Friday, April 23, 2010

Sarah Palin could testify today!

According to MSNBC Sarah is at the courthouse right now and could testify at any minute.

I have cleared my calendar to keep an eye on this today.  If any of you fine folks hear anything or get a hot tip please send it my way and I will try to stay as current as possible.

Update:  Palin is indeed on the witness stand right now.


 Sarah Palin has taken the stand at the trial of a former University of Tennessee student accused of hacking into her email account.

Palin told jurors she was on the 2008 campaign trail in Michigan when she first learned from a news report that her email had been hacked. She said the account and a Blackberry were the main ways she communicated with her family while she was campaigning as the Republican vice-presidential nominee.

Pretty straight forward and boring so far.  I cannot imagine that Sarah can make it through her testimony without lying at least once.  By the way, does anybody know if the defense has cross examined any of the witnesses yet?  If they have not then the good stuff is still coming.

Update 3:  A little more information available from the Washington Post:

The former Alaska governor said she used the "gov.palin" Yahoo! account and a red Blackberry almost exclusively to communicate with her family in Alaska while she was campaigning as the Republican vice presidential nominee.

Palin told jurors that she only returned to her home in Wasilla, Alaska, once during the campaign to speak at the ceremony when her son deployed to Iraq. (We are checking but I actually think she came back more times than just once.)

Palin's husband, Todd, listened as she testified. Their daughter Bristol testified earlier this week that she got harassing calls and text messages after screen shots of e-mail from the account revealed her cell phone number.

MSNBC is reporting much more, including the fact that Sarah still claims she did not have a land line in her Wasilla home, that she blames the e-mail disclosure for starting the rumors about Trig not being her son (Not true we were on that the DAY she was nominated), that Todd and she were having affairs (Also not true. That information was swirling way before her nomination and came to light nationally when the National Enquirer wrote their piece), and that it invaded the privacy of her friends and family. (Okay I will give that one to her.)


  1. Tyroanee7:30 AM

    She's suppose to be in my home town tonight in Oregon... I'll have my camera and signs to greet her!

  2. Irishgirl7:38 AM

    This could get interesting.

  3. emrysa7:40 AM

    I think the defense should move to strike her testimony based on the fact that her book is fiction but she claims it's true. she's a proven liar who can't be trusted to tell the truth.

  4. The Kenosha Kid7:58 AM

    I wonder who paid her $100,000 to show up

  5. emrysa8:00 AM

    so do you think she'll be wearing her oprah curls and granny sweater, or will she be wearing the leather dominatrix outfit? what false image will she try to portray for the jury?

  6. Anonymous8:02 AM

    a fee more trial details

    Palin told jurors that she only returned to her home in Wasilla, Alaska, once during the campaign to speak at the ceremony when her son deployed to Iraq.

  7. Anonymous8:02 AM

    This comment is about the Trig scenario -

    Here is what I continue to believe after speaking to numerous people who know Sarah first hand (I live in Alaska and know a lot of people out in the Valley)

    (and, for the record, this isn't what the majority of your readers believe to be true; but still, I think this site is frequented by those who want to know THE truth)

