Sunday, June 13, 2010

Psst! Don't tell George W. Bush that his daughter, Barbara Bush, might just be a Democrat! And "gasp" she supports the health care bill too!

Isn't it amazing how somebody's perspective can change when they actually leave the country and see what conditions are like in the rest of the world?

Just how in the hell did Roger Ailes allow this interview to be aired?

Finally! After all of these years I have a member of the Bush family that I actually like.


  1. Lynne4:36 PM

    There's a Bush niece who's doing some good humanitarian work too.

  2. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Wow....she is a bright, caring person, just like a Dem! : )

  3. Laura5:33 PM

    Wow ... I'm kind of speechless. She seems terrific.

  4. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Good for her. Barbara seems like an intelligent and compassionate young lady. I hate to say this, but I hope republican young adults like the Bush twins and Meghan McCain are the future of the Republican Party. We need more of them.

  5. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Bar must be fuming!

    I doubt GW cares either way. He's probably drinking a martini and clearing brush at the ranch, happy as a wealthy clam that nearly ran this country completely in the ground.

  6. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Wow. She's made a nice transition to a thinking person with a good inner compass. The Republicans must be furious.

  7. BAustin6:14 PM

    She's a very poised young lady doing very important work....good for her!

  8. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Thanks for posting this, Gryphen.

  9. MonKey7:53 PM

    The slams against Republicans are not attractive-- a lot of them come over here because we don't play party politics. I like Barbara Bush and I hope that she can influence Republican politics by NOT being political, which she seems to be capable of doing by living her live openly. Is it Democrat to want to help people? Democrats support unions which sometimes get out of control and suck the lifeblood of the people they claim to represent. Is it Christian to support the unions that actually care about the people or is that Christian? Do ALL democrats have to support 100% of the unions?

    The Republicans will have to change for the new voters. It's not about what they believe-- it is about what gets votes. There are two big machines looking for people to run them, people who want to be in politics have their mentors, invent rhetoric and see how fast they can rise without getting the bends.

  10. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I had to laugh at the suggestion that Bush must be "drinking a martini and clearing brush at the ranch." He and Laura live in a ranch-style in a wealthy Dallas neighborhood.

    He bought the real ranch just before his first Presidential run so he could project a "common man" image. He had to be taught how to hold the chainsaw for photo opps. I seriously doubt that he even knows how to turn that baby on or what to do with the brush after it was cut.

    He was a phony just like Sister Sarah. People buy images and illusions. She's a great flim-flam m'mam.

    That's why I worry that Sarah might just pull off an election - particularly with a little help from the touch-screen voting machines in re-distributed districts favoring Republicans.

    However, I will end giving credit where it is due: the young Barbara Bush might just save the family image if she walks the talk she's giving now.

  11. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I love the Bush twins. What great ladies

  12. She seemed hesitant to voice support for the health insurance reform bill but it sure was good to hear.

  13. Anonymous3:20 AM

    And Laura is pro-choice!

  14. What she's doing is just fantastic! Too bad she wasn't her older and wiser self and of more influence on her father while he was in office. She must think more like her mother, and she must be pretty adept at navigating the mine field conversations and interviews with questions about family and conservative policies. If she's doing this now, I can't wait to see what she accomplishes in the future.

  15. Anonymous6:07 AM

    There are many more in the party who think like Barbara Bush Jr. We just need to be more vocal. Compare this accomplished young woman to Bristol Palin. Bristol is NOT the future, even though her grifter mother would like her to be. The Bush girls are educatued and accomplished. Chelsey Clinton is educatued and accomplsihed. It is good to have common sense compassion. something Palin lacks. I think the saying is "moral compass".
    I'm GOP, an I approve this message.

  16. Anne In DC11:26 AM

    She is a pretty, articulate, and down-to-earth young lady. Both Sarah and Bristol Palin (the mother in particular) suffer greatly by comparison. I have always known that there are thoughtful, intelligent Republicans. They just don't get the media attention that the crackpots do, and there seems to be a concerted effort to drive them from the party in the name of ideological purity. Both she and Jenna (who reminds me of a young Laura Bush) are the perfect antidote to the juvenile, exhibitionistic antics of a woman who is nearly 18 years older than they are.

  17. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I'm the anon who suggested (tongue in cheek) that Bush is clearing brush at the ranch. The fact that he's probably drinking and that he doesn't care one way or another about politics at this point was not tongue in cheek.


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