a Sarah Palin book signing. Palin is a racist. I don’t think that she’d necessarily join the Klan, mind you, but she definitely exudes a disdain for the “others”, i.e., non-white members, of our society.

    Palin had dozens of opportunities to distance herself from the racist elements of the right wing lunatics that populated the McCain/Palin rallies and she never did. Not once. Since then she has never forcefully, unequivocally disavowed the racist element of the teabaggers who still constitute the bulk of her support.

    Her racism is born of her insecurity, her ignorance and her need to control her world as best she can. She is a vain simpleton whose grasp of the greater world is not as advanced as most 5th or 6th graders. She is a fearful buffoon who does not understand most of what confronts her. Anything outside of her world - nonwhites would be very big in this category - simply terrifies her. I think this is why she tries to crush former friends and allies so mercilessly and why she spends so much energy going after the Alaskan bloggers. They represent chaos in the “ordered” world which exists only in her very disordered brain.

    Racism might not be the primary animus which motivates Palin, but a strong commitment to racial equality is definitely NOT part of her character either.

    She might not be the one to actually light the cross, but neither would she do anything to put it out.

  35. Anonymous11:38 PM

    @ curiouser

    Certainly Palin would be the same vindictive twit whether she was in the limelight or not. Dr. Watkins's point is that the candidacy and election of the first AA president brought an almost knee-jerk opposition "entity" to the forefront who would directly and indirectly attack him for his very "otherness." As we have seen, Palin has absolutely no shame in going after PO with her armamentarium of lies, fear-mongering, and subtle bigotry. The rhetoric she uses answers a need in those voters whose dislike of PO is based on their own biases and bigotry.

    Without an Obama presidency to rally her ignorant, bigoted fans against, Palin's raison d'etre would not be effective or even essential.

  36. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Not only a racist, but a bitter racist....before she lost to Barack she lost the Miss Alaska title to a much more beautiful woman who was black!

  37. Anonymous3:10 AM

    The alleged "Jesus" she OH SO supports... yeah, that one... he was NOT white.

    Funny that!

    (having trouble logging into my account)

  38. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Palin's Racist Remark
    It’s that character thing, Sarah Palin declares.
    The GOP’s VP candidate defends her increasingly strident verbal assaults on Barack Obama as legitimate questions about the Democratic presidential candidate.
    Well, for Gregory Charles Royal, it’s that character thing also.
    This internationally renowned jazz musician recently utilized the National Press Club in Washington, DC to recount a flirtatious encounter he had in Alaska with a woman who identified herself as Sarah Heath.
    Royal said this encounter ended after a racist remark by the woman now known as Gov Sarah Palin.
    Making that racist remark, Royal contends, coupled with Gov Palin’s disengaged relations with racial minorities in Alaska speaks volumes about her character.
    “When you view what happened with me in the context with what is happening with blacks and other minorities in Alaska under Gov Palin, it is clear that what I encountered was not a fluke. It shows her character,” Royal said during an interview hours after that press conference in DC where he directs the American Youth Symphony, Inc.
    While that racist remark reflects character, Royal said, the flirtation by a woman who did not reveal at the time that she was both married and pregnant speaks to “mortality and fidelity.”
    Royal said that in 1990, when performing with the Duke Ellington Band in Anchorage, the trombonist struck up a conversation with a woman at a fast food restaurant who initially identified herself as Sarah. During that conversation, Sarah volunteered that her last name was Heath, Royal said, after he mentioned the acclaimed jazz musician Percy Heath. Palin’s maiden name is Heath.
    Royal said the conversation went smoothly until some of his fellow Band members came over to the table. Sarah’s entire demeanor changed.
    While Royal is a light skin black man sometimes mistaken as white by whites, his fellow jazzmen causing Heath’s attitude shift were dark skin.
    “You could see it…the body language. There was a visceral reaction,” said Royal who asked Sarah if something was wrong.
    According to Royal, Heath’s response to his inquiry was, “Excuse me, but I don’t mess with black men.”

