Monday, June 21, 2010

One of Sarah Palin's "Mama Grizzlys", Carly Fiorina, may suffer mightily for her association with the failed half term governor.

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

With five months to go before the general election in California, political observers suggested attempts to redefine Fiorina as a feminist in a new mold - one shaped in part by Palin's conservative, family pro-life agenda - will sharpen the contrast between the Republican and Boxer, a liberal senator and self-described feminist first elected to the Senate in 1992, the "Year of the Woman."

"Every five or ten years someone says, 'This is the new face of feminism,' " said Sacramento author and women's activist Camille Hayes. "When people say 'pro-woman feminism,' my suspicion is what they mean is 'pro-traditional, feminine' feminism ... that old-school rap about feminists being hairy-legged, man-haters evolved in the 1970s is a (public relations) challenge that the movement has always had."

Efforts to tie Fiorina to the more controversial figure of Palin - and to remind voters of her conservative stance on abortion rights - may have political as well as financial implications in blue-leaning California.

On one hand, associating Fiorina with Palin may boost the GOP candidate's fundraising among conservatives, activists and Tea Partiers in other states. Those sources could be crucial if the national party is pressured to put its resources into Senate races in less-costly battlegrounds elsewhere, including Arkansas, Nevada and Kentucky.

But there's a downside to the association with the controversial 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate, said Democratic strategist Dan Newman.

"Among California swing voters, BP, Goldman Sachs and Dick Cheney are all more popular than Sarah Palin," he wryly noted.

I will always be confounded by the fact that just because somebody like Sarah Palin CLAIMS to represent Christianity and family values, while everything they do seems to contradict  that claim, that it is enough to fool so many people into believing they are the genuine article.

In fact Palin is a distant uninvolved mother, and has been for the majority of her children's lives.  If not for Todd her children would probably have run wild in the streets of Wasilla, and damn near did in spite of his efforts to corral them. And let's not even get started concerning the origins of her fifth child.

If Sarah Palin represents the "new feminism" it is a feminism that promotes illusion over substance, subterfuge over honesty, and ego gratification over empathy. In short it is the kind of feminism that Carly Fiorina would no doubt feel quite comfortable wrapping around herself.

Let's see if the sophisticated people living in California are better equipped to see through Fiorina's camouflage  than my fellow Alaskans were able to see through Palin's.

Considering the baggage that Fiorina already carries with her from her failed tenure as CEO of Hewlett-Packard, one would think that grabbing onto the anchor of Sarah Palin in the deep blue sea of California politics would prove fatal.  But if Fiorina somehow manages to pull it off, AND defeats the popular Barbara Boxer, I am afraid that Sarah Palin will be re-energized in a way that will give her vast credibility in the Republican party, and put her at the top of the GOP ticket in 2012.


  1. Now, if only we could set the wayback machine to pre-SP public office holding days and infuse into SP-bots in Alaska some of that good ol' common sense values California style we'd be A-OK!!

  2. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Fiorina is essentially attempting to buy the election by using so much of her own ill-gotten money (HP paid dearly just to get rid of her while laying off thousands of people). It always amazes me that people fall for heavy advertising blitzing.

    I really wish we could develop laws to limit the amount of advertising done for political campaigns. is having its members vote on planks for its new action agenda, and several options for campaign financing reform are being offered amongst other topics. So join if these issues matter to you.

    Fiorina mismanaged HP badly. Thousands of people lost their jobs under her tenure and HP had to struggle to regain its market share after she was discharged (or in corporate speak, "parted ways").

    That she should be touted as a new feminist is simply silly. She hasn't done squat to further the standing of women in the corporate world. In fact, her behavior and track record have set things back.

  3. Anonymous8:14 AM

    How does a business woman like Fiorina, who is not noticeably religious, take a hard line on reproductive rights? Just to be republican enough to run as one?

  4. FEDUP!!!8:35 AM

    Anon @ 7:43: "It always amazes me that people fall for heavy advertising blitzing. "

    Not necessarily so in California!
    If I recall correctly, they just soundly defeated a motion to let the PUC write their own laws, even though it had been MASSIVELY touted by PG&E.

