Friday, June 11, 2010

Is Sarah Palin the new Jerry Falwell?


At a breakfast in Washington, D.C., last month, Palin, wearing a rosarylike cross around her neck and a sparkly American flag lapel pin, told a version of the Trig story to 550 women who had paid at least $150 each to the Susan B. Anthony List, an organization devoted to supporting pro-life female politicians. When Trig was born, Palin recounted, “they lay him in my arms, and he just kind of melted right into my chest... And it was just like he was saying, ‘See, God knows what he’s doing, and this is going to be good’... I tell you truly, Trig has been the best thing that has ever happened to me and the Palin family.” Around the room, women rose from their chairs, stamping their feet, clapping, and hollering. And when they all finally sat down, Palin smiled like a beauty queen and said, “Yes. Bless you.”

Let’s face it: the Trig story is a women’s story, the kind girlfriends share over coffee or in church. It has all the familiar elements of evangelical testimony: tribulation and dread; trust in God; and, finally, great blessings. Many Christian women loathe Palin, of course, and many men love her, but a certain kind of conservative, Bible-believing woman worships her. And it is these women Palin has been actively courting as she crisscrosses the country talking about Trig to women’s and pro-life organizations.

To millions of women, Palin’s authenticity makes her a sister in arms—“Sisters!” she called out in Washington, as if at a revival—a beautiful, fearless, principled fighter who shares their struggles. To a smaller number, she is a prophet, ordained by God for a special role in the cosmic battle against the forces of evil. A 2009 profile in the Christian magazine Charisma compared Palin to the Old Testament’s Queen Esther, who saved her people, in this case the Jews, from annihilation.

Palin has been antagonizing women on the left of late by describing herself as a “feminist,” a word she uses to mean the righteous, Mama Bear anger that wells up when one of her children is attacked in the press or her values are brought into question. But while leftist critics continue to shred Palin as a cynical, shallow, ill-informed opportunist, and new polls show her unpopularity rating to be at an all-time high—53 percent—Palin is now playing to her strengths. Even if she never again seeks elected office, her pro-woman rallying cry, articulated in the evangelical vernacular, together with the potent pro-life example of her own family, puts Palin in a position to reshape and reinvigorate the religious right, one of the most powerful forces in American politics. The Christian right is now poised to become a women’s movement—and Sarah Palin is its earthy Jerry Falwell.

As many of you already know I have been consistently making the case that the living breathing key to Sarah Palin's influence is her little Down syndrome toddler Trig Paxson Van Palin.  Without that child Sarah would currently be at the end of her disastrous first term as Governor of Alaska and headed toward blessed obscurity. It was Trig that provided her the boost she needed to burst onto the national scene.

Now admittedly when I first started to make that argument, I was often met with patient, yet unimpressed, smiles and perhaps a condescending nod of the head. "Sure thing Gryphen.  What ever you say. Good luck with that."

However NOW when I have similar discussions the response is much different. I get the rapid nodding of the head and the eager verbal agreement that frankly would have been pretty nice to receive two years ago when I first started this investigation. However to be honest it IS a rather crazy notion to absorb, the idea that a woman would purposefully adopt a special needs child and use THAT as her source for political and religious credibility.  I mean even I have to admit that is kind of nuts.

And if we were talking about anybody else, I would STILL be on the receiving end of patient nods and strained smiles.  But I am not talking about somebody else, I am talking about Sarah Palin. And after the unfathomable number of lies she has told, and odd behaviors we have seen ("boobie-gate" just being the latest), people have come to the conclusion that there is probably NOTHING so bizarre that it is out of the realm of possibilities for that woman.

The result of these epiphanies has been a lot of e-mails and phone calls that start off in a very similar manner. "Hi Gryphen,  Look I was kind of a skeptic about this whole "baby" thing but lately I have begun to think and....."  And then they go on to share their observations or conclusions and I find my little "babygate" file growing just a little bigger.

Now days I do not often have to do the heavy lifting of convincing people that she was not pregnant in 2008. Almost everybody that I talk to has already reached that conclusion on their own, and they just want to talk about their theory, or in some cases observations, as to the "why" and "how" of the scandal.

It is an unbelievably slow process, and as many of you have observed a lot of blogs and interested parties have fallen by the wayside, yet I am just a little too stubborn to walk away.  Sometimes I feel like one of those crash test dummies who are constantly hitting a brick wall.  Only in my case I just dust myself off,  adjust my trajectory, and continue moving forward.

The recent confirmation about what happened with the Johnston computers has certainly resulted in renewed interest as to WHAT was on them to cause such concern from the McCain campaign and so has the gossip about just how many people Sarah is paying to stay silent. (If my sources are correct Sarah needs to give at least one speech a month just to break even.)

I actually have a lot of hope for this summer.  With Joe McGinniss up here, and Geoffrey Dunn's book nearing completion, there are a lot of people who have started to talk that had been fairly silent before.

