Monday, June 28, 2010

Bristol Palin talks about her "acting" debut. Update!

The entire interview can be found on TV Squad.

Here are some highlights.

So Bristol, I wanted to ask, are you playing yourself, or a fictionalized version of yourself?

Palin: Yeah, a fictionalized version of myself is probably the best description.

What did you do to prepare? Did you talk to any acting coaches?

Palin: [Laughs] No, no acting coaches. I went over the lines that was on the drive over here a few months ago, so it was kind of thrown out there, but it was an awesome experience.

No acting coaches?  You know I may have picked up on that.

Do you have any longer term plans for acting? And is this something you'd want to do more of in the future?

Palin: I don't know if I want to do more of it. I guess I'll leave it up to the experts but I had a great time shooting this and hopefully I don't look like too much of an idiot.

.....uh....hmm....never mind.

I read in Harper's Bazaar that you said your parents just assumed you weren't doing anything rather than talk to you about the realities of pre-marital sex, and it was pretty similar with the main character on 'Secret Life.' Have you given any thought to what you might say to your son about it when the time comes?

Palin: Well, I definitely hope Tripp will wait to have sex until either he's married or what not but I just hope that he doesn't have to go through what I went through with my teen pregnancy. Hopefully, I'll do a good job explaining that to him.

And hopefully he will not make the mistake of impregnating somebody who belongs to a family who uses their children as props. I'm just saying.

Bristol, do you have any plans to watch it with your family, to throw a little party or something?

Palin: No, definitely not a party or anything. I'll definitely be too embarrassed to see myself on TV, so I'll probably just watch it by myself with my baby.

Poor Tripp.  I wonder if this will be used as a disciplinary tool. "If you don't eat your mashed carrots you will have to watch Mommy act again!"

In case you missed it the first time, here is your chance to watch this future Emmy winner in action.

Update:  Here is a little video of part of this interview.  Watch the BS answer she gives when asked about how she and Levi are doing.


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    tee hee! Did you mean "Brothel"?

  2. yanci4:32 PM

    Palin: Well, I definitely hope Tripp will wait to have sex until either he's married or what not...

    What not? That's sure a big word. Married or what not, what does it mean? Poor, poor, poor Tripp.

  3. Ooops! I kind of messed up Bristol's name in the title. All better now.

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    when was the interview conducted? back in February when the clip was filmed?

  5. Anonymous4:45 PM

    so, is it just me, or is Bristol the perfect combination of Todd and Sarah lookswise? She definitely looks like Sarah did around that age yet when next to Todd, you can totally see facial similarities.

    But I will add, Willow is pretty much a carbon copy of Todds family.

  6. I definitely think everyone should wait to have sex until they are what not.

  7. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Bristol went to the same school of fine speaking as her mother, "I went over the lines that was on the drive over here a few months ago, so it was kind of thrown out there..."

    Some advice for Bristol: Since you have enough money to afford a lovely condo, full time help to look after your baby, I mean son, and beautiful tea party clothing or at least the money from the Harpers shoot, too, also, I would like to offer a suggestion which will be of great value for the rest of your life.

    GET AN EDUCATION! Your mother may be cashing in big time, but she sounds seriously stupid. If you are going to carve out a career as an actress, spokesperson or somebody in the public eye, please learn to speak correctly. If you sound dumb, it will diminish anything that you have to say.

  8. Anonymous5:31 PM

    An In-Depth Review Of Bristol Palin’s Dramatic TV Debut
    "First of all, you will notice that someone in wardrobe did Bristol a huge disservice by dressing her in what appears to be a tuxedo vest with fanny pack snap belt combination. It’s the kind of thing you’d wear if you were white water rafting and didn’t know what you were doing. I’m also not a fan of the swept-back negative bangs look. It’s almost like a reverse mullet. Pat Riley on top. Crystal Gayle in the back. This is hardly a good look for a teenager someone would like to impregnate. Why is she not snapping gum? Anyway. Let’s break down each of her line readings."
    photo of the tuxedo vest with fanny pack snap belt combination: Bristol is working over time to prove she was having fun. Yet they post a picture where she looks a little sick and not like she was into it or enjoyed this fiasco

    Bristol Palin's American teenage life is far from secret
    Palin says she always planned to have her baby. "I knew I was strong enough to do it. I knew my family support was strong enough," she says. "But it's different circumstances for different people. Abortion would never be an option for myself."