    1. Sarah is Trig's mother.
    2. She was open on numerous occasions - once she told the State she was pregnant, about the pregnancy being a huge surprise - and not a very pleasant one at that.
    3. She knew she was high risk being 44 and having already lost two prior babies during the second trimesters of pregnancy (I really think this is why she didn't tell anyone - incl her family - until her 7th month)
    4. Nothing was going to stop her from traveling to Texas to hob nob with Gov Perry and to have the chance to charm a room full of Texans
    5. She began to leak amniotic fluid at least by 4am in Texas the day before Trig was born
    6. When she called Cathy B Johnson SHE DID NOT MENTION LEAKING FLUID. If she had, Cathy would have directed her to get to a hospital asap. That would have meant she couldn't give her speech. Nothing was going to stop her from her hob-nobbing / speech giving moment later that day
    7. She very unwisely chose to travel home after the speech and then to travel out to the Valley.
    8. This is why Cathy can honestly say given the info that Sarah and Todd communicated to her at 4am Texas time the day before, Sarah did demonstrate decent judgement about returning home and skipping the reception.
    9. It's just that Sarah never told Cathy about her leaking fluid. (Go back and re-listen to the tape of Sarah speaking with the reporter about the birth a couple days later - even though she does everything she can to skirt the question - the reporter keeps after her and cites the fact that she (reporter) saw Chuck Heath talk about Sarah's water breaking in Texas (something every Alaska incl myself saw that night on the news. Of course KTUU yanked the clip once they realized how damning it was for their former employee). Sarah admits to her water breaking (..."when that happened..." we knew we needed to get back to Alaska)

    Cathy was never told this about the leaking fluid. Period. NO DOCTOR ANYWHERE IN THIS NATION would have authorized a 44 year old woman pregnant with a Down's baby who started to leak amniotic fluid one month prior to the due date who had already experienced two prior miscarriages to travel for nineteen hours (or however long it was) before receiving medical care.

    This is why CBJ won't talk about this event. Or, when she does, she has her attorney with her. This whole "Wild Ride" shows an astonishing lack of judgement - maternal and otherwise - on the part of Sarah Palin.

    For this reason alone, Sarah Palin is not fit to be the president of the United States of America due to such an atrocious lack of basic judgement.

    But so long as people continue to spin the idea that Trig isn't Sarah's child, it gives her one more soap box to stand on and wear her Victimhood. More importantly however, it means the real story - that Sarah Palin was leaking amniotic fluid (yes, Nicole Wallace, "out of her vagina") for aprox 29 hours -if I'm doing the math right - before her 5th child was delivered, will never come to light.

    Sarah lacks basic judgement. She is not fit to be a national leader who would, if she were ever to be elected president, have the nation's defense as her responsibility.

  8. Anonymous8:04 AM

    When she's speaking, she's lying.

  9. Anonymous8:06 AM

    They only need Sarah Palin to state that it was her e-mail acccount and that she picked a feeble password. All the other questions are to dazzle the jury with the glow of bogus celebrity.

  10. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I just saw a report on MSNBC and of course Palin was the victim in all this. Mentioned was her affair, Trig not being her baby and other shit but the report then went on to say that these rumors were all proved to be false. Palin wins again, she is untouchable. How much longer can this continue

  11. She claims she didn't have a land line in her Wasilla home? I remember seeing a number listed for the Palins in the 2008 Mat-Su Valley phone book. I remember it because I was surprised that the governor would have their home number listed.

  12. Anonymous8:29 AM

    PRIOR POST: I think the defense should move to strike her testimony based on the fact that her book is fiction but she claims it's true. she's a proven liar who can't be trusted to tell the truth.

    RESPONSE: The judge can't strike testimony because of the credibility of a witness. That's a jury issue.

    It is possible (although unlikely) that the judge could throw out the verdict as not consistent with the weight of the evidence, and that may be partially or wholly based on his assessment of credibility of witnesses. It rarely happens. If so, it's a post-verdict motion.

  13. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Funny how every time Sarah opens her mouth she manages to dig herself deeper into the mooseshit. If there is no truth or power to the "rumor" that Trig isn't her kid, why bring it up every five minutes, in contexts like this one (court) where it isn't at all necessary? Liars keep circling around their favorite lies which nobody believes, continuing to try to sway's one of the characteristics of that type of psychopathy. They have to keep bringing weird things up over and over again in an attempt to get you to believe the lie. Whereas, if their brains were wired like normal people's brains, they would leave those topics alone and focus on more constructive topics.

    It's like Sarah going on and on about the "abortion" that allegedly wasn't an abortion in her book. Right. Keep drinking that Koolaid Sarah, doesn't mean the rest of us need or want to. We see through your transparent liar's ways.