My dance card is filled almost every day, and I may have to take out a bank loan to pay my phone bill, but progress is definitely being made.  On that you can be certain.


  1. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Sounds promising, please keep us posted.

  2. Not Betty Friedan7:03 AM

    So. . . Mrs. Palin is reaching out to the downtrodden in the party, the ones who need porpoise ;-P in their lives. Google "The Fascinating Woman" and you will see who I speak of. They call themselves fascinating, they call themselves feminists-- and they ignore or put down their sisters who want something different. They think their approach to life is a one-size-fits-all, just as the 1970's women's libbers movement went.

    Thank you for the valuable insight. Palin is for the fringe group, one that many women will grow out of with time as their own needs shift.

    Why does she go on about Trig like she is the first person to have a child with special needs? (Note that I did not say "give birth to a child with special needs.") It's her meal ticket, the one that keeps her like all of us. . . I have a child with special needs and I approached the situation differently (with love, not sticky, sappiness.)

  3. Pat in Branson7:19 AM

    Keep on keeping on! I just had a visit from a girlfriend. We both lived in Alaska in the 60's, 70's and 80's. Of course we started discussing Ms. Stupid Palin and I started talking about the "babygate" story. My friend lives in Colorado/Yuma and watches news and keeps up with things, however, she had NEVER, EVER heard this story. She just looked at me and said "well that is crazy. Doesn't matter to me, I guess, if it is true because I've based my hatred and disrespect on that woman on what I HAVE SEEN AND HEARD" The good news is that she (along with my 92 year old republican mother) do not like Palin based on how they see her...and that is great, however, how many people would change from loving her to hating her if they HEARD and truly believed the story. How on earth do we get it out there? Keep it up and Mercedes needs to write more often. OH, I really was not familiar with Joe McGinniss but the fence thing finally led me to find out he wrote a book about Alaska Going To Extremes. I got it and it is RIGHT ON. His research is impeccable and I was right there and know that all of this book is accurate.

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    "Only in my case I just dust myself off, adjust my trajectory, and continue moving forward."

    Yeah,that makes sense considering she has left you
    sitting in a cloud of dust.

    IM and Mudflats are hemorrhaging traffic and bleeding out.

    Good luck with that.

  5. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Well I guess I ask the question again. Did Sarah give birth to Trig? I think we all know the answer but when is the truth going to come out.

    One speech a month to break even. Does that mean........

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Where the heck is Levi??

  7. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I salute you for all your efforts and energy to pursue the truth. You are the man in my book! Can you help sadie set up a donation button for her blog. I know there people who would help support her in her path of writing and explaining her part of this horrid story!

  8. Anonymous7:37 AM


    Most women recognize the "mean girls" when they see them....others it takes a moment or two to realizethat the person is a lying ho just waiting to stab you in the back.

  9. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Sarah dear,

    As usual, you have it all backwards. You needed your enhanced breasts when you were faking the pregnancy and faking nursing-- not now!

    You are truly a BOOB!

  10. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I truly appreciate reading this entry in your blog today. You frustrate the hell out of me sometimes because I find it somehow unbelievable the SO many people can keep these secrets for so long. Today I am grateful to you for hanging in there. I live in a highly educated part of the country and have done Doctoral work myself. When I tell people the Trig story that we believe, they look at me like I have a third eye. Few people have followed this thread as closely as some of us and I cannot wait until the truth emerges. One vexing question for me, where is Dr. Baldwin-Johnson now, is she practicing medicine in Alaska?

  11. mommom8:05 AM

    Having a good friend with a now adult DS child,who is like Trig,not as badly affected as many others,I wonder at her stories.Someone who cares for a DS child on a daily basis would talk about the love and the happiness,at the same time expressing the difficulties,the heart aches ,that are gone through.She runs around the country and talks it up like its the best thing since sliced bread.As though we should all not make any effort to find reasons for and prevent this from happening in the future.Her contributions to DS research show that!
    The reality is that it is very hard on the caretakers.Love abounds,but day to day dealing with an ever bigger child who gets more difficult,more independent,is exhausting.Love has nothing to do with that.If Mrs PAYlin spent more time with her child she would understand that,and stop presenting the situation as something to strive for.She could use her notoriety for good,and exhort money from followers for research,instead she uses her charming,bogus tales to make money for herself.

  12. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Not only does she act like she is the first person who has ever 'had' a special needs child @7:03, but her followers act like Trig is the first special needs child ever to be born on this planet. You would think that every baby known to have DS was aborted prior to and after Trig's birth the way these people carry on.

    I just find it incredible though that these dim bulbs -- some of whom are mothers-- really believe Stupid's ridiculous birth story that changes up depending on the venue and payment Stupid receives. When I first heard version 1.0 of the wild ride, the first thing that popped into my head was 'oh, she was trying for a miscarriage,' not that she was some tough frontier woman. As the story changed and the circumstances got more and more weird, I began to think she didn't really give birth to that baby.