  39. Anonymous3:18 AM

    “She is not averse to hiring Africa-Americans,” said McAllister who acknowledged that Palin’s office “never” compiled statistics on minorities in her administration.
    McAllister joined Palin’s staff in August 2008, a few months after a contentious meeting between Palin and a group of black leaders where her staffing was questioned.
    With Palin’s campaign trail criticisms assailing Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright Jr. being anti-white and anti-American, concerns again arise about a line in her RNC acceptance speech. The source of that line is the late writer Westbrook Pegler, a man known for his anti-Semitism, criticism of the 60s Civil Rights Movement and work with notorious segregationist groups.
    Although a President Bush speech writer penned Palin’s RNC speech, she never distanced herself from Pegler once the source of that quote became widely known. Yet, Palin incorrectly claims Obama has never distanced himself from 60s-era radical Bill Ayers – the man she terms a domestic terrorist.
    Racially tinged reactions at McCain-Palin rallies have made news recently. A person at a Palin rally in Fort Myers, Fl told a black television technician to “Sit down Boy” during outbursts following a Palin tirade against the media.
    Royal says he’s “not political” although he admits favoring Obama. But Royal says he decided to reveal his encounter with Palin because he felt it was a factoid of some may find significant when considering the Palin candidacy.
    “I feel that Palin is a very narrow viewed and culturally unsophisticated person who clearly has not seen the world or its diverse peoples,” Royal said.
    “The racism I believe she possesses is not necessarily from a misguided hatred but from a boastful ignorance that clearly celebrates the need not to know or the desire to know.”
    Linn Washington Jr. is a columnist for The Philadelphia Tribune.

  40. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Royal said he told Heath, “I’m a black man” and Sarah responded, “But, you’re not really black.”
    Royal, who admits trying to “hit on” Sarah, said he ended the conversation telling her not to worry about it and have a nice day.
    Royal said he began connecting dots between that encounter 18-years ago and the current GOP VP candidate after watching a biographical report about Palin on television.
    “I did not know Palin was the person I spoke with until I saw the MSNBC program,” Royal said. “My reaction was Holy Shit!”
    When asked how he could possible remember a brief encounter so many years ago, Royal said, “there are a lot of details I do not remember but the key triggers are things anyone could remember and when a person says “I don’t talk to black guys” when the black guys are not actually trying to date you or talk to in anyway that is not a dating comment but a racist one.”
    Gov Palin’s Press Secretary, Bill McAllister, did not respond to an emailed request for comment on Royal’s claims.
    This encounter with Palin that Royal revealed comes at a time of revelations about dissatisfactions voiced by racial minorities in Alaska about the governance policies and practices of Palin, a former mayor of a small city elected as that state’s chief executive two years ago.
    Eleanor Andrews, board chair of the Anchorage Urban League, said she is unaware of any programs or outreach to Alaska’s black community by Palin.
    “It’s not a disengagement. It’s just no connection. She does not have relations with African Americans,” said Andrews, a businesswoman and 44-year resident of Alaska.
    While Gov Palin has twice refused to either attend or even formally recognize an official state holiday in Alaska important to African-Americans, she delivered a video-taped address this year for the convention of the Alaskan Independence Party, a group pushing secession of Alaska from the United States. Palin’s husband, Todd, belonged to this Party for seven years.
    “People say that when [Palin] took over as governor blacks lost jobs in state government,” said attorney Rex Butler. “It seems that the posture of her administration with blacks is: Don’t need them – Don’t worry about them.”
    Palin, through spokespersons, denies allegations that her record of hiring and retaining racial minorities in government posts compares poorly with her predecessors.
    “I’m African-American and I am a big rebuttal to those charges,” said Palin Press Secretary Bill McAllister, a former broadcast journalist.

  41. Anonymous4:28 AM

    As a white southerner who has lived in the north and west when younger, and who was raised by racists, of course I understand that she's racist, because I know intimately the "code words."

