Saturday, June 12, 2010

Kathy Griffin on having Levi Johnston on her show: " I feel that it’s my very subtle middle finger to Sarah Palin. Yeah, go ahead, Tweet me, Palin freaks, I don’t care anymore."

From Newsbusters:

KATHY GRIFFIN: Have you been to Wasilla?


GRIFFIN: It blows. I’m not gonna lie.

KING: Yeah?

GRIFFIN: It blows chunks, yeah. It’s not what we want the country to be like, when Sarah Palin said, you know, I would run the country, you know, you betcha, the way I run Wasilla, that’s not what we want. It’s a lot of boredom and then some crystal meth. Hey, go ahead, write your letters, I don’t care anymore. Go ahead, Tweet me about it.

KING: What’s your attraction to Levi?

GRIFFIN: I get him in a way that Bristol never did. And also, every time that I’m with Levi and put him in the public eye, I feel that it’s my very subtle middle finger to Sarah Palin. Yeah, go ahead, Tweet me, Palin freaks, I don’t care anymore.

KING: Have you been intimate with Levi?

GRIFFIN: Yes, I have. I’ve seen his Johnston. Have you?


GRIFFIN: It goes on and on-

Well Levi should LOVE that statement!


  1. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I think she was referring to the tattoo "Johnston" on his forearm, in large block letters.

  2. All that ever has to be said is

    IT Came from Wasilla! I like the idea of Levi being used as a middle finger to Sarah. Well, is seems ethical to me in a way! Thanks Gryph, very funny..

  3. Anonymous9:40 AM

    wth..another feather in Levi's cap? He ought to be more selective who he shares his Johnston with.

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Kathy Griffin has more class and brains than the entire Palin klan put together. She's funny.

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    anon 9:40 - He can share that tattoo with anybody he likes.

  6. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Is the gossip true that Levi & Bristol have gotten back together?

  7. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Thankfully we still have SOME people like Kathy Griffin who will say what she WANTS about things (without having someone take a POLL first, to see how it plays with certain demographics.)

    We tout "free speech" like its still something anyone HAS. Go ahead and say something just a little off, and people will go ballistic, doing all they can to shut you up, all the while waving the flag and crying out about how great the country is with its freedoms.

    Freedom of censorship is the new freedom of speech, sadly.

  8. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I'm glad she has befriended Levi. Her sense of humor keeps things light and funny and I'm sure he appreciates that! Love Kathy's comment about giving the 'subtle finger' to Palin especially after having just read the Newsweek article about "Saint Palin"! Give me a f------
    break! Religious my eye...she does the devil's work as far as I'm concerned!

  9. Anonymous12:08 PM

    "It blows chunks, yeah"

    Maybe I'm just not up on the latest lingo but I'm not sure what she means is that the town "blows" your mind on how wierd it is.

    I think she is poking Sarah in the eye with a direct drug reference regarding the Palins.

    And wow--what an embarrassment Larry King is getting to be. More gossipy interviews, always soft ball questions, asking her about being intimate with Levi and the ridiculous drama in his own personal life....

  10. WakeUpAmerica12:09 PM

    Son of a gun! I can post again! Woo hoo. I don't know, was I shoved into the penalty box? If Palin (God forbid) was in a position to run the country the way she ran Wasilla, the White House would look like a bordello and she would increase our debt, ummmm, wasn't it about 20 fold? Library of Congress would be gutted of all but the books written by the Fox crew and evangelicals.

  11. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I was a Kathy fan before, but this just makes me love her even more. ^_^

  12. ....or all picture books... you know like the ones which will fill the Bush 43 library....

  13. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I love, love, love Kathy Griffin. She knows how to laugh at life and laugh at herself. She's also cute, witty and just plain funny.

    I she actually bedded young Levi, well more power to her ;-)

    Those young men are not all they're cracked up to be in bed's sometimes over before it's even begun!

  14. Anonymous1:27 PM

    WakeUpAmerica, That was sad but true.

    Griffin is hilarious and Larry King got where he is b/c he has a wide range variety show. Light heart to serious. He is an elder and slightly senile at times, they wind him up and he does what he does. Griffin is a performer who reveals glimpses of her life on her Bravo Show.

    She is laying it out there about Wasilla b/c it acts like a community of shut ins. The queen bee brought them fame and money but they had to sell their souls. The Mat-Su Valley has a population of almost 100,000(suburb near Anchorage). They are scared silent.

    The environment and atmosphere of Wasilla is important background. What kind of atmosphere produces someone as questionable as Sarah Palin? Who not only appears with mental and emotional problems. There are many who see her similarity to a drug addiction. The soldier who was charged with 3 murders of civilians is also implicated with drugs. Like the Palin older children and drugs. I don't believe in coincidence neither does Sarah Palin.

  15. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Go, Kathy,go! That woman has balls.. they are big and they clank when she walks. Grrr-- git 'em!

  16. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Wasilla does not seem to be proud of Sarah Palin.

    Why is that Sarah?

  17. FEDUP!!!5:06 PM

    O/T: On Mercede's blog, one comment made me go HMMMM...

    Comment by heather on June 12, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    I can personally say that Tripp was indeed born 12/27/08 I gave birth to my son about 30min BEFORE tripp was born in the room next door. (Sadie idk how much you want me to say so I’ll leave it at that)

  18. kellygirl said...
    speaking of "I don't care anymore" ... pardon my bitchiness ... but I'm starting to not care anymore about any of these D-list wannabe's from wasilla. I just cannot for the life of me grasp the cashflow situation of the teens up there. CARS and CONDOS and CAMERAS and Wii games and whatnot. Where on earth are all these kids getting all this money?

    There's a part of me that starting to think all of these people are playing the same game.

    I live in L.A. -- I know this game. Outside of making sure Sarah Palin is down and out of politics and her taint is a huge stain on the rightwing social Cons., I'm just not interested in playing the Wasilla Teen Scene games.

    I am pleased to hear word that Levi might be spending some quality time with his baby.
    I actually hope he and the child's mother just fade away and raise their kid.

    unless and until any of these people have anything of real substance to share, it's just not my biz, and I don't care.

  19. Anonymous8:14 PM

    fedup!! leadfoot.

    Is there any record of a Heather that gave birth 12/27/08 at Mat-Su Regional? Did everyone have to go underground? No body takes pictures either, except sometimes and of everything but what they are talking about. They are despicable and I've noticed many belong to Christian type churches and speak the same propaganda. They all love their family the most. Even the ones that love alcohol and drugs and taking pictures of how stupid they are.

    I don't think Mercede should be given a bad time about her car. I do think she's had it awhile. Levi could have helped her, she could have saved her state checks up for a down payment and many other ways she could have had help with her car.

  20. Anonymous12:41 AM

    I treasured my first car, too. I'd saved for the deposit and was ready to go to the bank, when my parents stepped in paid for the rest of it. Otherwise I'd have been like all of my friends, with a car loan to pay off and with their parents guaranteeing the loan.

    Mercede never said she owned her car outright, did she?

  21. Mercede Johnston12:33 PM

    I love Kathy. She is so funny and blunt. I can't wait for her and my brother to wed. I open my arms to Kathy and glady accept her in my family haha
    I much prefer her mother over someone else I know.. Haha

    Mercede Johnston


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