    There is SOME hope out there. ;)

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Nothing to be confounded about with Palin. She looks good and she has learned the mean and vicious talking points that appeal to the American right. She's most likely going to be a no-fail VP pick for some nasty repub. in 2012. Unless the US sees a miraculous recover the odds are definitely in her/their favor.

  6. Enjay in E MT9:46 AM

    How can a woman that receives a $21 Mil+ golden parachute (after about 5 yrs employment) connect with ppl who have been long term unemployed? Or struggling to pay day care & rent?

    I agree - Fiorina & Meggers are attempting to buy the Calif. seat.

  7. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Media at its best. I am delering TLC channel today, because of their political stand nosense.

    These money suckers can go ahead and show their gabarge, at least I will not be subject to see in on my honme screen.

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Anon 9:41, who would want her as VP again? She is too much of a risk. Romney might want her base, but how could he handle HER? It would be a constant nightmare, especially since she is so full of herself now. She was somewhat controllable for the mcCain campaign, imagine NOW?!

  9. Ormphby's bumpit10:31 AM

    In my little niche of Cali, Carly Fiorina has no appeal with or without whatshername. She is known as a nightmare corporate hack in a league with toxic waste. Speak of the devil, TLC has found a way to wreck any reputation they may once had.
    TLC Makes Push For Red America 6-21-10 09:53 AM
    TLC is aiming to be an "antidote to Bravo"
    "We tend to be less snarky, edgy," TLC president Eileen O'Neill
    "Sarah Palin's Alaska" — which will feature Palin and husband Todd "on his commercial salmon fishing boat on Bristol Bay, roughing it in a logging camp or spotting grizzly bears while camping on Kodiak Island," according to an internal summary Collins quotes from — poses consistency problems for TLC's parent company, Discovery Communications, the purveyor of such classics as Discovery's "Planet Earth" and "Life" and the parent of Planet Green and Treehugger.

    The antidote to Bravo and Jersey Shore? Does that mean Bristol and her hockey team studs in red trucks won't help the family in "Sarah Palin's Alaska?"

  10. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Gryphen, I hope Mercede has an Attorney.
    This does not look like things are ok.
    Bullies are on her.

    "Attorney takes exception to Johnston sister's blog
    (AP) – 1 hour ago

    JUNEAU, Alaska — Levi Johnston's attorney is taking exception with a blog kept by his client's sister, Mercede.

    Rex Butler says that while Mercede Johnston is free to write what she wants, she won't be privy to information from anyone with "Team Levi." And Butler said Levi's team isn't sharing information with her about his plans, movements or other actions.

    Mercede Johnston couldn't immediately be reached for comment.

    Her blog has gotten widespread attention of late, purporting to answer questions about Sarah Palin's family and her own.

    Levi Johnston and Palin's oldest daughter, Bristol, have a son together. Last week, Johnston's manager said the two were spending more time together for the child's sake but were not a couple."

  11. Anonymous11:41 AM

    SO Carly, what is it with the hair?

    The Republicans don't have a clue. They assume that any female running for public office must be "feminist".

  12. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Re 10:58

    Well that sucks for Mercedes. It seems the battle lines have been drawn and we all know where Levi is coming down. He is P@#$$y whipped! The sad thing is, it's all playing into Sarah Palin's hands. The dangling of more time with Tripp in front of Levi's face was the bait. Sadly, Bristol is the hook. She will gut him when she (and her mother) are done playing with him.

  13. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Believe it or not Gryph, most of the people who sit
    in church on Sunday & get their ears tickled by
    'name-it-and-claim-it' preachers are easily tricked
    by someone like Palin who smiles a lot, mentions
    'god,'& waves the flag. And with the DS baby, that
    clinched the deal for them as far as her credibility
    goes. Many church attendees nowdays are too busy accumulating possessions to look deeper into the faith they claim, & have lost sight of the true meaning of follwing Christian principles. As long as she & Todd appear to be 'happy' & keep being seen together, & the kids have clean faces & grin for the camaras, the people who idolize her (that's a sin right there, according to the Bible) she's their saviour. Palin is as worldly as Jezebel, but
    to them, she's the perfect imitation of a 'godly' woman.

