Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Just for the record, guns are much, much more important than children with special needs to Sarah Palin.

This according to the Charlotte Observer:

The NRA is back.

The city's largest-ever convention opens Thursday at the uptown Charlotte Convention Center. Organizers expect up to 70,000 visitors to pump at least $20 million into the local economy. So packed are hotels that even Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps had a hard time finding a room for this weekend's UltraSwim.

"It's bigger than anything we've had," said Moira Quinn of Charlotte Center City Partners.

So you get the idea.  The NRA in North Carolina is a big deal.  Such a big deal that it attracts a whole buttload of right wing crazies.

Speakers include former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, broadcaster Glenn Beck and actor Chuck Norris.

Wow!  Glenn Beck, Chuck Norris, AND Sarah Palin!  How can one convention handle so much crazy?

Can't you just imagine Sarah's high pitched screeching, Chuck Norris Karate kicking, and Glenn Beck's little girl sobbing, ALL on the same night?  I mean talk about entertaining!

Just think of how many guns the vendors will sell, and how much money the local economy will bring in. (Organizers expect up to 70,000 visitors to pump at least $20 million into the local economy.)

Finally!  Sarah Palin may actually be worth the outlandish amount of money that she charges to give one of her ridiculous speeches!

I'm sorry what was that?

Palin, who normally commands a hefty speaking fee, is doing the convention for free.

Did somebody just use the word "free" and "Sarah Palin" in the same sentence? Is that even allowed?

But wait I don't get it.  Just the other night Palin actually charged Rainbow Omega a FEE to speak at their 18th Annual Fundraising Dinner to benefit children with special needs. How could Sarah Palin, the pretend mother of a child with special needs, make them give her the money up front, and then simply donate her "services" to an organization who promotes giving citizens the ability to murder each other in the streets?

Am I to understand that Sarah Palin cares more about pandering to the gun rights lobbyists than helping children who suffer with developmental difficulties, just like her own precious boy Trig Paxson Van Palin?

I thought I had seen Sarah Palin go as low as a human being could possibly go, but I was wrong. 

Keith Olbermann is also wrong.  Sarah Palin is not just an idiot.  She is also a despicable excuse for a human being.


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    The red-neck jokes will be a howling success with the NRA bunch. Sarah's probably paying the NRA to let her up to the lectern, she needs a surge of the hate crowd feeling she got on the campaign trail. Sarah is a hate junkie.

  2. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Too bad she has shamed the family name Palin. I have known the Palin family for years and believe me they are not a bunch of idiots. The Palin family became white trash when Todd married a Heath. The Palin family is a good Alaskan family with lots of good folks liberal and conservative.

  3. angela3:45 PM

    Ah c'mon Gryph. Sarah doesn't take from the rich and dangerous groups. (And let's face it-- those NRA people pay their dues on time and the organization does NOT lack for funds.)

    Sarah only takes from stupid teabaggers, wine merchants she's clueless about, special needs groups, hospitals in Canada and struggling universities. And don't worry--her PAC will pick up her hotel and food bills. Or does Sarah actually eat anymore or is she just sucking peoples necks for blood.

    At the NRA convention she can wear a short skirt, pretend she can shoot things and get the gun crowd hot and bothered while she screeches at them to "use" their weapons for freedom. Hell that's better than the sex she's not having with Toad.

  4. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Sarah gave birth to that gun... the umbilical cord is still attached!

  5. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Is it true that she set up an office when she was govenor to keep the oil companies honest?

  6. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The NRA, while I admire them for protecting our gun rights, I feel that this time they have gone to far. Bringing fools like Paylin and Beck on to the national stage should be considered a crime against humanity.
    Then the fool Palin brags this NRA convention she is doing for free. More like she is there under her faux contract and she is being paid by them, how is that free?

  7. Anon @3:36, it is a shame. I mean that seriously.

  8. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I looked for a picture of Obama holding a firearm, couldn't find one.

  9. How low can Sarah go?

    If there is ever a group for which charging a speaking fee is appropriate, it is the NRA. Ever since Charlton Heston got involved (and perhaps before?) Practically everyone in America knows them.

    But perhaps that is precisely why Sarah appeared for free. Maybe they wouldn't have her otherwise. When opportunism knocks, Sarah will always answer.

    And by the way, Sarah dear, how is little Trig? How is your day-to-day noble, godly, duty of raising a little guy who needs some extra help going so far? Can you share with me some of the setbacks, the hardships, and the moments that make it all worthwhile?

    ...Oh, hell! Who am I kidding? I'll just ask the nanny.

  10. Anonymous5:06 PM

    She is a bloody Whore...and I mean whore, not a "lady of a evening"
    Everyone who has twitter, twit this shit all over everywhere!!!
    Fuck her!