    Raisa applauds Palin's appearance on Teenager. "I think she's going to bring a bigger audience to the show, which is wonderful because so many people, girls especially, look up to her and relate to her."

    Palin did not want to discuss her parenting relationship with her son's father, Levi Johnston, but said Teenager realistically depicts what happens when a teen has a baby. "Most teen moms are single moms. They do it by themselves. That's realistic that Amy is with the baby most of the time."

    The Anchorage resident says her care of Tripp and full-time job as a medical assistant in a dermatologist's office leave no time to focus on other entertainment, such as TV and movies, though she is a country music fan.

    Palin says Teenager shows young motherhood's challenges and how it affected "(Amy's) boyfriend, family, friends, just kids around school." And "the most important thing that I relate (to) in my own life is that we all put our babies first."

  9. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "...married or what not"

    Tripp hasn't got a prayer of being normal mentally or emotionally, unless he's removed from this dimwit's care.

  10. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Seems none of the Palins think preparation is important -- too much work?

  11. emrysa5:53 PM

    @ 4:45 pm:

    I don't see todd at all.

    this show is bullshit. glorifying teen motherhood. whoever came up with this garbage should be ashamed.

    WHAT NOT? yeah tripp is doomed.

  12. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Married or what not? Wait until what not? lol!

  13. Anonymous6:09 PM

    We were going to get married, but we ddecided it made more sense to what not. Our parents are pissed.

  14. Anonymous6:09 PM

    The advice above to go to school is wise. However, from the way she talks, she is so far behind that she would have a very difficult time catching up.

    I wonder what she will say to the interview today on Nicole Sandler's program on with Patrick from palingates. It was excellent, and for those who have not been following the saga of the Palin family, illuminating.

  15. laprofesora6:19 PM

    Why is it "my TEEN pregnancy"? Is is me or does that sound really strange? Like someone would ask, "what kind of pregnancy did you have?" "Oh, I had a teen pregnancy". Paylins should have their own dialect of English.

  16. Anonymous6:21 PM

    "Yeah, a fictionalized version of myself is probably the best description."

    What part of this kid is NOT fictionalized? Come to think of it, perhaps it's better this way.

    I would LOVE to see her try and dispense her brand of real-world "wisdom" to a group of single teenage mothers living in an inner-city ghetto somewhere.

    What a fucking joke. Get a job, Bristol.

  17. Forever Anonymous6:22 PM

    I'll be back for your next post and what not.

  18. Bristol:
    As he is a boy, I feel confident that Tripp will not "have to go through what I went through with my teen pregnancy" whether he's married or what-not.

  19. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Willow is pretty much a carbon copy of Todds family.

    What does that mean if you know what I mean??? Have you ever looked at the family tree on Todds side? Do you know what you are talking about?

  20. phoebes-in-santa fe6:42 PM

    The comments are funnier than the story! Thanks, people, for the laughs tonight.

  21. the problem child6:48 PM

    Hey, I lived "what not" for several years without getting preggers. Then I got married (to the same whatnotter) and continued the trend. The question is, would my what not and marriage have survived without birth control. Probably not.

  22. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Bristol is a great actress... reminds me of the acting done in low budget porn films.

    Just think, she could have practiced those lines at the condo. Taped them until she felt she had them down pat.

    Nah.. too much work

  23. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Below is a breakdown of viewers of "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" which has been on TV for several seasons, beginning summer 2008

    1st Season: 3.51 million viewers per episode
    2nd Season: 3.25 million viewers per episode
    3rd Season: 2.93 million viewers per episode

    Among the honors for the show were its nominations for Teen Choice Awards; I don't think that they ever won or it would have been listed. Even though the show airs in the evening, the plot described in Wikipedia sounds like a trashy soap opera or sleazy novel. Let's be honest here; the only reason that Bristol has a cameo role is the boost the slipping ratings. They did not hire her for her stellar acting abilities or convincing message. Bristol went from "hosting" the view to "making an appearance to promote her show." What are the chances that Bristol knows who Yoyo Ma is? (Oh, I forgot, the Urine people will read this and look it up, then send her the answer.)

  24. Sorry but Bristol looks like Chuck Heath in a wig. That's how I see her and I can't get that out of my head.

  25. angela7:02 PM

    Did she say she'll wait for what the experts say about her acting before she does it again? What experts? She doesn't mean the tiny little Hollywood starlets that her mother hates---does she?

