Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sarah Palin seeks feminist and political crediblity by getting her picture taken in the same room as Margaret Thatcher.

So Sister Sarah is taking her batshit crazy tour to merry old England, while oil from a British Petroleum accident washes up on American beaches?

Good timing. THAT ought to impress the people who only get their information from Fox News.

From the Mail Online:

Controversial US politician Sarah Palin could soon be on her way to Britain to boost her hopes of challenging Barack Obama in the 2012 US presidential election.

Her representatives approached Margaret Thatcher to ask for a meeting as part of a bid to enhance her claim to be the ‘heir to Ronald Reagan’ and prepare to challenge Mr Obama.

And Lady Thatcher has agreed to see Mrs Palin, who stood as the Republican vice-presidential candidate in 2008. A spokesman said: ‘We had an informal approach asking if Lady Thatcher would meet Mrs Palin if she comes to Britain and we said yes.’  (You know Margaret Thatcher is 85 years old. I wonder if she even realizes she is meeting SARAH Palin, she may very well believe she has just agreed to meet ex-Monty Python member MICHAEL Palin. Oh let's hope that is he case, shall we?)

Any trip by Mrs Palin to Britain could cause potential problems for David Cameron.

Embarrassingly, Mrs Palin’s team have not contacted No 10 so far.

One individual involved in the talks about the visit said: ‘Palin’s people haven’t said anything about meeting Cameron. Their main interest is getting a picture of her with Lady Thatcher. I’m not sure they know who David Cameron is.’

I am sorry I just REALLY find that last line incredibly funny.  The British press is going to rip Palin into tiny crumpet sized pieces.

I was going to explain that this trip is a transparent attempt for Sarah to beef up her feminist bonafides and get a photo-op with somebody who certain Reagan worshippers get damp panties over, but then I noticed that the Brits did not need my help in that regard.

One source said: ‘A meeting with Margaret Thatcher would be an enormous publicity coup for Sarah Palin. Thatcher is by far the biggest political name in US politics, much bigger than Blair.

'Palin’s big hero is Ronald Reagan. In US Republican folklore Thatcher and Reagan brought down the Soviet Union between them. That’s why Maggie is so important.’

Personally I hope that the British press is allowed into the room when the two meet.  I can NOT imagine that Palin will be able to pull this off without some ridiculous gaffe.

I did made a quick lap around the internet via Google and found that the ONLY people who favorably compare Sarah Palin to Margaret Thatcher are the Palin-bots and Fox News.  To the rest of the blogoshere the idea is, either hysterically funny, or incredibly insulting to Lady Thatcher.

I ma not one to believe that Prime Minister Thatcher was the great leader that many of her supporters claim that she was, of course I feel the same way about Ronald Reagan, but I will give her credit for hard work and tenacity, which are two qualities sorely lacking in Sarah Palin.  I do not believe that just being photographed with Lady Thatcher will benefit Palin all that much, but based on past experience I do believe that it could have a devastating negative effect on the elderly Baroness.

Everything Palin touches turns to shit, and if I were a British supporter of Thatcher's I would throw myself into the path of Sarah Palin and keep her as far away from the ex-Prime Minister as possible.


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    BTW, Lady Sarah has more oil on her face....THERE'S AN OIL SPILL ON UTAH NOW...from a LAND pipe....Gee, think it's so safe to get oil from the Alaskan wildlife now?

    Sadly, though, Gryph, I'm pretty sure the Brits will eat her up. They're all so mad that we're mad at BP...She'll be there to offer a counter argument, saying that it's Barack Obama's fault, and they'll kiss her Naughty Monkey toes for it....

  2. Oh, we KNOW Sarah doesn't know who Cameron is.

    What I don't get: who on the Thatcher team OKed Sarah mtg Margaret Thatcher? Doesn't seem very protective of someone in her (Thatcher's) ill health.

  3. WakeUpAmerica6:31 AM

    So the migratory pattern of the Alaskan Dingbat expands along with her bustline. My oh my!!

