Saturday, June 12, 2010

According to the crazy lady Rand Paul was not vilified for saying racially insenstive things in his interviews, It was all because of her.

When Sarah says "Welcome to my world" she kind of means that literally.  Except what she really means is "welcome to my universe where I am the center of all things".


  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Sarah's universe keeps expanding while yours keeps shrinking.

    You give new meaning to "pissing into the wind".

  2. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Millions of dollars is the reward Sarah gets in her world. AND she can spout about how badly she is mistreated. It's the perfect gig for a narcissist.

    Hope it ends badly for her.

  3. Anon @ 1:40pm:

    You are correct. Her universe is expanding and will do so until she tosses her hat into the ring of the Presidential race. If she dares do so then her universe will contract exponentially when she is forced to confront and have meaningful dialogue with media sources other than Fox News and other far right media sources.

    If she has to go "mainstream" she will fail, in a graceless and epic manner.

    2:03 PM

  4. Anonymous2:20 PM

    She's like a child. "Look at me, look at me". It must be incredibly taxing for her to continue to struggle to be relevant. I say we should just ignore her and watch what she does then... she'll EXPLODE.

  5. Oh the venom she would have spewed toward Copernicus for suggesting Heliocentricity rather than Palinocentricity. The universe of people who see through her BS is expanding while her bots worship and spend their money to hear and see the hateful and mindless Oracle of Vapidity.

  6. Anonymous2:38 PM

    In the end, everything comes down to Sarah, donchaknow.

    When with the bots become tired of her CONSTANT whining!

  7. WakeUpAmerica2:44 PM

    "...they taking..." Please, somebody, for the love of God, teach her English. She was obviously one of those poor children like Bush who was left behind. She gives real meaning to one of my favorite Bushisms:
    Seldom is the question asked: Is our children learning?

  8. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Anonymous @ 1:40 said...
    You give new meaning to "pissing into the wind".

    Go away Palinbot - you're equivalent to a "fart in a windstorm".

  9. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Does this woman ever say anything - anything at all - new and insightful. I don't think she's capable of doing so. All she can manages is to remember a few buzz phrases and repeat them ad nauseum.

    I hope she is wearing a bumpit because I when a friend saw this clip he asked, "is her head really that pointy?" Mind you, he has not been following her antics, so he wouldn't have known about her infamous bumpits and wigs, but I think perhaps someone at Fox needs to giver her a hint that the hairstyle is just playing into the cartoon buffoon image. Of course, is that's what the image the network wants her to project, guess she's doing it very well.

  10. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Anon @ 1:40, you said
    "Sarah's universe keeps expanding while yours keeps shrinking."

    Sometimes it appears that her world does keep expanding but then within a day or two, we always discover that - like the boobs or stuffing of last weekend - there's nothing real in her world. What she presents one day, she'll deny the next day and is off willy-nilly to some other manufactured crisis. Her world is all plastic, all fake. What's it like to live with constant chaos and bitterness?

    "Sarah Palin is an idiot" as Keith Olbermann says.

  11. Anonymous4:14 PM

    The more she talks, the more she shows her ignorance. Even people who seldom pay attention to politics can see how inept she is.

    For some reason she and her followers think it is only the people on this (and other blogs dedicated to exposing the lies) who know the truth about crazy Sarah.

  12. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I am overwhelmed with sadness when I hear that she is the role model for the new Christian Republican woman. There are so many good "Christian" role models out there who are much more deserving. The thing is, they are practicing Christians, and do not have the time nor inclination toward putting on a Palin "dog and pony" show. They do not steal or lie or provoke.

    And, maybe I am being a bit harsh but wearing a black bra under a white shirt, isnt that the way a 14 year old dresses before her Christian Republican Mom throws her back in the house and makes her change into something more appropriate?

    Why arent her finances being investigated? Is she being taxed on any of her income? Democrats can be such pussoirs when it comes to taking any action. They bitch and moan but no action.

    Why is the Discovery channel allowed to give her a tv show if she plans to run for president? Dont they have to provide equal time to other people running?

  13. laprofesora4:54 PM

    That hair is looking more ridiculous every day. It's time to retire the bumpit. It's actually "dating" her, making her look older and from another era.

    Oh, and she's an idiotic lunatic and I loathe her.

  14. Ratfish5:29 PM

    Gee, I must have missed it- all the news shows including on Fox which had said that Palin was the reason Rand Paul was controversial.

    That darn lamestream media- including Fox- for reporting that Paul had stated that private businesses like restaurants should have the right to refuse service to black persons and that he opposed the section of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that made such refusal against the law.

  15. mommom5:40 PM

    Her mouth is pulling to the side when she talks again,the more animated she gets the more like Greta it looks.Maybe Bristols job is a payoff for the nerve damage.

  16. Forever Anonymous5:46 PM

    Libertarian Rand Paul has libertarian views too, says Palin..........who knew?

    God help....she is a talking snake.

  17. womanwithsardinecan5:52 PM

    This reminds me of her snotty remarks to that nutjob, Ziegler, when he showed her the Katie Couric comments and she said something like, "Katie, the world doesn't revolve around you." I think narcissists are the biggest projectors of all. I think it would be fun to splice together two Sarahs from existing footage or writings. Sarah #1 says all of her various inane things. Sarah #2 chides Sarah #1 in good ol' mean girl voice (just change the names that Sarah is chiding). How many times have we heard her bitch out somebody for things she does all the time? Come on, somebody good at this sort of thing, this would make a great youtube vid.
    As for Rand Paul, I have listened to the things he said, and believe me, he is plenty nuts all by his little self. We don't need to project Sarah into his world. He's doing a fine job in the crazy department all alone. This reminds me of Sarah going off about things like Willow and Letterman, using her kids as shields and weapons. They are all extensions of her. If Rand Paul weren't such a dipshit, he'd realize that Sarah is using him to stay in the limelight, and to create yet another victim mythology. The only thing she is a victim of is her own skewed reality. And that will eventually be her downfall. The "dossier" of Sarah's lies and hypocrisy is growing. Eventually there will be a large enough collision between REAL reality and Sarah's reality to cause major blowback. She is already the laughingstock of much of the world. Except for her mindless minions, the lamestream media using her for ratings, and people in power who are using her celebrity to advance their own agendas, she is irrelevant. She is tabloid entertainment. History will not be kind to her.

