Friday, April 30, 2010

Further proof that Sarah Palin's political career is essentially over.

For those of us paying special attention to the Palin train wreck the idea of Sarah pursuing a legitimate political campaign probably seems ridiculous.  However there are those people who still believe that she has an actual chance of both running and winning a national election.

So for those of you on the short bus let me help to put your mind at ease.

First there is the myth that she is worshipped by the conservative voters in the southern states.  As recent polling shows, that is not factually based.

It's been assumed the South will be a source of strength for Sarah Palin if she decides to make a 2012 Presidential bid, but our early polling isn't backing up that assumption.

In Georgia we find Mike Huckabee as the leader with 38% to 28% for Mitt Romney and 25% for Palin. Palin has also finished behind Huckabee in recent polls of North Carolina and Alabama, and she's in third behind both Huckabee and Romney in Texas.

Huckabee has the lead with both moderates and conservatives. Interestingly Romney outruns Palin with both groups as well, including a 28-24 advantage over her with conservatives. As has been the case in other states Palin is not getting any boost from female voters- her 24% level of support from them is pretty much the same as her 25% with men.

Then there is the question concerning her ability to put together a team that will not only give her the kind of support she needs to make a viable run for office, but also one (and this would be new for her) whose advice she would both listen and respond to.

From New York Magazine:

As Going Rogue was about to roll out, relations between Palin and HarperCollins frayed when Rebecca Mansour, the co-founder of who later became an adviser, attacked HarperCollins's strategic publicity campaign and decision to keep Palin under wraps until her first interview with Oprah. On Sunday, November 15, Palin advisers and HarperCollins held a conference call to discuss the book's launch. On the call were Palin's agent, Bob Barnett; advisers Doug McMarlin, Jason Recher, and Mansour; and HarperCollins PR chief Tina Andreadis. That morning, the Sunday political shows had been chewing over some of the book's juiciest revelations that surfaced after the Associated Press published excerpts on Thursday. During the call, Mansour, known by her nickname "RAM" by Palin's advisers, exploded at Andreadis because the AP had published excerpts and HarperCollins hadn't given advance copies of the book — which had been tightly held — to conservative blogs like and Mansour said Palin should be catering to the conservative blogs first (she didn't register that the AP had gotten a book through their own reporting methods and HarperCollins wasn't providing the book to anyone, liberal or conservative, until the official launch on Oprah). "This is not how Governor Palin would want her fucking PR campaign to be done!" Mansour snapped, according to one person with knowledge of the call. Andreadis was furious, one source said. Palin's lead advance aide, Jason Recher, tried to diffuse tensions.

Palin's view appears to be that loyalty, above experience, matters most. Her inner circle is filled with advisers like Mansour who have never held positions at that level for a national figure of Palin's stature. Palin's scarring experiences on the vice-presidential campaign define the culture of her new political operation, and it's understandable she'd be wary of expanding her circle.

Palin values loyalty beyond all else.  Beyond ability, beyond intelligence, beyond experience, beyond  even past support,. Loyalty is the coin of the realm in Palin-ville.  And if there is even the slightest indication that you are not in full agreement with Sarah's ideas then you will get tossed under the bus so fast you will not know what hit you, regardless of how valuable you may have been in the past.  Just ask Frank Bailey, Meg Stapleton, Steve Schmidt, Walt Monegan, John Binkley, or any other person who dared to correct or disagree with her highness Queen Ester.

To stay in Sarah's good graces you have to be willing support her without question and aggressively attack anybody who dares to bring up a fact that either damages her "Hockey mom/pitbull/woman of people" meme or demonstrates her ignorance about politics or the world in general. 

So in that capacity she has found the perfect sycophant in RAM.

Mansour, who somehow managed to insinuate herself between Palin and her past favorite attack weasel Meg Stapleton, is the perfect Palin apostle.  She is quite intelligent, but almost completely lacking in self confidence.  She is almost as thin skinned as Palin herself, and seems to view all perceived attacks on Sarah as personal attacks on herself as well. She is literally so enmeshed in Sarah's life that when, and we all know this is coming, she gets the boot I am not at all sure she will survive the experience.