    It's fascinating that people can put someone so undeserving on a pedestal and throw all logic and critical thinking skills out the window because they think Stupid is just oh so special. Sorry, but I just don't get the Stupid Sarah phenomenon -- and I'm kind of glad that I don't.

  13. Anonymous8:11 AM

    So she's paying people to keep her secret? Interesting. How many are we talking about here?

    I do sincerely appreciate your efforts to keep going on this story. When I think about those who have fallen by the wayside over the last year and a half, it's frightening. People keep saying, "The truth will out," but as a historian, I know that isn't true. Just ask the families of the men killed on the Liberty.

    At one time I had hoped that Mercede and her mother might be the key, but I have come to believe they were kept in ignorance. Remember Mercede complaining that Bristol wouldn't let Levi talk to her? It's my belief that the Palins swore him to silence long before the baby was born, and he kept his word. It's possible he is still keeping silent because they have threatened him, and that the crazy child support payments he is being charged are part of the threat. If the Palins have not legally adopted Trig, then they could come back at him for all kinds of costs if the truth came out. A pretty damn good reason to keep your mouth shut, and not tell your sister and mom, who are touchingly sweet and innocent and probably not very good at lying.

  14. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Did she intend bra-gate to push the McGinnis/pervert/fence story off the airwaves?

    I am hoping McGinnis has the goods. And I second OP, you are the man.

  15. @ Anon 7:37 - I am 100% certain that Conservative Women like Mean Girls. The nastier, the better ... the obvious height being when the jabs are delivered from within the walls of the megachurch.

    it's amazing how it is "the Trig story" that brings all sides to Sarah.

  16. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I want to comment on what I can kindly at best refer to as a mysterious pregnancy Palin had of Trig. Initially when she was rolled out as a Hockey Mom foremost I was busy researching the candidates, their records inattentive to the news questioning who was the mother of Trig.

    Later I came to understand why people would have doubted Palin given her physical appearance, the coincidence her daughter Bristol was sent to live elsewhere, the plausible and implausible excuses unbelievable stories including the nonsensical wild ride tale that contains fetid stench contradicting any caring pregnant woman I have ever known and even two careless pregos who jeopardized their health and their unborns.

    Palin by her intent to deceive, hide, lie by omission, sudden physical morphing to a large pregnant to sixty after announcing she is pregnat brought doubt and supsicion onto herself. Not sickos out there making something up nor individuals in the general public making up wild tales.

    As a female with three female daughters and a son I like so many people chose to give birth to children we conceived. Palin and evangelicals need a reality check they aren't the only ones who did not abort an unplanned pregnancy or chose to have a child knowing in advance the fetus had an anomalie, genetic disease. Frankly I am...f'ing sick and tired of their ad nauseum exaltation of selves morally superior while Palin spews vomitus poison labeling everyone in the world but her would have chosen Trig not be here.

    Personally I feel ressentful of Palin for she has IMO dragged women down, to the gutter and set back the efforts, tenacity, hard work, ethics of females and is a poor example. Not to mention a lousy role model and poor example of parenting, and blackened the often silly stereotype ideals many of us women attempt to achieve as soccer, hockey etc. mom's.

    Suffice to say, once I saw the photos and learned more I completely understood why any sane person would doubt Palin's claims and frankly unbelievable stories and her physical appearance.

    The bottom line on the boobies is rage as if we ought not to have noticed...perverted reaction as if we are crazy, hallucinating and it did not happen. Sane people are accountable whether it's a wonder bra..padded..better fitting garmet. Pamala Anderson is not a whack job going ballistic denying she appeared as she chose and intended screeching "I am being attacked!" Even on Fox Palin shows up as if they are just lucky she took some stop doing what she was doing..dressing erraticly..bizarre ideations of professionalism..attention seeking behaviors. More people are seeing through the constant attention seeking and are turned off.

    I am certain there are many intelligent dedicated women out there who are not pathalogical liars we need to learn more about.

  17. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I think Palin is a mind meld of Jesse jackson and Jerry Fawell. She's everywhere there's a camera, offerin her 'expertise' comments on any subjects, but not willing to get the mani dirty. Then, with the same voice, crys out to the lord to lead her.

    Bull crap, and she's totally full of it.

  18. Anonymous8:29 AM

    7:37 AM Anon is correct about how women spot a ho.

  19. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I didn't like Palin the first time I saw her and my loathing and disgust has grown immensely. She is an udderly" ridiculous moron! Nothing would make me happier than for you to bring her down, Gryphen. Keep up the good work. Kallie in Texas

  20. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Yup, that kid is her whole appeal to most of her fans, except the low IQ men.