  26. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Feel kind of bad for Bristol. All she knows and learned is from her parents. Her heart doesn't seem to really be into any of these talk shows or entertainment jobs it seems. Not everyone has the super-energized constitution that her mother has. This past year, she may have been experiencing post-partum symptoms, lethargy, depression, ups and downs, lack of sleep; these are just guesses, but any one of us who would have a young 19 year-old daughter would be worried about their fragile emotions during this time, and post-partum (if there is any) can take a couple of years to wear off.

    I experienced a home life with a very energetic extremely healthy mother and father who couldn't stand it when a child got tired or sick. It was the child's fault if she/he got sick. I had all sorts of health problems, and didn't get any sympathy. If the children lack in that area, narcissistic ambitious parents push their kids, the kids break down physically and emotionally and find they can't find any solace or emphathy from family, and are destined to feel alone if they aren't like "mom and dad".

    Am wondering if blogs are too hard on her. What else does she know to do if there aren't any moral supportive family members who don't set examples around her?

    At least she is humble. She always responds an answer with, "I hope" I'll be able to do this and that for my son. That's a good attitude.

  27. Anonymous7:23 PM

    The one page on the Palin's guide to Parenting involve not discussing things other than being on board with Momma Grizzly's decisions. If that isn't enthusiastic enough, fasting and praying (again, for Sarah's door plowing) are on tab.

    I'm sure Tripp is going to grow up as hungry and intellectually and emotionally stunted as mommy and grandma. Or what not.

  28. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I think Bristol looks like Chuck, poor kid. The nose job didn't help a bit.

  29. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I am just guessing that what not to Bristol must mean drunk or high???

  30. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I literally chuckled out loud too (reading the comments here). I have to agree with:

    phoebes-in-santa fe said...
    The comments are funnier than the story! Thanks, people, for the laughs tonight.

  31. Anonymous7:39 PM

    She may not have studied her lines hard, or hired an acting coach, because she doesn't want to do this show. It's her mom's idea. She wants the "experts" to let her off the hook. just a thought.

  32. There's all this big promotion for Bristol's dramatic debut and the promo clip is the whole deal...Bristol's only scene...only lines...nothing else to see.

    I hope most of us will pass on watching the episode and bumping up the show's rating and whatnot, also, too.

  33. I think ole Bristol phrase of "what not" is similar to that Seinfield phrase of "Yada, Yada". And we all know what "Yada, Yada" covered up.

  34. When Bristol does her line it reminds me of a bad Science Fiction movie. "Invasion of the Teen Moms." LOL

  35. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Perhaps the interview and forthcoming appearance on the View were taped some time ago. This fb profile pic looks shockingly like Bristol!!/profile.php?id=1360611759

  36. Anonymous8:43 PM

    What is Bristol hiding behind that cardigan or whatnot?


    series of open shelves supported by two or four upright posts. The passion for collecting and displaying ornamental objects that began in the 18th century and was widespread in the 19th stimulated the production in England and the United States of this whimsically named piece of furniture. The French version was called the etagere. Some examples contain drawers at the base; others have three sides of the upper shelf surmounted with an ornamental board

  37. WakeUpAmerica8:46 PM

    Yes, her answer to the Levi question was definitely canned and practiced.

  38. WakeUpAmerica9:02 PM

    Bristol looks like Chuck Heath as in Ugly Duck Chuck?

  39. Anonymous9:16 PM

    problem child, I had kids in what-not, marrying my what-notter years later. Does that count?

  40. Anonymous @8:42pm

    Um, interesting link you provided there. Notice when you put the URL in the browser it comes up "BRISTOL SHEERAN" then it changes to Jessica...."what not" (or Yada, Yada). What's that all about? And yes the pregnant(?) girl holding the baby does look like Bristol...well except for the dimple in her cheek.

  41. Anonymous9:51 PM

    "At least she is humble. She always responds an answer with, "I hope" I'll be able to do this and that for my son. That's a good attitude."

    at least she is humble ON CAMERA! Bristol is not humble..she's a control freak just like mom. If you have any doubts, ask the Johnstons.

  42. Anonymous9:54 PM

    nice to see she's sporting a $400 purse. Is she trying to make her chest appear larger? She has her mother's gift of appearing large busted one day and flat the next. Maybe they share a wonder bra and SP was using it that day.

  43. Anonymous9:58 PM

    love the question about 'advice from Mom'. Bristol looks like someone on the show "Lie to Me" as she hesitates and looks around thinking of something to say. Guaranteed there was no advice from Mom just screeching.

