Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sarah Palin wins another legal victory in Alaska courts, but there is very little celebrating in Palin-ville as the much anticipated and mythologized iceberg slowly drifts into view.

From Geoffrey Dunn via Huffington Post:

Sarah Palin's erstwhile attorney Thomas Van Flein issued another of his bizarre missives on Palin's Facebook page yesterday in what appeared to be a strange portent of a forthcoming legal ruling ready to crash down on Palin.

In a commentary posted on a judge's recent ruling in Alaska dismissing a suit filed by Alaska political watchdog Andree McLeod regarding Todd Palin's emails, Van Flein--who has the expository grace of an Arctic muskrat--noted that "some claims and suits are pending and are getting resolved in time." It hardly has the sound of justice triumphant, does it?

Van Flein concluded:

"There are, of course, some remaining issues to address....There will be times when Sarah Palin will have to take one for the team in order to continue on with her message to the country and simply resolve matters without having to incur crushing personal debt. That is the cost, unfortunately, of public life today. When that happens, read the details closely--like the details in this court opinion.

Every time you do you will see that Sarah Palin has always acted with honest intent. You will see that again soon."

It doesn't sound like good news for the Thrilla from Wasilla to me. Van Flein and Palin have obviously been warned that another legal storm is on the horizon.

And what might that be? Sources of mine in both Anchorage and Juneau involved with Alaska's Department of Law and the Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) are speculating that an ethics act complaint filed last year against Palin and the establishment of her Alaska Fund Trust is about to be settled--against Palin.

(Please click the link provided at the top to read the rest of Dunn's article which provides some very interesting details.)

To say that the wheels of justice move slowly, especially in Alaska, is the understatement of the century.  It has literally been so long since all of us first became aware of a potentially explosive legal finding against Sarah Palin that I almost forgot about it!

Personally I have kind of moved my focus away from the legal side of the Palin melodrama simply because I have always felt that the real damaging scandals have to do with her family and her faked pregnancy.

However that does NOT mean I do not have my antennae up for the huge legal finding that will finally reveal what all of the rumors were about back in July of 2009. 

By the way speaking of legal findings, take a look at Judge McKay's ruling on this last case. Have you ever seen such a snarky and unprofessional ruling? It looks like we have a long way to go before we have cleared out the infestation of Palin-bots still hiding in the cracks and crevices of our political and legal system up here in the Last Frontier.


  1. Anonymous5:43 AM

    "And what might that be? Sources of mine in both Anchorage and Juneau involved with Alaska's Department of Law and the Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) are speculating that an ethics act complaint filed last year against Palin and the establishment of her Alaska Fund Trust is about to be settled--against Palin."

    Anonymous sources are secretly speculating to a known crackpot?

    FUCK !! That sounds ominous !!

    The only iceberg is the one the Alaska bloggers keep butting their collective heads against.

    All of this while the man-child President watches his approval rating circle the drain.

  2. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Sad to see Judge McKay is one of the 'bots. However, the wider meaning is that SP's base of influence is firmly in Alaska. We know she longs for the power and glamor of being an "insider" in the D.C. circle of money and politics, but she has made her own cage and must stay in it.

  3. Right on cue.

    I knew if I mentioned the word "iceberg' in the title it would quickly bring the Palin-bots out of hiding and put them on the defensive.

    Aren't they fun to play with?

  4. WakeUpAmerica6:13 AM

    Actually, Gryphen, their ignorance and blind allegiance is tiresome. People who refuse to do real research before voicing their opinions and who are so stuck on their positions of defending Palin at all cost and no matter how corrupt her behavior are generally a waste of skin and not worth the font space which they inhabit. IHMO };-]

  5. Anonymous6:14 AM

    It must be so easy to be a fan of Palin. She does nothing, really, just spouts nonsense and bile, so defending her boils down to trying to convince people that she's not a stupid, conniving, money-grubbing, racist asshole. And by "convince", I mean being condescending and obnoxious. Just like Sarah! Oh, the simple life of a Palinbot.

  6. Aussie Blue Sky6:18 AM

    Gryphen, if you must inflict the bots on innocent readers do you think you could omit the ones that insult the President? Surely they get enough jollies abusing him on their own site.

  7. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Ummmmm, Gryphen......... That statement is written by Sarah, not Van Flea. Look at it carefully. "There are, OF COURSE," and "That is the cost, UNFORTUNATELY, of public life today" Scared little Sarah Palin wrote that, with her excessive, almost awkward wording. There's more read it again! How desperate!

  8. they seem to forget that shortly after the first "iceberg" mention, she up and quit.

  9. Kat_from_HI6:28 AM

    Yes they are fun to play with. I'm waiting breathlessly to hear how jealous I am of this beooooutifoul woman, and how us "libuls" are sickos to laugh at such a saintly, wise, good and honest, holy woman because she won't wink at us. Sorry, I don't think she CAN wink anymore since all the botox treatments. Can you stand it?