However surrounding yourself with supporters who kiss your ass and tell you that every stupid thing that falls out of your mouth is genius is not the way to learn how to run a successful campaign, or prepare to actually run the country.  So unless Sarah's ENTIRE personality changes she is never going to have a competent staff that can actually get her past even the earliest of the debates. They will instead spend all of their time making excuses and claiming that Palin is being unfairly treated, and haven't we already walked out in the middle of that particular movie?

Then there is the fact that a whole slew of negative news stories and potentially bestselling books are coming out soon that will further expose the ungodly number of skeletons still hidden in her closets for all of the world to see.  Once THAT is taken into account the idea of a successful Palin run for President becomes a thing of drug inspired hallucination.

However, and this is my favorite part, there is still the strong possibility that Palin will actually launch a campaign.  I know, I just told you that it would be an exercise in futility, but that does not matter. Because it would also be a way to get more attention, and by the time the 2012 election cycle is upon us Palin might have started to slip from the national consciousness, which means she would not be earning as much money as she has grown accustomed to earning.

You see Palin has no desire to really win and then get saddled with the overwhelming job of running the country, but simply running would reignite her celebrity which further extends her fifteen minutes of fame.  And to Sarah fame means money.  Ka-ching Ka-ching baby! 

In other words you will NOT see Sarah running a Mitt Romeny style campaign where she uses her OWN money to help finance it.  Oh hell no!  The day she cannot convince some poor elderly housebound Grannie to send her money to buy ad time is the day she folds up her campaign and heads on home to Wasilla!  My best guess for an excuse will be "to spend more time with her family".  LOL!

So relax, the crazy woman is not going to be in a position politically fuck up your country anymore.  However if you thought she was going to disappear voluntarily then YOU may be suffering from a drug induced hallucination.

As for her influence on politics and policy from the sidelines, I am less confident that it will stop any time soon.  It will require that the MSM stops treating her like she has a valuable opinion, and for the blogs and comedy shows to continue reveal her vast ignorance and unabashed greediness, until finally the upcoming Palin themed books rip her facade off for all time.

Then, and only then, will we finally see her relegated to the same category currently occupied by the likes of Rod Blagojevich and John Edwards.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I really hope her narcissism kicks in big time and she decides, against all rational thought, to run in 2012. Romney's 'opposition research' people will make mincemeat of her in a way no media person or liberal commentator dares to now. It would be grand...

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Great post Gryphen.

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    She really only has the anti-choice zealots as her real base and when they find out that Trig is NOT Saint Sarah's, it really is over.

  4. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Great post Gryphen. I feel better after reading it.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Why do you think Huffington Post has "Sarah Palin" listed as one of its top options when you google it - along with Big News, Politics, Barack, etc.? The only other person who is listed with top news categories is the president himself. It befuddles me why Huff would list an unemployed housewife from Wasilla, Alaska right next to the president of the world's superpower. Bizzaro World. Also - I'm as disgusted as anyone who loves the truth that Sarah is considered the world's 9th most influential person, per Time Magazine. Revolting behavior on their part.

  6. Anonymous9:26 AM

    must be a slow news day to revisit this old stuff. What about the major oil spill off the coast of Louisiana that is basically going to be the cause of locking up Alaska for decades

  7. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I thought that the New York Magazine article made it pretty clear that Sarah was much more interested in earning as much money as fast as she can. I was hoping that she would be getting tiresome by now. After all, a few years ago, we were subjected to the snide nasty delivery of Ann Coulter saying nasty things to hype her latest book. Now, thankfully, her book sales are dropping and we don't see her on TV as much as we used to. Even Glenn Beck's ratings are dropping (a little). Sarah has never stuck at one job very long. How long can she keep it up?

  8. Anonymous9:28 AM


    I think this is surely one of your sharpest posts--BRAVO!!

  9. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I'm still kinda worried she could slip in to Washington as a VP. Can you assure me that she is toxic enough a primary candidate wouldn't throw a bone to the teabaggers and select her as a running mate? I don't see her turning down such an invitation.

  10. Anonymous9:30 AM

    You may be on to something, Gryphen. Sure makes me feel better contemplating the gradual phasing-out of the Palin hysteria.

    I think she may feel compelled to mount a campaign due to her narcissism. After all, when everyone else starts dressing to go to the party, how can a former beauty queen runner-up not feel the pull to participate. This time, however, she surely will not get named Miss Congeniality. Her vicious personality will have shut that door and locked it forever.