    Thanks for keeping on. I have seen the photos and it is obvious she was not pg. Almost as obvious as the resemblance between Track and the Menards!

  21. Anonymous8:56 AM

    So it's costing Mrs. Toad Palin $100,000 a month to keep people quiet. She made $125,000 a year as governor, I believe. So even with Toad working, they weren't making enough to pay all the hush money. Therefore she had to resign and start raking in the bucks to keep up. It all came to a head last July when a major player was going to let it all out, resulting in her sudden, breathy resignation. Am I right, G?

    And, just as a note to any of the hushees getting paid off: She's getting off lightly if all it takes is an hour or so of word salad a month to keep you happy. DEMAND MORE!! Or better yet, go to the National Enquirer and get your six figures.

  22. Randall9:00 AM


    Her boobs are fake
    Her face is fake
    Her glasses are fake
    Her DS son is a prop and the whole story of his birth a fake
    Her oil industry credentials are fake
    Her 1/2 term governorship was fake
    She doesn't write her own tweets or facebook rants (fake)
    She didn't write her own book (fake)
    She even bought her own books (through $arahPAC) to get herself on the best-seller list (fake)

    She IS, however, very pretty - and very mean.

    ...thus, she makes millions traveling around the country spouting nonsensical policy to fools that think unquestioning belief in "the invisible wizard in the sky" is a suitable substitute for an education.

    ...sounds like the perfect conservative to me.

  23. Chris9:17 AM

    "Very pretty"? Seriously?

    I don't see it. I mean, she ain't UGLY, but she ain't pretty either.

  24. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I think the Palins are getting help purchasing silence. With luck, the fat cats will soon become bored with their toy candidate and the bribes will end.

    July would be nice. Give you a little time to bask in Alaskan summer.

  25. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Gyphen dear,
    you were a wonderful role model for my son.

    AND Thank the aurora, you were there to understand my over protective need for the safety, concern of my son. He really needed to be with some peers. I needed to step back and let it happen. You totally understood this dynamic that can happen with moms. I was totally inflicted. Completely infused with over protective instincts. Even my son's older sisters loudly claimed I had perfected over protective-ness. Four words: You made it smooth.

    And YES. $carah needed a "I Didn't Abort" baby to pack around. It is that simple.

    "earthy Jerry Falwell" !!
    Now ain't that just so upstanding?

  26. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Here's the teaser for tonight's Greta Van Sustern (fox):

    How Sarah Palin and the President could solve the oil spill crisis together - the former governor goes On The Record

    That teaser alone should be enough for one of the recipients of the Palin largess to demand a great big fat raise.

  27. Anonymous9:35 AM

    gryphen in the Jon Stewart interview last night, when Palin's name is mentioned by Stewart, Tim Palenty suggests this is where the entertainment in politics in not a good thing..... Interesting how that off hand remark goes unnoticed.

  28. Anonymous9:43 AM

    If the fingers in the dike ever get tired or they run out of fingers it will be a flood of biblical proportions!

    Sarah wants to be just like Jerry Falwell-I can believe that.

    I wonder what she will do in 2012. Opinions vary.

    She'll make it work for her no matter what she does.

    It seems like it would be too much trouble and work to run in 2012-but then google turns up these articles today.

    "Name recognition and likability are factors in presidential elections that shouldn't be undersold, and three GOP candidates are off on the right foot in the first state to hold a nominating contest -- Iowa.

    In the latest Iowa Poll, Mitt Romney was viewed favorably by 62 percent; Sarah Palin by 58 percent; and Newt Gingrich by 56 percent. "

    "Romney, Palin and Gingrich have stronger name recognition because they have had national profiles. Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, ran for president in 2008 and finished second in the Iowa caucuses. Palin, the former governor of Alaska, was the 2008 vice presidential nominee. Gingrich, of Georgia, is the former speaker of the U.S. House."

    "Brian Kennedy, Iowa's former state GOP chairman, said the favorability numbers give an indication of which possible candidates would have a good start for the 2012 races.

    "I think it confirms what we all suspect, which is Sarah Palin would start off as a formidable candidate both in the Iowa caucus as well as competing for the nomination," Kennedy said. "Mitt Romney doesn't look like he's been bruised from going through this process once.""

    It looks like the Desmoines Register is the biggest paper in the state.

    I don't know if this is accurate.

    In 2008 Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama won the primary in Iowa.

    Keep up the work of finding out the truth.

    The flood will be a BIBLICAL flood if they ever run out of fingers for the holes in the dike.

    Keep pokin and stickin also too.

  29. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Very promising indeed. IMO, McGinniss would be very interested in what Mercede and Sherry have to say about their version of the campaign.

    SP falls flat without her props. #1 Trig. She works them all but he is special. #2 Track's military. #3 Bristol's serial abstinence gigs. #4 Willow basketball star and Colony girl. #5 Piper cute, cute babysitter.

