Sunday, June 13, 2010

Poison from the blogosphere or kicking a family while they are down.

Yesterday I received a number of troubling phone calls and e-mails telling me that there were some troubling insinuations being made against Mercede Johnson and her family.

Of course I had been expecting that very thing and went to investigate.

However I quickly learned that the source of these insinuations and allegations were NOT from the expected sources such as Palin friendly websites, the Palin family, or "the ever ready to smear on behalf of  the Palins" Fox News.  Instead it came from a source that had always claimed to be supporters and friends of Sadie and her family.

I am sure that Mercede will want to address some of the allegations made herself, but I just wanted to say that Sherry and Mercede have been put through the wringer.  I am aware of much of the ugliness that has taken place behind the scenes and I am confident that when people get the full picture they will feel quite ashamed of themselves for assuming that they are in league with the Palins, or that ANY of their bills have been paid with hush money. (At least I hope that is the case.  I learned some things about people who are frequent visitors to this blog that I found shocking and more than just a little sad.)

Like I said Mercede may want to address some of this herself, but I would like to clear up one bizarre conspiracy theory, and that is about her car.  That car was a GIFT from a family member.  It was most certainly NOT the result of a deal made with the Palins!

There have been a lot of people hurt by the Palins. I have talked to many of them face to face, or via e-mail, and most of them are too frightened to come out publicly and say what they know.  I have patiently waited for somebody to have the guts to put their information on the record.  Believe me there are stories that could damage Sarah beyond all hopes of recovery, but until they are willing to say them on the record, and to somebody besides this blogger, it will NEVER make a bit of difference. WHY do you think Sarah tried so hard to smear Joe McGinniss?

So here comes brave little Mercede Johnston willing to tell the truth and stand up to the Palin-bots and all of the hate mongers who will invariably want her to sit down and shut up.  Yet expected attacks from supporters of Palin have not materialized. Wisely they have chosen to remain silent.

When Sadie and I first talked about her desire to start a blog and tell her side of the story, I told her that it was a great idea. As long as all she did was tell the truth even the most vicious Palin-bot would be afraid to criticize her.  After all, she is just an innocent bystander whose life was ripped out from under her by circumstances beyond her control. How could anybody have the indecency to go after such a person?

Question asked, answer given.

In the future let us please try to keep our minds open to the facts and not let our preconceived notions or prejudices distract us from our goal, which is to continue forward until we uncover the truth, regardless of whether it matches what we imagined it to be or not.


  1. Midnight cajun1:17 PM

    Yeah, I was shocked by those attacks, too, Gryphen. The poor kid. I think perhaps some people thought she had the key to bringing Sarah down and don't want to give that up. She is incredibly brave, standing up like this. I have a lot of respect for her.

  2. Gryphen, it would be helpful if you managed to not let your adverse feelings about "a source that had always claimed to be supporters and friends of Sadie and her family" show through so much in your blog posts.

    Innuendo doesn't become you, nor does being so emotional. "Poison" tends to poison the atmosphere, and that's what YOU are doing. If you have a gripe, tell the people who offend you, and stop alluding obliquely.

  3. I confess, I am a bit curious as to how so many Wasilla teens can afford all the goodies we see in the photos.
    It's none of my business were Mercede got her car.
    Also, not for one minute do I blame her for not sharing the truly damaging details.
    She's just a kid in a smalltown who has seen some pretty serious stuff and most likely feels like she has a bullseye on her back.

    I wish her all the luck. But not for one minute do I anticipate that she (or anyone in her family) will be the ones who deliver the goods to take Sarah out of the public picture.

    Frankly, I don't know if anyone will. But one can hope.

  4. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Could you please tell us why these people are frightened of the Palin's?

    There are ways to tell what you know with out it coming back to you so I don't understand, are they going to remain afraid of the Palin's the rest of their lives...

  5. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Gryphen- I don't think you should blame the owners of a blog for what the commenters say in an open forum...keep up the good work and Hang in there Mercede...

  6. eva marie2:11 PM

    Don't know if you will allow this through or not but here goes.

    I posted yesterday about the quality and content of Mercede's blog. I tried all night to convince some people that I was not attacking her or saying that she didn't have the right to blog. On all the blogs I read people discuss and disagree with other blog content, frequently linking to the offending blog for others to read. This is natural and normal and those who have blogs must have thick skin and a tough hide to put up with the shit they must endure.

    I have much sympathy for Mercede and am willing to give her some room for growing pains in her blog. It is natural and expected. If she is smart she will read the criticisms objectively and use what she thinks is important and disregard the rest.