    In the 60s and 70s I worked for equal rights for ALL people because to me, being hateful and racist just isn't a human trait I want to possess. Palin tries to hide this in herself and once again, fails miserably, just as she failed the Native population in AK as she takes advantage of Toad's 1/8 "heritage". Don't many whites do that in AK, too? And because Toad is 1/8 Native, did she actually think Chuckles would pay for a white wedding for them? Yeah, she learned it all at her father's knee and not being able to trap young, all white Curtis Menard, had to latch on to Toad, who lived in the white world, the next "best thing" she could find who would cover her "out of wedlock" pregnancy. No wonder they "eloped"--Chuckles knew the score.

  42. With her racist tendencies ya gotta wonder how she was able to marry Todd; perhaps there were no nice young white men that wished to wed her....

  43. Malia Litman posted about this recently:

    I've never felt Palin liked Michael Steele. She was quick (but never first) to jump on the "shun the RNC" bandwagon.

  44. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Sarah married Todd because he looks "white." She never would have married anyone who was not a "real American."

    Don't forget to sign the Boycott Discovery Channel petition at:

  45. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Hmm, Screechypants refused to issue the Juneteenth proclamation, but the secessionist group got a recorded well-wishing.

    I think we know the answer to this question folks. There's no need to tiptoe around this. I could see what she was the minute she opened her stupid mouth when McCain first unleashed her prior to the RNC convention. She toes the line of racism to keep the base riled up but she won't quite go over it -- this way she can keep dumb followers such as Adrienne Ross (another opportunist in my opinion.) Covert (and sometimes overt) racism is why she feels so comfortable in the Republican/Tea Bagger party.

    Has she ever explained why she refused to give the proclamation? I can't imagine that it would have taken as long as setting up a video camera, picking out a professional lookin,' multi-colored, pregnancy hidin' parka, and getting someone to write her script for the AIP message...

  46. Anonymous6:02 AM

    The Juneteenth situation objectively proves Palins racism.

    And there is no doubt the white supremicists in this country adore her.

    I haven't heard that the lawsuit was thrown out. Anyone have proof of that? A man sued about her refusal to sign and later a charge of bribing was added, but I don't know the details.

    I think Palin is definitely a pro-white, racist kind of gal. I doubt she has very many people of color who support her. She would never ever be sensitive to the needs of the Hispanic or black communities in any office.

    I can just imagine the ads in an election. Palin will never be president for many reasons. And this is one of them.

    Thankfully most of America doesn't want an angry, inarticulate, small minded, hick as president. America is already falling down in the global market because our citizens are no educated as much. I don't know why she and her moronic followers don't value education. I guess to them being so perfect, supreme and white will make us the best country.

    I sometimes think we are headed for a civil war or maybe two separate countries.

  47. Anonymous6:22 AM

    It's worth noting that in 1984, Palin was a Miss Alaska beauty contestant who was defeated by a black woman named Annlyne Blackburn.
    I wouldn't presume to speculate on her feelings about that fact. But as a politician she has shown a disregard for the Native Americans in Alaska and now she gleefully appeals to the racist tendencies found among the hard right. I also believe that part of her hatred of President Obama stems from racism, and she along with others speaks in coded language that questions whether he is "one of us" or "born in America."

  48. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Didn't I read somewhere that Levi is has some hispanic heritage?

  49. I knew Palin was a racist when I watched her debate with Joe Biden. She would call him Senator, John McCain Senator, and Bush President. But she would not refer to Obama as "Senator Obama" which proved she does not respect him as a politician or a person.

  50. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Answer to question: Duh!

    Fromw what I have read on this and other blogs, it sounds like there may have been a "shot-gun" involved in the Palin's wedding.

    Whatever happened to Trig? What happened with Babygate?

  51. emrysa8:38 AM

    two words: "real america."

    I'd say that because that's her mindset, anyone or anything that doesn't reinforce her view of the world is something that's "not real." the fact that there's an educated and highly intelligent black man in the white house is something that does not reinforce sarah's worldview, and therefore is wrong (because sarah's always right, you know).

    does that make her racist? don't know (although that flap about juneteenth seems to be some good evidence).

    but the bottom line is that the woman is crazy, and the people who follow her are crazy. I think it's the crazy that's a bigger problem than her potential racism.

    to me there's no doubt that if the president was white but had a d after his/her name, palin would still be saying the same things. she's a bonafide loonie who gets off on inflaming the ignorance and fear of her nutcase followers.