  30. FEDUP!!!10:08 AM

    OK. Two observations here:

    a) "When Trig was born, Palin recounted, “they lay him in my arms,..." When a baby is born out of YOUR uterus, it is placed ONTO YOUR STOMACH - *NOT* 'into your arms! (Presumably, you are lying down while giving birth - you are not standing up/squatting somewhere in a field...)
    So, she inadvertently admitted that SHE DID NOT GIVE BIRTH TO TRIG!

    b) Now I am wondering if Levi is one of the receptors of her monthly payments to shut up - and that his having to pay Bri$tol $2000/month is part of the scheme, since he has NOT tried to contest the amount AT ALL, and has not tried in court to see his son(s). All he ever does is just complain that he does not get to see him/them, but on the surface at least, he does nothing else.
    (Where IS Levi anyway? Does he have a job? What is he doing?)

  31. Anonymous10:17 AM

    If telling the truth about Sarah would rob her of her power and influence, then you would think that people would say something. They must be enjoying the hush money more than they care about the hatred and polarizing politics that she represents.

  32. womanwithsardinecan10:17 AM

    I think the most telling thing about the Bots dubbing the Boob as their Queen Esther is that Esther was the most bloodthirsty revenge-doer in the Bible. She is the epitome of Old Testament nastiness.

  33. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I really doubt she's paying people off. If thats true, and Alaska really is as pissed at her as you say, someone wouldve said something, no?

    The only reason I think Trig is hers and she is guilty of bad decision making, in the months leading up to the birth, her entire demeanor was different. ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. Watch the interviews, pre preg, during pregnancy and after, and now.

    I just don't understand if everyone hates the Palins/Heaths, why it seems the opposite. Theyre a strong family, one that loves each other. There are some huge personalities and hardheadedness - meaning Bristol and Sarah - of course theyre gonna butt heads.

    My aunt and grandpa never got along because theyre both equally stubborn. But they love each other unconditionlly. I feel for the Palins and am glad they have each other.

    We need to let them live normal lives. Sarah has a point. Every other politician commits equally shady crimes yet their families are generally ignored. If is because the Palin kids are extremely attractive? The media needs to mend itself or the world will only get worse.

  34. womanwithsardinecan11:17 AM

    All Sarah has to do to start leading a normal life is go home, shut up, take care of her family, and stop being the reality show celebrity whore she is. Stop trying to remake our country in her image. Stop her pathetic pissing contest with our President. Shut the fuck up and crawl under her rock. Oh, and how about GET A JOB, BITCH!!

  35. a j weishar11:17 AM

    This thing is like a big puzzle that is coming together. The Johnston computers had photos of the original baby with the unique right ear. That baby was not a good prop because it didn't have distinct Downs facial features. It's all about appearance and marketing. As they say, the plot thickens. Thanks to Gryphen for stirring it.

  36. womanwithsardinecan11:19 AM

    Her IQ and education level suggest that she would do well as a barrista at a coffee shop (no offense to coffee barristas). Free skinny white mochas!

  37. womanwithsardinecan11:21 AM

    Oh, and concern troll, NO, all politicians are NOT like Sarah, and their families are ignored because they don't use them as props. Idiot.

  38. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I suppose paying people off could also mean with a scholarship, job or any kind of benefit.
    Todd could give his old snowmobiles up for a deal. I knew a sociopath type and they would play victim and get people involved in things that made them look bad. They didn't want to be the one to start investigations.

  39. Thank you Gryphen

    This subject has pained me for a quite some time and you may be correct to a certain extent that Christians are who currently give place to this fraud. But, I beileve as a Christian that the so called authenticity that makes her a sister in anything does not exist. I have said Sarah Palin is not only a political prostitute she's also a spiritual prostitute. Heck, it appears that she's found honor in prostituting herself to every conceivable political ploy known! It's sick and sad to see her literally compared in a biblical reference.. Sarah Palin has made it clear by her bad behavior she has NO moral compass, her fruit is quite rotten! The Bible spoke of this wave of ignorance and lust of the Church to pursue a lie, a myth.

    Tim 4:3
    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers and leaders having itching ears. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.

  40. icstraights11:31 AM

    Haha womanwithsardinecan!!!

    Fake face, fake boobs, fake hair, fake baby(ies)...
    Fake Alaskan...fake marriage. Fake paternity (Track)...fake mayor of Wasilla (she hired a city manager to do her job)...Fake politician...

    FAKE LIFE! Scarah: The only thing real about you is your millions you conned out of your fans with a fake writer for your fictional book.

    Donate your $$$ to charity and go home (to Idaho)!

  41. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Her demeanor was different? Maybe because she was faking a pregnancy and worried every moment about someone brushing against her or the wind moving a scarf off her non-belly? When perpetrating a big lie right in people's faces, one's demeanor might be different is right!