    If she is going to crumble because some old cranky lady in New Orleans said a couple of mean things about her blog then she needs to stop now. Personally I think she is strong enough to handle it.

    And also - the owner(s) of the blog that I posted on did not say one word in this discussion. The fact that they allowed me to talk about it does not mean they agree with me. If Mercede would have allowed me to say what I wanted on her blog it would have never been said on the one you have a problem with.


  7. Anonymous2:15 PM

    AMEN Kajo!!!!! What Gryphen is doing is poisoning the collective effort to expose Sarah and that is wrong. I believe there is serious jealousy here and Gryphen doesn't hide it well...
    Asking questions is NOT attacking Mercedes.

  8. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I was surprised, too, to see the strength of the feelings of the people who questioned Mercede. On the other hand, it was surprising to be reading such well-written posts when we've heard over and over that Wasilla's schools are poor.

    If she's having you (or any other adult) edit them for her, that's great! It would just be helpful if that fact were mentioned somewhere. Since it wasn't, a few commenters in her blog encouraged her to consider writing as a possible career. Now that most have agreed that she had editing help, I think that a few of those people are feeling a bit misled.

    I do heartily agree that Mercede is a young girl who has had to face up to a giant. And, she's being surprisingly strong to make such a stand!!!

    I hope she will continue (and write more often) so that the Palins will see that she's not someone to mess with anymore. I also hope that she's taking care to protect herself from them in every way that she can.

  9. Please. She says she doesnt know anything about ruffles? She doesnt know how $arah looked so good in her short shorts right after birthing Trig after the long wild ride? and why TRig was being toted around on his 3rd day of "life"? She was young and mixed up words. but shes sooo smart? Yeah...Someone is being played. Not me. Not buying any of it. Sorry.

  10. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I am confused enough about 'babygate' and when you don't say specifically who or what the conspiracy theories are, it is just too muddy to know what this is all about. Who is putting out these conspiracies? It could be helpful to clear them up. There are so many trolls it is hard to know if that is not the problem. How can you be certain it is not a 'Palin friendly' troll? Mercede is capable and I hope she will address any problems in a direct manner.

    The matter about certain teens in Alaska having money was brought up long ago by fellow Alaskans (that was not to do with Mercede). It is curious and something that Alaskans should question. Too many people are forsaking an education but they find ways to be great consumers with big vehicles and adult toys. I think people in the Lower 48 are questioning the annual trust money every Alaskan gets. I am sure many people need that for winter fuel and food. Others make it look like a shame. Especially when so many say they don't want anything that could be taken as 'socialism' or one of the isms.

    I agree that the Johnston family has been through the wringer. I hope nothing but the best for their family and all decent non-corrupt and honest citizens of the world.

  11. To speak in a metaphor understood by the Palin gangbangers...these witnesses to SP's crimes upon humanity remind me of rape victims who are frightened into silence. I just imagine that the fear is so profound and the threat too real to them. It is unbelievable what her supporters believe abour her all in the name of her style of Christianity. What ever did happen to live and let live...she certainly does not. A third grade playground bully has more compassion (an itelectual curiosity) for their fellow human. What will SP do should enough of fooled by her good Christian personna and become the leader (it's cramping my fingers as I type)of the free worl...(OW THAT HURT). God save us from her and all who walk in her wake.

  12. Perhaps it's no one's damn business how Mercede paid for her car. All this rampant speculation from certain blog commenters just reiterates what I've been saying for the last few weeks. There are commenters out there that are catty and seem to almost tend towards jealousy, both when speaking of Mercede and the Palins.

    To many of them I would like to say, "get a life", walk away from the computer for a moment. Get a real life friend; an actual living and breathing human being. Get a dog, take it for a walk.

    Unless the majority of the folks are morbidly obese and/or physically handicapped, they spend and inordinate amount of time posting comments.

    Some of these folks are led by the nose by their blog allegiances and will mindlessly jump on the "story du jour" and beat it until it is a bloody meaningless pulp.

    Trust me, I've been there. Palin Derangement Syndrome is a life-stealing obsession that neither improves one's outlook, nor pays very well.

    Step away from the computer every now and then. You'll be glad you did.

    Many of you are as mean or meaner than the original mean girl herself. It's become an overly hypocritical environment. We are BETTER than she is. Remember that and stop stooping to her level.

  13. Ellen S3:17 PM

    I continue to hold the J's in my prayers. Individually and collectively, they seem to be doing the best they can with a very bad hand.