    I don't have a lot of extra money, but I am going to start saving up to buy the anti-Palin books when they come out just so they hit the bestseller lists and therefore get the MSM attention they deserve. Then, she can retire to count her ill-gotten gains and perhaps reflect (yeah, right) on what went wrong.

  11. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Speaking of Queen Esther... this is scary!!!

  12. Anonymous9:33 AM

    This theme I agree with. It makes sense as far as her proven modus operani, and it makes sense when you look at the current status of SarahPac. She is still accepting donations over the site, though she hasn't taken any money from it yet. I believe the wording on the trust is such that she has to be actively "running for office" to use that money. With the continued ethic's complaints still out there regarding her political fundraising efforts its also an avenue for her to be able to use that $ and potentially avoid more legal issues. - Hedgewytch

  13. Anonymous9:33 AM

    There is NO WAY she's running! A.) She doesn't want to do the homework.She wouldn't do it during her vice presidential campaign and she sure as hell isn't doing it now. As seen by Alaskans when she was Governor, she didn't want to be bothered with anything. B.) She can't have the family secrets exposed in Washington. What garage would Todd hang out in? Where would Tripp and Willow get their drugs? C.) She likes this flow of money.

  14. Anonymous9:35 AM

    "It's been assumed the South will be a source of strength for Sarah Palin " ... you know what they say about folks that 'ass-u-m-e'...

    In my little corner of SC, none of my Republican friends have any interest in Palin whats so ever. This is unfortunate for me because I miss out on the opportunities to enlighten them with her escapades. However my Democratic friends do indeed have an interest in her, but just for the comedy value.

  15. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I've thought this for the last year. What I've wondered is whether someone (Murdoch?) is supporting her as a distraction from another potential candidate who'll emerge on the scene as a dark horse.

  16. honestyinGov9:41 AM

    Even Bristle ( from the RNC Conv. )who is Family learned that you could be thrown under the bus. She lay under there until she agreed to let the FleaBag Attorney go after Levi ( under the disguise of Bristles name )and then agreed to spew that utter nonsense in Federal Court for " Mommy Dearest ". THAT had to be some of the most ridiculous statements ever. " I was skeeeeered !"
    SNL could really get some great laughs doing a little re-enactment of Bristles ' interpretation ' of the events.Comedy GOLD.

  17. Anonymous9:41 AM

    READ MY TEXT! Palin will not run for POTUS, she does not have the mental ability to handle the position and sorry to say, she is ignorant of all issues. If anything, she will try ro hook up with someone as vp because her time as grifter will be coming to an end and she needs someone to stroke her ego. Also, Palin cannot handle talking to the media without pre-screened questions that advisors have already briefed her with the answers.

  18. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Can't wait for that day!!!

  19. God I want to see her and Romney debate, the look on the moderators faces should be priceless as they both spit out meaningless gibberish.
    I wonder how many debates she could make it through without quiting in the middle of one.

  20. Anonymous9:54 AM

    These is also one other small detail that so far seems to have been overlooked, but I could be wrong admitting that I only 'skimmed' your original story Gryphen...

    There is a HUGE assumption that the Swag-Hag makes if she and/or her automatons decide to actually run for office. Since her IQ has not reached 20 yet, the assumption is that EVERY JOURNALIST in the WORLD'S IQ would immediately FALL to under 20... The likelihood of that happening, in the REAL world, is less than zero.

    So what do the Swag-Haggers DO if she were to actually be asked a question, say from an SMART, Asian or Egyptian journalist?? Say someone from South Africa or Finland?? Then what?? Ooops... suddenly does she fake being ill or poisoned like BBQ Bush did in her latest "Tales from the Pig Farm" episode??

    Swag-Hag Enterprises, Inc. will fall on hard times as Spill-Baby-Spill takes hold, and the cost of 'consultants' starts to be BILLIONS as the environment requires her to actually make up sentences longer than three words spontaneously.

  21. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I don't really go to Huff Po anymore... too many weird, sensational stories that are poorly written... and, if it wasn't for my husband's loyalty to TIME, I would not continue to subscribe to them, either ... I have lost respect for their opinions. I have already made the switch to Newsweek for my own reading. They are much more willing to tell things how they are, not sugarcoated to keep everyone happy.