  4. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The Thatcher event is probably just a pit-stop on the way to some "with the troops on the front lines" photo op. Palin is upgrading her pic portfolio. Brandenburg Gate and Berlin Wall fragments are also a must get. Normandy beaches, also too.

    Pope? Nope.

  5. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Python references in 3...2...

    oh what the hell.

    Hey Sarah... do ya like SPAM??

  6. Anonymous7:05 AM

    leu2500...I wholly agree with you. Why was this meeting approved? Eighty-five year old Margaret Thatcher is suffering from advanced dementia and is not cognizant of the who, what, when, why and how of things. I, too, wonder who agreed to this blatantly self-serving and thoughtless meeting with the idiot from Wasilla whose stated and sole purpose is to have her photograph taken with Mrs. Thatcher. Palin is a true user and abuser of people and has no decency. My god, this disgusting charlatan is beyond belief.

  7. Ratfish7:11 AM

    The QUITTER is going to England to see if her claimed descent from two Canadian bootleggers (remember that whopper) qualifies her to be the Queen of England.

  8. Anonymous7:12 AM

    "Everything Palin touches turns to shit,"
    Everything Sarah does makes you shit your pants.

  9. Anonymous7:13 AM

    This is truly sickening. Sarah Louise Palin is a phoney pr constructed shiny gnat with no moral compass, dignity or...anything. Why on earth would Lady Thatcher demean herself by agreeing to sit in
    the same room with, let alone converse with the pest.
    You know Tawdious-the sqeaky voice stud puff will naturally tag along, & both of them with their
    'folksey' stupid poor grammer will be an embarrassment to the US.

    Sharon TN

  10. Isn't Thatcher suffering from Alzheimer's? That would fit right in with Quittypants' mental state.
    The Brits will slay QP...I believe she will see Big Ben and say, "Oh, I didn't know Big Ben was a clock, I though it was a c**k!" (as she giggles like the 12 year old she is)

    I wonder if Trig will go along for the ride.

  11. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Me again. I was thinking, the President is in a
    tough situation at this time, dealing with the
    oil disaster, & BP being a British owned company.
    He doesn't need (& the American people don't need)
    the likes of Sarah & co., stirring the pot against
    him & bad-mouthing everything he does in the UK. Remember, the Brits didn't allow Michael Savage to visit, & he didn't cause half the dissention or
    have the ability to rabble-rouse that she did &
    continues to do. Wonder if she could be denied a visa. When is she planning on going?

    Sharon TN

  12. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Watch Sarah create an international incident that Our President will end up having to clean up...

  13. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Finally, someone on an equal mental plane as Sarah Palin. Thatcher is suffering from dementia, so those two will get on famously!

    What a joke. Almost as funny as the idea of Palin seriously running for President. Ha ha, suckers, it's just the end of her long con. A couple of months and then she'll quit, the ultimate martyr to the "lamestream media". Her pockets will be full, though.

  14. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Sarah's word salad is going to sound like a foreign language to the Brits. I hope she brings a translator.

  15. Anonymous7:53 AM

    When Sarah was a candidate for VP, to hone her foreign policy credentials she had five minute photo ops with Karzi and Kissinger. Her only conversation with Hamid Karzai was "How many children do you have and what are their names?" Well, that's enough international experience for me.

  16. emrysa7:53 AM

    ahh michael palin, the ONLY famous palin who is worth a shit. I don't know what those folks across the ocean are thinking by agreeing to this meeting. maybe one of sarah's handlers is cashing in an old iou.

  17. emrysa7:58 AM

    you know, it's pretty sad that someone has to go get a pic taken with a person suffering from DEMENTIA in order to boost their cred.

    "look at me disciples standing with your hero reagan's favorite pol - nevermind that she's so out of it that she can't even wipe her ass just look at me in the pic and associate me with her!"

    good laffs, can't wait to see it.

