Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Is it raining OIL in Louisiana?

From Jalopnik:

So considering the effect of light and crude oil evaporation and seawater emulsification oil from the Deepwater Horizon may be having an effect on the water cycle. An unknown variable on the overall cycle is the introduction of BP's dispersant of choice, Corexit 9500, which may be either helping or hurting the degree of evaporation. Dispersants break up the natural surface tension in oil, sending small droplets into the water column and reducing the surface area which may evaporate, however it also changes the chemistry of the oil which remains on the surface. We have yet to find any science on the subject of the effects these evaporated compounds and their likelihood to come back down as contaminated rain.

In the worst case scenario this sheen is actually oil mixed Corexit, which according to

"is associated with headaches, vomiting and reproductive problems as sides effects at high doses to clean-up workers. 2-BE has also been documented to cause the breakdown of red blood cells, leading to blood in urine and feces, and can damage the kidneys, liver, spleen and bone marrow of humans – effects not included on the information sheet for workers."

So WTF?  Oil is not supposed to evaporate and end up in the water cycle!  When has THAT ever happened before?

What, did Sarah Palin pray the Corexit laced oil out of the Gulf and up into the clouds so that it can rain down and poison the people along the Gulf more effectively?  Hey lady, STOP trying to help!

Look if this were happening back in the fifteenth century I have no doubt that people would believe that God is mad at them.  And you know what?  Maybe he fucking is! Perhaps it is time to take the hint and start taking care of this planet that so many Christians consider a gift from the Almighty.


  1. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I had numerous people that worked on the Valdez oil spill stay at my house in Valdez and they were all sick. They told me that the boats they stayed on were full of sick people constantly coughing and trying to deal with bad headaches

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    To this day I can not look at a latte all frothed up with foam.

    Post the Exxon spill the winds kicked up. Between the winds, surf and swell, the oil frothed. Brown foam was rising with each gust. On shore, a oil sheen could be seen on the spruce trees 10 feet high. My family entered into a environmental shock, so to speak. We fled. We ran. I called my parents from Whittier. They met me in Portage. On the drive back to Anch, my dad pulled into Alyeska and rented a room. So I could wash the oil sheen off my hair.

    I didn't watch the vid. I just can't. But I don't dought one bit that it is raining oil down there.

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    On the topic of people praying to God for help, I believe that God does answer prayer. But, this event is the result of neglect of a company who could have prevented this. Praying away this disaster is like asking God to help them find a way to pay for a wrecked car they crashed while speeding.

    Those who pray to Jesus aren't going to pray for stupid things. But, after an event like this, of course people can pray for a quick recovery to residents, prayer for those affected financially, health-wise. But God expects the person not to repeat the stupidity. He gave us brains to know that this could happen again, and as stewards of the earth, the only wise thing is not to drill new sites ever again in the Gulf considering it's in a weakened state. The oil under the seabed is His, and He never really gave instruction for man to go there and disturb nature's balance.

    Men decided to increase technology and we have to reap what we sow. We've become soft and entitled to inventions, transportations that provide a more comfortable lifestyle.

    We've got to own this one. And yes God can help the victims from the Gulf from this, but corporate greed is responsible and it's a bit hypocritical for "some" to ask for divine intervention with no intention to change their views on the implications of continual drilling.

  4. Anonymous1:40 PM

    You know, sometimes even Steve Quayle gets it right... He was on Coast to Coast last night talking about this and the potential methane bomb that is now the GOM. Warning--first hour of his visit only. The rest is devoted to giants, Bigfoot, the usual.

  5. WalterNeff2:10 PM

    Bristol acts badly:

  6. Anonymous2:55 PM

    that video is un F..king believable.

    The heavy warm air of the gulf is microdroplets of oil from the water, like salt spray that can carry miles inland. And it will be dumping it out on the the SE and Mid Atlantic states and the whole Gulf rim for months after the leak is finally dealt with.

  7. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Jon Stewart made a great comment about St. Sarah's prayers.
    God had already stopted the leak by putting the oil under a mile of water and two miles of sediment and rock.

    Expalin that away St. Sarah.

  8. Anonymous2:59 PM

    And speaking of micro droplets, the hurricaine season is already here. Imagine what a 100mph wind can lift of the peaks of white caps, if they are white anymore.

  9. Aussie Blue Sky3:09 PM

    As I wrote a friend recently, high technology and environmental awareness mean nothing any more and we've been tossed back into the Dark Ages with no understanding of Nature or physics - and problem-solving by burning witches at the stake is surely around the corner.

  10. mommom4:18 PM

    Here in Louisiana we already deal with higher than normal rates of diseases like cancer.Environmentalists are not encouraged here,its like a third world country in many ways.The fallout from this disaster will be with us for years to come.

    But Mrs PAYlin and her peeps,they are so religious-they feel that God gave us this earth and all of its resources,so now we can just play with it as we like.They will be very surprised when God comes back for the Earth he loaned us,and takes His Earth and goes home.Without them ,for they were not good stewards.

  11. Anonymous5:14 PM

    We're screwed. Badly and for a very long time to come. We did this to ourselves and have only ourselves to blame.

  12. FEDUP!!!7:25 PM

    Well, the video seems to be compelling, and I do believe that it might be real...

    But on the other hand, you only see the close-up, no wide-view at all - i.e. you do not see the whole street/neighborhood, etc.

    I am playing devils advocate here, so do not rip me a new one, please...
    So, my question is: Where exactly was this video shot? In front of a garage that spilled some oil/gasoline? Did someone pour out some gasoline onto the street from a gas can?
    I hope there will be other videos surfacing soon, others that are more compelling.

  13. How far can clouds carry this oil+dispersant muck before dropping it as rain? How long before airplanes report oil coatings after flying through Gulf area clouds? How deep will the cover-ups and denials run?

    When Mt. St. Helens blew it's top, the ash fell an unbelievable distance away.

  14. Follow the storm pattern in the southern US and you will see where these evaporants will go.


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