  52. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Sarah Palin professes to be Christian at the same time she is not that into Jesus. Is this why?

    While forensic anthropology is usually used to solve crimes, Richard Neave, a medical artist retired from The University of Manchester in England, realized it also could shed light on the appearance of Jesus.
    For those accustomed to traditional Sunday school portraits of Jesus, the sculpture of the dark and swarthy Middle Eastern man that emerges from Neave's laboratory is a reminder of the roots of their faith.

  53. WiteOut ALERT9:30 AM

    6:31pm, Here comes the WiteOut, no way would Palin hold to her principles. I wouldn't be shocked if it already happened.
    There are soooo many ways that Palin is spelled r-a-c-i-s-t...weave them togther and what do you have?

    "Born in Idaho. Grew up in AK. Married to secessionist.."

    "And, that ignorant, smug, look on her face shows her contempt for our President every time she spews out his name, and never refers to him as President."

    "Of course the next whine is 'don't bring race into this'!"

    "Snark aside, more national attention needs to be put upon Palin's interactions with Native Alaskans and other minorities while she was AK's gov."

    "Her bus tour avoided urban areas and went specifically to nice all white places, or as GWB would say, the base."

    "Palin refused to ever attend the Juneteenth Celebration. She has NEVER attended it."

    The Palin apologists reiterate in excess.

    "Your contention that “The supposed racist 'kill him!' shouts were investigated by the Secret Service and the FBI and were found to be misunderstood” is simply not factually accurate."

    "Hmm, Screechypants refused to issue the Juneteenth proclamation, but the secessionist group got a recorded well-wishing."

    "Not only a racist, but a bitter racist...."

  54. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Watched an indepth interview of an author on T.V. this morning and plan to purchase his book which is entitled "Wingnuts". Author's last name is: Avalon. His take on where our government is today was very, very interesting. Need I say that Alaska's Palin is indicated as one of the 'wingnuts'? I particularly enjoyed hearing his thoughts on stopping the extremes on both sides of the aisle. And, there is no doubt that he thinks it needs to be stopped now vs letting things escalate further. People are removing themselves from both parties and there are currently more Independents/Non Partisans registered as such than in either of the two parties. I plan to order the book today and recommend those that read the Alaskan blogs do so too. The interview, which included questions and answers (even after midnight!) was so interesting that I couldn't take myself away from it.

  55. Anonymous11:35 AM

    there may have been a "shot-gun" involved in the Palin's wedding.


    Sarah Palin was 3 weeks pregnant when she got married. She probably didn't even know.

  56. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Sarah Palin was 3 weeks pregnant when she got married. She probably didn't even know.
    But she hadn't seen Todd for 5 weeks!

  57. sixdollarman1:41 PM

    So, the Loon Ranger and the George Wallace of Wasilla (Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin) are in Minneapolis this week, to double-down on teh crazy. Yay.

    I think they ought to take a nice leisurely tour of North Minneapolis, up West Broadway, and explain to the good folks they see there why they don't consider them "Real Americans."

  58. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Anon @ 7:11 wrote: "Total crap. The trumped up Juneteenth lawsuit was thown out."


    I didn't see this addressed specifically, so I did a little digging on my own to see if this was true.

    Lo and behold, the case WAS dismissed... on December 28 of 2009. If I'm reading this article correctly, seems Ms. Sarah actually DID issue that proclamation regarding the 2007 Juneteenth observation.

    On July 17, 2009.

    NINE DAYS before she stepped down as governor. How convenient!!! Oh, and it doesn't seem like much of anyone was aware of the retroactive proclamation.

    Merely an "inadvertent occurrance," a "clerical error," of course. Hey Anon @ 7:11, "trumped up"? While we're on the subject of "total crap"........