  14. honestyinGov3:20 PM is my take on this.
    Anybody or ANYTHING linked to the Palins will cause doubts and or questions about the motivations. It is the ' Palin Poison '... it affects everyone. You get a little dose of it everyday. You question everything that has anything to do with the Palins. Every story.. no matter whether it is big or small your radar goes off and you start questioning things looking for the REAL answer or the motivation. You get trained to look for ulterior motives and ask ' questions '. The day before Mercede's post was about ' Ask Me Questions '. Nothing wrong with that either... nobody's fault. Maybe just bad timing in this case as people started asking some of those 'questions'. People know the Johnstons are Good people, But people were asking ' questions '. Again... everybody gets a little dose of the ' Palin poison ' at the same time.

    Just like Levi gets linked to the Palins... obviously anything Levi does gets linked to both Mercede and Sherry. Again... nobody is questioning the Johnstons are NOT good people and you have not suggested that either.
    But based on the ' past '... even you have had doubts ( questions.. only )about the strategy that Levi and his Attorney were working on. You wrote about it. Whether it be about his Court Custody case or him sitting down and writing that book he talked about... etc. Strategy type ' questions '.. but Not of a personal nature. You weren't attacking Levi by asking these ' questions '... we realize that, but you had the right to pose or ask them as well.
    So... maybe it was partly bad timing, the hope that Mercede would be able to expose the whole story we were waiting for ( which she can't.. and is NOT her job )and the need to get some quick answers to ' questions ' out there.
    Mercede gets linked to Levi as well because of Levi's questions that don't seem to have answers at this point to some of them either.
    It all goes back to people getting that daily dose of ' Palin Poison '. It affects people. Lets move on and get rid of the Poison.

  15. womanwithsardinecan3:24 PM

    The Johnstons seem like a nice small town family who were just living their lives like we all do until a whole lot of crap was thrust upon them. Overall, they seem to be managing in spite of that crap. How many of us would do as well under the same circumstances? Sarah WANTS to be the center of attention, and has been working at it most of her life. The Johnstons were forced into the limelight. Whatever "fame" and money they sought after being stuck in this mess is pretty much cancelled out by the havoc the Palins wrought on their lives. The Internet has made it much worse. Sometimes I truly hate this medium. Mercede seems like a bright, strong young woman. I wish her all the best. I hope she can put this behind her and follow her dreams.

  16. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I think, Gryphen, many of us are really getting impatient. We've *been* patient... for almost 2 years now. We are all on the same side: We want the Whore of Babble-On to exit stage left and become a forgotten footnote in history. Many of us are getting quite weary and frustrated with the constant venom this cowardly viper is spewing on our country and our world. We are sick and tired of being sick and tired of this bitch. Enough already. We are going on almost TWO years of this shit.

    As for me, I'm not taking sides on this joust match between you and other bloggers. I really don't give a shit who said or did what. I'd like to think we ALL have that common goal to see SP eat shit, just as I said above.

    We are just SO done with this bitch and are tired of her getting away with so much shit... while the people who KNOW continue to STFU.


  17. If the concern is whether Sadie has help editing her posts well then let me address that. Yes she does.

    But having said that you may be surprised to learn that there are other bloggers who run their posts by other people before hitting publish as well. As a matter of fact some of you here have served as MY editor when I inadvertently misspelled a word or left off part of a sentence. We could all use a little help sometimes.

    However EVERY SINGLE word in Mercede's posts are authentically hers. She may need some assistance, but not nearly as much as people seem to assume. I edited the posts she put on IM and I can attest to the fact that she does indeed have a knack for writing.

    And believe it or not she is trying VERY hard to answer the incredible number of questions that have been posed to her in the last day or so. Just be patient.

    But also keep your mind open. Because people have assumed a LOT of things about Sadie and her family that are just not true.

  18. ManxMamma3:51 PM

    Gryphen, I absolutely agree with you. I simply cannot understand the attacks on Mercede from people who seemingly hate Palin.

  19. Anonymous4:02 PM

    There is nothing wrong with her having help. I just hope this is not too much for her. She hasn't even said a negative word about the Palins so I wouldn't expect Bot attacks. The minute she does, they will be all over her. If she is upset with the questions so far, how can she handle more? This isn't a judgement.
    I couldn't handle them at all.

  20. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Since you won't post what I said, may I respectfully ditto eve marie? Gryphen, I used to be one of your faithful fans until you chose to dramatize an innocent siutation between bloggers. I still enjoy a lot of your posts but don't comment. I am sure I writing this to you only, so go ahead, push the delete button. But, keep on working hard like you do to bring this despicable woman, SP, down.

  21. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Thank you AKPetMom for saying "certain blog commentators." Because I was wondering if it was a blog administrator. I've read some gnarly commentators on all the blogs from time to time. It can be unfortunate. I don't think it is our business how people get their cars unless there is reason to question the legality or some kind of hypocrisy is involved.

