Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Palin condemns President Obama for not using force to stop Icelandic volcano from disrupting air travel.

From TPM:

In a speech to the national convention of tea-party lawyer's Sarah Palin criticized Obama for his handling of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull. She also suggested that volcano's if they found there way into the hands of terrorist or rouge states could be s serious national security issue.

Palin suggested in a Q&A session that President Obama isn't doing enough to stop the Icelandic Volcano from disrupting European air travel. When asked about the situation in Europe the former governor replied: "Say he decided to use force on Eyjafjallajokull or decided really to come out and do whatever he could to support Air travel, which I would like him to do,"

When asked if Volcano's could form a threat to the united states she implied Obama's handling of the matter might just make things worse: "He hasn't come right out and threatened violence on Eyjafjallajokull. Who calls a shot like that? Who makes a decision like that? It's a disturbing trend."
Perhaps the most shocking revelation in her Q&A session came when she suggested failed states might weaponize volcano's: "What if Ahmadinejad obtains one of these monsters? That could be a serious threat, one which Obama has said nothing about.".

While knowledgeable experts and geologist laughed at the claims made by the former Governor, an unnamed source at the American Enterprise institute stated: "Several African nations have been connected to sales of weapons grade magma to both Iran and North Korea." He then added: "It's a real threat. If they manage to get a volcano, and then a fitting wind towards the West, we might all end up stuck on beaches coming summer, unable to return from our vacation destinations."

Finally Palin suggested she might be better equipped to handle a volcano then the president: "As Ash Clouds rear there heads and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where- where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border."
I am kind of in a goofy mood today and this one hit my funny bone just right.

The sad thing I bet a number of you made it almost halfway through before realizing it was a joke.  And THAT does not speak to your lack of intelligence, but rather the insanity that is Sarah Palin.


  1. LOL good one - and yes I did get half way through it before I realized it was joke hehehe

  2. Sad, but true - this parody COULD easily be her real words. She makes NO MORE sense than a babbling two year old.
    WHY do her cult followers NOT see what EVERY sane, thinking human being sees?
    Gotta blame the media for giving her a platform - shows that some folks will believe ANYTHING if it is shown on the so-called "news."

  3. Anonymous11:23 AM

    "The sad thing I bet a number of you made it almost halfway through before realizing it was a joke. And THAT does not speak to your lack of intelligence, but rather the insanity that is Sarah Palin."

    The real sad part is
    It is believable.

  4. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Y'all remember how Sarah handled the Alaska volcano which threatened to cause the mother of all oil spills?

    She had Piper pray!

  5. Forever Anonymous11:41 AM

    Yea, it took me a while, but the name for the volcano gave it away. No way she could have use it.

  6. ManxMamma11:41 AM

    Love this - although I have to admit I was ready to believe it!

  7. Goofy can be good. It can keep you sane. There is nothing here that is inconsistent with the Palin I have seen.

  8. BAustin12:09 PM

    Yes.....for a minute I thought it was real...unti l I got to the part where she refers to the volcano by name. There is no way quitty pants could pronounce that :-)

  9. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I can't believe there's no comments here yet for her insanity! OMG!

  10. Anonymous12:49 PM

    This is believable only because this is exactly the kinds of things SP would say!

  11. Gasman12:49 PM

    OK, I knew it had to be a spoof when you had Palin pronouncing Eyjafjallajokull. Come on, Palin pronouncing a 6 syllable 16 letter Icelandic word? That would probably put her in a coma, or maybe her head would actually explode. She can't manage 2 or 3 syllable English words, so how in the hell does she tackle anything in Icelandic?

    The rest of it sounded very much like the kind of reasoning that Palin might engage in. I’m sure she thinks that Iceland is where ice was invented.

    I would pay good money to see her actually try and pronounce Eyjafjallajokull. THAT could be the solution to all of our Palin problems.

  12. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I wouldn't want Miss Vindictive to have any plans for Redoubt. Be nice to her Alaska.

  13. FEDUP!!!1:11 PM

    I fell for it until I read that she was able to pronounce the volcano's name. Good one - and sad at the same time, because we all know how insane she is and that she actually COULD have said those exact words (except Eyjafjallajokull, that is ;) )

  14. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I still believe it

  15. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Tell me this was a fake story. Funny thing is is that it had an 'element' of truth in it.

  16. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Gryphen, tone down the subtlety a bit. These numbskull muricans are falling for it. Repubs are watching. Well, at least a couple are.

  17. Anonymous2:41 PM

    This is exactly how Palin thinks...except it is a joke, just like her.

  18. You had me there for about three paragraphs.

  19. evenk3:24 PM

    Doesn't this have that word-salad ring of truth to it.
    "Say he decided to use force on Eyjafjallajokull or decided really to come out and do whatever he could to support Air travel, which I would like him to do,"

  20. MadCityKaren7:36 PM

    Got me!

    (Although I'd hoped she'd really said all this ... wouldn't it be enough to get her involuntarily committed to a posh psychiatric unit for observation?)

  21. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Could be true...Grandma seems to consider herself equal to both God and President Obama so it would follow in the "world according Sarah" that Obama too was equal to GOD and could stop a volcano from erupting....damn, now she is going to think that SHE can stop volcanos from erupting!

  22. The reason I found this so believable, is that I posted how Obama was being called the one to blame for the volcano on Fox News, as my Facebook status...thinking I was being heavily facetious. Next thing I hear is that Limbaugh DID say that on his show...meaning Palin wouldn't be far behind.

    I swear there must have been a memo passed around to Republicans saying they have to say something evil or completely insane each day, in order to keep the hilarity going on Leno and Letterman.

  23. imnofred7:10 AM

    I got punk'd on this. I figured Sarah could have said it because Limbaugh tried to tie the volcano into the passing of health care. We all know that once Sarah hears something that has been thrown out there that can trash the President that she will certainly repeat it.

  24. The Onion, right?

    It actually did sound like something Palin would say. But when it started quoting others, the weapons grade magma, etc, then it fell apart.

    Other than that, it really did sound like her.


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