  14. Anonymous8:39 AM

    The Palin's home number was disconnected when she was nominated for VP.

  15. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I have to say, I despise this lying grifter. She has more Teflon than Reagan.

    She lied about everything. It was SHE who disrupted the McCrook campaign--ask the staffers who talked about it already.

    Fucking whore.

  16. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but I think we need to keep in mind what the defense attorneys are going to be looking to do here, and that's get their client acquitted.

    As much as most of us would like to see the Palin's nailed on their lies, it might be totally irrelevant.

    They're trying to play up that there was real damage done by this, but I think that what it comes down to is whether a law was actually broken and, if so, the severity of it.

    I have a feeling that the defense is going to play the card of reminding everyone that there was NO hacking done here. That is very different from correctly guessing someone's feeble login question. I also think they're going to stress that there was no political or malicious intent here on the part of their client.

    In that case, the multiple lies of the Palinville Perjurers not only becomes irrelevant, but would stand to needlessly complicate the defense.

    Just my two cents (IANAL), and boy do I hope I'm wrong...

  17. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Elizageth @8:25, she said she had a "hard line" and it was used for faxes. Liar.

  18. harassing calls? get a new number and a new e-mail account...DUH! And to use this as a vehicle for the Trig and divorce stuff? batshit crazeee!

  19. The McCain campaign might have shut down the land line for the time being but NO ONE in 2008 is without a phone. and all the secret service and campaign people swarming around had phones.

    Good try anon, but I have seen photos of NO BELLY palin weeks before birth. They cannot be explained away.

    And LIAR! None of those rumours started because of this kid. NONE.

    and that can be proven and will be on appeal, so many lies for the appeal

  20. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I would like to see all these blogs write articles as to why Saint Sarah needs to be charged with perjury and have them posted on HuffPO for starters and blasted from here to kingdom come. Counter every one of her statements that was reported from the trial with facts (visuals, quotes, documentation), and make it visible to the public. Should Mr.Kernell outcome not be favorable for him, at least Saint Sarah's creditability is exposed again and possibly help Mr. Kernell down the road.

  21. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Anonymous said...

    The Palin's home number was disconnected when she was nominated for VP.
    8:39 AM
    And you know this how?
    Liar Troll...

  22. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Anon 8:02...all that is very interesting, but until and unless CBJ comes forward with the truth (that, as you say, Sarah never told her about the leaking fluid), her credibility as a physician is completely gone. Sarah has suggested, if not out right said, that she told CBJ about what was happening with her onset of labor.

    Why would a once-respected doctor would allow a politician to undermine her reputation like that?

  23. Anonymous9:06 AM

    It doesn't look like they are cross examing anyone.

    I just listened to Sarah talking to reporters after her testimony. She has terrible grammar! And so much eye make up on that it's very unattractive.

    Of course she lied. She's incapable of telling the truth about anything. That's part of her mental illness.

    To anon 8:02, nice try, but you are ignoring many facts.

    A lot of you are going to be disappointed about this trial. It's about the kid. I doubt the defense is going to spend time trying to discredit their testimonies.

  24. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Anon 8:42 .. Good points, but I also think that by exposing Saint Sarah's sworn statements as lies, helps the defense downplay the victimization aspect and lessens the severity of Mr. Kernell's actions.

    Also, the rebuttal of Saint Sarah's statements may help Mr. Kernell's situation down the road should the outcome not turn out so favorably for him.

    But most of all, I wish to see Saint Sarah in an orange jumpsuit.

  25. OMG! *my mouth just hit the floor* She's a raving lunatic! How could the prosecutor allow this? There is absolutely nothing to tie the yahoo account to the fake pregnancy or the affair rumor.

    The pregnancy rumor obviously started before the hacking because it was talked about at the convention and she'd already thrown Bristol under the bus weeks.