    It is pathetic for all the young people involved with the Palins. I detest that Bristol and Willow are brought up at times but how are they not part of the mess? Most everyone in Wasilla is suspect at one time or another for holding back about SP. Because we have Mexican drug lords and gangs where I live I am familiar with no one talking, it is how criminals operate when they take over whole segments of an area.

  22. Thank you for that last comment Gryphen.

  23. Who can't use an editor? Was it Jack London who had a wife that helped him complete his work? It was just that so many people were going on about her writing (as it had changed). John Kennedy couldn't spell. There is no harm in her making a statement as to those that are helping her to get started. From what I've seen so far Mercede is very good at speaking and I have no doubt she has a talent to write.

    Everyone is sensitive and too many expectations are on the Johnstons. It is remarkable that she came right out and said ask me anything. I believe she will do her best but if she doesn't know things she can't make them up. There will be people that are disappointed. I stopped thinking that Levi knew enough or would come out with anything new a long time ago. I think the mother and sister don't know either. Their observations and experiences are still of interest and value.

    Another Alaskan blogger, Syrin, made some interesting statements lately. I take it she gets her information from adults? Does she also communicate and discuss with the Johnstons? If I remember right, Mercede did not look at the blogs about Trig. She sees the baby she held in the Palin kitchen as the same Trig that was at the RNC convention. She also did not pay attention to the photos during the time that Sarah would have been pregnant.

  24. I am sure that Mercede can handle narrow minded bloggers. She has had to put up with much more in her young life. I have been following her from the first day her My Space was made public. From what I have read in her posts she is genuine. I would be more than proud to have a grand daughter like her.

  25. Anonymous5:03 PM


    mercede, Important point I try to tell my children. Just because someone asks a question does not mean you have to answer it. Do only what you are comfortable with. Also be guarded to anyone on the internet. You never know who they really are or what there motives are. Also - when I write someting at work that may others are going to see I alsways run it by other people to tweak it. Many writers, professinal and regular people do all the time. ( hey what are editors anyway)

  26. emrysa5:30 PM

    I agree with soapydog. People are frustrated that this shit has gone on for as long as it has, and what this is doing is creating suspicion of EVERYONE who has been involved in any way with the quitter. unfortunately this includes the johnstons. while I don't think the johnstons are involved, I also know I could be completely wrong for the simple reason that nothing adds up.

    one thing gryphen, if you are helping mercede, you might want to let her know that saying "there's no food in the fridge" but then talking about how she "went shopping for clothes and bought a wii" is not going to help people have a favorable opinion of her and only adds to the suspicion. sure, I know it's not fair, but you know that old saying... perception is everything.

    and I'll say the fact that this shit has been going on this long makes ITK7's theory more interesting by the day. almost 2 years and still no answers... no accountability in the media. she gets a free pass in the national media and WHY? who is behind her? who is pulling her strings? who is making the decisions? I'm fucking sick of this country being dragged down into the gutter because of toxic people like palin, her thoroughly evil handlers, and the dumbshits that support her. nothing adds up about this whole scene.

  27. Thanks for the tip about other bloggers. I went and checked out the blogger that seems to be the thorn here....I didn't read the comments but the commentary was informative. Too much competition out there from you Alaska bloggers seems to be causing scoops and back-biting...tsk tsk. I am rooting for Mercede and hope she answers my questions. I didn't see anyone step out of line on her blog....

  28. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Gryphen, you told her it was a great idea for her to blog? 1. She is a child. 2. She does not make Sarah look good. Hence, enough to ensure that Sarah makes Sadie's life even more difficult and challenging. Didn't you hear her former COS on Shannon's show, "How would you like that [kind of person] after you?"

    Did you warn her she was going to be in for a world of hurt, that trolls exist, that even decent people like to get some gruesome kicks hiding behind anonymous postings?

    Look at how the Teabaggers shouted down, even spit on infirm citizens at public forums?

    And she does not have a host of (for lack of a better word, 'professional') advisors looking out for her interests and ghost-write her narrative.

    Mercede is brave to want to speak for herself and her family, she is brave to want to stand up against the Palin smear industrial complex, but she is outmatched and her foe are anonymous, viscous and unrepentant.

    Good luck Mercede, this ugliness is only the tip of the iceberg.

