Monday, April 12, 2010

Supporters of John McCain purchase ad using J.D. Hayworth's own words to ridicule him. Oooh I like it!

This is pretty good. And I am sure it will be very effective.

Of course Hayworth has a ready made rebuttal courtesy of the Daily Show at his disposal.

It must really suck to be a Republican voter in Arizona right now.  On the one hand you have a crazy teabagging moron who acts like Jehtro Bodine on Methamphetamine, and on the other you have a cantankerous hypocritical bastard who damned the world with the demonic Sarah Palin. 

There is no bottom to this pit.

Essentially all the Democratic challenger Rodney Glassman has to do is not say anything crazy and stay the hell away from Sarah Palin and he should be a shoe in!

So there you go Arizona.  You can embrace a bright eyed future for your state by electing the young, non-crazy Democrat, or choose between  John "I am NOT a maverick so stop calling me that!" McCain and J.D. "Did anybody actually SEE Obama get born in America?" Hayworth.  Is that really a tough choice?


  1. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign2:09 PM

    What a weird ass ad. I'm already sick of the campaign season after seeing that one! I suppose many will think it's funny, but as usual with McCain these days, it's in very poor taste.

    I hope the Dem candidate is ready for this crap - both of the R's are mean morons and will turn it on high for the election.

  2. Anonymous2:22 PM

    My gawd....Hayworth actually looks like Jethro Bodine on meth.

  3. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Dem Glassman has no shot. Liberal site 538 puts the chance of the AZ Senate seat changing parties at 3%.

  4. Matty Mcboy2:24 PM

    Problem with Mr Glassman - I used to live in his district is that he has little experience outside of city council. They're already using his background against him (trust fund kid from CA).

    The only hope, is that enough people vote for Hayworth so that McCain goes down in flames and we end up with a moderate Democrat who will be demonized from day one.

  5. I swear--- if I had to vote for either Hayworth or McCain I'd break out in hives and chew off one of my feet before I entered the polling place.

  6. Gryph, don't be so sure that calling Hayworth a birther is going to hurt him. We have a Republican majority in the State legislature, and 3/4 of them are birthers. They've even introduces a bill that will require presidential candidates to present a birth certificate to get on the ballot here.

    This election may suck for Republicans, but it sucks even worse for Democrats. Janet Napalitano was supposed to be our shot to unseat McCain at this juncture - she would have been termed out as Gov. Instead, she's working for Obama and we're left with a Tucson councilman who has no statewide following. Good guy - but no real chance.

    So, while we sit and watch, the only thing we can be sure of is that after the election, we'll still have two Republican assholes for Senators, and Jon Kyl will be either the Sr. or remain the Jr.

  7. Wilderness Lover4:43 PM

    I hope Hayworth beats McCain in the primaries, not because I like Hayworth, but because of how it will affect McCain.

    Think about this...since he lost to Obama, McCain has become more bitter and vindictive than he was before. Imagine what he'll be like if he loses his Senate seat!

    He'll be ready to lash out at anyone and everyone. And who better to take his frustration out on but the woman he picked to be his running mate. Palin is much more popular than McCain. It's got to be eating him up inside thinking that HE will never be president, but that SHE might be president some day.

    If McCain loses to Hayworth, we might start hearing some interesting details about Sarah start leaking out courtesy of the maverick.

  8. Anonymous5:07 PM

    It's no shoe in. I live in this red state and there aren't enough Democrats to beat one of these morons. It's changing but i don't think enough yet. Glassman has a great story so I will remain hopeful!

  9. Please do not insult Jethro Clampett.... he was a very kind fellow!

  10. Since I lived in Arizona for awhile, I've been following this race. I seriously believe John McCain's mind is going. I can remember McCain in the past when he didn't seem too bad, but now he is making no sense whatsoever. I had the misfortune to be represented by Hayworth, 'nuf said. The Democratic party in Arizona is nearly nonexistent so I can only watch this Democratic candidate. I would be the first the cheer if he makes it.

  11. Anonymous8:19 PM

    If the Hayworth campaign was smart, they'd attack McCain on his judgement in picking Sarah Palin. He'd be perfect to bring up the faux pregnancy issue and all the documented grifter action she's into. Any volunteers to pass along a few links?

  12. kdusmdd9:13 PM

    O/T..Grypen....I have directed several of my friends to your blog site. All have emailed me asking why the site will not load. I have told them that it is very slow to load and to just wait. Your site IS very slow to load for me, also. Is there anytyhing you can do to correct this...just asking...

  13. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Gryphen, I also have trouble getting your site to load ever since you changed the layout. It takes forever and is very annoying.

  14. I'm with Conscious at Last - please yall stop picking on the Clampetts! They have nothing in common with the Quittypants family! And if Jethro even thought about doing meth, Granny would get after him with her broom! Now, off to the cement pond....

  15. Definitely NOT a tough choice for the sane, but as you can see from who already represents us here in the Grand Canyon State, the sane are in the minority.

    Glassman has no name recognition, and a short public service record, so even if there were more sane people here, this is not a strong enough candidate. The urban areas will support him, but the hinterlands and 'burbs are going to go for whichever of two douchebags gets the nomination. You can make book on that.

    And I have also noticed a huge lag time when trying load the new page. The jump format is bad too because it takes just as long to "read more" as it did to load the page in the first place. Sorry to bitch. I really like this site.


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