    Bristol was cross-examined yesterday and the reporting didn't indicate any of her statements were challenged.

    "But defense attorney Wade Davies was quick to try to show via cross-examination that Kernell did not make any of those calls or send any of those e-mails nor did he encourage others to do so."

  26. "Outside courtroom, she says there should be 'consequences for bad behavior.'"

    Ha! Too bad she didn't say that on the stand.

    The Knoxville report is lacking details.

  27. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I'm a little dense here. How could the disclosure of private emails fuel rumors that Trig wasn't her bio son or that Todd was having affairs? Was she discussing unfair rumors that weren't yet in existence until someone read her emails?

  28. Ripley in CT9:16 AM

    Gryph, I wonder if this could be the "door" she talked about opening. She's opening the door for all sorts of questions and all kinds of facts being debunked. She's insane.

  29. Was there state business on this Yahoo account or not? If so, don't those e-mails belong to the people of Alaska? Where are they?
    What expectation of privacy can there be for Palin if using a non-secure Yahoo account that her employer(the state) should have access to?

  30. She didn't take Gryphen's advice:

    "I don't think an illegal action like this is a prank. Not when you consider how impacting it was on a presidential election. It went beyond a prank," Palin said.

    "It's such a sad state of affairs that we have to be here trying to teach somebody that it's wrong to do such a thing."

    "We'll let the jury talk to Mr Kernell with their assessment of the damage that is done when you illegally hack in to somebody's personal private mailbox to distribute the contents to the world. It's not right, it's not legal, it's not fair and decent. So I think he may be receiving the message."

  31. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Anon at 8:42 AM has it right.

    The defense attorney has the duty to his client first.

    But these statements are SWORN TESTIMONY which are AVAILABLE to the public and in some future proceeding MIGHT be used to someone else's advantage.

    Any observer who matches testimony and verifiable facts may be able to come to conclusions, whether or not the defense attorney does it in court.

    Example- any attorney who studies this testimony will have a much better ability to predict how depositions and testimony might go in the future.

    Any 'discrepancies' which are pointed out about this testimony
    will be harder to explain, after all an oath was taken... will the excuse be that the transcript is wrong or what?

    Rachael and Keith OPPORTUNITY!

  32. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I also posted this comment in the Anchorage Daily News.

    She [Palin] told The Associated Press outside court there should be "consequences for bad behavior" and the judge is the one to decide punishment.

    Oh, I see what she means. Other peoples kids should have consequences for bad behavior, but not her kids.

    Actually the "prank" with the school buses that Track was involved in was a danger to peoples lives and it destroyed public property causing taxpayers money - but that's okay - it's just another "Palin kid prank." My-oh-my! What Willow was involved with, breaking and entering, destruction of property - hey! okay! "Palin kid prank."

    What this kid did was show the rest of the world how stupid Palin is (Alaskans already knew) for having a personal Yahoo account that she also used for state business, with an answer to a "secret" password question that was all over the Internet and easily accessible to anyone. But, it's not a "Palin kid prank," so this kid needs to be punished.

    Where are the judges when Palin's kids are in trouble? And, what about Palin, herself! Whine! Whine! Whine! Go figure!

  33. Does a "hard line" mean the same as a dedicated line? If it does and I am assuming it does, I'm thinking she had two land for the telephone and one for the fax.
    The more I hear about their personal taste in phones, I am beginning to wonder if Sarah is just kinda cheap.
    It would have made sense to me to have a private line for her home that so hard? But having all those kids receiving phone calls since the girls are sooooo popular, it might have been easier to have cell phones. I'm sure it wouldn't have taken long for the private line number to be blasted around. So why pay for two land lines....? Their phone bills must be outrageous!

    Me thinks the defense lawyer is just letting the prosecution witnesses just talk talk talk....let's hear their testimony.
    Sarah and Todd are for sure going to slip up or reveal some personal business.