  29. My problem is not how Mercede got her car, or whether she has an editor.

    My issue is that while I find her sincere and extremely likeable, I have a REALLY hard time swallowing what she is saying. I suppose it is possible that she is completely in the dark about Trig's true parentage. But the way Levi (a hunting, truck driving, teenage "redneck") is holding that baby in the Palin kitchen is WAY TOO AFFECTIONATE to be just the boyfriend of the "birth mom's" daughter. NO WAY. Not buying it. Sorry. Maybe Mercede just liked babies -- but to Levi that baby was something more.

  30. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Given the underhanded manner that Sarah Palin seems to control Wasilla (either by money or terror), is it really so strange that someone would be asking questions about Mercedes? I personally think that she's on the up and up (I'm not as sure about Levi, unfortunately) but there's nothing wrong with asking questions.

    You've given the answer, here, Gryphen. It would be nice if you could have done it without the insinuation that an entire blog is out to get Mercedes. It is completely and utterly untrue. Mercedes is young, but she's not a child. She's had to deal with the Palins, I think she can handle a little suspicion from some random people on the internet.

  31. "Take her down, and take her down now". That is a common theme amongst many commenters on many blogs critical of Palin. Some say it will be tax evasion, some say Babygate.

    I think any of us with sane minds now realize that even if Palin did not birth Trig, that Babygate will not be the issue that will put so much as a dent in her armor. It has gone too long and too far and if the truth ever did come out, it will be spun like a washer on a spin cycle and Palin will end up smelling like a rose.

    At this point, we need to let Palin be her own worst enemy and choose to continue a life in politics. She will dodge debates, tweet and facebook her diatribes to the faithful and milk those poor saps for all they are worth.

    If she does run, and win, well that is merely an editorial on where America stands and where our collective reasoning and intelligence is.

    She has very powerful and wealthy people pulling her strings and putting words into her mouth. There are many Cheneys behind the Palin phenom.

    She'll either play herself out or will prevail and lead our country. Nothing we do will stop her.

    She's so much fun to follow, just like hairbrained celebs like Lindsay Lohan. She is a hot mess.

    We'll see what she can pull off, until then, it's great entertainment.

  32. Anonymous6:14 PM

    IMO there's nothing wrong with Sadie having someone edit what she writes. She appears to be bright and I would expect her to learn things just from the editing that she sees being done - that's not an impossibility. After all, isn't that what's done when you submitted a paper to a professor...didn't the prof edit it and didn't you learn from that experience?

    I read a page or so of the comments on the other blog including a few questioning "where Sadie got the money for the car...must be hush-money". Silly stuff. Jumping to ridiculous conclusions without having any facts. It's pretty much a necessity for a young person - or any person for that matter - to have an automobile if they live in an area like Alaska. It's inconceivable to me that any Palin bought the car for her. I'm glad she's got a car!

    Everyone's sick and tired of watching Palin flit around the country stirring up hate and showing her stupidity - trading on her "cuteness". Who would have thought it would go on this long? I'd LOVE to see her brought down. I can't stand the woman. I do think that she's going to make a run for the WH in 2012. I think she'll get shut down pretty quickly but that's optimistic hope.

    The one "crime" from her past that I think will NOT bring her down is to be proven to not be the mother of Trig. Knowing what I know about fundamentalists, IMO, they would spin her covering up Bristol's pregnancy (assuming he is Bristol's baby) as the heroic act of protecting her teenager. If Trig isn't Bristol's baby but a child adopted in order to secure family values creds, well then that would be different but how in God's name would that be proven? Whoever's pulling her puppet strings would never admit to being a part of something like that.

    I've come to the conclusion that there's not too many things that will bring the old girl down: murder? embezzlement? infidelity? tax evasion? Any of those things would have to be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. The way I see it, the only sure thing that will end Palin's assault on this country is her own mouth and her own immodest actions. That's where my hopes lie.

    When Palin's done something outrageous in the past, I've thought surely she can't survive (whatever). But she does. Each time. My problem is that I look within myself and think "I'd be so embarrassed that I wouldn't show my face again". Or I'll think no reasonable person will brazenly bluff and lie their way beyond this. But Sarah isn't reasonable. She moves on to the next whacko stunt and keeps rolling. She has no shame, no moral compass. I think she's so stupid that she doesn't understand how ridiculous she is to most other people.

    Only Sarah can end the reign of terror that is Sarah. I do not expect Sadie or Levi to end the farce of Sarah Palin. No adult who knows things about the Palins and who isn't courageous enough to speak up has the right to point their finger at Sadie, Levi or Sherry Johnston and accuse them of not saying anything - those three are the most vulnerable in the Palin saga.

  33. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Although I still read "that other" blog, I no longer read the comments there. A few of the regular posters have become extremely vitrolic in their posts. It has made me very uncomfortable to read them. Some of the posters there need to step away from their computer. It's meant to be a tool not lifestyle.