    She is the one who uses her family like human sheilds, shoving them out there, always a kid with her, every tweet about what the FAMILY thinks....sorry, if she puts her kids back in school and college, then maybe we will stop talking about them. sheesh.

  42. If I were Palin and couldn't stop stubborn bloggers, I imagine I would try to create confusion or new rumors or attempt to discredit them.

    Sarah may be paying for silence but also may be paying others to spread false information. (Or, instead of using dollars to twist arms, the Palins may simply resort to threats and intimidation.) I hope you are wary of your sources, Gryphen.

    Thanks for the assurance of your stubbornness.

  43. Anonymous12:03 PM

    When Trig was born, Palin recounted, “they lay him in my arms, and he just kind of melted right into my chest... And it was just like he was saying, ‘See, God knows what he’s doing,


  44. Anonymous12:30 PM


    Anonymous@8:11 brings up an interesting point in time when Bristol did not allow Levi to talk Mercede because he may have been sworn to silence. Levi maintains the secret because he was bought off and threatened if he divulged the secret. Who else knew about this and why is nobody coming forth with the truth? Could be a lot of money and threats involved.

    I just couldn't understand why Levi would not simply tell the truth...whatever it was. He appeared to give hints, but never followed up with anything solid. He remains quiet. It was said that he was writing a book. His attorney or perhaps it was his bodyguard said Levi's book was coming out in March. Hello? Nothing since then. Nothing. The entire situation is mind-boggling. The Palins continue to do whatever they want and get away with it.

    They are common criminals. She is hustling her ass to give "speeches" at $75K to 100K plus expenses and racking up the ill-gotten money. The money won't last if there are people being bribed. I would hope that at some point the truth must come out. The whole situation remains bizarre and no doubt convoluted.

  45. Mickey712:37 PM

    I have a major issue with Palin calling herself a 'Mama Bear' or a 'Mama Grizzly.' I KNOW Mama Grizzlies with special needs kids and she is nothing like them. Mama Grizzlies go to Washington DC and lobby their representatives for better funding for desperately needed services and research to find cures for those with special needs. Palin uses her public influence to make things harder for those with special needs. For instance, she used her one policy speech on the campaign trail to blast spending on basic science research because she is too ignorant to understand how that research translates into treatments and cures for human beings. (I blogged about it here:
    She is, in fact, a Mama Grizzly's worst nightmare--the idiot whose stupidity we have to spend precious resources overcoming to accomplish what we need to do. I generally try to be a little nicer in public comments, but as someone who works in the patient advocacy field every day, it is irritating beyond measure to me that she claims to be a strong advocate for her child when she is actually the opposite--a strong force to be overcome by those who truly DO care about the plight of those with special needs.

  46. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Re: mean girls. Ladies, I'm a relatively peaceful person, easy to get along with and hold my temper as one should in polite society. I'd love to take the gloves off and show bumpit brain how it's done. I scare people shitless when I'm on a tear. I'm older than the bitch is, but I'd take her down with a look. Seriously. Also, too.. :D

  47. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Regarding payola for silence in Wasilla, has anyone noticed many people quitting their day jobs or evidence of inordinate discretionary local spending?
    Follow the money!

  48. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Nah...she is one face lift away from making her permanent home Alaska. Just keep showing the video of her and the witch doctor.

  49. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Give Sarah a few years and she'll be a remake of Tammy Fay Baker. She's already purchased the chest, soon will come the overly filled colligen lips and the fake eyelashes and heavy mascara.

  50. Irishgirl2:01 PM

    Anon at 12.39

    I like you! Also, too.. :)

  51. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Palin was in bed with BP...good post

  52. emrysa2:34 PM

    gryphen I don't think sarah is paying anyone off. I have always maintained that there only needs to be a handful of people who know the truth about trig - sarah, bristol, todd, sarah's sister, and cbj. none of those people would be getting paid off.

    and if sarah got trig from some other source, I would bet that it's from her church's blackarket, and those people sure aren't going to narc on her if they're in the business of stealing babies from abused teens (cbj?).

  53. Anonymous2:55 PM

    1:04 PM
    I have found myself wondering about a few of her middle class supporters in the area that do take trips and buy a few things that look above their means. It's hard to say if they got an inheritance or what is going on. Everyone and their kids in Alaska likes to go to Hawaii or the other states several times a year so that is not unusual. They might be good at saving money.

  54. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Here is something I have been thinking of for some time now. Her flight from Texas has always bothered me and sparked my investigations -so please bear with me as I think this out.

    If she did not give birth to Trig there was no reason to "rush" back to Alaska. She could of gone home normally and just "pretended" to go into labor when she was back there in the next day or so.

    Now if Bristol was giving birth then she would naturally want to get back fast because we all know she is a mama grizzly. So that would make sense too.

    But here is what I think - she gave birth to Trig and Trig is being used as blackmail for her political aspirations. The reason why is who Trigs father is.