    I do believe I had read the defense had planned on testimony of
    FBI, Secret Service, and some type of computer guy which I cannot remember. I have a whole lot of faith in the defense attorney.

  34. letitbeoversoon9:26 AM

    I just watched the MSNBC video. There was something I can't explain...but I have the feeling that there's nothing she would like more than seeing this boy behind bars for the next 50 years. That is one scary person.

    "Asked outside court if she thought the charges against Kernell were excessive, Palin said, "I don't know, but I do think there should be consequences for bad behavior."" But consequences should never be applied to her own kids.

  35. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Anonymous at 8:02
    Since you know so much could you please explain the two different babies who were each presented as "Trig?" Neither was Tripp as these pictures were all on the internet at the time of Sarah's nomination. Can you explain the "mystery of the morphing ear?"

    Levi showed a picture of himself and his son "Tripp" on the Tyra Banks show that was not "Tripp" as it had been taken off his sister's myspace page the summer before "Tripp" was born. I'm referring to the pictures in the Palin kitchen. Levi was obviously playing games with Sarah to use that picture.

    I also know a lot of people in the valley but they have not been as helpful as the ones you apparently know.

    Thanks so much for your help.

  36. Anonymous9:33 AM

    To Anonymous 8:42, I think you are right though I wish you didn't make so much sense. The priority of the defense has to be getting their client off or at least having the sentence lessened.

    I turned on MSNBC for a few moments about half an hour ago and had to switch it off because the "hostess" was a "blond chick" and yes, I mean that in a bad way because of her lack of professionalism.

    A field reporter was talking about how Palin arrived and about the first part of her testimony and then the blond check (sorry - not all blonds are vacuous - I used to be one) said something to the effect of how she felt for the Palins because how awful it must be to have had your privacy invaded. She said in such a way as to leave no doubt that she was already on Palin's side. Barf, barf, and more barf.

    Whatever happened to journalistic ethics? If someone wants to editorialize, then become a columnist or a blogger but don't try to pass yourself off as a journalist. Sigh, even MSNBC is tainted. I sound very, very old, but I do miss the old days when reporters tried very hard to be as neutral as possible (it is impossible to be totally neutral, but things have gone steadily downhill since the switch to "conversational news hosting" and ratings wars).

    I am hoping someone will report on the question-password issue, and that the defense team can somehow manage to undermine the damage claims.

  37. Anonymous9:36 AM

    @Anon at 8.02

    I don't believe that for a moment. There are simply too many photographs out there showing her with no bump or else a clearly padded belly which looked nothing like a pregnant bump. I am about the same size as Palin and for my first pregnancy, I had a very small bump. I remember being worried that the baby would be tiny. A friend who came to visit the day before I gave birth was astounded at my little bump. However, I was noticeably pregnant and my baby weighed in at 7 lbs and 6 oz.

    On my third pregnancy, I had a much bigger bump (my abs were not so tight at that stage), and my baby was only 5 lbs 4 oz.

    The point I am trying to make is that with each successive pregnancy, my bump got bigger. At no stage when I was 7-8 months pregnant with any of my babies, could I have worn that pencil skirt Palin wore in the photograph with Sean Parnell.

    Also too, there most definately are two different babies. I am convinced with the pics of Ruffles and Trig. I have always believed that the babies in the photographs were not the same. Gryphen's pics of the ears just cemented it for me.

  38. "I have a feeling that the defense is going to play the card of reminding everyone that there was NO hacking done here. That is very different from correctly guessing someone's feeble login question."

    I've asked someone in the know in Tennessee about this, and according to him, as the law currently reads, guessing a feeble login question is hacking. Any action that results in unauthorized access to information on a computer is hacking.