  34. KevinNYC6:47 PM

    Gryphen, I don't the controversies you talk about in this post, but it seems to me you may have given bad counsel to Mercede.

    When Sadie and I first talked about her desire to start a blog and tell her side of the story, I told her that it was a great idea. As long as all she did was tell the truth even the most vicious Palin-bot would be afraid to criticize her.

    Politics/Being in the public eye is a rough, rough business. The blogosphere can be a rough, rough place. It seems to me that good advice to Mercede was to expect that there would be negative consequences to her starting this blog and that she needed to be prepared for that. They might be undeserved consequences, but you could have almost guarantee they were going to come.

  35. Anonymous6:49 PM


  36. Some folks seem to be emotionally invested in a particular opinion or theory and aren't likely to give it up or have an open mind. I hope Mercede can weather the storm of doubters and naysayers and disheartening remarks.

    There are many who appreciate what she's doing and accept her posts at face value.

  37. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Gryphen have you ever lived outside of Anchorage in rural Alaska?

  38. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I think it's vital that if Mercede is going to open her door to the entire world that it's done with professionalism, and with security for Mercede. Those two have been accomplished, and nothing else matters than that the sentiments expressed on her blog are Mercede's. People should just get over themselves. Mercede didn't put Sarah Palin on her pedestal and it's not Mercede's job to push her off.

  39. Anonymous8:02 PM

    May 18, 2010 * Syrin comment: "FYI....People are finally talking around here!!! This week has brought to light for me a confirmation from two seperate people that Bristol indeed has been pregnant twice.... Thats all I'm sayin for now"

    That was almost a month ago, will someone be able to say anymore? Syrin is from Wasilla if I'm not mistaken. She knows Sarah Palin. Another Alaska blog had news about Levi and Bristol and had to take it back but said something about next week.

    Life in the blog-sphere can be rough.

  40. Sarah might have gotten away with a fake pregnancy to protect her daughter early on. But, at this point, she's made up too many details and emotions to overcome being exposed as a very accomplished liar and fraud who can't deal with a perceived difficult situation. I agree that she'll spin it and spin it good. She'll gain sympathy from some of her most ardent fans but the WH will be nothing but a bitter dream. I hope. (sigh)

  41. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I love that folks from California looking at little pictures on the Internet know more about the situation than the Johnstons.

  42. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I think everyone needs to take a chill pill. This all sounds so petty. Why does anyone care about these teenagers and their lives? Let's focus on $arah and her shennanygans. If you want to get pissed off, go check out her latest FB crap. That is worthy of some bloggin steam. I know I'm steaming mad with her snark and total ignorance.

  43. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Where are the little pictures and what do they show? Do you have a link?

  44. Molly9:39 PM

    Hi Gryphen,

    Please tell Mercede and her family to hang in there, and not to be discouraged that some commentors on that other blog have said some things about them that have made me cringe, too, because I LIKE the Johnstons!

    I'm a sporadic commenter here and on the other blog, and I really love the work they do and that you and Mudflats and Shannyn do, in uncovering all the sins of Sarah, and I am definitely on "Team Johnston", so I was upset too at seeing some of the comments some people had written about the Johnstons being in cahoots with the Palins. I don't at all believe that to be true, and I hope this kinda rank speculation doesn't discourage Mercede from blogging.

    Sending out some good thoughts from Wisconsin to you Gryphen (nice to know you are helping her with her blog, which I suspected) and sending out kind thoughts to Mercede, Levi, and Sherry.

    The most important thing is that Sarah Palin be kept from ever being in a position to run for POTUS. She really could be the catalyst for the annihilation of Planet Earth (not kidding).

  45. Anonymous9:39 PM


    I notice you've moved on to other topics--good for you--but I want to add a note about the kerfuffle over Mercede Johnston's blog.

    I think it was the immortal big thinker Pat Boone who once asked, "What if they gave a war and no one came?" This nugget of wisdom seems to apply here: I just paid a visit to the "other" blog and found that--aside from a few admittedly unkind, but finally stray, early comments about Mercede on a couple of posts--most contributors were pursuing totally unrelated subjects. In fact, her blog seems to have been a minor, passing concern.

    Thus, my question is: Are you engaging in a one-sided battle that can have no productive outcome? While your defense of Ms. Johnston is admirable, I'm seriously wondering whether you're doing her more harm than good by being so defensive about your own role in her new endeavor.

    That being said, I'll associate myself with comments here about readers of blogs needing to get a life. Neverthelss, that bit of sage advice should pertain equally to those who frequent IM as well as those who follow the "other one."