    Read more here:

  59. Coincidence?4:53 PM

    243 excellent. " retroactively just before Palin's July resignation."
    They were just doing a little clean up on aisle 9 it's called covering Sarah Palin's butt. All about Sarah.
    "Palin refused to ever attend the Juneteenth Celebration. She has NEVER attended it."

    Friday, January 08, 2010
    Fed judge dismisses Juneteenth lawsuit against Palin
    By Rachel D'oro | The Associated Press

    "...dismissed the case without prejudice to any state remedies available."
    These tyrants do not care about Alaska or humans.

    "Paton-Walsh also said the proclamation was not issued in 2007 because of a (alleged) clerical error."

    "The proclamation document is signed by Palin and dated July 17. That's the same day Paton-Walsh filed a motion to dismiss and nine days before Palin stepped down as governor. Paton-Walsh said she was aware at the time that a proclamation was in the works, but did not know the timing of it then."

    "The case originally was filed in Washington in March and was later transferred to the U.S. District Court of Alaska after adding Eagle River resident Kim Chatman as a plaintiff." It was Chatman's daughter that got the Colony Girl Willow stink eye at a book signing. Coincidence?

  60. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Sarah Palin's Alleged Racist Comments Witness Royal Claims Victory in Juneteenth Lawsuit
    Jazz musician Gregory Charles Royal, whose alleged 1991 racial encounter with former Governor Sarah Palin circulated the blogosphere during the 2008 presidential campaign, is setting the record straight about his recently resolved Juneteenth lawsuit brought by Royal and Kim Chatman against the former vice presidential candidate.

    Washington, DC (PRWEB) March 1, 2010 -- Jazz musician Gregory Charles Royal, whose alleged 1991 racial encounter with former Governor Sarah Palin circulated the blogosphere during the 2008 presidential campaign, is setting the record straight about his recently resolved Juneteenth lawsuit brought by Royal and Kim Chatman against the former vice presidential candidate.

    Royal says that the headlines in recent Associated Press articles highlighting the dismissal of the federal district court case 3:09-cv-00091,;=5486434&instance;=home_news_window_left_top_4 unintentionally miss the point and the result of the suit being brought. "The Juneteenth lawsuit was filed for the sole purpose of compelling Sarah Palin to issue the 2007 Juneteenth Proclamation", says Royal. "During the course of this lawsuit, she did in fact issue the proclamation so it was without a doubt, a victory. That she tried to play games and issue the proclamation without informing our side or that the case was dismissed on jurisdictional grounds but without prejudice as to allow its pursuit in state court, are all interesting yet irrelevant tidbits because we accomplished what we set out to do. But make no mistake, the proclamation would never have been issued if not for the attention this lawsuit brought on the issue."

    Judge Timothy Burgess admonished Palin by denying any costs or attorney fees because of her conduct in the case when he wrote: "Because of the defendant's failure to inform the plaintiffs that the Juneteenth Proclamation had been retroactively issued, and was not made public until recently, however, this is not a case appropriate for an award of costs or attorneys fees to the defendant."

    Palin's defiant modus operandi has seemingly become a pattern according to many published articles since the 2008 campaign, and it comes with a price- in this case that a suit had to be brought just to compel Palin to correct the record and to Alaskan taxpayers who may have recouped the legal expenses if not for Palin's court room shenanigans..

    Since 2008, Royal has been busy with his America's Hot Musician television project, writing and producing a gold record for Canadian Idol finalist Sarah Loverock, and reviving his New York JVC Jazz Festival Play It's a Hardbop Life.

    Chatman filed an ethics complaint last year that alleged Palin misused the governor's office for personal gain by securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through a legal defense fund. That case has not been publicly resolved.

    Royal says "I am an artist for sure, but sometimes situations like this cross your path and you have to get involved." Royal, who was a trombone soloist with the Duke Ellington Orchestra and the Broadway musical Five Guys Named Moe, was also chronicled in the books Art Blakey: Jazz Messenger by Leslie Gourse and the Biographical Encyclopedia of Jazz by Leonard Feather.


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