  11. She certainly handles them more tenderly than she does her kids.

  12. kerryann5:21 PM

    while I am not the biggest fan of the NRA, I have to give them credit for doing some good with their money. maybe Sarah can learn a thing or two while she's down here in Charlotte. Earlier this week the NRA, along with the Charlotte Motor Speedway and two other organizations, donated hearing aids to 81 people. Hearing aids do know how important they are, don't you? Maybe they still have some left over for Trig?

  13. Anonymous5:24 PM

    At last, her true values come out.

    She values money,guns, money, power, money, and oh, yes, also, too: the spotlight.

    Kids be damned. Charities be damned. Students trying to better their own lives and the lives of others be damned. The truth be damned.

    Lies, hate and weapons of death and destruction - ah, now Sarah is panting. She's in her elements with these.

    My, my wouldn't Jesus be proud?

    Or would He perhaps be wondering why she is being worshiped by those who say they are His people?

    Many of us used to joke that G.W. Bush was the anti-Christ, but you know, Sarah is doing a damn fine job of filling that role. Spreading hate, dividing our nation, rooting for pollution, talking guns, wa-hoo, Sarah, you might win the anti-Christ pageant. You sure are trying hard enough to win the title.

  14. emrysa5:27 PM

    man, this is really lame gryphen.

    to speak for free at a convention of people who are obsessed with instruments that kill, and then demand a fee to speak to a group who serves developmentally challenged people really sez it all. PRIORITIES! true scum of the earth.

  15. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I've heard people (true hunters here in Alaska) say that Palin is not holding the gun correctly in this photo. This particular photo has been published a variety of times. If she truly has hunted and shot an animal(all by her lonesome) here in Alaska, I'd be amazed. Suspect another story of hers that is an out and out lie!

  16. emrysa5:40 PM

    and let me just add - fuck the nra and the dumb shits that support them. yeah, people can jump my shit if they want but the bottom line is this:

    when guns are your priority, then you're a fuck head who isn't doing a damn thing to advance the human race. in fact, you're doing exactly the opposite.


    hearing aids? let's talk about the "do-good" portfolio. just like any corporation that pollutes, the nra needs to have a portfolio of "all the good deeds they do" so that they can trot it out to show how awesome they are when anyone brings up their bullshit. hearing aids????? wow I'm sure that put a huge dent in their budget. christ.

  17. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I wonder what Todd's mother have to say about Sister Sarah. I imagine Sarah's not high on her mother-in-law's Christmas list.

  18. kerryann5:58 PM

    emyrsa.....I know all about the good deeds portfolio. my point was that Sarah needs to get a clue about the good deeds portfolio too. NRA isn't doing this to help others, it does make them look good though. Sarah just doesn't seem to get that. She's made millions of dollars this last year and, except for a few thousand out of SarahPAC (which isn't even her money), she apparently hasn't donated anything to any good cause or charity. If she is considering a 2012 run for presidency, this (if true) will do a heck of a lot of damage.

    For the record - I hate guns too. I don't think people need semi-automatic weapons for hunting or home protection. I can understand the need to protect home and family but an uzi is not the answer. Having moved to Charlotte from CT, I have had to get used to the fact that guns are all around me. The hearing aid donations are one of the silver linings I try to find in the middle of bible-gun toting land.

  19. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I'll be the first one to admit that I haven't been hunting in over 20 years but I do recall that bruise I had on my shoulder from not having held the rifle correctly. The recoil that would occur when the gun was fired from the position she's currently holding it might likely cause the same bruising.

  20. Anonymous6:31 PM

    As soon as I saw that photo of her, I wanted to write a caption of:

    Bring on some MEXICANS I can kill!

  21. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I shocked such a ignorant person such as sarah could get this far motivated by greed. I am just so sick of her cheer leading for Hate, Oil and War.
    That and sarah acts like she is tweaked most of the time! wasilly snow?

  22. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I wrote the NRA, sure hope you'll join me- my email:

    Palin, Beck & Ted? Are U guys out of your fucking minds? We will continue to cling to our guns, but will no longer pay our NRA memberships. The NRA can go crazy fringe w/out our funds. Best of luch with that SUCKERS!

  23. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Palin wants their endorsement. She'll do it for free plus probably get tons of PAC donations.

  24. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Someone needs to bring her down,,,enough of this crap. I absolutely detest this poor excuse for a woman. Do something Gryph!

  25. Anonymous7:50 PM

    "Earlier this week the NRA, along with the Charlotte Motor Speedway and two other organizations, donated hearing aids to 81 people."

    Interesting - hearing aids donated by sponsors of activities that result in extreme hearing loss :) I guess I need to switch hobbies, give up my Harley (and loud pipes) and switch to watching racing, and shooting a gun. At least I'll be able to hear again after my donated hearing aids are received.