  46. Anonymous10:31 PM

    anon 9:00PM - "Let's focus on $arah and her shennanygans."

    Ahhh, yes, we should and many of those shennanygans are wrapped around her kids. That's why they will continue to be the focus of much that is researched and published about slimy SP.

  47. Anonymous10:34 PM

    The johnston's may have been thrust into the limelight, but most of the people I meet in NY have never heard of Mercede Johnston. And the only reason they've heard of Levi is because he went on tv post election and "slammed" his babymama. Those are their words. He did it to his own family, I'm sorry to say. I know the palins want full custody and don't want to deal with multiple families sharing Tripp, but there were better ways to go about sharing custody than go on Tyra, Larry King and ET and slam your babymamas mother. Not good Levi. I'd be pissed to. There are things I dont like about my own mother, and I've even said I hate my birth mother (im adopted btw) but I would be pissed if someone insulted them.

  48. SME13110:53 PM

    I’ve never understood why anyone thinks the Johnston’s know anything at all about the Palin’s. We have always known how secretive Palin is about everything and the Johnston’s (including Levi) were never a part of the Palin inner circle. Being at a baby shower or an occasional visit does not make one a part of the inner circle. Even Levi, who spent a lot more time at the Palin’s was basically kept in the dark and said Sarah stayed in her room most of the time, it wasn’t like she was out chatting up the kids and taking them into her confidence. I seriously doubt the Palin kids have a clue about Trig…………….. some people are masters at deception and Palin has proven to be one of them.

    People need to leave Sadie and her mom alone and just let the girl say what she wants when she wants. She has a right to say whatever she pleases and if people don’t like what she says then they should find another blog to read.

    Sadie is young and was even younger when all the trig stuff came about. She isn’t an expert in pregnancies so why would she think anything was amiss. I do believe her when she says she gives everyone a nickname and uses the term bear a lot. That’s is typical teenage stuff so accept and move on.

    The people that can bring Palin down are not some kids, not even Levi. No, the people who can bring her down are people with just as much to hide as Palin and that is why they are too cowardly to speak up.

    Have some decency and leave this girl alone. She has a right and most likely a need to vent and she is doing so quite respectably. Far more so than any of the Palin’s could ever hope to do.

  49. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign11:58 PM

    Mercede will do just fine for herself and her story - you GO GIRL!

  50. Anonymous5:24 AM

    I wonder why Levi was wearing a hospital bracelet while holding Trig (NOT Tripp). Why was Levi at the hospital at 6AM when Trig was allegedly born? Why are there pictures of a tiny fragile baby that actually LOOKS like a preemie....and pictures of a big fat baby with Chuck that definitely does not look like the same baby at all.

    Why were there no pre-natal visits for SP?

    I wouldn't expect Mercede to know any of these answers, but Levi does. People know that Bristol was pregnant in 2007.

  51. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Everyone who publishes their writing has or should have an editor. Even Steven King has an editor. The Mercede car gossip was wrong! For a blog which claims to pride itself on posting hard evidence (and they usually do) they really missed the boat on this one. Mercede is on our team! Until you can actually prove otherwise, leave her alone. Do not start circulating horrible rumors about her and the Palins. We all want to see Palin go to jail, but the Johnston's have been hurt emotionally by this woman. Do they really need this crap from people who claim to support them?


  52. Anonymous7:31 AM

    If there really are people with damaging info on Sarah Palin and they aren't coming forward because of fear of retribution or because something unflattering about themselves may be exposed in the process, they need to stop and think. The only way to stop a bully is to stand up to them. Look them in the eye and say what you know. The bully is way more afraid of you than you will ever imagine. And a little slime on you is way easier than living with the fact that you are a coward and let someone run roughshod over you.

    I can believe that there are a few people afraid of retribution from Sarah Palin, but I have a hard time believing that everyone with damaging dirt on her can be that afraid of her. Unless all that math in the Valley has got them all paranoid.

    Just remember, Sarah has way more to lose than you do.

  53. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I think all of this started a while back when there was an up roar between the 2 blogs, one was willing to bury it by leaving the others link up on their blog roll..put that is neither here nor there now.
    Seems when Sarah posts get heated up it boils over to other people whether they're involved or not and it causes hurt feeling all around. We need to all get along for one purpose, keeping Sarah out of politics!!
    I'm hoping IF Sadie or Levi know anything they will bring it up but we can't depend on 2 young people to do it all.

  54. Ms. Johnson has every right to express herself in whichever form she chooses, including blogging. Writing a journal, whether it's in paper or digital form, is a great way to sort through your thoughts and impressions, to tell a story and get your side of things out there, and even to develop your voice as a writer.