  18. Anonymous8:07 AM

    The British press are not like the US, they will not fawn over her. Who is paying for the trip, since she demands first class everything?? Whoever gave permission for her to meet Thather should be fired. I just e-mailed mt niece outside Liverpool and told her the entire story of Palin. BP is owned 40% by British, 39% by US. It was on CBS news the other night. Why is this not talked about?

  19. Anonymous8:24 AM

    IMO, this is Sarah's way to provoke international attention; where she is rubbing elbows with Britain at a time when an oil crisis is demanding immediate solutions. She wants to create an illusion that she is taking BP's side and sticking it to the Democrats.

    Didn't she just say recently to Greta that idle bloggers shouldn't be concerned with boobs and pick up a shovel and go help clean oil on the Gulf? So, Sarah, take your good advice, stay home, and pick up your shovel, the Gulf residents need you more than Lady Margaret Thatcher.

    Oh, and how does going to Britain help Alaska, again?

  20. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I wonder who was paid how much to set this up. No one who cares about Thatcher would let this grifter within tossing distance.

    How sad that Sarah would use a mentally-incapacitated person this way - oh, wait, she used Trig, why not Thatcher?

  21. Sarah is even more of an idiot than I already knew.
    Thatcher was diagnosed 10 years (or more) ago with dementia. She has a hard time recognizing her own kids!!
    What does she possibly think she can gain from this? Maybe some more humiliation. The Brits are not especially fond of idiots.

  22. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Margaret Thatcher, a grocer's daughter from the small town of Grantham, England, Margaret Hilda Thatcher (1925-) first worked as a research chemist and attorney specializing in tax law. Leading the Conservative Party, she became Great Britain's first woman Prime Minister in 1979 and served for 11 years.

    Margaret Thatcher. Great Britain's first woman Prime Minister in 1979 and served for 11 years.

    "If you just set out to be liked," she said, "you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing."

    Nicknamed "the Iron Lady" for her conservative political philosophy, she was considered one of the most powerful women in the world. "Nothing subtle about her personality or her approach," described Time magazine. "She combined a flamboyant willpower with evident femininity."

    A no-nonsense leader with high expectations, Thatcher once explained, "I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near."

    Her accomplishments included the dismantling of Great Britain's postwar welfare state and privatization of its industry. She slashed inflation from 22% to 4%, and reshaped British taxation policies.

    Sarah Palin. Hmmm. Half-term governor because she quit. Oh, and she has delusions of grandeur, is a whacko, an illiterate nincompoop, and not well-read at all, a pathetic parent-in-name-only whose three older children who have/had problems with excessive drinking, use of drugs, two who vandalized public and private property, a child who rarely attends school because she travels with mother dearest, and somebody elses toddler that she claims is hers...but wait, she does speak Palinese--a foreign language that few understand. She lies frequently and with abandon. Wow, she and Margaret Thatcher have so much in common.

  23. Ratfish8:46 AM

    Hopefully someone will advise Ms. Thatcher that Sarah Palin:

    1. Raised corporate taxes in Alaska by record amount.
    2. Increased the state operating budget by 35% in just 2 years.
    3. And QUIT in the face of fairly time adversity.

  24. Anonymous9:03 AM

    So if I get my photo taken with the faces on Mt. Rushmore, does that make me heir to George Washington? Oh, head hurting.

  25. Anonymous9:34 AM

    what a hoot! hopefully someone will advise ms. thatcher that sarah palin is not a relative of michael palin's!! (how else could anyone have approved such a meeting?!)

  26. The Dominionists, Sarah's, real party, are using the same tactics in Britain as they've used here - infiltrating the highest (and lowest) levels of Government. I imagine someone high up arranged this meeting. I can't imagine that Thacher's daughter would be OK with that, unless she is one of them. A strong possibility I guess. It offends me beyond belief.

    My Mother had Alzheimers and this NEVER would have been allowed. Sarah truly is without a soul, as is whoever approved this meeting. Cruelty at its finest.