    In June and July of 2007 (when she would of conceived the baby) there were some very prominant conservatives in Alaska - Kristol,Barnes, Gerson, Lowry, Bork,Bolton, Hanson and of course ol' Dick Morris (yes the Fox news commentator who likes prostitutes and toe sucking).

    Wasn't Todd working in the fields for BP in the summer of 2007? How did he father the baby?

    Also Palin announced she was pregnant right after she got the "confirmation" from the GOP that she was the VP pick.

    Now back to why she left Texas so quickly. Texas is one of the few states that keeps the placenta and does a blood test on newborns - all to prove the DNA and who the father is in custody cases.
    Interesting twist don't you think?

    So, Palin gets pregnant by a prominant conservative in the summer of 2007 and then blackmails him into getting the VP nomination or she exposes him. She lets the hype about Bristol being the baby's mom etc continue because it throws everyone off the real trail...that she is holding the Republican party hostage. Now they can't get out from under it without admitting that she was extorting them and they went along with it.

    Any comments?

  55. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Just saw Inside Edition and Palin's aide made a statement saying the plastic surgery theory is "utterly ridiculous". I bet Palin wanted the attention and loved showing off her new chest, but is so used to getting away with her lies that she never thought people would realize she had a boob job. I bet that she's mortified now and is scrambling to lie her way out of this as fast as possible. Now it's time to open the floodgates of babygate, send in comparative pregnancy pictures to the media and have them start questioning the theories, then watch the Witch lose her mind....

  56. Irishgirl4:31 PM

    Anon @ 3.24
    Anything is possible. However, I can't get past the fact that she didn't look pregnant.

  57. Anon 3:24 - Good try but I don't see how your theory is possible.

    Trig's due date of May 18-23 gives a likely conception date of Aug 29 (Sarah-Todd wedding anniversary). The conservative pundits were long gone. Besides, how could any of the ones you listed guarantee her nomination?

    I believe Todd worked alternate weeks so he could have been a potential baby daddy...if someone had actually gotten her pregnant.

    There's no evidence that Sarah rushed from Texas to AK to give birth; the evidence does show an attempt to create a myth.

    Have you seen the photos of Palin at 7 and 8 months pregnant for her supposed 7th pregnancy?

  58. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Irishgirl: In grade school someone cornered me in the girl's room and punched me in the stomach. I stood there and laughed at her. Scared her shitless. Later she became a good friend. (really!)

    Moral: Stand your ground and don't take any shit off of bumpit brained bimbos.

    Anon 12:39

  59. Anonymous5:04 PM

    @ anon 3:24

    I don't Sarah was ever pregnant with the child known as "Trig," neither was Bristol. (Although Bristol *may* be the mother of the "ear" baby.)

    The Republican Neocon operatives who came to Alaska (urged on, I'm sure, by powerful Theocons) may have cooked up the Trig plot with Palin, however.

    They were shopping, at the time, for a VP candidate who would be palatable to the religious right -- especially in the event of a McCain nomination.

    It is no accident, IMO, that Palin announced her "pregnancy" the day it became clear that McCain would be the Republican nominee. But her well-timed announcement was all according to a game plan hatched, so to speak, in the summer of 2007.

    I see the visit by Kristol, Barnes, Morris, etc. as an" Annunciation" to Saint Sarah -- to give her a mission from God.

    The Neocons were pushing the Trig narrative very hard from the beginning, saying that Trig was *the* most important reason to for good theocons to vote for Palin.

    And there continues to be much big Neocon/Theocon money to help pay off anyone who needs paying to keep the adoption of Trig -- their "campaign prop" quiet. Also, too, there are some really scary, credible threats that might be made against any who told what they knew.

    These "carrots" and "sticks" are still being applied, and the fiction will continue as long as Sarah proves useful to their political faction.

    For some supporting background on this story see Jane Mayer's New Yorker profiles of Palin in the fall of 2008, and read Republican Gemorrah by Max Blumenthal.

    Also, too, do a search on Trig's middle names --especially "Paxton" -- and the remarkable connection to John McCain.

  60. Anne In DC5:30 PM

    It's laughable that anyone thinks Palin cares enough about Trig. If she were truly a "mama grizzly," she would not be using him as a prop. She would be trying to avail herself of the best way to educate him and prepare him for the eventual reality of life without either of his parents. If her account of getting on the plane when or after her water broke is true, that also shows a staggering stupidity and irresponsibility.

    She and her equally clueless minions act as if she were the first woman to decide against aborting a special needs child. They need a serious reality check, because usually a mother who decides to keep such a child goes on to do whatever she can to improve the quality of life for it by providing the best education and training possible to ensure a good outcome in the long run.

    I blame not only McCain for foisting her upon the rest of us, but I also blame the GOP for enabling her in her self-deceptions and lies. They are reaping what they have sown.