    Sarah.....well, I just can't think of anything right now that doesn't start with a letter C. And I'm female, and despise that word 100% of the time. Up til Quitterignoramus appeared on the scene. Now, I hate it 99.9% of the time :)

  26. Forever Anonymous8:03 PM

    How could she be there for free?

    Because she wants armed people on her side, because what she fears will happen with death panels is what she would do if she was in power.

    Because she is dang-erously deranged.

  27. Anonymous8:08 PM

    She TRULY is evil, right up there with Satan. She IS the anti-Christ! Imagine how God would view her charging Rainbow Omega, but speaking for free for gunrights.

    How can her fans justify this. Hey Palinbots, if you're Christians how can you condone this??

    She will go down in history as a liar who really hurt our country. We need to solve problems and all she does is talk trash about others.

    She is white trash and a despicable person. I hate her guts.

  28. Anonymous8:13 PM

    She is not just a poor excuse for a woman; she is a poor excuse for a human being. If any of us doubt that, she makes sure we learn it by continuing on her downward path.

    I know I am repeating what so many others have said, but dear Lord, is there anything she won't do for money - any depths she won't mind sinking to - any hateful thing she doesn't mind repeating?

    She is an abomination unto the Lord.

  29. Forever Anonymous8:23 PM

    Anon @3:36- Thank you for speaking out on behalf of those Palins. We seldom hear about them. It is evident that Sarah shames the name.

  30. Anne In DC8:23 PM

    It's mind-boggling that anyone with even one brain cell can look at this fool and think she is an example of Christian piety. It's obvious that she values guns and money over her children, who are just props for her. Speaking for free at the NRA but charging a fee to speak at an event for special needs children is about as low as anyone can get. I can only wonder why her followers are deluding themselves into thinking that Sarah Palin can love anyone as much as she loves Sarah Palin. It speaks volumes about their inability to use critical thinking, and their willful ignorance.

  31. Anonymous8:55 PM

    It rich elites that will lie and steal with no remorse that are destroying this country and ruining this world for the future generations that live here.
    This planet belongs to our grandchildren and their children's children and we are its custodians and caretakers, but our elites greed has no considerations for anyone or anything.
    God save us from the Demon Greed, and her name is sarah palin1

  32. Anonymous9:15 PM

    To the Johnston's; I want you to know this Alaskan families heart goes out to your family!
    Hang in there we are cheering for you,
    not the $Paylin$

  33. Anonymous9:24 PM

    WASILLA - The Matanuska-Susitna area is the methamphetamine capital of Alaska, according to Alaska State Troopers.
    Drugs Baby, Drugs
    Wasilly Snow
    Paylins Gold
    Sarah is just to tweaky!
    Ahe is headed for a melt down!

  34. Anonymous9:48 PM

    It shows on the fool's face she is married to, Anon 3:36. He can't do anything with the mental case.

  35. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Sarah proves she is a whore everyday. Demands money from charities for people with disabilities, but whores herself for free to a bunch of gun loving crazies.

  36. Anonymous10:09 PM

    One last question (for believers of Heaven/Hell):

    I'm pretty sure I may be drop kicked at the Pearly Gates, but I'm thinking it could be very likely that so will Swinderella, also, too.

    This has me a bit panicked - please tell me that there will be a special separate section down yonder for her and her followers? I just can't imagine having to re-live this crap downstairs too. Also.

  37. Cliff O Sullivan10:57 PM

    Every single American of age - specially we more progressive / liberal types - should become members of the NRA...

    Then work from within to change it's policies and it's leadership... effectively neutering it.

    It may take time, but it's a better alternative than doing nothing.

  38. Anonymous11:23 PM

    In one of the deepest regions of Dante's inferno I came across a very pathetic creature by the name of sarah palin. Around her neck was hung a sign stating she was a whore, who had whored away herself, her family and her state to become rich.
    When I questioned her about her dilemma, she replied. I lied, I lied about having a baby, and when I was caught by my own stupidity, they took it all, all the money I worked so hard for, I was broke and badgered by the bill collectors and there was no one who cared. Not my state, not my family, not fox news,
    no one, they had all turned against me!
    As I was leaving a Demon appeared and poured red hot molten lead into a hole on top of her head, as I walked into the distance she could be heard screaming I want my money back, all of my money, I want it back.
    I could feel no remorse for such an evil an vile of a creature who had brought such a terrible curse upon her soul.

  39. Forever Anonymous11:24 PM

    LOL Anon@10:09

    I'll pray for both of us and those gates will open.
    Don't worry...just follow the yellow brick road.

  40. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Anon at 10:09PM, yes there is a special section for $carah. She's the latrine cleaner only she has to use her tongue. After all the shit she has spewed, she will be cleaning heaven and hell's latrines with her mouth.