  27. As the former mayor of Wasilla, two month VP candidate , half term quitter governor Palin has positioned her self to be limited to photo ops and paid speaking engagement (China) to earn foreign policy credentials and not meet with world leaders.Palin has no elected job to provide entry to Buckingham Palace or Downing Streeet to form relationships. World wide Fox news does not control the message or misinformation of US politics and policies.

    By her business as usaul coy deceptions blaming God may open a door for her while she calculates premeditating how to make money paid speaking engagements, Fox commentator (she failed at analyst incapable of examining facts due to her disregard of any truth) limited to me me me I am the greatest and my target is the worst villin doing vile things and be featured on a reality show.

    Correct me if I am wrong that once a person declares they are running for candidicy they are off their news show and bye bye to big bucks reality show.

    Palin summed up is a controvertial political figure due to being tapped for VP and then resigning her elected position choosing Hollywood (in Palin world Regan did this too) Palin manufactures enough controvery for the nation, she thrives on chaos she orchestrates and controls. It's her sick choice of power.
    Whether it's her attire, changing the size of her breasts for photo ops or bus tours that mostly are lear jet tours she is not an expert but master of controversy playing people to blame shift her behaviors onto them.

  28. Irishgirl10:00 AM

    Ha, the British Press will rip her a new one. I would love to see her interviewed by Jeremy Paxman. He would destroy her with a look. The press on this side of the pond are not the same at all as the MSM in the US.

    I don't think she realises that!

  29. Anonymous10:01 AM

    We know that with the campaigning route, political officials have to do all the expected sappy photo ops, shaking hands, hugging people, holding babies, engaging with the crowds. But that's just a small part of it. SP going over to another country JUST to get a photo with an international icon tells on what her idea of what a POTUS, or VP's job is. She believes just being "seen" with someone gives her the qualifications, and we should trust that she's qualified in all other areas. Let's see, SP and her entourage traveling to Britain would maybe cost in the thousands, so she can be seen in a photo with the ailing Margaret Thatcher.

    So, is this the new education that's required of political candidates? A four-year baccalaureate degree in "Being There", or a Celebrity Degree, majoring in being photographed with every new face on the block, with minors in facebook and twitter.

    This whole effort would be an insult to the late Ronald Reagan and certainly to Mrs. Reagan and family.

  30. mommom10:04 AM

    Just stop and think about the people you know.Can you see any of them deciding who to vote for based on them having a picture taken with Margaret Thatcher? Ask the next person you meet on the street or the bus or where ever,who Margaret Thatcher is. Most people are not on the internet researching politics,and most Americans could maybe tell you who John Lennon married ,but pay no attention to,and feel very superior to,political happenings past and present in England.

    Of course,there may be a common theme here.Reagan and Thatcher ,both developed Alzheimers. I wonder if anyone has ever done a study based on conservative ideology and cause and effect.Sure would explain the fools crying for less government and keep your hands of my Medicare in the same breath.

    You know,Gryphen,based on PAYlin groupie trolls comments,they think we are afraid of her because we speak against her,their constant comments here tells us how afraid they are of you!

  31. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Oops...I could have sworn I had read Lady Thatcher had dementia. Amending my post @8:38AM re: dementia and her condition as stated in UK's MailOnline:

    "Despite her age, Lady Thatcher is in good health, although she has suffered a series of mini-strokes which resulted in short-term memory loss. Earlier this year she appeared frail when she was photographed with the Queen aboard the QE2 for Her Majesty’s final visit to the liner.

    But a close friend said last night: ‘Lady T has been on fine form lately. She was with the Queen at a Buckingham Palace garden party on Tuesday, had lunch with a friend on Wednesday and is greatly looking forward to going on holiday in the French Alps with friends soon."

    Read more:

  32. I agree with other posters Palin has no moral compass and this is indecent to take advantage of Thatcher. Let's hold our breath for Sarah's new book on her inspriing reads. I predict she'll claim Thatcher's history and values are hers and this photo used as "proof" as if they have ben fast friends and intimate ones.