  39. Anonymous9:36 AM

    The fact that $P made a statement like this shows she is hiding everything about her "family" and its dysfunction: that the "FBI" was investigating, the "lies" about Trig not being hers and Toad's, and the rumors of affairs by her and Toad. These are things that if proved true, are what unhinges her the most. She's not worried about aspects of her political corruption in AK but that her carefully crafted "mommy" and "wonderful family" image will be shattered. It is the basis of what she's selling--those are the huge lies about her--it's what drives her political career--something that people admire, not her governing skills, overall knowledge, or intelligence (lack of).

    And shattered it will be, if anyone connected to those two has the guts to really talk about either situation.

  40. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Oh, one thing I heard that I haven't noticed anyone else commenting on:

    Sarah said that having her email account invaded was "very disruptive" because of its use as the only real way to communicate with her family and her need to arrange babysitting, et cetera (you know the good and attentive mothering role she plays).

    I cannot be the only one to ask why Sarah simply didn't create a different email account. What, it takes all of five or ten minutes at the most. It is not uncommon to have more than one email account.

    She has got to be pretty stupid not to have had that occur to her. When you get harassing phone calls, one of the first things you do is change your number. Why not switch email accounts?

    She could have created another Yahoo account, used one of the family's other accounts (surely, surely, one of the teenage girls had email accounts or Todd had one for business) or gone to hotmail, gmail or whatever. But no, Sarah couldn't think of that.

    You'd think the Secret Service or her campaign team would have suggested that tactic even if she and her family couldn't come up with on their own (oh, perhaps they were too "stressed" to do so - but when I get scared, I get busy thinking of ways to improve security). Anyway - don't you think that would have been an easy way to mitigate damage to her security?

    I think she was just scared the truth would come out about state business being done on that account (she could have forwarded key emails to a new account and then deleted the original account ones).

  41. Anonymous9:50 AM

    She is basically trying to pin the loss of the campaign on this kid!
    Oh and ms PaYMe really doesn't like her secrets spilled...noooooo, she alluded to the CSU girls who found the documents in the dumpster...
    well, Sarah put her spin on it..."A office broken into and document stolen and discolosed to the rest of the world" @ 3:18
    YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Seems to me the kid did a cyber version of finding the key under the doormat and then using it instead of actually "breaking in" (hacking).

    That's bad enough, but he really did invade their privacy by putting some of the emails out there, and allowing contact info to get through as well.

    However. If Palin's testimony can be proven to be "less than accurate" (ha), that should have a positive impact on the kid's trial. (if she has to lie to get her revenge - i.e. locking him up for x number of years, then sympathy could be swayed in his favor)

    I dunno. What a mess, and all because $P wanted to skirt the rules and have her little secrets (she of the "open and transparent / keep me accountable" administration)

    The defense lawyer could simply ask three questions of Bristol and Sarah separately:

    1. Could you show us on this map just where your house is in relation to the rest of the (many) things on it?
    (next door to the hotel...)

    2. While the campaign was going on, was there Secret Service only on Sarah or was the whole family covered?
    (well... uh...)

    3. Where was said Secret Service while these threatening phone calls were taking place?
    (and here is where we'd see just how much they're willing to lie - or if they really wanna take on the Secret Service - ha)

  43. Just heard it on MSNBC. Now this is not the judge but a reporter. This kid may get up to 50 years. He said the feds are taking this serious. Death threats against our President, people armed with guns, in Washington not so much! WTF! Is the world tipped upside down?!

  44. No, Gryphen, don't give her "friends' & family's privacy was invaded." That is a logical consequence of her choice to be (a) involved in AK politics and (b) run for national office.

  45. letitbeoversoon10:10 AM

    Anon 9:24 -
    "Actually the "prank" with the school buses that Track was involved in was a danger to peoples lives and it destroyed public property causing taxpayers money - but that's okay - it's just another "Palin kid prank." My-oh-my! What Willow was involved with, breaking and entering, destruction of property - hey! okay! "Palin kid prank.""

    You are absolutely right. This is a great time for all the blogs to revisit these stories about Track and Willow's dangerous and costly escapades and hopefully show more and more people what a hypocrit she is. It is astonishing.