  22. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I wish I were so sanguine about her ability to influence the political atmosphere of this country.

    I also too want to point out that you do not address the possibility that Sarah Palin is not a self organizing,self financing, and self perpetuating entity.

    Is it really Sarah and her underling sycophantic followers that have put this deal together, that have succeeded in making her the media darling and political visionary that she is presented as?

    If in fact she is a tool, then your analysis is missing some things that need to be considered.
    Who made the tool.
    Who is using the tool.
    What is the job the tool is being used for.

    And also too (repeating for repeated emphasis)
    consider the possibility of her either witting or unwitting participation in the previously mentioned tool scenario. There might be some issues other than what she and her immediate group seem capable of now to consider if this is the situation.

    I wish I could agree with more of what you say, but I am afraid that I can't.

    Thanks for having a place where the opinions don't have to be all the same- unlike some other places.

  23. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Does anyone know - assuming the jury comes back with at least one charge, or more, of guilt - when the young man will be sentenced? Would that happen immediately, or at some future date?

    If indeed they find him guilty of anything, and if indeed he is sentenced to spend anytime at all in a federal prison, I will absolutely not believe it. How can a woman who was found to have abused the power of her office, who hacked into a coworker's computer, who's son, along with a couple friends, slashed the brakes of multiple school buses, who's daughter was recently involved in a breaking and entering mess (I know she wasn't involved in the property damage), who has been severely reprimanded by a judge for slanderous behavior toward the father of her niece and nephew, who lies like a banshee, and on and on this ridiculous saga goes - how in the world could some sap of a college student in TN have to spend one second behind bars because he guessed some questions right? (And yes, if found guilty he should pay a penalty. A few hours of community service seems about right for the "crime")

    -- Also, Gryphen, while I certainly want to believe your take in this post, I think she will make a run in '12 - b/c Sarah can't not be in the spotlight. Also, her advisors, even though currently there seem to only be four of five of them - they want her to run. She's an easy job for them - they feed her her talking points throughout the day. Whatever opinions about whatever current subjects they want read by millions of people the nation and world over, all they have to do is email or text the points to her, she repeats them to whatever press is following her, and voila, they immediately appear on the front page of Huffington Post and other news outlets.

    You think this little band of four or five people is going to silently go back to being one of hundreds of staffers working on the Hill? Esp when they think there's even a slight chance of her winning the nomination and then the general? That little group of four, five, six - however many there are, will knock themselves out to try and get her elected. It means the history books for them (trust me, they're already envisioning themselves as WH Chief of Staff, Undersecretary of State, Assistant AG, etc. Their visions of grandeur are only outmatched by their boss)

    And the pay, in the meantime, that ain't bad either. Tens of thousands of dollars every month for basically scouring the news and then texting it to Sarah in simple, bite-sized, vitriolic sounding snippets can't be that hard of a job.

    I think an interesting feature piece would be to do an in-depth look at the "current" five or six (however few) "advisors" Sarah has. Who are they, their background, their views, their past, etc.

    It's their opinions we're hearing every time she opens her mouth. She hasn't lived a life where she's manifested any interest in any topic other than advancing herself. For her, on FB or any other venue, to sound like she's waxing eloquent about anything is just another, ho-hum, way for the rest of us to get an inside look into the opinions of one or more of her handlers.

    This little pack of folks ought to know if they want to be behind the curtain as the puppet masters, the curtain is coming down and we'll learn all there is to know of them. They shouldn't be able to hide behind their idol's skirts without being exposed for who they are.

    They'll be the ones who convince her she's viable for a run in '12. And it's very easy with Sarah - you just keep telling her how wonderful she is, over and over and over.

    The only interesting piece is this - the Puppet Master door is quite revolving in Sarah's world. It's a demeaning and demoralizing post - regardless of the pay or one's fantastical delusions of power downline.

  24. Sandipants10:16 AM

    I have no concerns that Palin will ever be voted into any office again. Hell, she drove moderate republicans away from McCain's campaign, which widened Obama's win. And that was when she was virtually unknown to the US and less foolish crap had fallen from her mouth, compared to now.