  10. Deb in WI6:31 AM

    Even if they rule against her, what will they really do? Force her to return the money? Pay a $2,000 fine and slap her on the wrist?

    She's rich now, that's no big deal to her. I don't think this is going to be as big as we hoped.

    Nothing will hurt her politically. The nuts will feel sorry for her. Again.

    Now an orange jumpsuit or straight jacket -- that's what I look forward to. An end to her in the news. Period.

  11. Anonymous6:32 AM

    the drunken judge's ruling is shameful to women across America. Basically he says that because SP couldn't handle the job of governor, it was OK for her husband to govern without the name.

    This is a direct contradiction to the Troopergate ruling where he is "only a private citizen".

    Let this be a lesson to politicians across the nation. It's OK for your spouse to do the job you were elected for. This case sets precedent.

  12. Anonymous6:34 AM

    "All of this while the man-child President watches his approval rating circle the drain."

    I LOVE Obama! He is the best president we could have chosen. I thank God everyday that the old man didn't get into office. He probably Thanks God as well, because he surely would have been offed by now in favor of President Toad.

  13. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Anon 5:43 a.m.

    Why are you here trolling? If you are so confident that your "hero" will be vindicated (big word - use the dictionary) why are your panties in a knot?

    There are more vitally important things we are concerned with; the dying Gulf of Mexico and an American way of life.

    Tell your fearless leader we are waiting for the oil to be prayed away.

    BTW, the numbers are old and from WSJ. New surveys will come out and President Obama will get a bounce in his approval ratings. Petraeus is in control overseeing both war theaters. Americans like him and will give Mr. Obama a big thumbs up.

    Now go away.


  14. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I'm sure 5:43 meant to say:

    Our "mean-girl, emotionally-stunted ex-half-term Governor," and our "intelligent, decisive, grown-up President and Commander-in-Chief." Who won the election.

  15. Anonymous6:39 AM

    The worst that will happen is that she will have to pay back whatever her family took from the fund and she can afford it. I am sure any crime in setting this up will be SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT AND SHE KNEW NOTHING.

  16. angela6:39 AM

    Indeed, Gryphen. Those bots are funny and nasty and always trying to change the subject when it comes to poor Sarah. You know anon 5:43
    you really should stop mentioning the Quitta from Wasilla in the same breath as a POTUS who actually is The President AND isn't a quitter.
    And you keep hangin' on to those "polls" with your big troll feet 'cause everyone knows how right they always are . . . .

    Sarah's been busy too. Her lips have been pumped up, She was made to look like an idiot by O'Reilly, she thinks Dutch dikes will save us, and
    she keeps hoping she'll hurt Rahm's feelings so she can have his job.
    Oh yeah--she's pouting 'cause the President won't phone her and the
    gushing well won't listen to her prayers.

    ROTFLMAO! Trolls are so cute.

  17. Anonymous7:08 AM

    O/T: Why has Mercede's blog been removed from your blogroll?

  18. emrysa7:15 AM

    bwaahaha, can't wait to see it. I guess this explains why kristin cole has never filed a disclosure report.

    man-child? seriously? lmao at the expense of the idiots.

  19. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I want to know which team Sarah is currently playing for: Rupert Murdoch Mudslingers? Fox Phony Newscasters, Teabagger Twits? Religious Rowdies?

    When the dust settles, those people are going to be surprised to learn that Sarah was only playing for one team, the Selfish Sarah Cash Snatchers.

  20. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Anon. @ 7:08 - it has not disappeared, it just fell below the more current ones. If you'll hit the link to "See More" you'll find it. When she has a new post, her blog will return to the top of the list again.

  21. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Maybe she will even go to JAIL .... which is where she BELONGS!

  22. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Sarah can't even handle having a journalist living next door to her! Oh, boo-hoo, poor Sarah! He might look at her!

    OMFG!! If she can't handle something so small and mundane as that, how can she possible think she can handle all of the major issues President Obama deals with daily?? (Oh, that's right, one has to have a brain in order to think. At least she has an excuse)

    I agree she belongs in jail, but that will never happen. She has too many people in her pocket in AK, and not enough people like Andree who are not afraid to step up and do what is right. Too bad for AK and too bad for our country. Palin will continue to drag everyone down with her unless she is finally held accountable for her lies and corruptness.

  23. Anonymous8:31 AM

    "Take one for the team,,"
    when she is found quilty of one of the charges, her minions will spin that into a win.
    "she is so god-like she will allow herself to be found guilty just to further help our cause!"


    bill in belize

  24. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Hey trolls, at this same time into the Reagan presidency, his approval was in the 30s.