    The poster who considered Palin will bash the POTUS at this time I think you are right on. Palin has already broadcasted she is the expert and the POTUS is a community organizer so she'll ramp it up going iternational on this. This is characteristic of her MO.

  33. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Just waiting to see if Trig makes the trip...

    Otherwise, this is a stupid and self-serving effort to latch on to someone else's reputation. But then, look who we are talking about. She and her people clearly don't understand the British press. She and the twins are as likely to appear on Page Three as the front page.

  34. Anonymous11:03 AM

    FJDANDY said...
    I wonder if Trig will go along for the ride.
    7:18 AM

    If Sarah got him a passport which would require a BIRTH CERTIFICATE, so to answer your question, no.

  35. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Would LOVE to see Stephen Sackur tear her a new asshole on "Hard Talk" (the man is merciless).

  36. Anonymous11:21 AM

    After she has the photo she will be able to imply that they have been talking to each other on the phone for a couple of years - wait and see.

    Will Trig go ? Wouldn't you love to see his passport ? birth date and place would be interesting.

    Why isn't the Mama Grizzly staying home to protect her children from someone she claims is a menacing neighbor ? She creates a new reality every day !

  37. honestyinGov11:58 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Everything Palin touches turns to shit,"
    Everything Sarah does makes you shit your pants.
    7:12 AM
    Uh... But Anonymous 7:12.. isn't THAT a good thing for You ?

    Because isn't that HOW a New 'Palin' is Born??
    just saying...

  38. Hmmmmm. I find it very telling that Palin will NOT be going to Buckingham Palace to meet Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. Queen Elizabeth seemed to really like our First Lady Michelle.

  39. Anonymous12:12 PM

    It would be funny if thacher charged the almost half term governor quitter queen for the photo op.

  40. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Are you kidding me. Apparently the woman has demential problems. Is this so she can make up what they talked about? Does Thatcher's daughter know about this?

  41. Anonymous1:37 PM

    The British press will 'luv' her.

    Is willful ignorance of the world proudly displayed there as it is in the U.S.? I don't think so.

    It is a case of good timing though- as the tabloids do publish pictures of...some photos are on they are on page three- so they can't be seen while on display...well lets have wiki explain it.

    That seems to be Rupert Murdoch's Sun.

  42. Anonymous1:43 PM

    We need to inform our friends in England about Sarah Palin by giving them proof sources as to her many lies, specific lies, her background in Wasilla and as our half-term governor and the fact she stopped giving press conferences because she could not answer the questions of the Alaska press (which were pretty low key really!), the idiotic story she gave about flying north from Texas to deliver in Wasilla, photos of her fake pregnancy, the lack of her parenting skills (examples of the trouble her kids have been in), and on and on and on!

  43. Anonymous2:17 PM

    First, who is advising Palin? I mean they are about the stupidest political advisers on the planet. Palin in her attempt to win the Presidency is following the footsteps of Ronald Regan and it is quite pathetic, they haven’t realized Reganism have died. Those who continue to sustain these ideologies are old folks along with 15% of the right wing fringe. More and more Americans realize that such ideologies do not correspond with today’s society. Many Americans have evolved and they also know corporatism and some conservatives’ beliefs have not enhanced their lives one bit. It is these beliefs that lead us into the mess we are in now.

    Obama, on the other hand reached out to people from all walks of life. He tapped into the desires of those who wanted a new and better America, not the same old useless guiding principles. The President has new ideas so we are able to compete globally. Compared to the rest of the world, our country is so far behind and the President understands this and so does the people who voted for him. Yet, Palinbots and I want my country back crowd; want to remain in the past.

    Second, as far as the photo-op with Margaret Thatcher, that is another ill advised effort to gain political points. The majority of Americans doesn’t know or remember who Margaret Thatcher is, unless they research her on the internet and more than likely they will be turned off by her policies, considering such policies, similar to Reganomics, has lead to the downfall of America.