    I agree with Andrew Sullivan at this point - she needs to be fully exposed to show how far the republicans have sunk in putting up the worst candidate in history for a national office, and for the media's complete lack of actual reporting. I also will be glad to see that smirk slapped off her face. My dearest hope for her is that she gets to spend time in orange, behind bars.

  25. Anonymous10:23 AM

    She couldn't run a freaking car wash going (literally), her, run the country? And who would select this toxic bitch as VP? You cannot tell me anyone other than Glenn Beck thinks this bitch has an IQ over 34. She's collecting her $ and bling. Her 15 minutes are dwindling. Good riddens to her.

  26. Anonymous10:45 AM

    She doesn't carry the South, but she does have a strong influence in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming. Not enough to win anything, but enough for her ego and creation of lies. I feel that she will make a run for the presidency; it is her "calling". Of course, she won't win, but she will be baiting the Dems and President Obama that will create a huge division in our country, unless she gets outed before.

  27. Still and all, having heard as a little girl that Nixon and Reagan were so over, had no future, etc., I won't stop worrying about $P aiming for the WH until she's not only been thoroughly discredited--in the MSM, also, too--but also no longer in the news every day.

  28. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Oh to be a close friend of Meg Stapleton....

  29. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Sarah Palin is in debt to the lamestream media. How lame is she? How long would it have taken her to realize her Yahoo account was accessed if the media had not reported it?

    --~--Palin herself took the stand last Friday, testifying she did not realize anyone had hacked her Yahoo e-mail account until the news media reported it. She also told the jury her life and campaign were disrupted when the hacked e-mails were published, and it took several days for her to deal with media questions after personal photos and contacts were posted on the internet, according to the report.--~--

  30. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I think she'll run: she's collecting money, and she can attract a lot of attention. However, I don't believe she'll try to run as republican, because there are very few republicans around any more and most of them don't like her anymore. So I see her running as an independent. However, she'll ignore the usual methods of running, she won't hold press conferences, only interviews with selected reporters who presubmit their questions, she'll ignore the debates, and she'll lose because she's never done anything right in her life.

    Losing will suit her just fine, though, because she'll get lots of attention and people will send more money her way.

    I would love to see Obama debate Palin as I'm sure he can. I'm betting her could eviscerate her and leaving standing there, winking and grinning, never knowing what hit her. But he won't. It would make people sympathize with her.


  31. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I think she'll run. She just won't do it in the normal, accepted way. No debates, no press conferences, no interviews outside of Pox News. Why should she bother--and risk exposing herself--when the media is already giving her so much attention?

    She doesn't see the work she'd have to do as president; she sees only the power and prestige. She's delusional enough that she doesn't grasp the vast depths of her own ignorance and incompetence, and she's so used to be surrounded by cheering, adoring fans that she doesn't realize that lots of people who aren't "liberals" don't like her. As a resident of the Deep South, I know many hardcore conservatives who will never forgive her for quitting as governor of Alaska.

    Will she win? No. But there is always the danger she could be put on the VP slot again. She's still scary, Gryphen. I know you're doing everything you can to see her taken down. But it doesn't do to get complacent. She still has the potential to be one heartbeat away from being the most powerful person in the world. That should be enough to keep anyone awake at night.

  32. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Sarah Palin's next move to Louisiana for the clean up will restore her in the south!

    Jury convicts Palin e-mail intruder on two counts The jury acquitted Kernell, 22, of wire fraud....remains deadlocked on felony identity theft.
    They began their fourth day of deliberations by hearing a special added instruction from Phillips.
    Called an Allen charge in legal parlance, it is commonly called “a dynamite charge.”

    Indictment: A federal grand jury in Chattanooga, Tennessee considered Kernell's case in September but did not deliver an indictment. Kernell retained Knoxville, Tennessee attorney Wade V. Davies.
    A second federal grand jury in Knoxville returned an indictment of Kernell on October 7, 2008

    Mrs Palin told the court that the main way she communicated with her family during her 2008 vice-presidential campaign had been compromised.
    Mrs Palin told the court in Knoxville, Tennessee, that she had used her Yahoo e-mail account and a Blackberry almost exclusively to communicate with her family in Alaska while campaigning on the Republican ticket in 2008.
    Earlier this week, her daughter Bristol testified that she had received harassing calls and text messages after screen shots of e-mails from the account revealed her mobile phone number.


