Friday, June 25, 2010

Stephen Colbert wonders just what is behind all of the bad news coming out of the Gulf of Mexico.

I thought that both the Daily Show and Colbert Report were great last night. But as I watched the segment below it made my ears perk up.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Put the Cursed Monkey Paw Down
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

You see parts of it kind of reminded me of one of my posts from Wednesday. Only, you know, much better.


  1. The bottom line is, we need to leverage this BP crisis and start true energy reform. Obama touched on this but didn't go far enough. Yes, we won WWII and put a man on the moon - but not without the coordinated, funded efforts of the Pentagon and NASA. Maybe it's time for an organized effort that will address current problems and work to solve the inevitability of running out of fossil fuel.

    Anyway, here's my social satire/video response to the post!

    You're Soaking in It!

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    We missed the show last night. Thanks for sharing.

    It lifted our weary spirits. Between the perpetual Palin nonsense (her latest tweet quotes that big mess of greed and manure, Murdoch)and the Gulf debacle, and the summer's relentless heat and humidity, we were dragging slowly along sinking deeper into sadness. You gave us the shot of humor we needed!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.