Saturday, May 01, 2010

Rachel Maddow revisits her conversation with President of FAIR Dan Stein. Turns out that guy was lying his ass off!

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  1. WakeUpAmerica6:34 AM

    heh, heh, heh. Anyone who thinks he/she can go nose-to-nose with Rachel Maddow is delusional. Ok, maybe Obama could, but why would he? My rule of thumb with my bullshitometer is that the louder a person gets and the more he/she talks over the other person and interrupts him/her, they more he/she is lying. Works well for me.

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    People mess with Rachel at their own risk. That woman rocks!

  3. I assumed she would follow-up with a fact check. Honestly, though, the guy's body language and beligernece were more than enough for me to know he was just another bald-faced liar. He wasn't even good at it.

    Bottomline, his group stands to rake in huge money from this unconstitutional law.

    Disaster Capitalism strikes again!

    I just cannot for the life of me understand how the 25% of wingnuts in this country are managing to dismantle and destroy our nation from the inside out ... and turn a profit in doing so.

    former Republican Rep Gilchrest spoke out yesterday about the tactcis of Boehner and Cantor and the rest of the current GOP leadership. We need a lot more of the moderate / sane Republicans to start speaking up.

  4. RE: Mr. Dan Stein "lying" on Ms. Maddow's program:

    Whenever I see a public figure such as Mr. Stein take issue with a journalist, and take umbrage at accusations of lying, I can't help but think of the immortal quote from Jason Alexander's George Costanza: "Remember Jerry: It's not a lie, if *you* believe it."

  5. As soon as he flew into a rage, I knew he was lying.

  6. Skeptic12:32 PM

    To be fair to this low-life, what he said was "personally never gave that organization a dime..."
    He's saying that he didn't give his personal money as an individual. He wasn't denying that his group contributed.

  7. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Look up "truth" and "integrity" in your dictionary and you'll find photos of Rachel.

  8. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I saw both programs on the teevee, and you could tell by the way the slimey guy acted that he was lying his ass off. He was rude, interrupted Rachael numerous times, and acted as if he were the smartest person in the room. He was real stupid to tangle with Rachael!

  9. johnie2xs5:43 AM

    I said it before,and I'll say it again,....this woman is an absolute treasure to the Media world.
    A study should be made of her style, intensity, and commitment to the art of interviewing and journalistic excellence and demanded of all future journalists review and emulate.

    She is a joy to behold.


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