  46. honestyinGov10:30 AM

    Wonderwomb.. ' opened the door ' with all of this talk about " bad behavior of kids ". If you were like me, in the past I would have laid off the " bad behavior " of her Kids and not talked about it. thinking that there are so MANY other things we can nail her on. Therefore, don't bring the Kids into the picture. But, She wants to put this young Kid in PRISON!! She played with her words but you know exactly what She wanted.
    Sarah CHOOSES TO make the message about " bad behavior of Kids ". That was her opening the door...Her CHOICE. It's time to play the Game SHE CHOSE. That's the Hypocrisy she CHOSE. Go with it. And since she CHOSE to do it on a National stage... the bloggers need to put her hypocrisy on THIS subject, Her chosen subject, on a national stage as well.
    Palin Kids... Momma just CHOSE to throw you under the bus AGAIN. She wouldn't let it go. You had basically gotten a walk on Your bad behavior. No one had called you out. Gryphen... you are a parent too and might have mixed feelings about this But.... Sarah opened THIS door. There are no double-standards here. 1 set of rules. Reread your "About Me" statement at the top of your blog again...."dedicated to finding the truth, exposing the lies, and holding our politicians and leaders accountable "....
    Hypocrisy is included in that statement. SHE opened the door.

  47. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Anyone ever seen this screen shot with Bristol's cell phone number on it? What was the content of the message that it included a phone number? My kids call me when they get a new phone number so it is in my phone.

    If Bristol had a cell phone and Mama had a Blackberry why was the personal email account of the sitting Governor of the State of Alaska their 'ONLY" form of communication? Are they suggesting that they live in some rural Alaska community that lacks access to current technology?

    Was Bristol unable to immediately get a new phone number? Alaska too backward for that?

    Finally, I would really love to know what Palin was watching on television that should copies of her emails BEFORE SHE WAS NOTIFIED? Give me a break, b..h.

  48. This bitch stole a password and HACKED into an email account herself.

    she is hideous and someone soon will be sick of her

  49. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Do you know what it's like to get a phone call at 6:00 in the morning with a recorded message from the Mat Su School District stating that all classes for all students are being cancelled that day due to vandalism on a ton of the school buses?

    To have to scramble to get childcare at that time of day?

    To find out later one of the young men who cut the brake lines on the buses was the eldest child of the woman running for governor?

    That's right, Sarah. There should "be consequences" for this kind of behavior. Too bad you don't think they ever apply to you or yours.

    And to 8:02 - Cathy would be run out of town on a rail by the few Palin supporters that are left out here - but they are the crazy ones. People are afraid if they come forward, their entire lives will change. It's impossible to talk sense into the few, very ignorant Sarah supporters that are left. And the way she incites violence (how come no one has ever reported on this violent streak - such as with Track rarely making it thru a whole hockey game b/c of too many penalities - or the Republican Picnic the summer of 06 where Sarah presided at a huge brouhaha that broke out where her dad was there - and others were too - pushing, shoving, physical violence - I'm pretty sure the cops had to come and restore order. All the while Sarah sits there smugly smiling b/c her supporters were the ones who instigated it)

    No one but no one should undermine what Sarah likes to provoke. If things turn physical - all the better drama. It will insure lots of media.

  50. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Why wouldn't the defense ask Sarah if any of her kids have ever been in trouble with the law? And what punishments they faced?! I assume it is somewhat relevant the victim's own experience with her teenagers pranks, that happened to break laws.

  51. usually on tv, the prosecution witnesses are called back during the defense's presentation of their case to impeach their testimony.....
    SP's like her conservative compatriots: they always go just too if they're begging to be stopped.

  52. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Wasn't the whole palin clan on the campaign trail with her alot of the time? I remember seeing and reamrking that how it is logical that toad and all the kids traveling arpound w/ her. Bristal being all alone is BS...palin aslo too is full of BS..