  33. Anonymous11:36 AM

    The verdict is in!

    "A federal jury has found former UT student David Kernell guilty of obstruction of justice and unauthorized access in the breach of Sarah Palin's e-mail.

    The obstruction of justice conviction makes Kernell a felon.

    The case is a mistrial on count one, the charge of identity theft.

    The jury found Kernell not guilty on count 2, the charge of wire fraud.

    Unauthorized access is a misdemeanor lesser included charge from count three, which accused Kernell of felony unlawful computer access."

  34. Anonymous11:39 AM

    In 2006, Obama was polling 3rd behind Hillary and Edwards, just ahead of Kerry.

  35. FEDUP!!!11:43 AM

    Just to the last commenter here (11:05) :

    The fact that she did not know that her yahoo account was hacked shows how stupid she ACTUALLY was/is - she had her password set to be remembered by her computer (or she set the option to stay logged-in for whatever amount of time).
    WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT - especially with an account that deals with potentially secret and sensitive state issues????

  36. As for the idea that Palin would accept a second V.P. nomination, her fans feel that is insulting to her as "Palin is much more qualified to be at the top of the ticket". Yes, they are delusional, but so is their queen.

    Does anyone know what Mansour did prior to become Palin's primary bootlicker? What experience does she have with national politics or politics at any level? I thought she was a teacher although I may have her mixed up with someone else. I was fairly certain she had something to do with Stapleton leaving but after reading that article, I don't think there is any doubt. She will do far more damage than good for $arah. Can't you see her trying to tell the powers that be in the GOP what should be done as far as $arah goes? They would throw her out on her ass.

    Her fans at the PeeZoo think everything $arah says and does is "brilliant" so that should give you an example of their collective I.Q. They still believe she writes her Facebook posts. In fact, they were saying some b.s. about look at what $arah did within 48 hours--wrote two FB "articles", testified at a Federal trial, spoke to the national press (softball questions only) and gave a speech for the RTL! Their final insult was to ask "What did the President do during that time?" as if he has to answer to them for every minute of his day! These are the people who will stand behind her even when the truth comes out about Trig, no matter how damaging it is, they will spin it to reflect well on their queen but in their small minds alone. However, her actual base will shrink to a small amount when the truth is made known despite these idiots and their adoration for all things Palin.

    By the way, does anybody know what is going on with Track? Is he still in the armed services? How did he get away with just one tour? Or is he going back? He's so removed from the public eye, not that I blame him, but $arah keeps that Blue Star pin front and center almost all the time.

  37. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Do you know what would be divine, Gryphen?

    Say someone were to insert themselves into Palin's inner circle. Of course, they would need to have very thick skin for the derision and scorn received by the public and the blogs.

    They might secretly take notes and record audio & video of Palin, her associates and family. This person would maintain their position for one or two years, maybe longer.

    Then... at a time when she absolutely needs her followers' support, slowly leak incriminating nuggets of information to the press (providing absolute proof) and finally writing a tell-all book, including said proof.

    Wouldn't that be delicious?

  38. Anonymous1:39 PM

    The funniest thing of all is that RAM, the silly witch, isn't really 100% loyal to Sarah. She knows a lot and if Sarah really knew the extent, she'd be under the bus in two seconds.

    Do you think RAM spends personal time with Sarah?

    She moved to Alaska but she certainly isn't paid enough by Palin to make it a real full time job (see PAC records). Wouldn't you think resentment would build up after awhile?

    What kind of person actually picks up and moves to Alaska because they idologize a political candidate and for crap amount of money.
    Would you say a mentally stable and secure person, someone well adjusted would do such a thing?

    And Meg was similar and look what happened to het.

    It's entertaining and sad at the same time to watch such a dysfunctional mentally ill unstable group. RAM is SO naive or was.
    A train wreck waiting to happen

  39. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Anon 1:00 you might be surprised. Perhaps that is already in place. Karma, dontch ya know?

  40. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Inspiring words, Gryphen, but perhaps we're overlooking a harsh reality: the GOPers are drawn to inadequate leaders. They operate on a rigid adherence to a small set of simplistic principles such as 'smaller' govt, lower taxes, bigotry, less regulation, etc.