  41. Anonymous3:18 AM

    I lived in Charlotte for over 40 yrs; over time, it became more progressive, but the last 20-25 yrs have taken its toll. When the banks and the corporate types started taking over I left--still, 30 miles away is not far enough but all I could afford. Hell, you can't even live "uptown" (which used to be "downtown" until the financial types arrived from elsedwhere) unless you can buy a $1M condo. There used to be a more radical type there, back in the late 60s and 70s--we'd get out there and fight back. Unfortunately, the new arrivals are just there to make money, and protest is almost non-existent now.

    Moira Quinn of Charlotte City Partners used to be a TV newscaster. She's a whore, too; found out where the real money is. Only one of a a number of "newscasters" around here who have found comfort and money in corporations outside of the media, shilling for them.

  42. She is not holding the gun right...fore finger should be extended alongside the reciever NOT on the trigger while she is trying to figure out how to look thru the damn sights. good thing it was not a REAL gun, just essentially a dry fire laser pointer PRACTICE thingy.

  43. emrysa said...

    when guns are your priority, then you're a fuck head who isn't doing a damn thing to advance the human race. in fact, you're doing exactly the opposite.


    I love my guns and hate $arah paylin. Gun owners are for the most part responsible normal folks. Please remember that the next time you hear about a home invasion and the homeowners had no way to defend themselves. Dont like guns? Move to Canada.

  44. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Sarah Palin and the NRA support guns for citizens. No checking whether said citizens are sane. Don't want guns in the hands of lunatics? Move to Canada.

  45. Anonymous5:38 AM

    "...the next time you hear about a home invasion and the homeowners had no way to defend themselves."

    There was a guy in my town who borrowed a gun from a friend, drove to an elementary school, murdered a teacher, drove through town, murdered his girl friend's mother, wounded some people out on a country road, then returned to the "friend" and shot him too.

    He sure did love that gun. Too bad he wasn't quite right in the head. But, by God, he was ENTITLED to that gun.

  46. emrysa5:51 AM

    sjk from the belly of the plane sez:

    "I love my guns"

    man that post was just packed with the boilerplate stale gun stuff. 'I love a tool that technically has no other purpose but to kill or maim, if people don't like guns they should move out of the country, the only way people can defend themselves from a home invasion is with a gun.' great work.

  47. 4:45 PM Anonymous said...
    I looked for a picture of Obama holding a firearm, couldn't find one.

    I looked for a picture of Jesus holding a firearm, couldn't find one.

  48. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Sarah is appearing at the NRA convention for free in anticipation of favors and money down the road.

    I wonder if Sarah, the teabaggers, and the NRA are going to stand up for the majority of Americans opposed to the open carry of loaded firearms. I know the NRA won't; heck, they belive in using an assault rifle to shot Bambi. But since Sarah and her teabagging buddies like to point out how they are on the side of the people...they should but they won't, because only non patriots would be for any type of gun control. Yeah, sure (and very right).

  49. Old Alaskan Dude7:51 AM

    My guns are tools, and like many of my tools they are dangerous if misused. If someone is inclined to do murder they will find a way, look at the prison system, inmates kill each other regularly, they do not use guns, a sharp object, a hard blow to the head and so on. The absence of guns in the general population would only embolden the criminal element.
    And remember prohibition does not work, it did not work for alcohol or drugs, why would you think it would work with guns?
    My guns have fed my family for many years, and I hope they will continue to put food on my table for many more!
    Cars kill more people than guns and vehicular assults are common today, why not outlaw cars? And gasoline is the common choice of accelerants used by arsonists, lets outlaw it.
    lease leave the gun thing alone and lets get back to the job at hand, dethroning the Queen bitch palin!

  50. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I'm sorry ... just because a newspaper release says she's doing it for free doesn't make it so. We all know Saint Sarah doesn't do anything for free.. it's totally against her nature. I suspect that her 'handlers' thought to deflect the recent bad press she's been getting lately regarding her Omega Rainbow-DS speech and the 'CSU Stanislaus' mess by redefining her as human.

  51. emrysa said...
    "man that post was just packed with the boilerplate stale gun stuff."..

    You can count on the police to save your ass. I'll count on myself. If the need arises I am prepared. I HOPE that day NEVER comes, but when the music stops I wont be without a chair.

    I suggest you move to Canada, Britain or Australia. They all speak some sort of English and they all have stringent gun laws to protect folks like YOU.

    Is that boilerplate enuff for ya?

  52. Anonymous12:57 PM


    You have neither logic nor manners. Grow up.

  53. kerryann1:59 PM

    Wow - just look at all the sniping and bickering among us. Sarah really does bring out the worst in people.

  54. Anonymous10:30 AM

    an organization who promotes giving citizens the ability to murder each other in the streets?


    You clearly do not know very much about where this country came from, or what would happen [and has, historically happened] to an unarmed populace.


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