    That said, it's important, as readers of any book, magazine, or blog, to bear in mind that there is a huge, huge difference between copyediting and ghostwriting. All major publishing houses assign a copyeditor to every single completed manuscript before it is typeset and printed as a book. A copyeditor is a professional version of a Mama going over her son's essay and correcting spelling mistakes, typos, and, if a sentence's structure obscures the writer's meaning or contains really egregious syntax errors, he or she will fix those; however--and this is a big however--the writer's all-important "voice" is preserved. Word choices are preserved. If a writer's style is to use simple, declarative sentences, the copyeditor does not insert multiple semi-colons or turn the whole thing into a string of nested dependent clauses.

    On the other hand, a ghostwriter actually does the work of writing. It is the ghostwriter's voice, telling the "client's" story in the first person--based on the notes or rough drafts supplied by said client (the person for whom he's ghostwriting).

    I happen to think ghostwriting is dishonest in most, if not all, circumstances. Mrs. Palin has been widely criticized for having a ghostwriter create her Facebook posts as well as for taking credit (and money!) for a book she did not write, but rather, dictated notes for. There was a time, not too long ago, that when someone wanted to tell his or her story (as in an autobiography) but did not possess the writing skills to do so, he'd hire a professional and the published piece would bear both names, i.e. By Mrs. Sarah Palin, with Lynn Vincent. Or else, By Sarah Palin, as told to Lynn Vincent. And that's perfectly acceptable; in fact, it's done all the time.

    Publishing something as yours when you've used a hidden writer--a ghostwriter--injects significant doubt into the piece. Readers who can spot the obvious differences between your natural "voice" and the polished syntax, strange word choices, and sophisticated style of the piece cannot help but wonder about the veracity of every single thing you're saying, and cannot help but speculate that other people's agendas are at play.

    People wondered about the veracity of Mrs. Palin's Facebook notes and various Op-eds. It's a normal human reaction to the significant disparity they perceived between the "voice" of one set of published writings and another wherein both were presented as having been written by the same person.

  55. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I think Mercede would be better off writing a book about kids in Wasilla - it's a much safer topic and seems there's to be a lot of interest around it. I think her blog is a great effort, but I can't imagine that she really knows much about the Palin's. How many of us really know intimate details about the family members of the people our siblings are dating or involved with.

  56. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Anonymous 10:34 PM. Sarah and Bristol consistently slam Levi. Bristol claims he does not want to be a part of Tripp's life and that he is not providing support. Not true. She claims in court filings that she wants the proceedings closed for Tripp. She has been the one cashing in on him. Levi did not slam her as a bad mother ever. His gripe was that her abstinence stance is false and that he has information that would hurt Sarah Palin and does not want to be forced to use it in a custody battle. Van Flea and her team have TMZ, Fox News and People Magazine in their pocket. Levi used what he had. So would you if that was your kid.

  57. I'm a little late to this discussion, and my points have already been brought up by other posters. I would, however, like to re-iterate that a handful of proliferate posters seemed to be expecting Mercede's posts to be riddled with spelling errors. When the posts weren't, they seem to have immediately jumped to all sorts of wild conclusions. I guess some people haven't learned the joys of the spelling- and grammar-checking applications available in today's word-processing software.

    And I said this elsewhere: I don't know what all the cross-blog sniping is about and I don't care. What I do know is it's counter-productive to our goal, which is making sure that Sarah Palin doesn't get a chance to ruin the rest of our country like she tried to do to Alaska.

  58. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Like SoapyDog, I really wish that those who know the truth about Palin should speak out, should 'publish' what they know with all the pertinent dates and facts. She has enough ill gotten wealth now that she can run away from Wasilla and spare her victims further torment when they finally stand up to her. There is a quote from Robert Louis Stevenson that certainly applies: THE GREATEST LIES ARE TOLD IN SILENCE. In other words, speak up and speak out for the sake of this country.
    M.A. in Maryland

  59. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Frankly, the car, as a gift, totally rocks!

    And now I learn she uses a editior....
    gee. wish i had 1

    personally, as a Mat Su resident, you all leave my hometown girl alone! Or, or, or I'll honk and yell at you from my ATV.

    My little family and I feel protective over Mercede.
    She's our girl, from the valley.

  60. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Car, photos, quarreling, sniping. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???
    With all these references to some interesting thing, it isn't about her blog. There's no little photos or anything about a car.

  61. Anonymous3:51 PM

    On second thought, never mind. I don't need to know.
    IM, you've got a serious problem. It's not the browser; it's your website. You should care because it might mean that it crashes at some point.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.