  44. It's the Chuckie receding chin

    that does Bristol in

  45. Game of Life3:59 AM

    Bristol actually made the other actress look good. HAHAHAHAHA

  46. Anonymous4:09 AM

    I think that every young single Mom should be able to carry a nice $$$$ Coach purse. She certainly does relate well to average teen moms. not!

  47. Olivia5:08 AM

    I, for one, advised every one of my kids to wait for 'what not' to have sex.

  48. Anonymous5:10 AM

    someone must have been on to something - the FB link at 8:42PM is no longer valid.

  49. why do these Palins think they are anointed to excel at whatever they do?

    Any sane person would have hired an acting coach before appearing on a scripted show. And any sane person would hire a fact checker for her speeches so she doesn't look like an blithering idiot while giving a speech.

    It's bizarre how the Palin family IS CONVINCED that they are more talented than lucky. Is that the part that appeals to all the fans -- the disconnect from reality?

  50. Anonymous5:46 AM

    What an instant non-spontaneous answer to the Levi question. If I believed before she was just co-parenting it is now obvious they are doing more. Bristol just said she didn't have acting lessons but she is trained to give that quickie robotic answer. I suppose you can't expect the revirgin abstinent ambassadress not to lie about that one. Bristol, you are a spokesperson, for you to lie is just wrong! Like her mother she has not an ounce of transparency. Bristol the scam artist shame on her.

  51. Anonymous5:52 AM

    What was the FB profile pic ? Did anyone get a capture of the screen? How fast until it was it taken down?

    Interesting! Someone must be watching this blog like a hawk.

  52. I didn't have a problem getting to the facebook profile. THAT IS NOT BRISTOL.

  53. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Can you let us know what happened to Mercede's blog?

  54. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I've seen thunder thighs before but the Bristol video is a first for thunder knees. She is just a big boned gal that photographs larger than huge.

    The "what not" always works, just look at Bristol.

    Whoopi Goldberg returns to the moderator’s chair on the Monday edition of “The View.”
    June, 27 2010 3:30 PM Tuesday: Jesse Tyler Ferguson of “Modern Family” co-hosts. Helen Mirren and husband/director Taylor Hackford promote “Love Ranch.” Bristol Palin promotes ABC Family’s “Secret Life of an American Teenager.”

    Bristol is promoting "Secret Life..." today, Tuesday, June 29, 2010 with Whoopi as moderator. Which bad hairstylist will she use? How will they masquerade the big bones?

    How is Mercede? She could do so much better promoting strong Alaskan females than the Palin fem-bots.

  55. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Mercede didn't last long. I guess it was too much work doing all that writing then having to have someone else write it for you or maybe she got accepted to medical school

  56. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Bristol is getting that Yoda look and you can't tell what she is hiding in the black dress under the jacket. When was that video filmed? Sometime after the "coparent" propaganda was introduced.

    Whatever the reason for weird up and down weight it is serious. If not preggers could be abortion, on and off birth control or diet pills, some kind of eating disorder. She is not what they are selling to the public and she must go away. ASAP. Very, very epic fail as a role model for children as young as Piper's age. Don't do this to our children. Expose Bristol for what she is. STOP the absudity and irresponsibility of parading that phony feminist that is targeting the young, STOP the moosecrapola about her leadership farce.

    Bristol keeps repeating the she works in a dermatologist office in Anchorage. It takes up all her time or something. I find it strange that no one has witnessed that she actually goes there every day to work. Why is that not documented? If she is not doing promos she would be going to work in Anchorage. Why no photos or documentation? She lies like her mother. Do you want children to just trust her?

    Sarah's big day to help special needs is the Georgia gig, how did she do? Another epic fail? Mother of the ear is punishing Willow by having her tag along. ROTFL!

  57. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Where did Sadie go?

    Willow is a sour surly character, this might be due to her Wasilla Colony girl gang affiliation. We've heard from both Chatman's daughter and Sadie about her signature "look." This picture says all you need to know about why Willow is Sarah's entourage and not home in Alaska where her friends party hardy. No one can put a stop to that. Not even Sarah, who did nothing to help the drug problem with teens while in Wasilla. I wonder why... The Sarah fix is to drag Willow along for the ride and to hold the bouquets, don't you think it softens her up? See photostream and the small group in Tyler Texas

    This is pathetic for her little sister state. How much do they pay her in Georgia to bring in money for the special needs ministry? Is she busing in a large church crowd?


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