    Finally, although, I’ve never agreed with Margaret Thatcher, unlike Palin, at least she was a strong and intelligent woman who didn’t quit her job.

  44. It's because Sarah still thinks Thatcher is Prime Minister.

  45. Anonymous3:40 PM

    It's my impression that most of the newspapers in the UK are owned by Murdoch. I'm not expecting much criticism of Sarah Palin's cynical exploitation.

  46. AKRNC5:57 PM

    If this isn't a declaration that she's running for President, I don't know what is. It is also more proof that this woman will stoop to any level to get what she wants. What good is a picture of her with the former Prime Minister who is suffering from dementia? I sincerely doubt she's going to get any kudos from Nancy Reagan after this stunt. Nancy was very protective of her husband's dignity and she'll see right through Palin's charade.

    It's time for her to either put up or shut up. There is not a separate set of rules that says she can remain on FOX and do a reality show while she pretends not to be running or answering with her stupid "open door" line. I remember seeing comments on Crazies4Palin stating that her "European tour" would give her the foreign policy credentials she needs. A meeting with the former prime minister will do nothing as far as that goes, so just who else is she planning to see?? In fact, who would be willing to see her?

    Also, if she goes overseas and badmouths our President, that is equivalent to badmouthing our country. Remember the Dixie Chicks?? The same rules apply to Palin, despite what she may think. Never mind, she doesn't think, that would require an active, intelligent mind and we all know she is lacking in that department.

  47. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Has Ms, Thatcher ever hear Palin talk? That phony accent and shreeky voice?
    Hopefully for her sake somebody will prewarn her.

    Hopefully for our sakes nobody will.

  48. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Thatcher's name is the biggest name in US politics?

    Bigger even than Sarah's.
    Has anybody told Sarah that a forgeigner who has been out of office for 20 years is a bigger name in US politics that Sarah's.
    And she is a true vintage tea bagger.

    I hope Sarah never figures how stupid her PR people are, they are just so damn entertaiing.

  49. imnofred6:15 PM

    I don't see how a photo op with Margaret Thatcher gives Palin any political credibility. She is more of a laughing stock outside the U.S. than she is here. Having a picture taken with someone is not an endorsement of any kind but I'm sure the right-wing media will spin it that way.

    It seems desperate to me for Sarah to try to use Margaret Thatchers credibility for he own gain, but that is standard operating procedure for Sarah.

  50. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I think Thatcher's taking advantage of Sarah! Ha!

  51. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Check out the posts! Don't be drinking anything when you read them and go the bathroom beforehand to avoid accidental spills.

  52. Thatcher dementia fight revealed

    Sunday, 24 August 2008

    Lady Thatcher has had a series of strokes

    The daughter of former UK prime minister Margaret Thatcher has spoken for the first time about her mother's struggle with dementia.

    In her new book, serialised in the Mail on Sunday, Carol Thatcher says she first noticed her mother's memory was failing over lunch in 2000.

    She says she "almost fell off her chair" seeing her mother, 82, struggle.
    Ms Thatcher also says Baroness Thatcher had to be reminded several times her husband, Sir Denis, had died.

    On bad days her mother can "hardly remember the beginning of a sentence by the time she got to the end", she says.

    Now Palin is going to commit elder abuse..........what possible good could come out of a meeting with ANYONE that is as mentally fragile a Margaret Thatcher?

    Oh yes a "photo op"........benefiting only Palin.


  53. HollyP6:31 PM

    This isn't just about foreign policy credentials. This is the Palinese version of President Obama's European star turn from summer 2008. You know if Barry Oh did it, then Scarah can do it and do it better.

    You know, I've been wondering about inflation in Sarah's world. She started as a hockey mom, upgraded to a pit bull with lipstick, and now is a Mama Grizzly. What do you think might come next? Granny Godzilla?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.