    OT: Curious as to how the Enquirer got the scoop
    about Levi spending nights at Bristol's. They
    quote a 'Palin insider.' Someone at the ADN maybe?

  14. Anonymous12:48 PM

    It sounds like Levi Johnston a.k.a. "Team Levi" are throwing his sister under the bus. I do wish her friends were not living in fear and could stand up for her. Sherry may think she will be able to see Tripp if she remains neutral? Who knows, but I doubt it for the long term. Team Palin/Levi can do a lot of manipulation to divide the whole family. If Levi is Palin now how will that be good for Tripp?

    Mercede has every right to blog, of course, she can stand up for what she is saying or quietly go away. Without any back up, what are her options? The truth is not always easy, it is not an instant salvo to visit with Tripp. In time the truth will free them all. As a Palin, Levi can lie and if there are other law suits he can do what his father-in-law-to-be did.

    Did the National Enquirer get more photos before the "co-parent" ruse was set up for why he sleeps over?

  15. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Even though California has indeed voted for some real stinkers both politicians (Reagan and Schwarzenegger) and propositions like prop H8, Jungle Primaries 14 & 198 twice(once it was overturned by the supreme court hopefully this latest one will be overturned as well) three strikes your out, Prop 13 and anti-immigration 187 (which was also overturned in the courts) I still have a hard time believing that we will vote for an idiot like Carly (Demon Sheep) Fiorina and e-Meg(Buy California Now) Whittman. They both bashed immigrants in the primary and now they think that we are all too stupid to see their flip flopping. You can't win state wide elections in California if you are a hater.

  16. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Imo, Carly F. does not have a snowballs chance in hell. The only way for her would be to cheat. She is just another corporate rich idiot throwing money at her own delusions. Since when did that ever help the people of the state? California is not going to buy into a racist scheme.

    ADN's Sheila Toomey, the divine appendage Alaska Ear, had to explain why she would read and critique Mercede Johnston's new blog. Toomey does admit the blog is both attractive and readable. I guess she was looking for "big news" from a young ladies blog. Toomey only brings up that Bristol's pregnancy was not an accident. Palin Peeping Toomey found the attractive and readable blog (she read the whole thing) was like slowing down for a traffic accident. It sounds to me like the Anchorage Daily News could give Toomey some time off to try to get her brain back to speed. No one forced her to read it and she doesn't want to have an intelligent discussion about content. So why did she bother? A young lady starts a blog, you don't have to agree with what she says. You don't have to cherry pick what the Palin picks out to slam. Why the petty snark for an adult representing the Anchorage media? The ADN failed the public when it comes to Palin and now they don't need to drop discussions on subjects that need attention.

  17. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Yes, Levi might be getting to spend time with Tripp
    now, but one wonders why, after Bristol's nasty remarks about him on the View & elsewhere in public, that she's suddenly playing nice. Human 'leopards' don't change their spots - not the Palin leopards.
    I hope Levi opens his eyes & looks at the long run instead of the short run. Having Tripp in his life on a regular, Court sanctioned basis depends on him
    being awarded joint custody, not trusting in the
    'goodwill' of Bristol who undoubtedly has her own
    (& Sarah's) agenda in the lead-up to the custody

    re Mercede: so the Palins' turned their attack dog on another teenager. Big & brave aren't you Sarah
    & Todd.

    Sharon TN

  18. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Sharon TN, Yes, the Palins will give Levi the world for now. He is blind if he is getting her in bed for the dirty. The best interest of Tripp would have NEVER been to park his red truck over night whether that was when they do their "co-parenting" or whether they sin in the Biblical way. What happened to Ben Barber? Tripp won't notice if he is now missing from his life? Do any of them ever think about that child?

