Monday, April 05, 2010

A Monday morning cartoon to start the day.

This perfect illustration of the Tea Party movement comes from the inspired creativity of David Horsey.

BTW while we are on the subject of parody, it looks like Tina Fey will be reprising her impersonation of Sarah Palin on SNL next month.

I don't know about you, but I for one can hardly wait.


  1. Anonymous6:03 AM

    "BTW while we are on the subject of parody, it looks like Tina Fey will be reprising her impersonation of Sarah Palin on SNL next month."


    Nobody in the media/entertainment biz likes competition.

    Even Tina Fey

  2. Anonymous6:33 AM

    The cartoon is perfection. And can't wait to see Tina in her full, glorious interpretation of Queen Quitter the Grifter.

  3. Great political cartoon.

    Ah yes.
    Sarah as a stupid Red Queen.

    Although Lewis Carroll would have seen Sarah more as the Queen of Hearts.
    "I pictured to myself the Queen of Hearts as a sort of embodiment of ungovernable passion - a blind and aimless Fury."

    I picture her as trying to eat her way through Alaska's animal population while screaming at stray liberals and anyone with more brain power than herself (which is almost anyone except the people who worship her). "Off with their heads"!

    Poor silly Sarah, it must hurt her immensely in the blustery Alaskan winters as wind blows through one ear and out the other.

  4. yukonark7:52 AM

    "six impossible things before breakfast"? Only if they're on the teleprompter.

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Perhaps " the Queen of Tarts as a sort of embodiment of malformed passion - a delusional focus of greed"

  6. sunnyjane9:25 AM

    Yes! Bring it on, Tina! I can't wait. I hope the SNL writers are more brutal than before; they certainly have PLENTY of material to work with.

  7. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Great cartoon!

    But what happened to babygate?

    Where are all the little trigs?

    Did someone get bought off?

    Or was the whole story allways just a "news story" to gain readers of this blog?

    What's the deal?

  8. heidi112:45 AM

    I have the same question as Anon @8:06. What happened to the "Ruffled Ear" story? That's a monster scandal, and could finally explode the Palin bubble.

    I see that Tina Fey is hosting SNL this Saturday, April 10th, per my TV listing, but I don't know if involves a Palin parody.

    Why does my Internet browser freeze everytime I come to IM? Sure would like to get to the bottom of that. Thanks, Gryph!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.