  61. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Inside Edition and Palin's aide made a statement saying the plastic surgery theory is "utterly ridiculous"~~~

    So what were they? UFOs? There was something different going on in her shirt, I did think they looked more like a stiff bra. If not plastic surgery unnamed aide what brand and style of bra or stuffing?

  62. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Yes, if Tri-g did rush forth from Sarah's loins, premature, DS, hole in his heart, I guarantee he was NOT NOT NOT placed in her arms. He was whisked away and examined by doctors and nurses.When full term babies rush forth from their mom's loins, they are placed on the moms abdomen FER SURE.Then they are cleaned up and weighed and measured and THEn placed in moms arms for good.
    Now, when one is presented with their child which they are ADOPTING, then said child is placed in and can melt into a mom's arms
    Another f ing lie Sarah. JUST STOP TALKING.

    LOL at commenter who says Palins kids are all attractive. I guess, if you like short people with no necks or chins and tree trunk legs and who are really stoned most of the time.Their lack of education,lack of morals,lack of common sense and lack of decency make them SUPREMELY unattractive.
    And let's PLEASE not forget, that TRI_G is another name for DS. She named her kid after his disorder!!!!!
    3:24 commenter, interesting thoughts there. Could be WHY she named him TRI_G as a constant reminder to the father that he is being blackmailed.
    A mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma.

  63. emrysa6:34 PM

    @ 3:24:

    if she was 8 months pregnant, she would have had the baby on the plane. especially given that her water broke in texas.

  64. Anonymous7:14 PM

    This is harsh but as an older woman I would have every single prenatal test known to man and if there was any irregular diagnosis in the fetus, I'd not have it, plain and simple.

    These children and not gifts. They take more care than the normal family can afford, and more patience as well.

    It's Darwin's world and I would want for my child to have a fighting chance and be as qualified as the majority of humans to be able to function in this world.

    These are not gifts they are all to often burdens, both on society and on the parents. (yes, I know that some take the task of having a special needs child to heart and do all they can to make life the best possible. Also it seems that some special needs kids are more high functioning than others through a unique genetic situation. Still, most aren't and we as women have a choice not to birth a child with challenges. Kudos to those that have high functioning kids or those that are able to overcome some obstacles.)

  65. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Hey Gryph, I just sent you a little love via Paypal. Keep up the good fight. Sometimes I think you are a little over the top and need a good editor, but other than that you are my hero.

  66. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Ah, it all makes sense now. Dr. Michael Manuel, Anchorage plastic surgeon. Website lists "Wendy Palin" as his "Medical Esthetician."

    So now we know where Bristol is "working" (perhaps paying off her nose job) and probably where Sarah got her new boobs. He probably did Sarah's facelift as well.

    Living in Southern California, I know plastic surgery and Sarah's facelift is not the best, so I never thought she went to a top notch big city surgeon for her face. It all makes sense now.

  67. Anonymous10:51 PM

    My question is do we get to gamble for her clothes?

  68. Anonymous1:13 AM

    I haven't read the interview where Palin's assistant or whoever says Palin didn't have boobs implanted - I'll find it later. If that's to be believed, then she did some heavy-duty bra-stuffing.

    It does occur to me - given her huge grins at Belmont, the shoving the boobs out in every photo, the exaggerated placement of her arms, the black bra to call attention - that maybe she was punking everybody. It wouldn't surprise me. She's sick enough to think that would be clever.

    Sarah always has her beauty-pageant smile going but the look on her face at the Belmont ranked up there with the genuinely delighted smiles that she displayed the day she resigned. She looked happier that day than I'd ever seen her look as she rarely if ever looks happy. Made me wonder what she was up to. Were the Belmont actions staged just so that she can turn around and say "everybody's talking about my breasts" (which lets her talk about her breasts). If that's the case, then Sarah Palin is well on her way to a mental meltdown.

    Really, who the f*ck cares the measurement of her chest. Does she actually think DD's matter to anybody? Does she think that thousands / millions of other women don't have DD's either real or fake?

    It's hilariously funny and absurd if she did have implants at the age of 46. If so, we'll all be treated to displays from here on out. It will be something else entirely if she shows up again flat-chested. I've called her moron, idiot, insane before but a stunt like that would move her into an entirely different realm of crazy and should cause her "handlers" to lock her up.

    Either way, Todd Palin has to be the most mealy-mouthed, wimpy man in history. "Have you seen Todd?" Oh yeah...

  69. Anonymous4:34 AM

    I have always been intrigued by Tri-g's name. I believe it is a narrative.
    Trig Van Paxton Palin

    Tri-G VP Palin

    Down syndrome made a VP (candidate!) of Palin

    Paxton was puppeteer/bankroller of Tri-g with help from a "rapture ready" CBJ.

  70. $arah IS biblical to her followers, especially concerning the last verse

    17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:


    17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.