    They don't WANT a smart person in the White House. They want someone who will reliably adhere to the principles. Shrub was such a 'leader'. It's easy to be 'the Decider' when decisions are made by simply referring to 3x5 card listing 'the principles' and acting accordingly.

    The "Bush was the kinda guy I'd like to have a beer with" meme reflects the conservatives' preference for someone not noticeably smarter than they are. By contrast, I suspect most Obama supporters are very pleased to have a leader arguably much smarter than they are.

    For conservatives, there's no need to burn up lots of brain cells navigating complex issues with multiple constituencies and balancing consequences with various time frames and many unknown variables, as we see President Obama attempting to do. For progressives and centrists, leadership is hard work. For conservatives, leadership is easy.

    Palin fits this profile - incurious, anti-intellectual, closed to outside influences, etc - precisely and could easily find herself borne on the shoulders of enthusiastic t-baggers to a run in 2012. As you point out, her circle of paid advisers has a vested interest in the momentum of a campaign mode. It's where the money is. Politics being the capricious world that it is, it's not implausible that this half-hearted effort could propel her to a serendipitous place on the ticket. At that point the "Blue folks fall in love, and Red folks fall in line" concept kicks in and the nightmare badness would ensue.

    So, in conclusion: man, I hope you're right and I'm wrong.

  41. A couple of clarifications.

    Yes I do believe that there are powerful people pulling her strings to some degree. But this post was not so much about what THEY might want for her as it was what SHE will be able, and willing, to provide.

    Remember a presidential candidate cannot avoid the press for as long as she did is a VP candidate, nor are they expected to participate in only a single debate. Palin would self-destruct in the very early months of her campaign.

  42. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Sarah is not going to run for anything. Until we get
    up to speed & realize that she was selected,
    groomed & programed for her present many faceted (though seeming contradictory of each other) multi-roles of 'sex-bunny,' 'Christian' mom, 'saavy political commentator', chaos creater--the only accurate role, & 'conservative', we won't see what we're up against. She is not meant to be the president, vp or anything else. Dangling the possibility of this before her mindless minions
    is vital to keep her ball rolling, so to speak.

    Who has opened the doors for her & what's in it for them?

    Without knowing a little something about Henry K.,
    & his ilk, none of the above makes sense. But does it make sense that Palin, given what we know of her,
    manages to buck every obstacle in her manic quest for fame & riches by herself? Google her name together with Mr. K's & see what comes up. What in the world would a small town supposedly religious hockey mom have in common with an international globalist . Hmm

    Sharon TN

  43. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Oh, she's going to run. And it's going to be HIllarious!!!

    I agree with Gryphen, she'll run for money, not to win. She'll be the Rudy Giuliani of 2012. You can't honestly think that Giuliani meant to run...Gee, I'm going to run for president and NOT campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire...Yeah, that makes Crazytown...She'll do something similar. She'll be in Iowa and New Hampshire; she'll hold rallies. Probably, she'll make people pay to come, though. And her "interviews" will probably be via FB...

    There's no need to worry about her being VP. One, the GOP is NOT going to win. Two, she adds no value, and while pundits pretend she does and the schlubs who vote for the GOP seem to think she does, you better believe the political consultants know she doesn't. She doesn't bring more women to the table...Probably, she helped McCain lose VA and NC...The point of picking her was that she was an unknown...Now, she is THE known entity. Known, and disregarded by most people.

    And, three...That narcissistic piece of wig would NEVER take second billing. Remember, in 2008, when she was on the ballot with the long-serving, usually popular McCain, she had the gall to whine about how all those people were voting for HER...Remember? Yeah, she'd never be Mitt Romney's bitch...She'll try to make him her bitch.

    Of course, everyone in the pundit class will bandy her name about. And the rest of us will roll our eyes. She's ovah...

  44. Anne In DC12:11 PM

    I could visualize her running, simply because of her outsize ego which I believe will eventually be her undoing. It looks like it will take her running and being totally discredited to impress upon her that she is extremely far from being universally loved. I know that there are conservatives who don't like her at all, but it is heartening to know that far more conservatives than I knew see her exactly for what she is. She brings nothing more to the table than she did in 2008, just ignorance, hatred, and fear-mongering. The GOP is using her as a tool to keep the base energized, but they will throw her under the bus when her usefulness to them has run its course.


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