  18. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Paul is a racist, but he is not an uneducated idiot.

  19. Anonymous7:36 PM

    As an aside, what's with the phoney scenery backdrop? Those are NOT any of the mountains in any of the urban landscapes in Alaska. It's not Anchorage, not Wasilla, not Fairbanks, not Juneau.
    How appropriate. The backdrop behind Palin is as completely faked as she is.

  20. Anonymous8:15 PM

    So the hot thread on Twitter tonight is that she is going to never ends with her!
    I gather she is running in 2012, I used to think she was crazy, now I think us Americans are crazy to let such a woman get so much power.

    She is dangerous.

  21. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Sarah is going to be reincarnation of Ronald Reagan. Now she is remembering his famous Berlin Wall speech. I think that I better let Sarah know that the reason that wall came down had nothing to do with Reagan. Well, in a way he helped by building up our arsenal of weapons, and the USSR had to keep pace, spending all of their money on weapons and nothing on their own people.

    We were in Russia shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Russia was rotting from the inside, out of its own corruption. People spent all day waiting in line to buy a stale loaf of bread. If they waited in line for bread, they they missed out on the line for something else. At the same time, black marketeers and government insiders were reaping huge profits while ordinary people saw their meager pensions dwindle to almost nothing. So, when Sarah starts invoking the sainted memory of Ronald Reagan, please know the truth. He did not cause the wall to crumble.

    The other thing that Sarah ought to know about running for President is that is she is actually going to have to appear on other TV stations than Fox News. She is going to be interviewed by publications other than People or USA Today. She is finally going to have to show us medical records, and those pesky bloggers are going to want to see Trig's birth certificate. By now, it's been forged, so how about a DNA test. I can't wait to see some of those other presidential candidates debate Sarah; Romney is slick and he has more money than Sarah. I will just wait for the McGinniss and Dunn books to come out. Maybe by then, Gryphen will have the torpedo to sink her ship.

  22. Anonymous9:30 PM

    To anonymous 1:40, I'm glad to see that you feel comfortable enough here to voice your opinions. IM is certainly not like the Palin worshipping site C4P, where if you express even the slightest antiPalin sentiment, you are ridiculed and banned. You see anonymouse 1:40, this is what freedom of speech is all about.

  23. If she's going to run as the successor to Ronald Reagan, maybe she ought to brush up on what actually happened during his two terms in office. She still doesn't know exactly what he did as President. It will be quite comical to see her coin herself as the female Reagan and have one of his sons' speaking out against everything she stands for, nor can I see Nancy Reagan backing her. She's tried to get close to them before and it hasn't worked.

    With all due respect to what Margaret Thatcher accomplished as Prime Minister, hasn't she been diagnosed with Alzheimer's? Does that really not matter to Palin? Also, to compare Palin to Margaret Thatcher in her "prime" is so disrespectful to Lady Thatcher. She was an intelligent, educated woman who knew what she was doing. She would never have spoken about someone the way Palin does about our President. Doesn't she see that if by some absolute miracle she ever made it to the White House that she is set herself up for ridicule from everyone she has dissed over the last two years? Karma is a bitch, $arah. You won't make it to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, unless you're on a tour bus. However, watching you attempt to run for President will be the best material for all comedians in the country. You do realize you can't run for the nomination via Facebook and Twitter, right? You'll be required to answer questions with intelligent answers that can be understood by the voters, not using your typical word salad crap.

  24. London Bridges3:16 AM

    It's the end of the world as we know it. This morning NPR was talking about its news coverage and used the phrase, "... from Washington to Wasilla." We're doomed!

  25. Anonymous5:29 AM

    It remains as painful today as it has been since the VP campaign trail to listen to this woman talk. She is an ever lovin idiot.

    What kind of world would we live in if we had more Trig's, Rand Paul's and if we were all Alabamans? (No offense to Trig or Alabamans.)

  26. imnofred6:24 PM


    Get over yourself. You are not as popular or as politically powerful as you think you are. For every rabid, idiotic follower that you have, there are three times as many people that CANNOT STAND YOU OR YOUR LIES.

    FYI, Rand Paul is being criticized for his wacky political views, NOT because you endorsed him.

  27. Anne In DC3:24 AM

    I have never seen anyone else inject herself into issues that have nothing to do with her. She is such a dishonest fool on so many levels that it's hard to know just where to start in describing her idiocy.

    Rand Paul is also an ignorant fool who needs no help whatsoever in making himself look bad. The more he exposes his views, the more insight he provides about the mindset of someone who is not only ignorant but also tone-deaf about the implications of his beliefs.

    That said, Simple Sarah is so eager to be relevant that she makes this about her. It's indicative of her extreme narcissism that she spews the nonsense that the well-deserved criticisms of Rand Paul are actually directed at her.

    If she does decide to run as President, she has provided a treasure trove of ammunition to use against her. I believe that being defeated in her own right is the only thing that would bring her crashing down to earth.


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