    The best for Tripp would be to treat the courts as adults would. First is DNA, so no questions ever about Tripp's father. Keep it simple and do that for Tripp. Second go to the mediator and stay away from personal visiting and overnights until the court is over. Levi is making it ugly for Tripp when he parks his truck as he did. Levi makes Tripp's mother look like a slut that they all have to lie about. The same for Bristol who did not pause when Levi parked his truck. Neither one shows that they are mature. The way they are going about this looks like they are not ready to parent or co-parent. Poor Tripp. Ben Barber and now Levi's truck makes Bristol look like a slut who couldn't say no. Bristol, you and Levi can "co-parent" without sleep overs.

    American Journalism Review
    Going Respectable? The National Enquirer got high marks for its powerful, solidly reported exposés of the bad behavior of John Edwards and Tiger Woods.

    When the NE is onto names like Edwards, Woods and Palins they do take their time to get all their ducks in a row. I remember months or a year on the rumors that turned out to be John Edwards, how long did NE know about his affair before it was exposed? They do know that the Bristol/Levi hockey team is full on like Sarah Palin, now that Levi is back with the tea bagging idiot part of the Republican party why not name names?

    I am all for the people with the truth to be paid big bucks. The NE is ready for their Pulitzer Prize.

  19. Tripp the prop6:03 PM

    Nice bro, Levi, send out your mother's former attorney to "take exception" and support the Palin lies. Can't you find another way to intimidate Sadie? I'm sure Butler knows everything you know. Levi sure has kept his pie hole shut of late. You know he is full of crap to have the Palin voice speak for him. He is using Tripp as a prop for the 'co-parent' spin. His sister has been loyal to him and true to herself. They want to strip her of the latter. Sick to steal her very person-hood from her. What is Levi doing now, offering his mother and sister a deal with the devil? Levi to sister, say no more and I promise Bristol will allow you to see Tripp until she allows me to have joint custody. Did Bristol contact them to make promises? Did she or Levi take Tripp over to sweeten the deal?

  20. Mercede nor Sherry can control Levi. If Levi has chosen for his lawyer to speak for him then there you have it. BTW, Levi is being handled like a piece of property...his choice. Mercede and Sherry are on their own. I have been very impressed with both. Mercede is answering questions we all asked her to the best of her knowledge...and I really never thought she spoke for anyone but herself. NO FEAR!

  21. Anonymous6:31 PM

    It is not like anyone in Wasilla can talk about their community but if you've read about what goes on in other places it is similar in some regards. Now Sarah wants us to believe that Bristol is a coparenting with the man who she just labeled a stranger and all the ugly she talks. Sarah and Bristol have Levi where they want him and they don't want to open anymore cans of worms. However, I really have to wonder if it is possible the leopard changed all their spots and cleaned up in every way. How would Sarah Palin know? She looks loaded herself most of the times she is on camera.

  22. 4 more days9:14 PM

    Only 4 more days
    Friday, June 25 CSU Stanislaus Foundation Gala (California)

    So true Tn Sharon: ' ' I hope Levi opens his eyes & looks at the long run instead of the short run. Having Tripp in his life on a regular, Court sanctioned basis depends on him
    being awarded joint custody, not trusting in the
    'goodwill' of Bristol who undoubtedly has her own
    (& Sarah's) agenda in the lead-up to the custody
    hearing. ' '

  23. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Mercede and Sherry are in a situation not entirely unlike the Judgment of Solomon. The baby is cut in half and that may not change. No one can take back the time Tripp lost bonding with his family during his most critical time. The Johnstons know about Ben being close to mother and Tripp. How many other men did Tripp grow attached to? How many times has Bristol cut him up? Levi is a good father in some ways. If he has to father by being an enabler and a liar how good a father is that? Now Tripp has 2 creepy parents and he is part of a crime syndicate family that will go down one day. Mercede and Sherry are being forced to sell their souls and be part of the that mess if they want to see the baby they love. And they probably know that seeing Tripp would only last so long. After losing their freedom of speech they will be at the mercy of Bristol for years to come.
    What a hellish life that will be for them. The way Bristol and Levi are going about co-parenting is cutting Tripp up even more.


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