Sunday, June 13, 2010

Even when Teabaggers win, they find themselves dissatisfied.

From the Washington Post:

The polls hadn't even closed Tuesday when "tea party" activists in Nevada started sniping at one another over whether Sharron Angle, the soon-to-be Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, was the best candidate to bring down Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid.

In Virginia, tea partiers vented on blogs and to reporters about the movement's inability to coalesce around a single, strong candidate in two House races, resulting in the nomination of establishment candidates instead.

The national tea party movement has never had a central organization or single leader; in fact, it has boasted the opposite. But Tuesday's primary results provided fresh evidence of the amorphous network's struggle to convert activist anger and energy into winning results. Frustrated and lacking agreement on what to do next, self-identified tea party leaders say the movement may be in danger of breaking apart before it ever really comes together.

"No one owns the tea party brand, and that's kind of the problem," said Brendan Steinhauser, grass-roots director for FreedomWorks, which organizes tea party groups. "In Virginia -- it breaks my heart. You've got six self-appointed tea party candidates and one establishment guy. You're not going to beat the establishment guy in that situation."

Judson Phillips, founder of another national organization, Tea Party Nation, said some activists are starting to act like mainstream politicians. "It's supposed to be something other than politics as usual, but some of these folks are only looking out for themselves and not for the country."

You know the Teabagger's view of  politics reminds me of a child's vision of what being an adult is all about.  Children think that grown ups get to stay up all night, eat whatever they want, and make or break any rule they desire.  But as adults we know that is the exact opposite of our reality.

Teabaggers seem to believe that if they can send people to Washington who promise NOT to increase spending, or play "politics as usual" that things will abruptly change and that they will "get their country back", whatever in the hell THAT means.  But when these same folks realize that nothing will get done for their state unless their Senator "plays politics" they will feel betrayed.  However if their representative stands on principle then NOTHING will get done for their state. Essentially it is a lose-lose scenario for the Teabaggers.

But here let Bill Maher explain the fundamental problem for the Teabaggers.


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Weak tea...

    The comments are worth a read as well.

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Gryphen you cocksucker, are you moderating today? Just checking.

  3. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I love Bill and hope that President Obama not only watches him, but takes his enlightened advice! That will be the only way the Democrats will 'regain' support from their base, but also get reelected! The thought of another Republican being elected in 2012 is terrifying because our country will sink even further in the mire of corporate greed and our struggling economy will become worse than it was in 2007/08, the wars will continue another 4+ years and the oil spills will continue unabated! In other words, our country will continue its decline and quickly become the 3rd world country it is currently headed for.


  4. Anonymous 9:29, yes I am.

    And thank you for helping me to illustrate why.

  5. It's simple: These people are Rage-o-holics. They Love to Hate.

  6. I think in the case of Nevada, they have a good point. From what I've read, I'd say Reid's re-election is a shoo-in. I wish it weren't, but no way for that lady.


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