    The country is in a mess thanks to the GOP. It will take time before people feel we are moving forward again.

  25. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Whoa there Gryphen,

    I've been reading legal opinions practically daily since the day I graduated from law school in 1974. When I read your reference to the opinion as being "snarky and unprofessional" I anticipated, shall we say, a "real piece of work." Now, I realize that neither you nor most of your readers are lawyers, and I don't practice law in Alaska, but frankly, I am at a total loss to even begin to comprehend what you think is "snarky and unprofessional" about it. It reads like most of the thousands of other decisions issued by judges every day in every state throughout this entire country.

    It is fair to characterize it as a disappointing decision. Being unfamiliar with the specifics of Alaskan law, but familiar with FOIA requirements in general, however, there is nothing on the face of it that jumps out to me as being grossly wrong, or biased in favor of the half-term gov. Obviously, I know nothing of the judge. I have a personal bias in favor of disclosure on FOIA requests, and I think a different conclusion could have been reached on the facts. But to characterize the judge and the opinion as you have is a disservice to understanding why the law (yes, the law, not a personal bias) led the judge to reach the decision he did. He may be biased in fact, but that bias is not apparent from the face of that opinion.

    Just because the outcome isn't what you hoped for, doesn't mean that the decision is "snarky and unprofessional."

  26. laprofesora8:54 AM

    The trolls don't stick around to see the responses. They're like big bullys who kick sand in your face and run away before you can catch them. Cowards. They can't bear being confronted with FACTS...ewww, scary facts, run away! run away!

  27. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Take one for the stupidity team, Sarah Palin. Then get a new lawyer. Van Flein's prose is even worse than yours.

  28. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Palin hit The Iceberg a while ago. She was forced to QUIT being a governor, by bloggers and little people!

    She is NOWHERE in politics and is in the same place as Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton.

  29. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Dear Van Flea,
    you tell palin lovers to read the details carefully....

    Yuppers, will do. Just like we did with the troopergate reports.

    And those words "honest intent", just makes it seem like $carah is to stupid to know what honesty is.

  30. Whoreanna Fuckington is promoting Sarah again!

  31. Anonymous10:31 AM

    'Tis my belief that the Palinbot Troll Patrol is being paid by the comment. I imagine them tucked away in teeny, tiny cubicles as they scan the web (and the websites that frighten Queen Sarah the most) until they find even the slightest negative story against Mama Grizzly. Then they tip-tap away on their keyboards, full command of the English language or not. Wonder who's in charge of issuing their paychecks: Murdoch? Ayles? One of Sarah's assorted little PR firms?

    Oh, I'm sure one or two 'Bots will respond with feigned horror: "I'm not being paid to comment...Sarah is the only God-appointed political genius who can save America!"


  32. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Alaska has a long tradition of corrupt politicians, think Ted Stevens cronyism.

    Each time anyone invokes the "common sense" meme in regard to Palin someone should replay her quitter speech with a list of the "common $en$e" money making gigs she and Todd have going for their personal greed.

    I thought Todd was working for BP and on the North Shore while she was elected to serve the people of her state? Did the voters know they voted for the Shadow gov, Todd? Was he moonlighting, doing two or more jobs? No wonder BP has such huge safety issues!

    Did anyone catch the BP worker from the North Shore on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 yesterday?
    "Mark Kovac (Todd is no Mark Kovac), a BP employee since 1977, has hit the national media circuit in recent weeks with some pointed concerns about his company's practices."

    BP Alaska employee airs ongoing concerns

  33. Leave Kristan Cole alone. She is not well and is recovering from a strain or something. In bad shape we hear but she will get well with all the love and admiration surrounding her.

  34. wildcat11:13 AM

    Idk about Judge McKay as snarky and unprofessional. I would go with in the back pocket of the crooks that run the state. I'm for RICO taking on all the racketeering malefactors that enable the Alaskan mobster syndicate. If the people are to get their state back they will have to take out all the scandalous unrighteous slippery outlaws. Including judges, law clerks, pizza delivery persons and anyone that is a hack for cover ups or crimes.

  35. lisabeth601:05 PM

    Every SINGLE thing about Van Fleas Facebook post is strange. The whole "common sense" and "woman CEO" thing is getting so incredibly old. I think Sarah really believes that if you repeat these buzzwords over and over again, it is good for her. It isn't. She is the most shallow politician and person I have ever witnessed!

    I just can't get over the judges comments as well. Was this guy paid by Sarah to write such a nonsensical legal finding? It is a huge joke! He used the words "common sense" too....

  36. Anonymous1:27 PM

    "honest intent"

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  37. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Did anyone hear if Kristan Cole is out of the hospital? Where is she recovering and what do they claim is wrong with her?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.