  53. Anonymous11:48 AM

    "I remember seeing a number listed for the Palins in the 2008 Mat-Su Valley phone book."

    Carolyn Hanson Director of Marketing & Sales, Matanuska Telephone Association
    MTA - -
    and I think her brother, know about phone service and affairs.
    Also an attorney mentioned this at Mudflats. No one sued him. It is more important than ever for people to speak up.

    aliases: Carolyn K Hanson, Carolyn Bratton, Carolyn K Bratton
    Hanson, Carolyn, Gen. Mgr., Matanuska Telephone Association Inc.--Long Distance, Long Distance Providers, Gen. Mgr., MTA Wireless--Wireless Service, Wireless Services
    Carolyn's brother Craig Bratton, Jim Burdett.
    24 Sep 2008 .
    24 Sep 2008 by (Ben Smith)
    No less than three members of the man?s family including one by sworn affidavit have claimed that Sarah Palin engaged in an extramarital affair with hus?band Todd?s former business partner, Brad Hanson. These sources have named Hanson ... (Ben Smith later changed what he wrote.)

  54. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Here is the link...
    24 Sep 2008 sarah-palins-other-man-brad-hanson-the-plausible-details-at-last 24 Sep 2008

    Ben Smith and NE would make good witnesses as to when they heard about the Hanson affair she brings up.

  55. Anonymous12:03 PM

    First of all, if Palin was so worried about the threatening phone calls and for her children's safety, why wasn't she on a plane coming home to be with her children? Instead she left her 17-year old pregnant teenager in charge of the little ones.

    Second - if the kid is found guilty - then I think he should be given a choice of going to jail or going to Iraq to meet up with Palin's kid. After all, what's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

  56. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Curiouser, Help me here... don't the pregnancy rumors go back to Wasilla before anyone knew else who SP was?

  57. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Hey, to Anonymous at 8:02 a.m., the great defender of that noted family doc Cathy Baldwin-Johnston.

    Can you please explain to me why a family doctor who is not Board certified in Ob-GYN thought she was qualified to deliver a known high risk special needs baby? Can you explain why Dr. Cathy wouldn't have referred such a case to a qualified trained specialist? Can you let us know whether Dr. Cathy disclosed to her malpractice carrier that she delivers known high risk babies? Can you let us know if peer review at Mat-Su Regional Hospital was on board with Dr. Cathy handling high-risk deliveries even though she does not have the training and qualifications to do so and even though Mat-Su lacks a NICU?

    Also, too, since Dr. Cathy is such a jack of all trades, can you let us know if she performed Sarah's recent facelift and Bristol's recent nose job?

  58. Anonymous1:07 PM

    The teen's parents who know about Willow are probably big Palin supporters and do not care about integrity etc. They can have much of the blame for allowing this destruction to our country. It is time people stop cowering. The Johnstons did speak about Bristol's testimony. They have information that could stop Sarah, I would think they feel enough for David Kernell. Or is it only when Palin victimizes a Johnston that matters? The Johnstons know who ratted on Sherry. How hard is it for them to know who the Colony girls are? At least give all possible leads and information to Gryphen ASAP. Most people already know about all the over 18 year old that drink-drug with minors. This is not the time to let Sarah Palin get by with anything more. You know facebook and myspace cache have images. If you live in the area and have information, let it rip. You will have back up.

  59. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Cappy Coons boy was in on the vandal. He would make a good witness.

  60. Anon 12:24 - don't the pregnancy rumors go back to Wasilla before anyone knew else who SP was?



  61. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Gawd I just love that pcture!! She look just like the wicked witch of the North!!! oh right she is!!!

  62. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Had to share my good news! I made the front page of the Conservatives4Palin, see They issued a "PDS" alert about me. Thanks for sharing my excitement. Malia Litman, Many of your readers have been referred to my sight, and I am appreciative of the attention. I am sure I couldn't have achieved his honor without your help. Malia


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